POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Huh? Are you conservatives gonna stop paying taxes?

Few threads have exposed just how brain dead the conservative arguments are more than this one.
easy fix..
Quote: easy fix.. View attachment 247826

One person, one vote is constitutional. Voting more than once is against the law.
You dumbass, that says vote once. :eusa_doh:

Reading is fundamental.
You truly should not speak till spoken to Mr. Faun. And your fumbling your way around the language shows it. The term "Liberally" does not imply Democrat Party. It implies "a lot, *wink* *wink*, and you know it too, don't you, as in "vote a lot of times."
"Liberally" means to vote for the Liberal.

"Vote," singular tense, means to vote once.

The meaning in that being -- vote once and vote for the Liberal.

And I speak when I want.
Thank you, President Trump for freeing the public from funding the murder of unborn American citizens.
He's done no such thing since public funds were not used previously to pay for abortions, except for cases of rape, risk of health.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Isn't preventing pregnancy a personal responsibility?

Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Isn't preventing pregnancy a personal responsibility?


And why can't the government assist in this endeavor when access to the materials necessary is difficult to come by? Everything that we taxpayers subsidize is a "personal responsibility." Farmers want subsidies, so do "crisis pregnancy centers," "abstinence only" people, and the school voucher people, to name a few.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Isn't preventing pregnancy a personal responsibility?

Sure, and making the choice to get an abortion is an extremely personal decision.
The Democrat Party Theme Song for the roaring 2020s:

Throw away your dead babies, little mommies, little mommies
Throw away your dead babies in clear garbage sacks!
Throw away your dead babies, little mommies, little mommies
Throw away your dead babies with their brains in gray packs!

The surgeon will do them, little mommies, little mommies
Wearing white plastic gloves with pink tissue, red stains,
The surgeon will do them, little mommies, little mommies,
And with long scopes they'll stab them and suck out their brains

Oh you will not know it, little mommies, little mommies
For we'll give you the best drugs so you won't have the blues
And you will not know it, little mommies, little mommies,
And welfare will keep you in glad rags and shoes

You will ne'er have to grow up, little mommies, little mommies
Someone else will fund this deal, no money you'll pay
Sign papers, Vote democrat, little mommies little mommies
As the rest of your life with your boy toys you play!

Don't worry, be happy, little mommies, little mommies
Don't worry, be happy, we will take care of you
So don't worry, be happy, little mommies, little mommies
When we own you, we'll phone you, call you out of the blue​
The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.

Yes and violation of the Controlled Substance Act keeps people from doing controlled Drugs also... :confused-84:

Nobody claims the government gets involved in parenting decisions

Seek help...
What the hell does that have to do with the Hyde Act not allowing public tax dollars being allowed for abortion?
The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.

Yes and violation of the Controlled Substance Act keeps people from doing controlled Drugs also... :confused-84:

Nobody claims the government gets involved in parenting decisions

Seek help...

Not really. But let’s use your example. Something like a quarter of all people in prison are there for different violations of that act. People get caught.

As for PP, if u can show they violated the law, bring suit.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

So the orange whore wants more abortions and gives money to the sick misogynist cults. The stupid whore doesn't/can't/won't realize that PP does more to PREVENT pregnancy than any other organization.

This country is turning into a theocracy run by the sick and perverted, and on the public's dime. Soon we will have pigs like graham and jeffress and the rest of the perverts showing up in our medical examination rooms.

We are losing our freedom day by day.
Isn't preventing pregnancy a personal responsibility?

Sure, and making the choice to get an abortion is an extremely personal decision.
Never said it wasn't.

Wouldn't it had been easier to avoid it?
They provide services to Medicaid & Medicare patients. Are they supposed to do it for free?

Really? What senior citizen is getting PP help?

PP offers a wide variety of services & if one only has standard medicare - that does not cover doctors... which some those seniors also get medicaid.

Then why do they need PP? Go to any medical clinic.

that depends on a lot of factors... including ease of access by transportation means or those that accept medicaid.

Well now they're going to have to go somewhere else.

PP will not close down, ray ray....
Now that PP has been stripped of federal funding, let's be certain that federal funds are not being funneled to "crisis pregnancy centers," which are non-medical ideological indoctrination centers that are applying for Title X grants. We taxpayers should not have to pay for them.

We've already had milllions wasted on "abstinence only education," which did nothing but subsidize the imposition of sectarian beliefs in our schools.

Does stripping federal funds affect their abortion services?

Since abortion services do not receive federal funds

Then you have no problem with it then, correct?

You are confusing the two. Since abortion services do not receive federal funding, as opposed to lying "pregnancy crisis centers," why would funding be taken away for PP's other services?

Because you can't reasonably be able to say X money goes here and X money goes there. Let me give you an example:

Let's say PP performs 10,000 mammograms a year, and provides 5,000 abortions a year. They say federal funds are used for the mammograms and private funding for the abortions. Okay, how do you prove such a thing? It's simply not possible. You can do it on paper of course, but you can't do it literally.

So Trump comes along and says no more funding to PP. Do you think it will only affect mammograms? If you do, you must be kidding yourself. The money they receive still gets divided by 2 mammograms for every abortion. In other words, PP abortions will not stop. They may do less of them, but not eliminate them. They will find other sources of funding for both procedures.

independent auditing shows what funds are used where. i gave you a link proving that - but just like every other basket dweller--- you regurgitate the rw pablum fed to you because it makes you feel better.
Abortion and aliens are not necessarily religious arguments.

Sure they are. You love your neighbor...just not the brown ones

We have a sovereign country we need to preserve. We have people....even atheists who believe that abortion is murder. It's not divided along religious lines, and laws are not created to support religious values. They are also divided down moral lines and American values.

In one case you cry about the supposed poor economic impact and in the other case you’re fine with the poor Economic impact.

In one case you wield supposed religious objections and on the other you ignore your faith.

Your arguments are neither principled or even intelligent

When did I make a case for "my" religious argument? I don't follow any religion. What economic impact am I fine with?
She's on a fishing expedition to decimate religion from the nation, Ray. All Republicans and/or conservatives are targets. That's what the paranoia that accompanies new Socialistic regime wannabes. Right now, the plan was to get as many women into murdering their own babies in order to prepare them for murdering any and all opposition to their bullying their thought police intentions on the masses. They excuse themselves and their collaborators from behaviors for which they destroy other people.

You do quite well on your own whe it comes to making a mockery of Christianity
I oppose the needless taking of human life just because it's only got a few cells to start out with. I believe that the words of the Bible are true, that God knows when a human being there before its mother and assorted pregnancy tests knows it's there. Jesus Christ supported Biblical teachings and taught Christian people to love God and his kind of knowledge. If I'm guilty of believing that an unborn mass of cells is the beginning of life, take me out for that. Believing Jesus is not a mockery of him or of Christianity. It is support of my belief that human life is a beautiful thing. I cannot stop nonbelievers from hating me. Face it. Your hatred of me for this issue of calling the killing of innocent, unborn American citizens has brought out your gut to this forum, and not my belief in Christ.

that's lovely. you believe anything you want. but there are people who do not believe what you believe. why should your beliefs supersede anybody elses?

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