Powell tells Republicans to "stop shouting at the world."


Bush and Reagan bankrupted the country.

When Reagan came into office, we were the biggest creditor nation on the earth. We were the biggest exporter of manufactured goods. Now we are the biggest debtor nation on the earth and the biggest importer of manufactured goods.

"Reaganomics" bankrupted America.

I read that on the internet somewhere, must be true ......
Powell was lied to and misled just like we all were. Bush wanted him to go to the UN because he has credibility. What did Powell do when he found he had been used? He resigned. He is still trying to seperate himself from this administration of total incompetence.
That is simply spin that has no bases in reality.

Powell did not 'resign' until Bush was re-elected, and he was not 'lied too' or 'fooled' he was a very willing player in the attempt to remove Saddam.
Aside from telling the Republican Party to grow the fuck it, I don't what see the problem is.

The Republican party is currently the party of people like Willow.

Powell would like to change that.

I don't think the GOP is ready to change, yet.
The GOP has changed, and that is the problem. What they need to do is get back to their real core values and realign themselves with the policies that made American values what they are (were?).
That's a reasonable summary of the state of affairs.

And then you fall right back into your partisan bitch mode

The above is why I describe you as a nasty piece of work. I win? The Dems win?

what the fuck are you talking about?

These thoughtless weak kneed, caractures of liberals you see under every thread are the demons of your own demeneted imagination.

Is it that you're just too fucking lazy to read people's posts, or are you too fucking stupid to know what they mean?

You are going to lecture me about free trade?

I bought it?

You can't possibly be as stupid as you make yourself appear on this board.
You can't just call her partisan just because she said bad things about your party that it deserved and is true.
pssst...what he said has nothing to do with free speech. Even so, I think ya'll should keep listening to Rush and acting like him as well.

The permanent Republican minority.
Powell said, "There is nothing wrong with being conservative." Does he not know that Bush is a Neoconservative which is nothing like conservativism??? He's never been too bright.

ROFL... Man GW Bush is a fascist. He's incredibly bright... He's also incredibly honest. He tells you exactly what he believes... He's an open book.

I like the guy... voted for him 4 times; but each time was due to a lack of options. Given the choice between a fascist and a socialist, an American has no choice but to go with the fascist. Fascism is a terrible idea... but compared to its horrific cousin socialism, it's no contest. With fascism, at the very least, one has a fighting chance to rebuild a viable nation without violent revolution; sadly the left seems determined to force this nation towards violent revolution... so if that's to be our fate, I say the sooner the better and would add only that when it ends, there should not be left standing on this planet, a single human being which has ever stood for socialism on any level.
Did you realize the absolutely abysmal performance McCain had with hispanics?

Its no surprise. He did abysmal with most groups.

The question that a statistician would ask is how did he do relative to those taking a hardline anti-immigrant stance? By first glance, he probably did better, given that in House races where hardline immigration was a distinct issue, 90% of Republican candidates lost.
Its no surprise. He did abysmal with most groups.

The question that a statistician would ask is how did he do relative to those taking a hardline anti-immigrant stance? By first glance, he probably did better, given that in House races where hardline immigration was a distinct issue, 90% of Republican candidates lost.
But a 49-51 spread is a loss. You would have to find the statistics for those districts and figure out what percentage of hispanics went for the Republican, and take averages for all the districts, and then compare the average to McCain's performance. My guess would be that there would either be no difference or that McCain did worse because the illegals have been propagandized and they do not know who their real friends are.
But a 49-51 spread is a loss. You would have to find the statistics for those districts and figure out what percentage of hispanics went for the Republican, and take averages for all the districts, and then compare the average to McCain's performance. My guess would be that there would either be no difference or that McCain did worse because the illegals have been propagandized and they do not know who their real friends are.

Possibly but statistically unlikely. According to the WSJ article, there was a disproportionate amount Republicans, both incumbents and challengers, who were hard-line anti-immigrant and lost. The challengers aren't a surprise but given the historical low rate of incumbent defeats, the incumbents own hard-line anti-immigrant stance almost certainly worked against them.

Powell - and Bush and Rove - are correct. Republicans just have to do the demographic math.
ROFL... Man GW Bush is a fascist. He's incredibly bright... He's also incredibly honest. He tells you exactly what he believes... He's an open book.

I like the guy... voted for him 4 times; but each time was due to a lack of options. Given the choice between a fascist and a socialist, an American has no choice but to go with the fascist. Fascism is a terrible idea... but compared to its horrific cousin socialism, it's no contest. With fascism, at the very least, one has a fighting chance to rebuild a viable nation without violent revolution; sadly the left seems determined to force this nation towards violent revolution... so if that's to be our fate, I say the sooner the better and would add only that when it ends, there should not be left standing on this planet, a single human being which has ever stood for socialism on any level.

What a sily ass you and others who are constantly wishing for a chance to harm their fellow Americans are.
What a sily ass you and others who are constantly wishing for a chance to harm their fellow Americans are.

Sis... I'm not wishing for a chance to harm anyone. I won't start this fight. YOU WILL... I will just kill you for it and I'll do so as a function of my sacred duty to defend my rights against your unjustified attack on me, my nation and our right to be free.

I'm beggin' ya... STOP... Decist and get off my right to pursue the fulfillment of my life... Go in peace and let us all raise our children in a safe and prosperous world.

It's not my wish Sis... if it's anyone's wish, it has to be yours... since it's you people that are making it more of a certainty with every passing day.
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Sis... I'm not wishing for a chance to harm anyone. I won't start this fight. YOU WILL... I will just kill you for it and I'll do so as a function of my sacred duty to defend my rights against your unjustified attack on me, my nation and our right to be free.

I'm beggin' ya... STOP... Decist and get off my right to pursue the fulfillment of my life... Go in peace and let us all raise our children in a safe and prosperous world.

It's not my wish Sis... if it's anyone's wish, it has to be yours... since it's you people that are making it more of a certainty with every passing day.

What a load of crap. A lot of Rambo trash talk. You stood and cheered Bush, you will do nothing other than knuckle under to whatever ass decides to do to the Constitution in the name Security.

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