Poverty: the pot of crap at the end every Progressives rainbow

Poverty is a relative thing.

In progressive paradise nobody will have anything so everybody will be equally rich and there will be no poverty! Except they'll all be poor but none relatively worse off than any other. Except, of course, for the ruling elite. But they're entitled because they're smarter.

It's all in the way you look at things.
Poverty is not relative in our republic; only poor is relative.
How many times must Progressive redistribution economics fail before even low information Obama voters understand that they will come to a bad end. Detroit, Baltimore, communist China, USSR, Venezuela and now Greece are all Progressive failures

Progressives can only maintain their "fuck you! I got mine" attitude for so long, its an attitude built of sand at low tide. It's inevitable that it collapses.

One day they'll learn
"Detroit and baltimore" Suffered due to many factors, programs like food stamps/etc helped them due to this, and continue to help the people struggling.
Communist china? China is state capitalist now, fuck, they allow capitalists to exploit their workers at dirt cheap wages, they are not progressive. Well, Mao did bring improvements compared to what came before, although he fucked up... a lot. The USSR? Do you seriously want to go into detail about the history of the USSR before and after the october revolution? It is complex and fascinating, I have spent many nights studying it, and undeniably, conditions drastically improved after russian came out of a feudalistic system under the tzars. Venezuela? The majority support hugo/the current leader because the people living in the most impoverished areas, the majority, were left behind, when oil profits were funneled into the pockets of the wealthiest, now, extreme poverty has been drastically reduced, housing is being propped up for many people, life expectancy has increased, literacy, education, infant mortality has decreased, food intake has increased, yes, venezuela has problems, but it has less people in poverty now then before the actions it undertook. You have to get out of your little bubble, and don't get me started on greece..
A recent study by the Greek economist Yiannis Mouzakis, based on European Commission review documents, IMF evaluation reports and Greek government budget documents, revealed that only 27 billion euros – a meagre 11 per cent of the total funding – were used for the Greek state’s operating needs. Which squares with the fact that the Greek government, as a result of the brutal belt-tightening imposed by the troika, has been running a primary surplus (i.e., its revenues have exceeded expenses) since 2013.

What about the rest of the money? Well, it went to the country’s banks and foreign creditors, mostly French and German banks. In other words, more than 80 per cent of the bailout funds were used to bail out, either directly or indirectly, the financial sector (both Greek and foreign) – not the Greek state. In the process, the overwhelming majority of Greek government debt was shifted from the private sector to the public sector, with other eurozone governments now liable for around 65 per cent of Greece’s debt (and another 20 per cent in the hands of the ECB and IMF).

LOL Talk about pulling crap outa his ass
MFW you don't have anything to refute my facts apart from silly bullshit. :dance:
Dafuq does that mean?

Are you going to kill the Kulaks -- again?
It means you don't have a clue or a Cause regarding this social dilemma.

It's that you believe in a system with a 100% track record of failure, I blame your lack of an education
i learned how to continue my education on YouTube; what is your excuse for appealing to ignorance instead of reason?

redistribution Only fails due to bad public policies; socialism has already built entire cities that merely should be redistributed, "from each according to their ability to each according to their need".

Ordos, China: A Modern Ghost Town

Source: Ordos China A Modern Ghost Town - Photo Essays - TIME

Because we all know everything on the internet is true...
You are on the Internet. Is it a coincidence?

Nah...everything I say is true....really.
We could be solving simple poverty and a natural rate of unemployment under Capitalism by merely using sufficient Socialism to bail out
Capitalism, like usual.
Our 'Conservatives' are in a total shit fit. The economy just keeps on demonstrating what idiots they are, the President keeps on winning court cases, and it looks like Hillary will take the White House in 2016. Plus the Dems will take the Senate, and reduce the GOP House numbers significantly.
I believe we need more "automatic, market based stabilization" instead of more micromanagement by our elected representatives.

Solving simple poverty and a natural rate of unemployment could do that at the known, rock bottom cost of a form of minimum wage that could be subsidized by general taxes on Firms instead of our current regime.

Some on the left believe our elected representatives should not be made to feel guilty about their cushy, part-time jobs.

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