POTUS to donate $1 million to Harvey relief effort

Clinton to donate....to Katrina...err... Nope
Clinton to donate....to...Andrew.....err....Nope
Clinton to donate to Harvey.....err.... Nope.
Obama to donate....to Katrina...err... Nope
Obama to donate....to...Andrew.....err....Nope
Obama to donate to Harvey.....err.... Nope.
Classy move. They need all the help they can get.
that's it? The guys a billionaire!. Maybe I'll donate 50 bucks and then have a press conference about it.
Trump donate -


so hes taking donations so he can donate those donations ... NOT AGAIN ?

Why didn't he do it yesterday? Why only a million? He did not name any individual victims, that proves he doesn't care. Melania's SHOES!
Like I said, I'll wait and see if he actually does anything. Trump is really good about saying what he's gonna do, but in the actual doing of stuff, not so much.
Like I said, I'll wait and see if he actually does anything. Trump is really good about saying what he's gonna do, but in the actual doing of stuff, not so much.

donations show up on tax returns -

oh, WAIT ...
I'm going to wait and see if he actually does it. Remember when he said that he raised over 5 million for veterans but didn't give the money to them until he was shamed into it six months later?

Gawd just stop and give the man some credit

Trust a man that will literally say one thing today and do the opposite tomorrow?

Good for him for donating.....WHEN he donates. His words are meaningless.

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