Pp shooter identifies as a woman in voter records

can one that is a male, have criminal records stating they are female? Would LAW enforcement allow that??? Something doesn't seem right about that....If I were law enforcement, never would FEMALE be the gender listed for a male criminal.... AND what jail/prison did they send him to, a male prison or female....if his criminal record states he's female???

What have I missed?

That the OP lied and made it up.

He's never even been in jail.

The voting record is from a commercial genealogy site and claims it's records could be wrong (clerical error). He may also have checked the wrong box on the form.

Exactly. Trannysteve (the OP) made that part up. There are records of his being arrested but no convictions, and none of those records say anything about "female". This is basically a desperation deflection to move the spotlight.
Here's more :

Go to the Actual Colorado voter site:

State of Colorado

Enter in the information, and what do you see?


No mention of gender there.

And know what else -- have a look at the Republican who runs the "genealogy" site called "ColoradoVoters.com" -- Look at this rambling page:

Removal request policy

He's a former GOP lawmaker in NH who....

wait for it:

Advocates killing cops.
N.H. lawmaker advocates killing police - USA Today
Nashua Rep. Alciere advocates killing officers, beating women
Former legislator charged with assault - New Hampshire
PP-haters actively want more right-wing terrorist attacks, and work to make them happen.

The only thing worse than a liar is a Fucking liar

Excellent. At least one conservative has now realized that lying about PP for the purpose of inspiring terrorists is not something any decent person should be doing.

Now, if we can only get the rest on board. Looks like I've got more shaming to do.
And yet another LeftNut uses that ever so mature "I know you are but what am I" tactic
So ................ no links.

Dishonest partisan hack dismissed. For the third time no less.

Mass murders are not political acts anyway, unless they're terrorism. They're psychological meltdowns.
If an abortion clinic bombing kills people, is that terrorism?

What about abortion clinic bombings that kill no one, is that terrorism?

What about killing just one doctor who performs abortions? is that terrorism?

Absolutely. That's all terrorism. We're not referring to that.

The drone-poster there (all he ever posts is echoes of what the echosphere tells him) was trying to make the point that mass murders are done by "liberals". Not the current one, the "last several". I challenged him to document that, and of course, the echosphere not having spoon-fed him that particular basis, he ran away.
But many on the right are referring to terrorism, where if Planned Parenthood was the intended target of the shooter, then by law this would indeed be an act of domestic terrorism.

The OP's lie that the shooter was a 'liberal' and a 'transvestite' is an effort to deflect from that possibility, as an attack on Planned Parenthood in the context of domestic terrorism would be perceived by many conservatives as reflecting poorly on the right, thus undermining their hostile rhetoric toward 'Muslims/terrorists/refugees.'
Crazy ass cracker. What drives crackas to commit so many mass murders?
Could be because he is transgender?
Let me see if I'm getting this right. because of a report that he indicated that he is a female on a form makes him transgender? I don't know what is more ridiculous....that or the fact that some on here are implying that he is gay.
So ................ no links.

Dishonest partisan hack dismissed. For the third time no less.

Mass murders are not political acts anyway, unless they're terrorism. They're psychological meltdowns.
If an abortion clinic bombing kills people, is that terrorism?

What about abortion clinic bombings that kill no one, is that terrorism?

What about killing just one doctor who performs abortions? is that terrorism?

Absolutely. That's all terrorism. We're not referring to that.

The drone-poster there (all he ever posts is echoes of what the echosphere tells him) was trying to make the point that mass murders are done by "liberals". Not the current one, the "last several". I challenged him to document that, and of course, the echosphere not having spoon-fed him that particular basis, he ran away.
Got it.

It also looks like there are indications the shooter was anti Obama, and it's also being said that he was talking about baby body parts too
Oh my, another bitch slap to the illogical leftist scum!

  • The Irony Of Planned Parenthood Condemning Murder
    The Federalist ^ | 11-30-15 | Nicole Russell
    Last Friday's shooting near a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, once again ignited the flames of debate on both sides of the political aisle. This time, rather than open a candid and robust debate on abortion, as has often occurred this year, it sparked a figurative "he said/she said." Some members of the mainstream media, liberal organizations, and Planned Parenthood, claimed--without facts to support them--the shooter was a right-wing, Center for Medical Progress-video-watching, Republican-voting zealot. It's still unclear what alleged shooter Robert Lewis Dear's motives were or even exactly what happened in and around Planned Parenthood and the...
Oh my, another bitch slap to the illogical leftist scum!

  • The Irony Of Planned Parenthood Condemning Murder
    The Federalist ^ | 11-30-15 | Nicole Russell
    Last Friday's shooting near a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, once again ignited the flames of debate on both sides of the political aisle. This time, rather than open a candid and robust debate on abortion, as has often occurred this year, it sparked a figurative "he said/she said." Some members of the mainstream media, liberal organizations, and Planned Parenthood, claimed--without facts to support them--the shooter was a right-wing, Center for Medical Progress-video-watching, Republican-voting zealot. It's still unclear what alleged shooter Robert Lewis Dear's motives were or even exactly what happened in and around Planned Parenthood and the...
I've been waiting for a self aware righty to come right out and say attacking Planned Parenthood is justified.

I have more respect for you, than I do the folks that condemn the shootings, and silently rejoice
PP-haters actively want more right-wing terrorist attacks, and work to make them happen.

The only thing worse than a liar is a Fucking liar

Excellent. At least one conservative has now realized that lying about PP for the purpose of inspiring terrorists is not something any decent person should be doing.

Now, if we can only get the rest on board. Looks like I've got more shaming to do.
And yet another LeftNut uses that ever so mature "I know you are but what am I" tactic
peewee hermanism.
Ah it is a favorite game here at USMB isn't it?

A killer attacks someplace in America and the rush is on to label the killer as part of (X) or (Y) or anything other than the group the poster self identifies.

Preferably before many details are known.

Why can't we condemn the killer and not play pin in the blame on Conservatives/Liberals/Gays/Communists/Christians/Jews/Muslims/Blacks/Mexicans/Catholics/Evangelicals etc?
Ah it is a favorite game here at USMB isn't it?

A killer attacks someplace in America and the rush is on to label the killer as part of (X) or (Y) or anything other than the group the poster self identifies.

Preferably before many details are known.

Why can't we condemn the killer and not play pin in the blame on Conservatives/Liberals/Gays/Communists/Christians/Jews/Muslims/Blacks/Mexicans/Catholics/Evangelicals etc?
That's not nearly as much fun? :dunno:
Good grief!

a woman huh? whatever.....

Hi there M'am

I dunno....I've seen some lesbians that are close to that
I award you the Gold Star for the funniest post I've read this year!
Many moons ago I had occasion to visit some medium security Federal Prisons as a liaison with the Police Union. At a couple of all female facilities I saw bull dykes who had rubbed a black substance on their chins to make it look like they had a beard.
Poor trannysteve my be sooo disappointed to find out the killer wasn't a tranny or "identified as a woman."
I posted it in a thread, a left loon said it was a clerical error, imagine that the same clerical error in criminal and voting records. Denial is not just a river in Egypt ;)
Republican Excuse Falls Apart As Clerk Admits Error In Planned Parenthood Shooter’s Registration
Source: politicususa.com

The Planned Parenthood shooter wasn’t a transgender leftist activist as Republicans claimed. It turns out that a clerical error on his voter registration card is responsible for the shooter being labeled a female.

According to The Gazette:

Ryan Parsell, El Paso County’s chief deputy clerk and recorder, said his office incorrectly recorded Dear’s gender in October 2014, leading to the issuance of both a driver’s license and voter’s registration card erroneously identifying him as a woman.

Read more: Republican Excuse Falls Apart As Clerk Admits Error In Planned Parenthood Shooter’s Registration
Ah it is a favorite game here at USMB isn't it?

A killer attacks someplace in America and the rush is on to label the killer as part of (X) or (Y) or anything other than the group the poster self identifies.

Preferably before many details are known.

Why can't we condemn the killer and not play pin in the blame on Conservatives/Liberals/Gays/Communists/Christians/Jews/Muslims/Blacks/Mexicans/Catholics/Evangelicals etc?
Because of how quickly the LGBT pinned the blame on limp-wristed black-boyfriend-havin' Dylann Roof "as a racist conservative" when he shot up 9 Christians who happened to be black at a Bible study group the day after a major southern church announced it would never support gay marriage.
Ah it is a favorite game here at USMB isn't it?

A killer attacks someplace in America and the rush is on to label the killer as part of (X) or (Y) or anything other than the group the poster self identifies.

Preferably before many details are known.

Why can't we condemn the killer and not play pin in the blame on Conservatives/Liberals/Gays/Communists/Christians/Jews/Muslims/Blacks/Mexicans/Catholics/Evangelicals etc?
Because of how quickly the LGBT pinned the blame on limp-wristed black-boyfriend-havin' Dylann Roof "as a racist conservative" when he shot up 9 Christians .

You mean Dylann Roof- the racist conservative who posted his racist manifesto on line?

You mean Dylann Roof- the racist conservative who was arrested for the murder of 9 African Americans?

You mean Dylann Roof- the racist conservative who his friend said was not even planning on shooting up a church?

That Dylann Roof?

The one you want to label 'gay' because it suits your 'hate the gays' agenda?

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