POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

The sad thing about this is it won't stop even one abortion.

trump and the crazy people are taking money from programs that prevent abortions.

The money that pays for abortions at PP is separate from the medicaid funds that pay for the 97% of the services PP provides. Only 3% of their business is abortion and that's paid by private donations and the patient themselves.

I've been donating to that private fund that pays for abortions for those who can't afford it since the 90s. Women like me send our hard earned money to make sure that all women have access to safe abortions. Women like me will make sure that the funds for that service will never stop. No matter what the government and crazy people do or say.

Planned Parenthood isn't the only organization that does this. There's another one which their only mission is to provide the money for women to have an abortion. They pay for the abortion, travel and lodging for women trapped in crazy red states. I've been donating to that organization since the bush boy years.

And guess what you crazy people? I've deducted every penny of the contributions from my taxes so I've made sure that you crazy people have been paying for abortions against your will for literally decades. And there's absolutely nothing you or anyone can do about it.

If you want to force your beliefs on me and the women of this nation millions of women and myself are making sure that you've been paying for abortions against your will and beliefs for a very long time.

None of you will stop abortion. You can elect politicians who will write EOs or change regulations all you want. The next democratic president will just reverse all of it. That is IF it's even allowed to stand which it won't. Our courts will force the rule change to be voided and the money will be reinstated. A stay will be put on it before it's ruled on so it will never be implemented.

It's just sad that innocent women have to be harmed by your selfish belief that you have the right to force your beliefs on our nation even though you're in the minority.

All your actions are doing is creating more women activists and more women politicians who will make sure that we will have laws and rights that you people can never reverse.

Keep ticking us women off. The backlash is coming. It will make the historic number of women elected in 2018 look like nothing. Men and you crazy people will be reduced to a small minority in our government. You will no longer have a voice in our government.

Keep it up. All you're doing is making sure more democratic women will run for office and win.

Awesome... We need more AOC's and similar losers. Men will be calling for women to put back on the bra and get in the kitchen

Birth control can be expensive, cut funding to those who offer it for free/cheap and less will use it.

free/cheap = subsidized by the tax payer... My hands shake really bad if I don't have a beer and it effects my driving... Will you subsidize my beer?

Our farmers are subsidized by the tax payer to the tune of 20 billion a year (and 32 billion last year) and nary a word from people like you.

I am normally against such things, but my desire to see less babies killed overrides my desire not to subsidize birth control.
If you wanted less babies killed you would be against abortion.


I am against abortion, always have been, always will be. There are 1000 post from me on this forum supporting that.

The most effective way to stop abortion is to slow/stop unwanted pregnancies. The best way to do that is easy access to birth control.
The best way is to make abortion illegal.


How did that work out with booze?

How well is that working out with MJ and other drugs?

The best way to stop abortions is to stop unwanted pregnancies.

But as you keep showing, for you it is not about the baby, it is about the ideology.
per capita, blacks got more abortions than whites 48% white, 40% black and 'other' at 11%. They also lead in our Prison system. Maybe the black culture should do some house cleaning.

The sad thing about this is it won't stop even one abortion.


It will just end up causing more
Its the classic dumbass republican strategy.

What was cut wasn’t money for planned parenthood. What was cut was money for family planning of which Planned Parenthood is able to be awarded since they provide family planning services—the same services provided by your county health clinics. None of the money that is being cut was being used to fund abortion procedures.

Anyway, cutting that money for contraceptives is going to do one thing; result in more pregnancies across the board. And when you have impoverished women becoming pregnant more often, you will have more abortions.

So the Republicans will end up with a nation that has more abortions than it would have had otherwise.

But that isn’t the point of the cuts. The point is to inflict as much pain as possible.
You guys have had power fro so long you treated everyone who does not agree like you as crap. So are people supposed to care. Anyone who shows a smidgen of responsible ways is charged up the wazoo for everything. But you treat people with vinegar instead of honey. How the hell do people who are the harbinger of destruction gain power? Using SJW and compassion as fronts for demonic motives.
Federal funds aren't used for abortion. There has been a law against it since like forever.
More leftist misleading statements and propaganda. When federal funds are allocated for bc, cancer screening, etc., then PP can use existing funds for abortions instead of bc, cancer screening, etc. Do you think nobody can figure that out?
Israel has state funded abortion. We send Israel tax dollars. If you support not funding planned parenthood, you must also be opposed to tax dollars paying for them in Israel, right?
Wrong. Israel is the only democracy in the M.E. We have a strategic interest there and keeping them safe. The only reason for the existence of PP is to kill babies and sell their body parts (and to give much of our taxpayer money back to the Democratic Party at election time).
Birth control can be expensive, cut funding to those who offer it for free/cheap and less will use it.

free/cheap = subsidized by the tax payer... My hands shake really bad if I don't have a beer and it effects my driving... Will you subsidize my beer?

Our farmers are subsidized by the tax payer to the tune of 20 billion a year (and 32 billion last year) and nary a word from people like you.

I am normally against such things, but my desire to see less babies killed overrides my desire not to subsidize birth control.
If you wanted less babies killed you would be against abortion.


I am against abortion, always have been, always will be. There are 1000 post from me on this forum supporting that.

The most effective way to stop abortion is to slow/stop unwanted pregnancies. The best way to do that is easy access to birth control.
The best way is to make abortion illegal.

Why? Most abortions need not occur, as we have the technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. No pregnancy=no abortion.
free/cheap = subsidized by the tax payer... My hands shake really bad if I don't have a beer and it effects my driving... Will you subsidize my beer?

Our farmers are subsidized by the tax payer to the tune of 20 billion a year (and 32 billion last year) and nary a word from people like you.

I am normally against such things, but my desire to see less babies killed overrides my desire not to subsidize birth control.
If you wanted less babies killed you would be against abortion.


I am against abortion, always have been, always will be. There are 1000 post from me on this forum supporting that.

The most effective way to stop abortion is to slow/stop unwanted pregnancies. The best way to do that is easy access to birth control.
The best way is to make abortion illegal.

Why? Most abortions need not occur, as we have the technology to prevent unwanted pregnancies in the first place. No pregnancy=no abortion.

So what's the beef?

Female people, the one-half of the American population, want to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and should and must continue to have the right to do so.

This is why I always recommend chicks go for the facial. Seriously. Solves a lot of problems, Lys.
You guys have had power fro so long you treated everyone who does not agree like you as crap....

can you list the years that the Libertarians were in power? I must have missed those years
PP can get along with private donations.

Yes, they will, It will not affect their abortion program at all. They will though quit offering other services for which they are reimbursed by the Govt, like birth control and such.

The end result will be more abortions...

Which I guess is what you want.
Federal funds aren't used for abortion. There has been a law against it since like forever.
More leftist misleading statements and propaganda. When federal funds are allocated for bc, cancer screening, etc., then PP can use existing funds for abortions instead of bc, cancer screening, etc. Do you think nobody can figure that out?

So you support cutting off all aid to Israel, right?
Man, that's desperate. lol

Deflection noted. So, you're a flaming hypocrite. Spoiler alert, already knew that.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
I guess when you don’t get laid, you resent when women have sex

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