POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Separate the families? The parents did that. Are you an idiot, Madam Righteous Judge?
No...we did that
No...the criminal parents did that by putting their children in harm's way at every single level in this garbage you are intentionally creating a dumping ground on the wrong people. You are a TDS idiot.

Matching the criminality of the parents with intentional cruelty on our end is sick. You should stop pretending you are a Christian
Again, I'm not pretending.So I'll repeat this once more so that you can come to grips with your hatred of me for opposing abortion for what it is.

And I reiterate: I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.
Please leave my first amendment rights alone.

You have the right to be a hypocrite.
At this point, I think you’re a professional at it.
I ask you once more, please stop your persecution of my religious beliefs.
Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?
She's on a fishing expedition to decimate religion from the nation, Ray. All Republicans and/or conservatives are targets. That's what the paranoia that accompanies new Socialistic regime wannabes. Right now, the plan was to get as many women into murdering their own babies in order to prepare them for murdering any and all opposition to their bullying their thought police intentions on the masses. They excuse themselves and their collaborators from behaviors for which they destroy other people.

You do quite well on your own whe it comes to making a mockery of Christianity
I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.

Great, then you should be fully supportive of what the HHS has done, provide low-cost contraceptives through Title X.

Are you for HHS providing low-cost contraceptives?
No...we did that
No...the criminal parents did that by putting their children in harm's way at every single level in this garbage you are intentionally creating a dumping ground on the wrong people. You are a TDS idiot.

Matching the criminality of the parents with intentional cruelty on our end is sick. You should stop pretending you are a Christian
Again, I'm not pretending.So I'll repeat this once more so that you can come to grips with your hatred of me for opposing abortion for what it is.

And I reiterate: I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.
Please leave my first amendment rights alone.
You’re entitled to your rights. Just like all pregnant women are entitled to theirs.
You are the Exterminators! Exterminate.....exterminate...exterminate....
No...we did that
No...the criminal parents did that by putting their children in harm's way at every single level in this garbage you are intentionally creating a dumping ground on the wrong people. You are a TDS idiot.

Matching the criminality of the parents with intentional cruelty on our end is sick. You should stop pretending you are a Christian
Again, I'm not pretending.So I'll repeat this once more so that you can come to grips with your hatred of me for opposing abortion for what it is.

And I reiterate: I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.
Please leave my first amendment rights alone.

You have the right to be a hypocrite.
At this point, I think you’re a professional at it.
I ask you once more, please stop your persecution of my religious beliefs.
Your religious beliefs are not imposed on anyone else.
Quote: " the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families"​

How you put that tells me we had different sources for our information, candy. The "parents" placed their children with other people on purpose. That way, when they decided to cross, all they would have to do is demand to see their children. So it was not a case in my mind of stripping the children away from their parents, it was just the opposite. The parents stripped their own children away from themselves. And they did not do it to insure their children would "have a better life without them." They used their children in the worst way possible, and how can you blame us for the primary evil their parents committed in order to create a false case scenario against Christian people just trying to deal with a very bad situation. Calling all of us on this item as a righteous judge pronouncing evil against us doesn't bother me, because I account my sins to my God and Lord Savior. But it might bother some people who know they did not err by placing the children in a separate facility from the caravan they came in on. Their parents were simply not present, and they were simply not present on a purpose--to hurt and humiliate, possibly in coordination with someone over here who desires evil on people who vote along conservative lines. Please tell me you did not know their parents put their children at risk, because many of the coyotes are evil people, and small children should not be under the tutelage of a drug dealer, a child molester, and when worried about being apprehended would murder each and every member of his caravan by taking them out one by one, and leaving them in a remote area that might not be found for several months or even years. Can you possibly forgive those who took those children away from such a caravan and placed them in an area away from harm? I hope that you do forgive those doing the very best they can to ensure the safe return of those children to their parents, if they can find them..

Thanks for highlighting the comical (I hope) practice of supposed Christian values.

So since the migrants were in some cases cruel to their children you think the Christian thing to do is be twice as cruel in return and separate families as a deterrent.

Clearly, God would not be pleased with you if he existed.
Separate the families? The parents did that. Are you an idiot, Madam Righteous Judge?
No. The parents did not. Our elected government created a new policy that did that. A policy they and their supporters are too cowardly to own after it’s horrific results, so they blame the parents.
The parents broke the law.

I agree. They broke the law.

Does that force you to put the kid in a prison camp for months if not years; prohibited from having any contact with their family?

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

If two parents took their kid with them to rob a bank and they got caught and go to prison, do they get to keep the kid with them?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Quote: " the Christian values are nowhere to be found when you’re talking about stripping kids away from their families"​

How you put that tells me we had different sources for our information, candy. The "parents" placed their children with other people on purpose. That way, when they decided to cross, all they would have to do is demand to see their children. So it was not a case in my mind of stripping the children away from their parents, it was just the opposite. The parents stripped their own children away from themselves. And they did not do it to insure their children would "have a better life without them." They used their children in the worst way possible, and how can you blame us for the primary evil their parents committed in order to create a false case scenario against Christian people just trying to deal with a very bad situation. Calling all of us on this item as a righteous judge pronouncing evil against us doesn't bother me, because I account my sins to my God and Lord Savior. But it might bother some people who know they did not err by placing the children in a separate facility from the caravan they came in on. Their parents were simply not present, and they were simply not present on a purpose--to hurt and humiliate, possibly in coordination with someone over here who desires evil on people who vote along conservative lines. Please tell me you did not know their parents put their children at risk, because many of the coyotes are evil people, and small children should not be under the tutelage of a drug dealer, a child molester, and when worried about being apprehended would murder each and every member of his caravan by taking them out one by one, and leaving them in a remote area that might not be found for several months or even years. Can you possibly forgive those who took those children away from such a caravan and placed them in an area away from harm? I hope that you do forgive those doing the very best they can to ensure the safe return of those children to their parents, if they can find them..

Thanks for highlighting the comical (I hope) practice of supposed Christian values.

So since the migrants were in some cases cruel to their children you think the Christian thing to do is be twice as cruel in return and separate families as a deterrent.

Clearly, God would not be pleased with you if he existed.
Separate the families? The parents did that. Are you an idiot, Madam Righteous Judge?
No. The parents did not. Our elected government created a new policy that did that. A policy they and their supporters are too cowardly to own after it’s horrific results, so they blame the parents.
The parents broke the law.

I agree. They broke the law.

Does that force you to put the kid in a prison camp for months if not years; prohibited from having any contact with their family?

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
This is not about me. Stop persecuting me.
Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?

The idiocy of spending dollars on public assistance and incarceration instead of spending pennies on prevention. All because the provider of the prevention is morally objectionable to you

Who's getting incarcerated and for what?

What you are saying is if taxpayers don't provide funding for birth control, people have no ability to get it on their own. Do you know how helpless that sounds?

If you want to fund your own birth control., work at McDonald's one day a week. The pay is more than enough for your pills, jells, or whatever for the month. I know it's too much to ask to not have sex until you can afford these luxuries for yourself. I feel so selfish asking people to provide for themselves. What kind of American am I anyway?

One that either doesn’t believe in systems that actually work. We all pay for the cost of unwanted pregnancies one way or another. Paying for B.C. is a lot cheaper than a child.

And that's the system the Democrats created for this country. Be as irresponsible as you like. When you end up in trouble, we taxpayers will bail you out. And when you act irresponsible again, we taxpayers will bail you out again.

Gee, I wonder why people are becoming more and more irresponsible in this country?

So is the objection for Planned Parenthood handing out pills they bought with grant money from HHS


Is the objection to the grant money being available in the first place?

Because if the objection is against Planned Parenthood, it’s a moral argument because the FBO’s that are now getting the grant money are doing the same thing. IF you have a problem with PP doing it , you should have a problem with "anti-abortion, faith-based care providers” as well.

If the objection is to the grant monies being available in the first place…okay. What do you think is going to happen to the thousands if not millions of unwanted pregnancies?
No...the criminal parents did that by putting their children in harm's way at every single level in this garbage you are intentionally creating a dumping ground on the wrong people. You are a TDS idiot.

Matching the criminality of the parents with intentional cruelty on our end is sick. You should stop pretending you are a Christian
Again, I'm not pretending.So I'll repeat this once more so that you can come to grips with your hatred of me for opposing abortion for what it is.

And I reiterate: I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.
Please leave my first amendment rights alone.

You have the right to be a hypocrite.
At this point, I think you’re a professional at it.
I ask you once more, please stop your persecution of my religious beliefs.
Your religious beliefs are not imposed on anyone else.
Matching the criminality of the parents with intentional cruelty on our end is sick. You should stop pretending you are a Christian
Again, I'm not pretending.So I'll repeat this once more so that you can come to grips with your hatred of me for opposing abortion for what it is.

And I reiterate: I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.
Please leave my first amendment rights alone.

You have the right to be a hypocrite.
At this point, I think you’re a professional at it.
I ask you once more, please stop your persecution of my religious beliefs.
Your religious beliefs are not imposed on anyone else.
Thanks for highlighting the comical (I hope) practice of supposed Christian values.

So since the migrants were in some cases cruel to their children you think the Christian thing to do is be twice as cruel in return and separate families as a deterrent.

Clearly, God would not be pleased with you if he existed.
Separate the families? The parents did that. Are you an idiot, Madam Righteous Judge?
No. The parents did not. Our elected government created a new policy that did that. A policy they and their supporters are too cowardly to own after it’s horrific results, so they blame the parents.
The parents broke the law.

I agree. They broke the law.

Does that force you to put the kid in a prison camp for months if not years; prohibited from having any contact with their family?

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone
This is not about me. Stop persecuting me.

Thanks for highlighting the comical (I hope) practice of supposed Christian values.

So since the migrants were in some cases cruel to their children you think the Christian thing to do is be twice as cruel in return and separate families as a deterrent.

Clearly, God would not be pleased with you if he existed.
Separate the families? The parents did that. Are you an idiot, Madam Righteous Judge?
No. The parents did not. Our elected government created a new policy that did that. A policy they and their supporters are too cowardly to own after it’s horrific results, so they blame the parents.
The parents broke the law.

I agree. They broke the law.

Does that force you to put the kid in a prison camp for months if not years; prohibited from having any contact with their family?

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

If two parents took their kid with them to rob a bank and they got caught and go to prison, do they get to keep the kid with them?

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But the kid isn’t put into a prison by themselves either. The kid would be placed with other family members.

I don’t think that people who are arrested are stripped of their kids by practice, are they?
Again, I'm not pretending.So I'll repeat this once more so that you can come to grips with your hatred of me for opposing abortion for what it is.

And I reiterate: I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.
Please leave my first amendment rights alone.

You have the right to be a hypocrite.
At this point, I think you’re a professional at it.
I ask you once more, please stop your persecution of my religious beliefs.
Your religious beliefs are not imposed on anyone else.
...Turning the other cheek
When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?
She's on a fishing expedition to decimate religion from the nation, Ray. All Republicans and/or conservatives are targets. That's what the paranoia that accompanies new Socialistic regime wannabes. Right now, the plan was to get as many women into murdering their own babies in order to prepare them for murdering any and all opposition to their bullying their thought police intentions on the masses. They excuse themselves and their collaborators from behaviors for which they destroy other people.

You do quite well on your own whe it comes to making a mockery of Christianity
I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.

Great, then you should be fully supportive of what the HHS has done, provide low-cost contraceptives through Title X.

Are you for HHS providing low-cost contraceptives?

So you’re for more unwanted pregnancies?
She's on a fishing expedition to decimate religion from the nation, Ray. All Republicans and/or conservatives are targets. That's what the paranoia that accompanies new Socialistic regime wannabes. Right now, the plan was to get as many women into murdering their own babies in order to prepare them for murdering any and all opposition to their bullying their thought police intentions on the masses. They excuse themselves and their collaborators from behaviors for which they destroy other people.

You do quite well on your own whe it comes to making a mockery of Christianity
I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.

Great, then you should be fully supportive of what the HHS has done, provide low-cost contraceptives through Title X.

Are you for HHS providing low-cost contraceptives?

So you’re for more unwanted pregnancies?
Leave me alone.
You do quite well on your own whe it comes to making a mockery of Christianity
I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.

Great, then you should be fully supportive of what the HHS has done, provide low-cost contraceptives through Title X.

Are you for HHS providing low-cost contraceptives?

So you’re for more unwanted pregnancies?
Leave me alone.
Who’s forcing you to post?

If you want to reduce abortions, reduce pregnancies. That can be accomplished with sex education and better access to birth control. Take those away and pregnancies rise ... and so do abortions.
You do quite well on your own whe it comes to making a mockery of Christianity
I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.

Great, then you should be fully supportive of what the HHS has done, provide low-cost contraceptives through Title X.

Are you for HHS providing low-cost contraceptives?

So you’re for more unwanted pregnancies?
Leave me alone.

I am sorry, but he has a point. There comes a time when the life of babies have to outweigh other political ideology, if the life of the baby really matters.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.

Great, then you should be fully supportive of what the HHS has done, provide low-cost contraceptives through Title X.

Are you for HHS providing low-cost contraceptives?

So you’re for more unwanted pregnancies?
Leave me alone.

I am sorry, but he has a point. There comes a time when the life of babies have to outweigh other political ideology, if the life of the baby really matters.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

She thinks that the only time sex is permissible is when it is for the reason of procreation; you have the nursery ready, the crib has bed sheets and a pillow, there is Brahms Lullaby playing in the background then and only then….you can have sex.

Its the furthest thing away from a realistic stance but…that is her stance none the less.

At some point if you’re going to enter the debate, you have to have some tinge of realism in your beliefs.
I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.

Great, then you should be fully supportive of what the HHS has done, provide low-cost contraceptives through Title X.

Are you for HHS providing low-cost contraceptives?

So you’re for more unwanted pregnancies?
Leave me alone.
Who’s forcing you to post?

If you want to reduce abortions, reduce pregnancies. That can be accomplished with sex education and better access to birth control. Take those away and pregnancies rise ... and so do abortions.
Cease and desist, please.
Great, then you should be fully supportive of what the HHS has done, provide low-cost contraceptives through Title X.

Are you for HHS providing low-cost contraceptives?

So you’re for more unwanted pregnancies?
Leave me alone.

I am sorry, but he has a point. There comes a time when the life of babies have to outweigh other political ideology, if the life of the baby really matters.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

She thinks that the only time sex is permissible is when it is for the reason of procreation; you have the nursery ready, the crib has bed sheets and a pillow, there is Brahms Lullaby playing in the background then and only then….you can have sex.

Its the furthest thing away from a realistic stance but…that is her stance none the less.

At some point if you’re going to enter the debate, you have to have some tinge of realism in your beliefs.
This issue is not about me. Cease and desist talking about me.

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