Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition

It's always conservatives who start this topic.

They're an easily agitated bunch. Yet they never actually do anything.
I love how bed wetting liberals talk sometimes.

We're the "easily agitated bunch", as long as you ignore how they riot when Ann Coulter speaks at Berkeley University just as an example, there are many other instances when violence and destruction have taken place when public gatherings we have had are met with violent clashes from Queen Antifa's minions.

We're the "easily agitated bunch", as long as you never criticize their meat puppet faggot messiah who presided over 8 years of a stagnant economy, increased islamic jihadi aggression and actual conquest of territory, global malaise of markets, increased racial conflict and strife, a deterioration of our culture and complete corruption of our federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

We're the "easily agitated bunch", as long as you do not resist taking part in shit like gay weddings or believe that men in beards prancing around in a dress shouldn't be in a women's rest room.

We're the "easily agitated bunch", as long as you ignore how we have tolerated the removal of historical monuments, religious symbols, cultural traditions and virtues.

These sniveling pukes ought to be thanking God we believe in Him, otherwise we would have done something decades ago and they would not exist. I do not oppose abortion because we have to have a means to rid ourselves of malignant leftwing genetic garbage.

Yup, you sound very agitated.

They look like the little green army men they sold 20 for a pack.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.

Not worried about internet-tough-guy actors.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.

Not worried about internet-tough-guy actors.
That's fine, you go right ahead and keep throwing shit out into the world, I'm sure none of it will ever come back around to you, and I'm equally sure you're prepared to deal with it if it does, right? ;)

Good luck there, guy, lol.
... I dont want to shoot anyone.
But put my back to the wall and I most certainly will without hesitation. ....
Have you ever shot and killed anyone before?

And I hope I never have to.
I was given the "opportunity" to do so legally and I held my fire.
So you don’t know that you “wouldn’t hesitate.”

I know I wouldnt hesitate.
No, you don’t.

Would you be foolish enough to try me ....
It has nothing to do with me. You said you never have, so you can't be sure you wouldn't hesitate. No need for you to feel your balls shrink about it.
... If they slip through the cracks of the law, they do not escape justice.
Don't screw around or you might up as shark food.
Every year, many people throughout South America are killed by idiot lynch mobs who think they are "exacting justice." In far too many cases, these people turn out not to be guilty after all, or are only even accused of petty crimes.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.

Not worried about internet-tough-guy actors.
That's fine, you go right ahead and keep throwing shit out into the world, I'm sure none of it will ever come back around to you, and I'm equally sure you're prepared to deal with it if it does, right? ;)

Good luck there, guy, lol.

Again not worried about these losers...


Check the date. That was a year ago. He hasn't started shooting anyone and he's had more than enough "excuses" to open fire in his mind.

I could probably find a post like that from a right wing moron from 2009 if I looked hard enough.
I can't wait until the first group of blob supporting vigilantes comes up against professional security staff. It should be fun to watch. Praise god and pass the popcorn.

If the Leftist Maniacs get rid of the police because of Muh BLM DEMANDING no police anymore THEN ALL you will have left to keep order will be armed vigilante groups, I mean SERIOUSLY your better option is to just keep the police.

Who are the professional security staff? You mean feral sub-animals are going to be able to AFFORD professional security staff? ROFLAO.
I can't wait until the first group of blob supporting vigilantes comes up against professional security staff. It should be fun to watch. Praise god and pass the popcorn.

If the Leftist Maniacs get rid of the police because of Muh BLM DEMANDING no police anymore THEN ALL you will have left to keep order will be armed vigilante groups, I mean SERIOUSLY your better option is to just keep the police.

Who are the professional security staff? You mean feral sub-animals are going to be able to AFFORD professional security staff? ROFLAO.

The police and national guard. Feel free to try to administer justice on your own.
I can't wait until the first group of blob supporting vigilantes comes up against professional security staff. It should be fun to watch. Praise god and pass the popcorn.
Professional security staff? Da fuq are you on about?

National Guard

The Leftists are voting to remove the police, that leaves you with the National Guard, now THINK for a moment are they going to support the feral sub-animals IF they go into Suburban and Rural areas of America rioting and looting and burning things down? Who do you think the National Guard will join forces with? The feral sub-animals OR LEGALLY armed American Patriots?

The situation could be that law enforcement would be a combination of National Guard and LEGALLY allowed State Militia working TOGETHER to stop the feral sub-animals.
It'll be a bloodbath.

Sure it will. Then you'll wake up from your little fantasy and come back to reality.

The reality where you're not going to do shit.

So why havent they left the inner cities?
They come here and i'll treat em like any other crook trying to break into my home.
And I'll have ample warning that they are coming,giving me plenty of time to prepare,hell,I might even leave the front door wide open as an invite.
They'll be met with this....
View attachment 355563
View attachment 355564
Oh...thats .400 thick 4140 commercial heat treated steel.
With any luck they'll stack up at the door and I can get three in one shot.

You're just fantasizing about going Pew Pew Pew.

You're not actually going to do anything.

You're kinda strange.
Would you allow a criminals to waltz right into your home and do whatever they want?
You sound like the soi boy at Macy's...

How many criminals have waltzed right into your home and tried to do whatever they want?

You're just fantasizing about your opportunity to go Pew Pew Pew. But you're not actually going to do anything.

I'm not the one fantasizing about killing people, weirdo.

Actually I stopped a home invasion in the 90's with an 870 shorty.
And I didnt shoot a one of em even though I was within my rights to do so.
The comedy value was fantastic though!!
All four of the S. American/mehican shitheads tried to get off my porch at the same time!!! They fell all over themselves and through the shrubs to get back to their supposedly broke down Chevy Cutlass.
They didnt even bother to shut the hood and bounced off several curbs during their escape.
It was another I couldnt have shot em if I wanted to situations I was laughing so hard!!

So you talk big but you don't actually do anything. Sounds like exactly what I've been saying this whole time.

You obviously have reading comprehension problems if you think HWGA doesn't do anything, you call stopping a home invasion with an 870 "doing nothing" If you would have been faced with that situation you probably would have wet your panties.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.

Not worried about internet-tough-guy actors.
That's fine, you go right ahead and keep throwing shit out into the world, I'm sure none of it will ever come back around to you, and I'm equally sure you're prepared to deal with it if it does, right? ;)

Good luck there, guy, lol.

Again not worried about these losers...

View attachment 355719

Check the date. That was a year ago. He hasn't started shooting anyone and he's had more than enough "excuses" to open fire in his mind.

I could probably find a post like that from a right wing moron from 2009 if I looked hard enough.
Okay, I don't care.

If I turn out to be completely wrong, then nothing happens to me.

If you turn out to be wrong, you get shot, strung up, bled out and gutted, and all probably on your front lawn while your house is burning down.

So it don't matter to me either way, lol.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.

Not worried about internet-tough-guy actors.
That's fine, you go right ahead and keep throwing shit out into the world, I'm sure none of it will ever come back around to you, and I'm equally sure you're prepared to deal with it if it does, right? ;)

Good luck there, guy, lol.

Again not worried about these losers...

View attachment 355719

Check the date. That was a year ago. He hasn't started shooting anyone and he's had more than enough "excuses" to open fire in his mind.

I could probably find a post like that from a right wing moron from 2009 if I looked hard enough.
Okay, I don't care.

If I turn out to be completely wrong, then nothing happens to me.

If you turn out to be wrong, you get shot, strung up, bled out and gutted, and all probably on your front lawn while your house is burning down.

So it don't matter to me either way, lol.

Nothing funnier than someone going out of their way to tell me how unconcerned they are
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.

Not worried about internet-tough-guy actors.
That's fine, you go right ahead and keep throwing shit out into the world, I'm sure none of it will ever come back around to you, and I'm equally sure you're prepared to deal with it if it does, right? ;)

Good luck there, guy, lol.

Again not worried about these losers...

View attachment 355719

Check the date. That was a year ago. He hasn't started shooting anyone and he's had more than enough "excuses" to open fire in his mind.

I could probably find a post like that from a right wing moron from 2009 if I looked hard enough.
Okay, I don't care.

If I turn out to be completely wrong, then nothing happens to me.

If you turn out to be wrong, you get shot, strung up, bled out and gutted, and all probably on your front lawn while your house is burning down.

So it don't matter to me either way, lol.

Nothing funnier than someone going out of their way to tell me how unconcerned they are
I was just thinking the exact same thing about you, lol.

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