Pp shooter identifies as a woman in voter records

Yeah. Every tranny sports a bushy beard. It obvious.

Evidently some do....:)

This Trans Woman Kept Her Beard And Couldn't Be Happier

Awesome. That proves that Dear is a tranny. You go Econchick!

Well that and he/she registered as one on the voting records....and criminal records. You're sort of slow
can one that is a male, have criminal records stating they are female? Would LAW enforcement allow that??? Something doesn't seem right about that....If I were law enforcement, never would FEMALE be the gender listed for a male criminal.... AND what jail/prison did they send him to, a male prison or female....if his criminal record states he's female???

What have I missed?

IDK The OP has it in the comment. I asked my husband and he said unless they have had surgery they are treated as male and supposed to be separated if imprisoned. He's not sure on reports and such but he said if they identify as female they would probably allude to that in the report.
I guess so , cause Im not even trying
Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.


Guess nobody told this guy
Told him what.

with his power comes great responsibility, I believe he said he was God there
Oh it was probably just meds

But then again, you know everybody has excuses for their actions but all these people are not normal.

To equate them with the majority of people who wouldn't do such a thing based on their race is not fair
Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.


Guess nobody told this guy
Told him what.

with his power comes great responsibility, I believe he said he was God there
Oh it was probably just meds

But then again, you know everybody has excuses for their actions but all these people are not normal.

To equate them with the majority of people who wouldn't do such a thing based on their race is not fair
Oh I agree. The conservatives on this thread don't, unless the shooters are white.
Maybe he was just using the women ID crap to get GOVT bennies? Like pocohantas in MASS used indian, BHO used black when need be, or foreign student when needed from Kenya.

gotta be a reason. What normal booking person would accept that?
IDK The OP has it in the comment. I asked my husband and he said unless they have had surgery they are treated as male and supposed to be separated if imprisoned. He's not sure on reports and such but he said if they identify as female they would probably allude to that in the report.

So when do you plan to admit there's not a speck of evidence that the shooter is a tranny or gay, and that you jumped on to that crazy train only so you don't have to admit he's a regular conservative Christian guy?

Best to jump off that crazy train now, given how it's headed over the cliff. That crazy lie just isn't sustainable. You'll have to drop it eventually, so sooner is better than later.

Seriously kooks, just stop. This is a new pathetic low you're hitting.
IDK The OP has it in the comment. I asked my husband and he said unless they have had surgery they are treated as male and supposed to be separated if imprisoned. He's not sure on reports and such but he said if they identify as female they would probably allude to that in the report.

So when do you plan to admit there's not a speck of evidence that the shooter is a tranny or gay, and that you jumped on to that crazy train only so you don't have to admit he's a regular conservative Christian guy?

Best to jump off that crazy train now, given how it's headed over the cliff. That crazy lie just isn't sustainable. You'll have to drop it eventually, so sooner is better than later.

Seriously kooks, just stop. This is a new pathetic low you're hitting.

Well I've seen the voter registration so that's out there. He's not a regular conservative Christian guy....see there ya go again
It would figure you would be the first to find out about this.

He wasn't. I posted this last night and wondered, as a joke of course, how long it would take Trannysteve to pick up on it.

It's a simple clerical error. I didn't think Steve would be stupid enough to run with it but I guess I misunderestimated him.

with his power comes great responsibility, I believe he said he was God there
Oh it was probably just meds

But then again, you know everybody has excuses for their actions but all these people are not normal.

To equate them with the majority of people who wouldn't do such a thing based on their race is not fair
Oh I agree. The conservatives on this thread don't, unless the shooters are white.
Yeah, only white Republicans are racists.

Told him what.

with his power comes great responsibility, I believe he said he was God there
Oh it was probably just meds

But then again, you know everybody has excuses for their actions but all these people are not normal.

To equate them with the majority of people who wouldn't do such a thing based on their race is not fair
Oh I agree. The conservatives on this thread don't, unless the shooters are white.
Yeah, only white Republicans are racists.


This graphic is complete bullshit. Just to pick out three, Huey Long and Sam Ervin? Really? Long was threatened by the Klan and threatened them right back, suggesting they'd be exiting the state "with their toes turned up" -- Ervin got lynchings stopped as a country lawyer -- and the Klan was founded by Confederate veterans who had no party affiliation.

Complete bullshit.
Black Democrats Are the Real Racists

Have you ever stopped and taken a good look at who keeps racism in the news? Who is it that is constantly accusing others of being racist? Who are the ones that make most of the actual racist comments?


More precisely, BLACK Democrats!

Let’s start with a short list which includes Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and Jamie Foxx. They are the ones pouring gasoline on the fires of racial hatred and then pointing their fingers at white Republicans as being the guilty parties.

Whenever a black American stands up for conservative values or for the Republican Party, it’s the black Democrats that start the racial name calling like referring to them as Uncle Toms or an Oreo. They can’t stand it when one of their own color steps away from the racial hatred and bigotry to embrace a more conservative and non-racist lifestyle.

During the presidential election this year, we heard a lot of racial name calling and it all came from Democrats. Joe Biden used race when he stated that the Republicans wanted to put the blacks back in chains. Biden does not know true history, nor do many blacks, but it was black Africans who were putting other black Africans in chains to sell to the slave traders to begin with. Whites just bought what the blacks had already chained and enslaved. If they want to point fingers, they need to start with their fellow blacks.

Case in point about the racial hatred that spews from black Democrats are the comments made by Rob Parker on ESPN concerning NFL Quarterback Robert Griffin III:

If Democrats, especially black Democrats, really want to end racism in America, they need to stop complaining about it and stop making racist accusations. Instead they need to put that energy into actually solving the other issues that are hurting our culture. If everyone stopped harping on racism, before long it wouldn’t be such a big issue. But they don’t want it to end. People like Sharpton and Jackson make their living by keeping racial hatred alive. To end racial hatred in America would be to put them out of work and then where would they be?

Read more at Black Democrats Are the Real Racists

Told him what.

with his power comes great responsibility, I believe he said he was God there
Oh it was probably just meds

But then again, you know everybody has excuses for their actions but all these people are not normal.

To equate them with the majority of people who wouldn't do such a thing based on their race is not fair
Oh I agree. The conservatives on this thread don't, unless the shooters are white.
Yeah, only white Republicans are racists.

Hey it's your party that loves and waves that flag now you bunch of weirdos.
Poor liberals - all torn up.

Don't know whether to love this "thing" because it's tranny or hate this "thing" for denting their baby-parts business.
Poor liberals - all torn up.

Don't know whether to love this "thing" because it's tranny or hate this "thing" for denting their baby-parts business.

No, freak. Libs all despise the shithead because he's a nutbag who shot up a bunch of people. It's not dependent on who or what he is.

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