Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

You rely on other sources, probably the sources we use today, they just won't need to be as big as peak loads are generally when the sun shines.

Other sources?
You mean we should have useful powerplants like coal, nat gas and nuclear, idling during the day and only run them at capacity after the sun sets?
It's not one or the other it is one augments the other.
That's not the stated aim. I believe the original aim was to eliminate all fossil fuel electrical generation by 2050 in the US and Biden pledged to do it by 2035 (if my memory serves). I don't believe either are practical and can be done. It's just math. And don't get me started on government controlling markets.
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Other sources?
You mean we should have useful powerplants like coal, nat gas and nuclear, idling during the day and only run them at capacity after the sun sets?
It's not practical. Natural gas must be contracted for sale and then nominated for transportation. The process does not lend itself to yo-yo-ing. At least not without issues that might affect electrical generation. Electrical systems don't work well when demand exceeds supply. Very bad things happen to the electrical components.
The amount that was converted into electricity plus what was radiated out with the panels in place.

The amount converted wouldn't have otherwise been radiated out.
You need to recheck your premises. Let me know if you still don't understand.
It's not practical. Natural gas must be contracted for sale and then nominated for transportation. The process does not lend itself to yo-yo-ing. At least not without issues that might affect electrical generation. Electrical systems don't work well when demand exceeds supply. Very bad things happen to the electrical components.

It's not practical because of the expense.
Hey dumbass, guess how many barrels of oil you are burning to create those panels. How much CO2 you are creating to make the cement to house them, the oil burned to make the cabling to transmit the power, etc. etc. etc.

NOTHING gets made without fossil fuels.
Hey fool!

You and the fools like you could have joined the party 50 years ago after the Oil Embargo.
Today was predictable from that point.
You could have stepped up and recognized the world for what it was 40 years ago when Carter warned us of what we needed to do.
You could have stepped up 15 years ago when prices approached $5 a gallon under Bush
You could have stepped up anytime to recognize the result of the pollution we spew into the atmosphere each and every day.


Stepping up would mean sacrifice.
Smaller houses
Fewer cars
Smaller cars
More mass transit...
And the oil companies told you
"no, you don't have to worry about that. Oil supplies will last forever..."
"no, you don't have to worry about environmental damage, look, it's cold someplace today..."
You chose to believe what you wanted to believe rather than face reality.

NOBODY, fool, makes solar panels by pouring oil on a bunch of chemicals and setting it on fire.
They need electricity such as that from wind, solar, geo-thermal, idiot.
And the more of them we make and install the more electricity is generated to create and install more, moron.

Each ounce of oil you burn is gone forever, Shitbrain.
It will never be replaced, butthead.
It's only remnant is the pollution its burning causes, Tiny Minded Idiot.

Why not turn your TV off, fool, learn to read, dickbrain, and try to think beyond the mindless diatribes Tucker and his buddies toss your way, Dingus.
How do you store the power that people need when the sun isn't available?

Batteries? That's a LOT of batteries, particularly when you consider we may soon be at war with the country that has most of the materials required to make them.

Additionally, our entire power grid works on AC. Batteries only store DC. You lose considerable power when you convert from one to the other, and then back again because most of our devices ultimately work on DC.

You can buy a solar panel for $60 on Amazon.
Are you driving an EV?
I drive a 13 year old minivan that gets 23MPG and a 12 YO cube that gets 27.
I limit my driving to necessary.
I do not fill my tank. 8 gals of gas weighs about 60 pounds. I save gas by not filling up and carrying that extra weight.

When the price of used EVs drops to a manageable level, I will buy.

But, unlike the fools like you, till then I won't have an $80k SUV with $700/mo payments that costs $150 and rising every time I fill it up.
That's right, I let you pay the depreciation and your whining over the price of gas will drive my goals.
That will be sad.
What will we use then to back up your unreliable solar?
You know the world is round, right?
You know that each and every minute of each and every day 1/2 of the world is covered with sunlight, right?
You know that power generate in Maine can be used in Oregon over the grid, right?
You do know that connecting the entire planet to a single grid can be done, right?

The only thing missing is the political will and the only thing standing in the way is the oil companies and the sycophantic fools who believe their lies.
I drive a 13 year old minivan that gets 23MPG and a 12 YO cube that gets 27.
I limit my driving to necessary.
I do not fill my tank. 8 gals of gas weighs about 60 pounds. I save gas by not filling up and carrying that extra weight.

When the price of used EVs drops to a manageable level, I will buy.

But, unlike the fools like you, till then I won't have an $80k SUV with $700/mo payments that costs $150 and rising every time I fill it up.
That's right, I let you pay the depreciation and your whining over the price of gas will drive my goals.
You mean like fools who can afford an $80k SUV?
As I said...
The oil companies said "it will last forever"
and fool that you are you believ0e them over your own common sense.

YOU are the people bleating about oil ending. We have more proven reserves now, than when oil was first being used.
You know the world is round, right?
You know that each and every minute of each and every day 1/2 of the world is covered with sunlight, right?
You know that power generate in Maine can be used in Oregon over the grid, right?
You do know that connecting the entire planet to a single grid can be done, right?

The only thing missing is the political will and the only thing standing in the way is the oil companies and the sycophantic fools who believe their lies.

No, the world is an oblate spheroid.

Depends on cloud cover

How much loss occurs when you transfer the electricity across that vast distance?

Yes, it could, but the cost would be more than ALL of the GDP of the planet over several decades.

No, the political will is there from the global elitists, the money is what is lacking.

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