Pray For The Children! Drag Queens/Pedophiles To Visit Primary Schools In Bid To End Intolerance

This is so wrong on all fronts and we must oppose this dastardly deed these child predators are attempting to do. It's degeneracy! It's evil as these disciples of Satan attempt to corrupt the minds of innocent children through indoctrination at a very young age. As a man of faith and moral conscious, I encourage you to help protect these children from these homosexuals/pedophiles by calling the school boards to protest against them being near children due to their mentally unstable nature. You'll be doing it for the love of God and you'll be doing it out of love for the children. God bless!

Oh so in other words brainwash them.
This is so wrong on all fronts and we must oppose this dastardly deed these child predators are attempting to do. It's degeneracy! It's evil as these disciples of Satan attempt to corrupt the minds of innocent children through indoctrination at a very young age. As a man of faith and moral conscious, I encourage you to help protect these children from these homosexuals/pedophiles by calling the school boards to protest against them being near children due to their mentally unstable nature. You'll be doing it for the love of God and you'll be doing it out of love for the children. God bless!

Oh so in other words brainwash them.
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.

These mentally ill freaks should NOT be ANYWHERE near children. It hopefully soon will be a criminal offence for these perverts to go anywhere near children to push their twisted propaganda and abuse of children.

No such thing as Gender Fluid, there are two Genders Male and Female and that is all.
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.

It's one thing that there are grown-ups, old enough to take responsibility for themselves, who choose to wallow in this filth.

To drag children into this filth is another thing entirely. These perverts, and any who defend them, belong in prison for a very long time, and if ever set loose, need to be designated as dangerous sexual offenders.

Of course, it does not surprise me in the least to see you defending this filth. It's entirely within the expected parameters of the sort of immoral, insane character that you have shown yourself to have.

In any event, ScienceRocks, anyone can see that you speak with a forked tongue. There are plenty of posts to be found from you condemning the sexual abuse of children; and plenty of others, such as here, where you openly defend and advocate the sexual abuse of children.
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Who are the perpetrators of child sexual abuse? FACT: Those who molest children look and act just like everyone else. There are people who have or will sexually abuse children in churches, schools and youth sports leagues. Abusers can be neighbors, friends and family members. People who sexually abuse children can be found in families, schools, churches, recreation centers, youth sports leagues, and any other place children gather. Significantly, abusers can be and often are other children. • About 90% of children who are victims of sexual abuse know their abuser.12,13 Only 10% of sexually abused children are abused by a stranger.12 • Approximately 30% of children who are sexually abused are abused by family members.12,13 • The younger the victim, the more likely it is that the abuser is a family member. Of those molesting a child under six, 50% were family members. Family members also accounted for 23% of those abusing children ages 12 to 17.9 • About 60% of children who are sexually abused are abused by people the family trusts.12,13 • Homosexual individuals are no more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual individuals.1

Found another link but you all don't want to see it, has to deal with someone who is always talking and putting down gays. Go figure, says most likely they are latent homosexuals.
Found another link but you all don't want to see it, has to deal with someone who is always talking and putting down gays. Go figure, says most likely they are latent homosexuals.

This is always funny to see, a constant reminder of just how f•••-ed LIbErals are in their heads.

With one tip of your forked tongue, you'll defend the vilest of immoral sexual perversions, denying that there is anything wrong with them or with those who engage in them, and claim that anyone who disagrees must be “hateful” and “bigoted” to do so. And then with the other tip of your forked tongue, you will attempt to insult and shame those of us who see these sick perversions for what they are, by suggesting that we harbor these same perversions.

This is what George Orwell called “doublethink”.
Yep, women and people that want to be women are a bunch of sexual predators. I'll admit there's quite a few heterosexual women that rape their students so,

Why do you pick out trans people? Oh'yesss, your god tells you to be a piece of shit to people.
This is so wrong on all fronts and we must oppose this dastardly deed these child predators are attempting to do. It's degeneracy! It's evil as these disciples of Satan attempt to corrupt the minds of innocent children through indoctrination at a very young age. As a man of faith and moral conscious, I encourage you to help protect these children from these homosexuals/pedophiles by calling the school boards to protest against them being near children due to their mentally unstable nature. You'll be doing it for the love of God and you'll be doing it out of love for the children. God bless!
I personally think it's clearly time children learn from home. Let's face it, Skype classrooms are coming at some point. It only makes sense. This would cut taxes because no brick and mortar schools would have to be built and maintained, it would save on trees used to print school books, less teachers needed, no school cafeteria staff needed. No terrorists or pedophiles hanging around school yards. No teaching of Islam in the classroom which the liberals are desperately trying to implement nor would they be teaching their ridiculous liberal Marxist ideology. No transportation costs etc. Homework assignments could be faxed in. The benefits of homeschooling would far outweigh the benefits of attending school.

If people can't be home to oversee their child taking their classes online, then possibly areas or rooms can be set up at the parents work place where they can do this or they can get with other parents and take turns. Or possibly libraries and or day cares could be used.
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Found another link but you all don't want to see it, has to deal with someone who is always talking and putting down gays. Go figure, says most likely they are latent homosexuals.

This is always funny to see, a constant reminder of just how f•••-ed LIbErals are in their heads.

With one tip of your forked tongue, you'll defend the vilest of immoral sexual perversions, denying that there is anything wrong with them or with those who engage in them, and claim that anyone who disagrees must be “hateful” and “bigoted” to do so. And then with the other tip of your forked tongue, you will attempt to insult and shame those of us who see these sick perversions for what they are, by suggesting that we harbor these same perversions.

This is what George Orwell called “doublethink”.

I was not defending anything, just giving you a link and stating a fact by some psychologists. I personally wouldn't let drag queens speak at a school for small children. But each to his own. Who am I to tall someone how to live their lifes?

Oh I do notice one thing about your far out there righties, if someone does not agree with you they are automatically a liberal.
Found another link but you all don't want to see it, has to deal with someone who is always talking and putting down gays. Go figure, says most likely they are latent homosexuals.

This is always funny to see, a constant reminder of just how f•••-ed LIbErals are in their heads.

With one tip of your forked tongue, you'll defend the vilest of immoral sexual perversions, denying that there is anything wrong with them or with those who engage in them, and claim that anyone who disagrees must be “hateful” and “bigoted” to do so. And then with the other tip of your forked tongue, you will attempt to insult and shame those of us who see these sick perversions for what they are, by suggesting that we harbor these same perversions.

This is what George Orwell called “doublethink”.

I was not defending anything, just giving you a link and stating a fact by some psychologists. I personally wouldn't let drag queens speak at a school for small children. But each to his own. Who am I to tall someone how to live their lifes?

Oh I do notice one thing about your far out there righties, if someone does not agree with you they are automatically a liberal.

Wait a minute,you're not?
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.
a gender fluid person? either have a dick or a pussy matthew.....if you are gay or bi just say so.....
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.
a gender fluid person? either have a dick or a pussy matthew.....if you are gay or bi just say so.....

I think Matthews ideal gender would be hermaphrodite.
Found another link but you all don't want to see it, has to deal with someone who is always talking and putting down gays. Go figure, says most likely they are latent homosexuals.

This is always funny to see, a constant reminder of just how f•••-ed LIbErals are in their heads.

With one tip of your forked tongue, you'll defend the vilest of immoral sexual perversions, denying that there is anything wrong with them or with those who engage in them, and claim that anyone who disagrees must be “hateful” and “bigoted” to do so. And then with the other tip of your forked tongue, you will attempt to insult and shame those of us who see these sick perversions for what they are, by suggesting that we harbor these same perversions.

This is what George Orwell called “doublethink”.

I was not defending anything, just giving you a link and stating a fact by some psychologists. I personally wouldn't let drag queens speak at a school for small children. But each to his own. Who am I to tall someone how to live their lifes?

Oh I do notice one thing about your far out there righties, if someone does not agree with you they are automatically a liberal.

Wait a minute,you're not?

Nope, just can think for myself.
Found another link but you all don't want to see it, has to deal with someone who is always talking and putting down gays. Go figure, says most likely they are latent homosexuals.

This is always funny to see, a constant reminder of just how f•••-ed LIbErals are in their heads.

With one tip of your forked tongue, you'll defend the vilest of immoral sexual perversions, denying that there is anything wrong with them or with those who engage in them, and claim that anyone who disagrees must be “hateful” and “bigoted” to do so. And then with the other tip of your forked tongue, you will attempt to insult and shame those of us who see these sick perversions for what they are, by suggesting that we harbor these same perversions.

This is what George Orwell called “doublethink”.

I was not defending anything, just giving you a link and stating a fact by some psychologists. I personally wouldn't let drag queens speak at a school for small children. But each to his own. Who am I to tall someone how to live their lifes?

Oh I do notice one thing about your far out there righties, if someone does not agree with you they are automatically a liberal.

Wait a minute,you're not?

Nope, just can think for myself.

That would be liberal alright....
Yep, women and people that want to be women are a bunch of sexual predators. I'll admit there's quite a few heterosexual women that rape their students so,

Why do you pick out trans people? Oh'yesss, your god tells you to be a piece of shit to people.
women and people that want to be women
are called....women....
Found another link but you all don't want to see it, has to deal with someone who is always talking and putting down gays. Go figure, says most likely they are latent homosexuals.

This is always funny to see, a constant reminder of just how f•••-ed LIbErals are in their heads.

With one tip of your forked tongue, you'll defend the vilest of immoral sexual perversions, denying that there is anything wrong with them or with those who engage in them, and claim that anyone who disagrees must be “hateful” and “bigoted” to do so. And then with the other tip of your forked tongue, you will attempt to insult and shame those of us who see these sick perversions for what they are, by suggesting that we harbor these same perversions.

This is what George Orwell called “doublethink”.

I was not defending anything, just giving you a link and stating a fact by some psychologists. I personally wouldn't let drag queens speak at a school for small children. But each to his own. Who am I to tall someone how to live their lifes?

Oh I do notice one thing about your far out there righties, if someone does not agree with you they are automatically a liberal.
and if you disagree with a far lefty you are automatically a righty....
Found another link but you all don't want to see it, has to deal with someone who is always talking and putting down gays. Go figure, says most likely they are latent homosexuals.

This is always funny to see, a constant reminder of just how f•••-ed LIbErals are in their heads.

With one tip of your forked tongue, you'll defend the vilest of immoral sexual perversions, denying that there is anything wrong with them or with those who engage in them, and claim that anyone who disagrees must be “hateful” and “bigoted” to do so. And then with the other tip of your forked tongue, you will attempt to insult and shame those of us who see these sick perversions for what they are, by suggesting that we harbor these same perversions.

This is what George Orwell called “doublethink”.

I was not defending anything, just giving you a link and stating a fact by some psychologists. I personally wouldn't let drag queens speak at a school for small children. But each to his own. Who am I to tall someone how to live their lifes?

Oh I do notice one thing about your far out there righties, if someone does not agree with you they are automatically a liberal.

Wait a minute,you're not?

Nope, just can think for myself.

That would be liberal alright....

Oh so someone who doesn't go along with a crowd is a liberal? I used to be a republican until last year and re registered as independent.

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