POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?
Quote: " the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families"​

How you put that tells me we had different sources for our information, candy. The "parents" placed their children with other people on purpose. That way, when they decided to cross, all they would have to do is demand to see their children. So it was not a case in my mind of stripping the children away from their parents, it was just the opposite. The parents stripped their own children away from themselves. And they did not do it to insure their children would "have a better life without them." They used their children in the worst way possible, and how can you blame us for the primary evil their parents committed in order to create a false case scenario against Christian people just trying to deal with a very bad situation. Calling all of us on this item as a righteous judge pronouncing evil against us doesn't bother me, because I account my sins to my God and Lord Savior. But it might bother some people who know they did not err by placing the children in a separate facility from the caravan they came in on. Their parents were simply not present, and they were simply not present on a purpose--to hurt and humiliate, possibly in coordination with someone over here who desires evil on people who vote along conservative lines. Please tell me you did not know their parents put their children at risk, because many of the coyotes are evil people, and small children should not be under the tutelage of a drug dealer, a child molester, and when worried about being apprehended would murder each and every member of his caravan by taking them out one by one, and leaving them in a remote area that might not be found for several months or even years. Can you possibly forgive those who took those children away from such a caravan and placed them in an area away from harm? I hope that you do forgive those doing the very best they can to ensure the safe return of those children to their parents, if they can find them..

Thanks for highlighting the comical (I hope) practice of supposed Christian values.

So since the migrants were in some cases cruel to their children you think the Christian thing to do is be twice as cruel in return and separate families as a deterrent.

Clearly, God would not be pleased with you if he existed.
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?
Quote: " the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families"​

How you put that tells me we had different sources for our information, candy. The "parents" placed their children with other people on purpose. That way, when they decided to cross, all they would have to do is demand to see their children. So it was not a case in my mind of stripping the children away from their parents, it was just the opposite. The parents stripped their own children away from themselves. And they did not do it to insure their children would "have a better life without them." They used their children in the worst way possible, and how can you blame us for the primary evil their parents committed in order to create a false case scenario against Christian people just trying to deal with a very bad situation. Calling all of us on this item as a righteous judge pronouncing evil against us doesn't bother me, because I account my sins to my God and Lord Savior. But it might bother some people who know they did not err by placing the children in a separate facility from the caravan they came in on. Their parents were simply not present, and they were simply not present on a purpose--to hurt and humiliate, possibly in coordination with someone over here who desires evil on people who vote along conservative lines. Please tell me you did not know their parents put their children at risk, because many of the coyotes are evil people, and small children should not be under the tutelage of a drug dealer, a child molester, and when worried about being apprehended would murder each and every member of his caravan by taking them out one by one, and leaving them in a remote area that might not be found for several months or even years. Can you possibly forgive those who took those children away from such a caravan and placed them in an area away from harm? I hope that you do forgive those doing the very best they can to ensure the safe return of those children to their parents, if they can find them..

Thanks for highlighting the comical (I hope) practice of supposed Christian values.

So since the migrants were in some cases cruel to their children you think the Christian thing to do is be twice as cruel in return and separate families as a deterrent.

Clearly, God would not be pleased with you if he existed.
Separate the families? The parents did that. Are you an idiot, Madam Righteous Judge?
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?
Quote: " the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families"​

How you put that tells me we had different sources for our information, candy. The "parents" placed their children with other people on purpose. That way, when they decided to cross, all they would have to do is demand to see their children. So it was not a case in my mind of stripping the children away from their parents, it was just the opposite. The parents stripped their own children away from themselves. And they did not do it to insure their children would "have a better life without them." They used their children in the worst way possible, and how can you blame us for the primary evil their parents committed in order to create a false case scenario against Christian people just trying to deal with a very bad situation. Calling all of us on this item as a righteous judge pronouncing evil against us doesn't bother me, because I account my sins to my God and Lord Savior. But it might bother some people who know they did not err by placing the children in a separate facility from the caravan they came in on. Their parents were simply not present, and they were simply not present on a purpose--to hurt and humiliate, possibly in coordination with someone over here who desires evil on people who vote along conservative lines. Please tell me you did not know their parents put their children at risk, because many of the coyotes are evil people, and small children should not be under the tutelage of a drug dealer, a child molester, and when worried about being apprehended would murder each and every member of his caravan by taking them out one by one, and leaving them in a remote area that might not be found for several months or even years. Can you possibly forgive those who took those children away from such a caravan and placed them in an area away from harm? I hope that you do forgive those doing the very best they can to ensure the safe return of those children to their parents, if they can find them..

Thanks for highlighting the comical (I hope) practice of supposed Christian values.

So since the migrants were in some cases cruel to their children you think the Christian thing to do is be twice as cruel in return and separate families as a deterrent.

Clearly, God would not be pleased with you if he existed.
Separate the families? The parents did that. Are you an idiot, Madam Righteous Judge?
No...we did that
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?

Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments. We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.
PP can do whatever they want, just let them do it without our tax dollars.
They provide services to Medicaid & Medicare patients. Are they supposed to do it for free?

Really? What senior citizen is getting PP help?

PP offers a wide variety of services & if one only has standard medicare - that does not cover doctors... which some those seniors also get medicaid.

Then why do they need PP? Go to any medical clinic.

Why do patients need the President to tell them which provider they can visit?

Isn’t that what you accused Obama of?

You can visit any provider you desire, but government will not "reimburse" institutions that also provide abortion or abortion assistance.

When our "President" DID tell us what doctors or hospitals we were allowed to visit, you totally supported it then.
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?

Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments.

Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent
Now that PP has been stripped of federal funding, let's be certain that federal funds are not being funneled to "crisis pregnancy centers," which are non-medical ideological indoctrination centers that are applying for Title X grants. We taxpayers should not have to pay for them.

We've already had milllions wasted on "abstinence only education," which did nothing but subsidize the imposition of sectarian beliefs in our schools.

Does stripping federal funds affect their abortion services?

Since abortion services do not receive federal funds
Now that PP has been stripped of federal funding, let's be certain that federal funds are not being funneled to "crisis pregnancy centers," which are non-medical ideological indoctrination centers that are applying for Title X grants. We taxpayers should not have to pay for them.

We've already had milllions wasted on "abstinence only education," which did nothing but subsidize the imposition of sectarian beliefs in our schools.

Does stripping federal funds affect their abortion services?

Since abortion services do not receive federal funds

Then you have no problem with it then, correct?
They provide services to Medicaid & Medicare patients. Are they supposed to do it for free?

Really? What senior citizen is getting PP help?

PP offers a wide variety of services & if one only has standard medicare - that does not cover doctors... which some those seniors also get medicaid.

Then why do they need PP? Go to any medical clinic.

Why do patients need the President to tell them which provider they can visit?

Isn’t that what you accused Obama of?

You can visit any provider you desire, but government will not "reimburse" institutions that also provide abortion or abortion assistance.

When our "President" DID tell us what doctors or hospitals we were allowed to visit, you totally supported it then.
Abortion is a legal service
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?

Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments.

Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?
Really? What senior citizen is getting PP help?

PP offers a wide variety of services & if one only has standard medicare - that does not cover doctors... which some those seniors also get medicaid.

Then why do they need PP? Go to any medical clinic.

Why do patients need the President to tell them which provider they can visit?

Isn’t that what you accused Obama of?

You can visit any provider you desire, but government will not "reimburse" institutions that also provide abortion or abortion assistance.

When our "President" DID tell us what doctors or hospitals we were allowed to visit, you totally supported it then.
Abortion is a legal service

What does that have to do with what I said?
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?

Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments.

Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?

The idiocy of spending dollars on public assistance and incarceration instead of spending pennies on prevention. All because the provider of the prevention is morally objectionable to you
So, Mr OMG OMG OMG the government, is for the idea that the government will not reimburse a health provider because they can link to a legal procedure?

Really. so you are for over stepping government if it fits your agenda.

Overstepping? Stopping government funding is taking government out of it.

You are picking on a private company because they do legal shit.

I would thi k even a total ass like you would get that this is not right.

PP can do whatever they want, just let them do it without our tax dollars.
They provide services to Medicaid & Medicare patients. Are they supposed to do it for free?

Really? What senior citizen is getting PP help?
Outta the park, Ray From Cleveland. The leftist goal is merely to get rid of their opposition by any means possible.
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?
Quote: " the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families"​

How you put that tells me we had different sources for our information, candy. The "parents" placed their children with other people on purpose. That way, when they decided to cross, all they would have to do is demand to see their children. So it was not a case in my mind of stripping the children away from their parents, it was just the opposite. The parents stripped their own children away from themselves. And they did not do it to insure their children would "have a better life without them." They used their children in the worst way possible, and how can you blame us for the primary evil their parents committed in order to create a false case scenario against Christian people just trying to deal with a very bad situation. Calling all of us on this item as a righteous judge pronouncing evil against us doesn't bother me, because I account my sins to my God and Lord Savior. But it might bother some people who know they did not err by placing the children in a separate facility from the caravan they came in on. Their parents were simply not present, and they were simply not present on a purpose--to hurt and humiliate, possibly in coordination with someone over here who desires evil on people who vote along conservative lines. Please tell me you did not know their parents put their children at risk, because many of the coyotes are evil people, and small children should not be under the tutelage of a drug dealer, a child molester, and when worried about being apprehended would murder each and every member of his caravan by taking them out one by one, and leaving them in a remote area that might not be found for several months or even years. Can you possibly forgive those who took those children away from such a caravan and placed them in an area away from harm? I hope that you do forgive those doing the very best they can to ensure the safe return of those children to their parents, if they can find them..

Thanks for highlighting the comical (I hope) practice of supposed Christian values.

So since the migrants were in some cases cruel to their children you think the Christian thing to do is be twice as cruel in return and separate families as a deterrent.

Clearly, God would not be pleased with you if he existed.
Separate the families? The parents did that. Are you an idiot, Madam Righteous Judge?
No...we did that
No...the criminal parents did that by putting their children in harm's way at every single level in this garbage you are intentionally creating a dumping ground on the wrong people. You are a TDS idiot.
Now that PP has been stripped of federal funding, let's be certain that federal funds are not being funneled to "crisis pregnancy centers," which are non-medical ideological indoctrination centers that are applying for Title X grants. We taxpayers should not have to pay for them.

We've already had milllions wasted on "abstinence only education," which did nothing but subsidize the imposition of sectarian beliefs in our schools.

Does stripping federal funds affect their abortion services?

Since abortion services do not receive federal funds

Then you have no problem with it then, correct?

You are confusing the two. Since abortion services do not receive federal funding, as opposed to lying "pregnancy crisis centers," why would funding be taken away for PP's other services?
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?

Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments.

Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?
She's on a fishing expedition to decimate religion from the nation, Ray. All Republicans and/or conservatives are targets. That's what the paranoia that accompanies new Socialistic regime wannabes. Right now, the plan was to get as many women into murdering their own babies in order to prepare them for murdering any and all opposition to their bullying their thought police intentions on the masses. They excuse themselves and their collaborators from behaviors for which they destroy other people.
Now that PP has been stripped of federal funding, let's be certain that federal funds are not being funneled to "crisis pregnancy centers," which are non-medical ideological indoctrination centers that are applying for Title X grants. We taxpayers should not have to pay for them.

We've already had milllions wasted on "abstinence only education," which did nothing but subsidize the imposition of sectarian beliefs in our schools.

Does stripping federal funds affect their abortion services?

Since abortion services do not receive federal funds

Then you have no problem with it then, correct?

You are confusing the two. Since abortion services do not receive federal funding, as opposed to lying "pregnancy crisis centers," why would funding be taken away for PP's other services?
Pregnancy crisis centers inform young women of support obtainable if they choose to keep their babies. There are American young women who need help on how to accomplish having their babies and how best to support them while preparing for a career. If the young women choose to abort their child, the Pregnancy crisis centers support that decision as well, no pressure inserted, no judgment made. I know because I actively support one. They are not religiously affiliated, and they observe the law. It's just that the difference between them and PP is that they show every alternative the young woman has to keep or not to keep her child. Lysis gets his/her instructions from the DNC. They want all young women to get abortions, and they do not support institutions that even mention alternatives to the young woman who is having a hard time making her decision to keep or to kill her unborn child. Planned Parenthood supports the local abortion movement.
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?

Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments.

Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?
She's on a fishing expedition to decimate religion from the nation, Ray. All Republicans and/or conservatives are targets. That's what the paranoia that accompanies new Socialistic regime wannabes. Right now, the plan was to get as many women into murdering their own babies in order to prepare them for murdering any and all opposition to their bullying their thought police intentions on the masses. They excuse themselves and their collaborators from behaviors for which they destroy other people.

Leftists try to use the guilt trip strategy as much as possible. What about the children? What about the elderly? What about the poor? And so on and so on.

So now I guess I'm supposed to feel religiously guilty because I don't want a bunch of diseased, criminal, uneducated intruders invading our country.
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?

Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments.

Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?
She's on a fishing expedition to decimate religion from the nation, Ray. All Republicans and/or conservatives are targets. That's what the paranoia that accompanies new Socialistic regime wannabes. Right now, the plan was to get as many women into murdering their own babies in order to prepare them for murdering any and all opposition to their bullying their thought police intentions on the masses. They excuse themselves and their collaborators from behaviors for which they destroy other people.
Stalin and his predecessor murdered over twenty million Russian citizens who opposed Communism. Mao Zedong murdered over 80 million, and some say 100 million Chinese citizens before he was done with his political opposition. Communism ("it takes a village to raise a child") requires murdering off a huge percent of the population, and before they do, they're every bit as rabid as Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, and Smiling Chuckie Schumer to decimate their perceived competitors. And they encourage their minions to do likewise.
I do love the duality of the arguments being made by the conservative dumbfucks.

On one hand we have the wall. If you believe them, the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families, gunning down “invaders” when they cross into our nation, denying asylum seekers any hearing at all etc… Why? For economics. And even that is a thoroughly debunked argument. In 18 years, our GDP has doubled, The Stock Market has more than doubled, and average household income has climbed. One would think that the supposed influx of cheap labor and the much-over-hyped welfare spending on illegals would not have allowed any of that. But it has.

Then on the other hand, we have the abortion debate again for some reason. Amazingly, the arguments from the conservative dumbfucks is 180 degrees opposite and based only on fabled Christian values—one dumbass even said that sex outside of marriage was “irresponsible”. When you point out that pennies for pills (literally pennies—check out the 340B program available to HCAs) is much preferable to the dollars that we will spend in terms of public assistance and incarceration—which is where many if not most unwanted pregnancies wind up—they don’t want to her it.

So on one hand, the Economic argument overshadows their “christianity”.
On the other hand, the “christianity" argument overshadows the massive economic penalty that we all pay.

The hypocrisy has a stench you can smell, does it not?

Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments.

Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?
She's on a fishing expedition to decimate religion from the nation, Ray. All Republicans and/or conservatives are targets. That's what the paranoia that accompanies new Socialistic regime wannabes. Right now, the plan was to get as many women into murdering their own babies in order to prepare them for murdering any and all opposition to their bullying their thought police intentions on the masses. They excuse themselves and their collaborators from behaviors for which they destroy other people.

Leftists try to use the guilt trip strategy as much as possible. What about the children? What about the elderly? What about the poor? And so on and so on.

So now I guess I'm supposed to feel religiously guilty because I don't want a bunch of diseased, criminal, uneducated intruders invading our country.
They have to know certain details about every member of society for the future, Ray. Finding hundreds of FBI files in Hillary's area of the White House was only the beginning. They think the weakness of the Russian regime was the failure to eliminate all the people in churches who later would come to resist the state. Right now in China, the best way to go to prison for life is take up the Cross of Christ. That may have eased up some with President Trump's olive branch extended to the Chinese. I hope so.

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