Poverty: the pot of crap at the end every Progressives rainbow

How many times must Progressive redistribution economics fail before even low information Obama voters understand that they will come to a bad end. Detroit, Baltimore, communist China, USSR, Venezuela and now Greece are all Progressive failures

Progressives can only maintain their "fuck you! I got mine" attitude for so long, its an attitude built of sand at low tide. It's inevitable that it collapses.

One day they'll learn
"Detroit and baltimore" Suffered due to many factors, programs like food stamps/etc helped them due to this, and continue to help the people struggling.
Communist china? China is state capitalist now, fuck, they allow capitalists to exploit their workers at dirt cheap wages, they are not progressive. Well, Mao did bring improvements compared to what came before, although he fucked up... a lot. The USSR? Do you seriously want to go into detail about the history of the USSR before and after the october revolution? It is complex and fascinating, I have spent many nights studying it, and undeniably, conditions drastically improved after russian came out of a feudalistic system under the tzars. Venezuela? The majority support hugo/the current leader because the people living in the most impoverished areas, the majority, were left behind, when oil profits were funneled into the pockets of the wealthiest, now, extreme poverty has been drastically reduced, housing is being propped up for many people, life expectancy has increased, literacy, education, infant mortality has decreased, food intake has increased, yes, venezuela has problems, but it has less people in poverty now then before the actions it undertook. You have to get out of your little bubble, and don't get me started on greece..
A recent study by the Greek economist Yiannis Mouzakis, based on European Commission review documents, IMF evaluation reports and Greek government budget documents, revealed that only 27 billion euros – a meagre 11 per cent of the total funding – were used for the Greek state’s operating needs. Which squares with the fact that the Greek government, as a result of the brutal belt-tightening imposed by the troika, has been running a primary surplus (i.e., its revenues have exceeded expenses) since 2013.

What about the rest of the money? Well, it went to the country’s banks and foreign creditors, mostly French and German banks. In other words, more than 80 per cent of the bailout funds were used to bail out, either directly or indirectly, the financial sector (both Greek and foreign) – not the Greek state. In the process, the overwhelming majority of Greek government debt was shifted from the private sector to the public sector, with other eurozone governments now liable for around 65 per cent of Greece’s debt (and another 20 per cent in the hands of the ECB and IMF).
How many times must Progressive redistribution economics fail before even low information Obama voters understand that they will come to a bad end. Detroit, Baltimore, communist China, USSR, Venezuela and now Greece are all Progressive failures

Progressives can only maintain their "fuck you! I got mine" attitude for so long, its an attitude built of sand at low tide. It's inevitable that it collapses.

One day they'll learn
What exactly are these "redistribution of wealth" policies? I don't know why you cons keep entertaining this fantasy about the left. No such policies exist.
How many times must Progressive redistribution economics fail before even low information Obama voters understand that they will come to a bad end. Detroit, Baltimore, communist China, USSR, Venezuela and now Greece are all Progressive failures

Progressives can only maintain their "fuck you! I got mine" attitude for so long, its an attitude built of sand at low tide. It's inevitable that it collapses.

One day they'll learn
"Detroit and baltimore" Suffered due to many factors, programs like food stamps/etc helped them due to this, and continue to help the people struggling.
Communist china? China is state capitalist now, fuck, they allow capitalists to exploit their workers at dirt cheap wages, they are not progressive. Well, Mao did bring improvements compared to what came before, although he fucked up... a lot. The USSR? Do you seriously want to go into detail about the history of the USSR before and after the october revolution? It is complex and fascinating, I have spent many nights studying it, and undeniably, conditions drastically improved after russian came out of a feudalistic system under the tzars. Venezuela? The majority support hugo/the current leader because the people living in the most impoverished areas, the majority, were left behind, when oil profits were funneled into the pockets of the wealthiest, now, extreme poverty has been drastically reduced, housing is being propped up for many people, life expectancy has increased, literacy, education, infant mortality has decreased, food intake has increased, yes, venezuela has problems, but it has less people in poverty now then before the actions it undertook. You have to get out of your little bubble, and don't get me started on greece..
A recent study by the Greek economist Yiannis Mouzakis, based on European Commission review documents, IMF evaluation reports and Greek government budget documents, revealed that only 27 billion euros – a meagre 11 per cent of the total funding – were used for the Greek state’s operating needs. Which squares with the fact that the Greek government, as a result of the brutal belt-tightening imposed by the troika, has been running a primary surplus (i.e., its revenues have exceeded expenses) since 2013.

What about the rest of the money? Well, it went to the country’s banks and foreign creditors, mostly French and German banks. In other words, more than 80 per cent of the bailout funds were used to bail out, either directly or indirectly, the financial sector (both Greek and foreign) – not the Greek state. In the process, the overwhelming majority of Greek government debt was shifted from the private sector to the public sector, with other eurozone governments now liable for around 65 per cent of Greece’s debt (and another 20 per cent in the hands of the ECB and IMF).
How many times must Progressive redistribution economics fail before even low information Obama voters understand that they will come to a bad end. Detroit, Baltimore, communist China, USSR, Venezuela and now Greece are all Progressive failures

Progressives can only maintain their "fuck you! I got mine" attitude for so long, its an attitude built of sand at low tide. It's inevitable that it collapses.

One day they'll learn
"Detroit and baltimore" Suffered due to many factors, programs like food stamps/etc helped them due to this, and continue to help the people struggling.
Communist china? China is state capitalist now, fuck, they allow capitalists to exploit their workers at dirt cheap wages, they are not progressive. Well, Mao did bring improvements compared to what came before, although he fucked up... a lot. The USSR? Do you seriously want to go into detail about the history of the USSR before and after the october revolution? It is complex and fascinating, I have spent many nights studying it, and undeniably, conditions drastically improved after russian came out of a feudalistic system under the tzars. Venezuela? The majority support hugo/the current leader because the people living in the most impoverished areas, the majority, were left behind, when oil profits were funneled into the pockets of the wealthiest, now, extreme poverty has been drastically reduced, housing is being propped up for many people, life expectancy has increased, literacy, education, infant mortality has decreased, food intake has increased, yes, venezuela has problems, but it has less people in poverty now then before the actions it undertook. You have to get out of your little bubble, and don't get me started on greece..
A recent study by the Greek economist Yiannis Mouzakis, based on European Commission review documents, IMF evaluation reports and Greek government budget documents, revealed that only 27 billion euros – a meagre 11 per cent of the total funding – were used for the Greek state’s operating needs. Which squares with the fact that the Greek government, as a result of the brutal belt-tightening imposed by the troika, has been running a primary surplus (i.e., its revenues have exceeded expenses) since 2013.

What about the rest of the money? Well, it went to the country’s banks and foreign creditors, mostly French and German banks. In other words, more than 80 per cent of the bailout funds were used to bail out, either directly or indirectly, the financial sector (both Greek and foreign) – not the Greek state. In the process, the overwhelming majority of Greek government debt was shifted from the private sector to the public sector, with other eurozone governments now liable for around 65 per cent of Greece’s debt (and another 20 per cent in the hands of the ECB and IMF).

LOL Talk about pulling crap outa his ass
How many times must Progressive redistribution economics fail before even low information Obama voters understand that they will come to a bad end. Detroit, Baltimore, communist China, USSR, Venezuela and now Greece are all Progressive failures

Progressives can only maintain their "fuck you! I got mine" attitude for so long, its an attitude built of sand at low tide. It's inevitable that it collapses.

One day they'll learn
"Detroit and baltimore" Suffered due to many factors, programs like food stamps/etc helped them due to this, and continue to help the people struggling.
Communist china? China is state capitalist now, fuck, they allow capitalists to exploit their workers at dirt cheap wages, they are not progressive. Well, Mao did bring improvements compared to what came before, although he fucked up... a lot. The USSR? Do you seriously want to go into detail about the history of the USSR before and after the october revolution? It is complex and fascinating, I have spent many nights studying it, and undeniably, conditions drastically improved after russian came out of a feudalistic system under the tzars. Venezuela? The majority support hugo/the current leader because the people living in the most impoverished areas, the majority, were left behind, when oil profits were funneled into the pockets of the wealthiest, now, extreme poverty has been drastically reduced, housing is being propped up for many people, life expectancy has increased, literacy, education, infant mortality has decreased, food intake has increased, yes, venezuela has problems, but it has less people in poverty now then before the actions it undertook. You have to get out of your little bubble, and don't get me started on greece..
A recent study by the Greek economist Yiannis Mouzakis, based on European Commission review documents, IMF evaluation reports and Greek government budget documents, revealed that only 27 billion euros – a meagre 11 per cent of the total funding – were used for the Greek state’s operating needs. Which squares with the fact that the Greek government, as a result of the brutal belt-tightening imposed by the troika, has been running a primary surplus (i.e., its revenues have exceeded expenses) since 2013.

What about the rest of the money? Well, it went to the country’s banks and foreign creditors, mostly French and German banks. In other words, more than 80 per cent of the bailout funds were used to bail out, either directly or indirectly, the financial sector (both Greek and foreign) – not the Greek state. In the process, the overwhelming majority of Greek government debt was shifted from the private sector to the public sector, with other eurozone governments now liable for around 65 per cent of Greece’s debt (and another 20 per cent in the hands of the ECB and IMF).

Redistribution fails, but according to the Communists, it fails because: a) it was never fully implemented, b) the Kulaks, or c) Boooooosh.

It's a broken record.

Redistribution fails because it goes against human nature, its an abomination
What the fuck is this? Opposite day?

Frank says Dems want to help the poor and then calls that the "Fuck you I got mine" attitude?

Where are we? The Twilight Zone?

We're fighting this imaginary Democrat war on poverty for 50 years and we have more poor people than ever. Will you admit failure
No, I only admit mediocre public policies.
There is no problem that cannot be solved with a well-designed policy and copious amounts of cash.

Yeah, that's a fail. Progressive policies fail 100% because they somehow leave out reality. Reality is that there is no multiplier for gov't spending. Reality is that if you create incentives not to work, people wont work. Reality is that consumer spending does not drive the economy (business investment does). Reality is that if you set the price of something above the market rate, like labor, you get surpluses, and if you set it below the market rate, like healthcare, you get shortages.
Those are simply economic realities that Progressive policies seek to ignore, searching for the ever-elusive free lunch of politics.
The reality is the right doesn't really have a clue or a Cause, in any at-will employment State. Unemployment compensation (that should clear our poverty guidelines) does engender a positive multiplier effect. But, unfortunately for the Right, it benefits the least wealthy and not just the wealthiest.
Food stamps, SSI, and unemployment are the drivers of the Obama economy!
so, where is the hard money crowd of the Right protesting the infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism to hard money policies instead of soft money policies which engender the use of "funny money" such as ebt or food stamps?
This thread is just another conservative bitch whine about the results of 30 years of right-wing economics. Reagan ended the war on poverty. He made a big announcement about it:

Ronald Reagan Radio Address to the Nation on Welfare Reform

Sadly, Ronnie was clueless about poverty and the poor and he lied endlessly about it. Conservatives have continued to parrot Reagan's lies about the poor ever since.

Sadly, the numbers of poor continue to increase not because of the failed "War on Poverty", but because of the failed conservative trickle down economics. Wealth has not trickled down to the working people, it has trickled up to the wealthy by way of increased productivity, rising prices and stagnant wages.

Poverty continues to be a problem because conservatives fight any efforts to get more money into the hands of workers, unless it's through earned income credits or other government handouts. It's not Democrats that keep people poor to buy their votes, it's Republicans who keep them poor, and then lie to them about the causes of their poverty.

The belief that investment creates jobs is a fallacy. What good is investment if nobody has any money to buy your products. If no one is buying your products, jobs are not created.
We're fighting this imaginary Democrat war on poverty for 50 years and we have more poor people than ever. Will you admit failure
No, I only admit mediocre public policies.
There is no problem that cannot be solved with a well-designed policy and copious amounts of cash.

Yeah, that's a fail. Progressive policies fail 100% because they somehow leave out reality. Reality is that there is no multiplier for gov't spending. Reality is that if you create incentives not to work, people wont work. Reality is that consumer spending does not drive the economy (business investment does). Reality is that if you set the price of something above the market rate, like labor, you get surpluses, and if you set it below the market rate, like healthcare, you get shortages.
Those are simply economic realities that Progressive policies seek to ignore, searching for the ever-elusive free lunch of politics.
The reality is the right doesn't really have a clue or a Cause, in any at-will employment State. Unemployment compensation (that should clear our poverty guidelines) does engender a positive multiplier effect. But, unfortunately for the Right, it benefits the least wealthy and not just the wealthiest.
Food stamps, SSI, and unemployment are the drivers of the Obama economy!
so, where is the hard money crowd of the Right protesting the infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism to hard money policies instead of soft money policies which engender the use of "funny money" such as ebt or food stamps?
Are you off your meds or just exceedingly stupid?
This thread is just another conservative bitch whine about the results of 30 years of right-wing economics. Reagan ended the war on poverty. He made a big announcement about it:

Ronald Reagan Radio Address to the Nation on Welfare Reform

Sadly, Ronnie was clueless about poverty and the poor and he lied endlessly about it. Conservatives have continued to parrot Reagan's lies about the poor ever since.

Sadly, the numbers of poor continue to increase not because of the failed "War on Poverty", but because of the failed conservative trickle down economics. Wealth has not trickled down to the working people, it has trickled up to the wealthy by way of increased productivity, rising prices and stagnant wages.

Poverty continues to be a problem because conservatives fight any efforts to get more money into the hands of workers, unless it's through earned income credits or other government handouts. It's not Democrats that keep people poor to buy their votes, it's Republicans who keep them poor, and then lie to them about the causes of their poverty.

The belief that investment creates jobs is a fallacy. What good is investment if nobody has any money to buy your products. If no one is buying your products, jobs are not created.
Wow, who knew that Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were secretly supply-siders.
Your stupidity knows no bounds.
I live in an area of GOP only office holders, yet I have a hard time finding the rich folks and lack of poverty in the area...
No, I only admit mediocre public policies.
There is no problem that cannot be solved with a well-designed policy and copious amounts of cash.

Yeah, that's a fail. Progressive policies fail 100% because they somehow leave out reality. Reality is that there is no multiplier for gov't spending. Reality is that if you create incentives not to work, people wont work. Reality is that consumer spending does not drive the economy (business investment does). Reality is that if you set the price of something above the market rate, like labor, you get surpluses, and if you set it below the market rate, like healthcare, you get shortages.
Those are simply economic realities that Progressive policies seek to ignore, searching for the ever-elusive free lunch of politics.
The reality is the right doesn't really have a clue or a Cause, in any at-will employment State. Unemployment compensation (that should clear our poverty guidelines) does engender a positive multiplier effect. But, unfortunately for the Right, it benefits the least wealthy and not just the wealthiest.
Food stamps, SSI, and unemployment are the drivers of the Obama economy!
so, where is the hard money crowd of the Right protesting the infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism to hard money policies instead of soft money policies which engender the use of "funny money" such as ebt or food stamps?
Are you off your meds or just exceedingly stupid?
not as stupid as Persons who Only have fallacy instead of a sound line of reasoning, Rabbi.
There is no problem that cannot be solved with a well-designed policy and copious amounts of cash.

Yeah, that's a fail. Progressive policies fail 100% because they somehow leave out reality. Reality is that there is no multiplier for gov't spending. Reality is that if you create incentives not to work, people wont work. Reality is that consumer spending does not drive the economy (business investment does). Reality is that if you set the price of something above the market rate, like labor, you get surpluses, and if you set it below the market rate, like healthcare, you get shortages.
Those are simply economic realities that Progressive policies seek to ignore, searching for the ever-elusive free lunch of politics.
The reality is the right doesn't really have a clue or a Cause, in any at-will employment State. Unemployment compensation (that should clear our poverty guidelines) does engender a positive multiplier effect. But, unfortunately for the Right, it benefits the least wealthy and not just the wealthiest.
Food stamps, SSI, and unemployment are the drivers of the Obama economy!
so, where is the hard money crowd of the Right protesting the infidel-ism, protestant-ism, and renegade-ism to hard money policies instead of soft money policies which engender the use of "funny money" such as ebt or food stamps?
Are you off your meds or just exceedingly stupid?
not as stupid as Persons who Only have fallacy instead of a sound line of reasoning, Rabbi.
OK, maybe both in your case. Run along.
Look at Vietnam, it was a communist redistribution hellhole that had to import 2 million ton of rice annually to keep their people from starving. They abandoned state control and let the farmers farm today they have a growing middle class from being the 2nd largest rise EXPORTER on the planet.

Redistribution fails, free enterprise succeeds

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