Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition

I am quite concerned with what's going on in the country.
This is a long way from collecting up soda bottles on Saturday morning people put out for me when I was a kid.
Every business owner who has his property stolen or destroyed, every worker who has to wade through piles of rubble to get to his job, every commuter whose bus or train is delayed by protests, every person who sees their city's infrastructure being ripped apart by thugs ... every one of those is another vote to re-elect President Trump,

I'm not inclined to stop them at all. If anything, I should be sending them money.

The vast majority see Trump as the problem, not the solution.
Then that "vast majority" you are lying about are stupid.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.

Not worried about internet-tough-guy actors.
That's fine, you go right ahead and keep throwing shit out into the world, I'm sure none of it will ever come back around to you, and I'm equally sure you're prepared to deal with it if it does, right? ;)

Good luck there, guy, lol.

Again not worried about these losers...

View attachment 355719

Check the date. That was a year ago. He hasn't started shooting anyone and he's had more than enough "excuses" to open fire in his mind.

I could probably find a post like that from a right wing moron from 2009 if I looked hard enough.
Okay, I don't care.

If I turn out to be completely wrong, then nothing happens to me.

If you turn out to be wrong, you get shot, strung up, bled out and gutted, and all probably on your front lawn while your house is burning down.

So it don't matter to me either way, lol.

Nothing funnier than someone going out of their way to tell me how unconcerned they are
I was just thinking the exact same thing about you, lol.
Yet you’re the one following me around.
candycorn and Bruce Daniels I have a couple questions for the 2 of you; do you guys hunt?

Have you ever been hog hunting, or even deer?
Folks around here hide up in trees in the cold to kill deer in all sorts of shitty weather.
And as for hogs, people shoot them with rifles, muzzleloaders, bows, they trap them, and they even run them to ground with dogs and then kill them with spears or just with knives. Just go right up and stab them, get blood all over themselves most of the time.

Reason I ask is, a lot of the guys you're mocking do, and in my experience (which is vast on the topic of violence) it's generally a bad idea to go around mocking and fucking with people who like to kill shit for a hobby. Guys who will endure all sorts of uncomfortable shit just for the chance to put a bullet, or a broadhead, or a blade into something that bleeds, just for the fun of it, are just not the kind of folks you want to get pissed off enough to start thinking of how they would go about hunting you.

But you go on and do whatever you want, guys.

Wow...a threat from someone on a message board....that almost never happens...LOL

This is Trump's America...if you don't like something...threaten to kill it. And in case you didn't understand the post, yes, I was mocking you.
No, don't lie now.... that was not a threat.

That was me making sure you know what kind of bear you're poking.

People do all sorts of stupid shit because they don't think things through, and I just wanted to make sure you considered all the factors involved.

Now, that being said, if you want to keep on doing what you're doing, you go right ahead.... I'll be over here eating popcorn and watching the shit-show.

Not worried about internet-tough-guy actors.
That's fine, you go right ahead and keep throwing shit out into the world, I'm sure none of it will ever come back around to you, and I'm equally sure you're prepared to deal with it if it does, right? ;)

Good luck there, guy, lol.

Again not worried about these losers...

View attachment 355719

Check the date. That was a year ago. He hasn't started shooting anyone and he's had more than enough "excuses" to open fire in his mind.

I could probably find a post like that from a right wing moron from 2009 if I looked hard enough.
Okay, I don't care.

If I turn out to be completely wrong, then nothing happens to me.

If you turn out to be wrong, you get shot, strung up, bled out and gutted, and all probably on your front lawn while your house is burning down.

So it don't matter to me either way, lol.

Nothing funnier than someone going out of their way to tell me how unconcerned they are
I was just thinking the exact same thing about you, lol.
Yet you’re the one following me around.
No, I was the one who asked you a question that you still haven't answered. Instead, you tried to pretend I threatened you, and then, no matter how many times I said I don't care and for you to go ahead on, you kept coming back to tell me how completely unconcerned you were.

Do you really not see what you're doing here or are you just dishonest?
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?


Hopefully they will all show up and vote out Republicans this November.

Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden.

Specifically, he said:

“...riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I'm still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve.”
Lest you think this is to deny the reality of brutal injustice that often feeds such a response, he finished these remarks with a bit of prescience:

“And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again.”
You'll be thrilled when they confiscate your stocks and bank accounts to pay for reparations.
They won't take from my bank account. It'll be just like the stimulus we all got only you and I won't get anything. Only black people will. And no Ben Carson won't get a dime. He makes too much. Only blacks who make under 6 figures get reparations.

They only make up like 10% of our population. If we could send everyone a check because of corona that's proof we could easily pay blacks the reparations we owe them.
I'm glad the families who sold them will pay them.
We are the ancestors of the families that sold them. Or you could be like me where my parents came from Greece so they played no part in slavery but we also benefitted from white privilege and my brother is a vp making over $500k a year. Just one generation my dad a cook has a son who applied himself and he can become a vp?

Who benefitted most from affirmative action? Women. Back in the day we said the same thing about women but today so many more women in positions of power. Still under represented but the fact is you were wrong about women and you’re wrong about blacks. Youdon’t even acknowledge your bias. Thank god most fortune 500s are dealing with diversity issues. You don’t need to agree as losg as they do

and I’m a white male so I’m about as fair andbalanced as you’llfind.
Oh good. You can throw memes at people on the internet. But we both know you won't actually DO anything about this supposed civil war.

What have you done so far? Oh right, nothing.

You seem confused or maybe drunk so let me remind you of this.....So far the thug trash has lit up their own neighborhoods....if/when they come into ours, you'll be slurring a different tune. Gun sales are at an all time high for personal and property protection. Neighbors in our world look out for neighbors....we know the alleys,, the cul de sacs, where the shadows are....come and see what happens....until then STFU.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?


Hopefully they will all show up and vote out Republicans this November.

Some have taken to quoting MLK on riots as the "the language of the unheard," of the oppressed and downtrodden.

Specifically, he said:

“...riots are socially destructive and self-defeating. I'm still convinced that nonviolence is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice. I feel that violence will only create more social problems than they will solve.”
Lest you think this is to deny the reality of brutal injustice that often feeds such a response, he finished these remarks with a bit of prescience:

“And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again.”
You'll be thrilled when they confiscate your stocks and bank accounts to pay for reparations.
They won't take from my bank account. It'll be just like the stimulus we all got only you and I won't get anything. Only black people will. And no Ben Carson won't get a dime. He makes too much. Only blacks who make under 6 figures get reparations.

They only make up like 10% of our population. If we could send everyone a check because of corona that's proof we could easily pay blacks the reparations we owe them.

"We" owe blacks nothing. However, if it aids you in skewering yourself on your own sword of white guilt let Congress mail a shovel to every black American who feels they are owed something so they can then proceed to dig up all our slave owning ancestors and pillage their graves for whatever loot they can steal off those dusty corpses. While they're doing that, we will over watch those burial grounds and rightly protect our ancestor's graves with lethal force. A few grains of lead in reparations could go very far.
50 years of inter-generational welfare didn't cover the cost of being deprived of being murdered in an inter-tribal war?
I can see both sides of this but ultimately if there were economic opportunities for these people then we could lower the number of people who need welfare. Trust me a kid growing up on welfare would rather find a good paying job when he turns 18 so he can get the fuck off welfare
I thought we were already in a civil war? That's what the OP said.

Let me know when you right-wing nut jobs decide to do something about it. Because you and I both know that you're not going to do a single thing about it.

You're a one-string banjo, boy. Try to concentrate for a moment....we couldn't care less if they trash their own neighborhoods.....our taxes won't rebuild them...nobody they can live in their own ruins...who cares? In Detroit, in '67, rackets boss Anthony Giacalone put the world out to the Panthers that if they crossed 8 Mile Rd they'd wish they hadn't..and they didn't....Tony Jacks had 200 soldiers ready to splatter some Panthers. Again....come on out to the burbs....if they don't, they don't....if they do, they'd die by the it?
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?

Unless the NG or police step up, it will happen..everybody I run into is chomping at the bit.
Everyone in that pic could be put down within 30 seconds with 5 men.
So, your solution is to commit worse crimes than the rioters? (By that, I mean murder.)
How is it a crime to put down law-breaking violent rioting pieces of shit? Defending one's self is not murder. They would kill if given opportunity.
You did not seem to be talking about self-defense. You seem to be advocating vigilanteism and murder. Am I wrong?
Indeed you are. Sorry, (not sorry) I grew up in a community where a certain committee kept the neighborhood safe from criminals that slipped through the cracks of the American justice system. They might have hurt 1 member of the neighborhood, or maybe 2, but after that the bad ones are gone. Shark food. They're all dead now is the only reason I'm telling you this. There's no one to prosecute, they're all dead. I think it was a good thing, because the law fails at times.
So, I'm guessing that the "certain committee" in your community was the Ku Klux Klan. Right?
Does the KKK allows blacks and Latins? No. So no. No, these were just older dudes from the neighborhood.
Actually I think the leader was black.
Vigilantes are vigilantes. Their ideology (or lack of one) doesn't really make any difference. When people take the law into their own hands, eventually you get lynchings.
The cops and the courts get their authority from the people; we delegate it to them. We can't give authority to do something to someone else, unless we already possess the authority to do it ourselves.
Wrong. We set up police and courts to (we hope) impartially mete out justice because without legal protections, innocent people may be imprisoned or even killed, due to personal animus. That's the whole point of our justice system.
No, not wrong. You either have that authority or you don't. If you don't have it, then how and where and from who, do the courts get their's?

"innocent people may be imprisoned or even killed,"; No shit...... ain't that what's happening right now, with the current system?
And ain't that the alleged reason BLM even exists?
The "people" created our Justice system, so yeah, in that sense, the power of the courts derives from the people. But it doesn't follow that we have the right to take over that system any time we want. And yes, innocent people get imprisoned and even executed in the U.S. The Justice system is imperfect. But the solution isn't to throw out the whole thing. We have to make it better.
The oligarchy don't want to change it; it's working great from where they're sitting. If it was working correctly, Hillary Clinton would be doing time.
People with power don't give it up without a fight, so if you want anything at all to change, you better be ready to hang some folks from lampposts. And if you don't want their minions rioting and burning your neighborhood down in the meantime, you better be ready to kneecap some folks in a crowd with 22lr, or start popping skulls with a centerfire if that don't convince them to quit.

Sometimes you renovate a building and sometimes you tear it all the way down and start over.
What was Hillary guilty of, by the way? And correct me if I'm wrong, but: Trump is President, and William Barr is his toady, so why haven't they arrested her?

You sure are naive.
You're not answering my question. Why hasn't anyone arrested Hillary, if she's so guilty of so many crimes? sure are naive.
They covered for her thinking she was going to be the next president.
That cover is now patient.
Does it matter? You'll disagree regardless because it goes against your feelings.

No numbers. No data. Just feelings.

Hey's some "data" for ya. Gun sales at an all time high. Pretty much every house in the Whiteville has at least one firearm....most are semi-auto 9mm and .556 Nato rifles. Ever seen what either weapon will do to a shirtless drunk ass clown covered in tattoos? Of course you haven''re a weakling leftist internet troll thread jacking an OP that scared the wee-wee outta ya and now you're whistling (off-key) past the graveyard hoping a stray round doesn't find your scrawny ass. BLM is turning on Antifa....nobody said this Civil War was going to be difficult to win. We're waiting for the other side....what's taking them so long to come after us crackers?
... I dont want to shoot anyone.
But put my back to the wall and I most certainly will without hesitation. ....
Have you ever shot and killed anyone before?

And I hope I never have to.
I was given the "opportunity" to do so legally and I held my fire.
So you don’t know that you “wouldn’t hesitate.”

I know I wouldnt hesitate.
No, you don’t.

Would you be foolish enough to try me ....
It has nothing to do with me. You said you never have, so you can't be sure you wouldn't hesitate. No need for you to feel your balls shrink about it.

There would be no hesitation....
If I find some stranger in my house he's toast.
Every business owner who has his property stolen or destroyed, every worker who has to wade through piles of rubble to get to his job, every commuter whose bus or train is delayed by protests, every person who sees their city's infrastructure being ripped apart by thugs ... every one of those is another vote to re-elect President Trump,

I'm not inclined to stop them at all. If anything, I should be sending them money.

The vast majority see Trump as the problem, not the solution.
The folks you're supporting are, though. They fantasize about killing every single person who won't submit to them, and only a fool would believe any different.

I don't support people who fantasize about killing people.
You just said you supported BLM, you stupid fuck! "What do they want? Dead Cops! When do they want it? Now!"

Are cops not people? Last I checked they were.

So you do support people who fantasize about killing people. You fucking braindead leftist retard!
America will not fall to this Marxist-sponsored insurrection. (or I'll die)

Either way it won't matter to me. I don't want to live in a commie America. Hopefully I can get out b4 they take full control if that ever happens. Fuck it! My boots are planted right here! Come get some, commie fucktards!
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Oh good. You can throw memes at people on the internet. But we both know you won't actually DO anything about this supposed civil war.

What have you done so far? Oh right, nothing.

You seem confused or maybe drunk so let me remind you of this.....So far the thug trash has lit up their own neighborhoods....if/when they come into ours, you'll be slurring a different tune. Gun sales are at an all time high for personal and property protection. Neighbors in our world look out for neighbors....we know the alleys,, the cul de sacs, where the shadows are....come and see what happens....until then STFU.

So what have you done so far in the great civil war of 2020? Nothing.

STFU and take your meds. You're over-reacting and you don't have the balls to actually do anything.
The folks you're supporting are, though. They fantasize about killing every single person who won't submit to them, and only a fool would believe any different.

I don't support people who fantasize about killing people.
You just said you supported BLM, you stupid fuck! "What do they want? Dead Cops! When do they want it? Now!"

Are cops not people? Last I checked they were.

So you do support people who fantasize about killing people. You fucking braindead leftist retard!

Already responded to that, teddy bear.

That story wasn't associated with BLM. And even if it was, it was an isolated incident, and an incident that I don't support.

Really simple.
Does it matter? You'll disagree regardless because it goes against your feelings.

No numbers. No data. Just feelings.

Hey's some "data" for ya. Gun sales at an all time high. Pretty much every house in the Whiteville has at least one firearm....most are semi-auto 9mm and .556 Nato rifles. Ever seen what either weapon will do to a shirtless drunk ass clown covered in tattoos? Of course you haven''re a weakling leftist internet troll thread jacking an OP that scared the wee-wee outta ya and now you're whistling (off-key) past the graveyard hoping a stray round doesn't find your scrawny ass. BLM is turning on Antifa....nobody said this Civil War was going to be difficult to win. We're waiting for the other side....what's taking them so long to come after us crackers?

Gun sales have been increasing since people started getting worried about covid-19.

What does that have to do with people supporting BLM? Nothing.

Are we just throwing random facts at each other that have nothing to do with each other? That's neat.
I thought we were already in a civil war? That's what the OP said.

Let me know when you right-wing nut jobs decide to do something about it. Because you and I both know that you're not going to do a single thing about it.

You're a one-string banjo, boy. Try to concentrate for a moment....we couldn't care less if they trash their own neighborhoods.....our taxes won't rebuild them...nobody they can live in their own ruins...who cares? In Detroit, in '67, rackets boss Anthony Giacalone put the world out to the Panthers that if they crossed 8 Mile Rd they'd wish they hadn't..and they didn't....Tony Jacks had 200 soldiers ready to splatter some Panthers. Again....come on out to the burbs....if they don't, they don't....if they do, they'd die by the it?

So you've done nothing in the civil war of 2020.

Ok got it. Thanks.
The folks you're supporting are, though. They fantasize about killing every single person who won't submit to them, and only a fool would believe any different.

I don't support people who fantasize about killing people.
You just said you supported BLM, you stupid fuck! "What do they want? Dead Cops! When do they want it? Now!"

Are cops not people? Last I checked they were.

So you do support people who fantasize about killing people. You fucking braindead leftist retard!

Already responded to that, teddy bear.

That story wasn't associated with BLM. And even if it was, it was an isolated incident, and an incident that I don't support.

Really simple.
That WAS BLM, liar!

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