Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition

The folks you're supporting are, though. They fantasize about killing every single person who won't submit to them, and only a fool would believe any different.

I don't support people who fantasize about killing people.
You just said you supported BLM, you stupid fuck! "What do they want? Dead Cops! When do they want it? Now!"

Are cops not people? Last I checked they were.

So you do support people who fantasize about killing people. You fucking braindead leftist retard!

Already responded to that, teddy bear.

That story wasn't associated with BLM. And even if it was, it was an isolated incident, and an incident that I don't support.

Really simple.
That WAS BLM, liar!

Already responded. See post #299.

Or don't. Don't care.
America will not fall to this Marxist-sponsored insurrection. (or I'll die)

Either way it won't matter to me. I don't want to live in a commie America. Hopefully I can get out b4 they take full control if that ever happens. Fuck it! My boots are planted right here! Come get some, commie fucktards!

Nothing is going to happen. You're not going to do anything. Shut the fuck up you teddy bear drama queen.
America will not fall to this Marxist-sponsored insurrection. (or I'll die)

Either way it won't matter to me. I don't want to live in a commie America. Hopefully I can get out b4 they take full control if that ever happens. Fuck it! My boots are planted right here! Come get some, commie fucktards!

Nothing is going to happen. You're not going to do anything. Shut the fuck up you teddy bear drama queen.
Are you claiming the Marxists won't try to violently try to take over America? I think they will.
You fucking dumbass! They already tried to storm the White House and 50 Secret Service were injured. This is serious stuff. Now go take your plate and sit at the kiddie table where you belong.

So what have you done so far in the great civil war of 2020? Nothing.

STFU and take your meds. You're over-reacting and you don't have the balls to actually do anything.

I spent 285 days in the field during the Tet Offensive, don't have a clue what's waiting for you leftist trash if your heroes keep rioting and burning the cities. If Biden stumbles into the WH, it will be all-out war and over before he takes office....capiche?
Come to red America douche, start tearing up shit, if the cops don't you we will.

View attachment 355546

Have you Transgendered yet?

View attachment 355548

Oh good. You can throw memes at people on the internet. But we both know you won't actually DO anything about this supposed civil war.

What have you done so far? Oh right, nothing.

Conservatives are not stupid, we know that given the CHANCE Leftists will want to kill Conservatives, the below plot in the below film "The Hunt" is NOT a joke, those Leftist POS who wrote and made the film INSIST it's a joke, well Conservatives know better....also Leftists are NOT Elites, Leftists are The Great Unwashed.




There's too many to jail.
the cities where the libs are rioting are run by democrats who will just release the vandals anyway

trump will have to impose true martial law and replace the ruling democrats till order is restored
Are you claiming the Marxists won't try to violently try to take over America? I think they will.

You'll have to be more specific because that depends on how that's defined.

You drama queens think they're violently trying to take over America whenever they change the Starbucks cups.

"You'll have to be more specific because that depends on how that's defined."

Nobody is going to be more specific Clown Shoes, we all were onto your thing last night, you are poking and poking until you can Report something. GTFO already. You are NOT as clever as you THINK you are. Must be that Jungle Juice you swallow is rotting your brains.
Already responded to that, teddy bear.

That story wasn't associated with BLM. And even if it was, it was an isolated incident, and an incident that I don't support.

Really simple.

Here ya go dirtbag.....your heroes are admitted communists....I used to shoot communists for a of the best jobs I ever had.

... I dont want to shoot anyone.
But put my back to the wall and I most certainly will without hesitation. ....
Have you ever shot and killed anyone before?

And I hope I never have to.
I was given the "opportunity" to do so legally and I held my fire.
So you don’t know that you “wouldn’t hesitate.”

I know I wouldnt hesitate.
No, you don’t.

Would you be foolish enough to try me ....
It has nothing to do with me. You said you never have, so you can't be sure you wouldn't hesitate. No need for you to feel your balls shrink about it.

There would be no hesitation....
If I find some stranger in my house he's toast.
You don’t know that.
I spent 285 days in the field during the Tet Offensive, don't have a clue what's waiting for you leftist trash if your heroes keep rioting and burning the cities. If Biden stumbles into the WH, it will be all-out war and over before he takes office....capiche?

All-out war when Biden becomes the president. Gotcha.

I guarantee you won't do a single thing when that happens.
Come to red America douche, start tearing up shit, if the cops don't you we will.

View attachment 355546

Have you Transgendered yet?

View attachment 355548

Oh good. You can throw memes at people on the internet. But we both know you won't actually DO anything about this supposed civil war.

What have you done so far? Oh right, nothing.

Conservatives are not stupid, we know that given the CHANCE Leftists will want to kill Conservatives, the below plot in the below film "The Hunt" is NOT a joke, those Leftist POS who wrote and made the film INSIST it's a joke, well Conservatives know better....also Leftists are NOT Elites, Leftists are The Great Unwashed.

View attachment 355887

View attachment 355889

View attachment 355890

A movie offends you. Gotcha.
Are you claiming the Marxists won't try to violently try to take over America? I think they will.

You'll have to be more specific because that depends on how that's defined.

You drama queens think they're violently trying to take over America whenever they change the Starbucks cups.

"You'll have to be more specific because that depends on how that's defined."

Nobody is going to be more specific Clown Shoes, we all were onto your thing last night, you are poking and poking until you can Report something. GTFO already. You are NOT as clever as you THINK you are. Must be that Jungle Juice you swallow is rotting your brains.

You sound agitated. Maybe you shouldn't watch that movie.
Are you claiming the Marxists won't try to violently try to take over America? I think they will.

You'll have to be more specific because that depends on how that's defined.

You drama queens think they're violently trying to take over America whenever they change the Starbucks cups.

"You'll have to be more specific because that depends on how that's defined."

Nobody is going to be more specific Clown Shoes, we all were onto your thing last night, you are poking and poking until you can Report something. GTFO already. You are NOT as clever as you THINK you are. Must be that Jungle Juice you swallow is rotting your brains.

You sound agitated. Maybe you shouldn't watch that movie.
Maybe you shouldn't be such a commie useful idiot.
Maybe you shouldn't be such a commie useful idiot.

Maybe you shouldn't be such a no-action drama queen.
Anything I do, is definitely not for your punkass traitorous POS self, k?
I will defend the foundation America was built on.
I do what I want, boy. You are nowhere on the radar, and God help you if you ever find yourself there.
Aight motherfucker. This is what you've been baiting for: I can go 70-unlimited feet up a tree and go on watch, k?
Yeah, I'm pretty damn healthy. Can scoop 250-lb men off their feet to crack their head on the pavement.
If I want ya, I can gitcha. Bet on that.

You do that. Go climb up a tree and hang out up there.

Make sure you say "Grrr!" while you're up there.


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