Pray For The Children! Drag Queens/Pedophiles To Visit Primary Schools In Bid To End Intolerance

As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.
a gender fluid person? either have a dick or a pussy matthew.....if you are gay or bi just say so.....

I think Matthews ideal gender would be hermaphrodite.
well they call that the best of both worlds.....
This is always funny to see, a constant reminder of just how f•••-ed LIbErals are in their heads.

With one tip of your forked tongue, you'll defend the vilest of immoral sexual perversions, denying that there is anything wrong with them or with those who engage in them, and claim that anyone who disagrees must be “hateful” and “bigoted” to do so. And then with the other tip of your forked tongue, you will attempt to insult and shame those of us who see these sick perversions for what they are, by suggesting that we harbor these same perversions.

This is what George Orwell called “doublethink”.

I was not defending anything, just giving you a link and stating a fact by some psychologists. I personally wouldn't let drag queens speak at a school for small children. But each to his own. Who am I to tall someone how to live their lifes?

Oh I do notice one thing about your far out there righties, if someone does not agree with you they are automatically a liberal.

Wait a minute,you're not?

Nope, just can think for myself.

That would be liberal alright....

Oh so someone who doesn't go along with a crowd is a liberal? I used to be a republican until last year and re registered as independent.

At least you corrected your mistake in the end.
The perverts don't have a prayer of getting into our children's school
the priests are already teaching them

Based on history I say a priest is far more likely to abuse a child. Fucking keep our children out of church!!!

Sorry fruitloop our children are our children, not yours. The Dept of Education study reveals educators sexually abuse children at a rate much higher than clergy.

This is another topic you are woefully uninformed on
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.
a gender fluid person? either have a dick or a pussy matthew.....if you are gay or bi just say so.....

I think Matthews ideal gender would be hermaphrodite.
well they call that the best of both worlds.....
I was driving through Arkansas when I stopped at country gas station. While I was filling up I went to the restroom and when I walked in I was shocked! There were three guys in there, one leaning against the wall with his pants down, the second with his pants down buggering the guy leaning against the wall, and the third one buggering the second guy! I ran out and went in the office and told the manager that he better go take care of the stuff in the mens room. I told him what I had seen and he asked me if the guy in the middle had on a red ball cap and a green jacket. I said yeah he did, so what? He said that's just matthew, he's lucky at cards too!
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.
a gender fluid person? either have a dick or a pussy matthew.....if you are gay or bi just say so.....

I think Matthews ideal gender would be hermaphrodite.
well they call that the best of both worlds.....
I was driving through Arkansas when I stopped at country gas station. While I was filling up I went to the restroom and when I walked in I was shocked! There were three guys in there, one leaning against the wall with his pants down, the second with his pants down buggering the guy leaning against the wall, and the third one buggering the second guy! I ran out and went in the office and told the manager that he better go take care of the stuff in the mens room. I told him what I had seen and he asked me if the guy in the middle had on a red ball cap and a green jacket. I said yeah he did, so what? He said that's just matthew, he's lucky at cards too!
ill be damned.....fucking matthew...
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.
a gender fluid person? either have a dick or a pussy matthew.....if you are gay or bi just say so.....

I think Matthews ideal gender would be hermaphrodite.
well they call that the best of both worlds.....
I was driving through Arkansas when I stopped at country gas station. While I was filling up I went to the restroom and when I walked in I was shocked! There were three guys in there, one leaning against the wall with his pants down, the second with his pants down buggering the guy leaning against the wall, and the third one buggering the second guy! I ran out and went in the office and told the manager that he better go take care of the stuff in the mens room. I told him what I had seen and he asked me if the guy in the middle had on a red ball cap and a green jacket. I said yeah he did, so what? He said that's just matthew, he's lucky at cards too!

You're a Sick Fuck!!!!

And it's hilarious....
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.

What do you mean.....fluid this....fluid that...fluid person......never understood the meaning of fluid when used in that context ...

I like clear language! :biggrin: :2up:

As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.

It's one thing that there are grown-ups, old enough to take responsibility for themselves, who choose to wallow in this filth.

To drag children into this filth is another thing entirely. These perverts, and any who defend them, belong in prison for a very long time, and if ever set loose, need to be designated as dangerous sexual offenders.

Of course, it does not surprise me in the least to see you defending this filth. It's entirely within the expected parameters of the sort of immoral, insane character that you have shown yourself to have.

In any event, ScienceRocks, anyone can see that you speak with a forked tongue. There are plenty of posts to be found from you condemning the sexual abuse of children; and plenty of others, such as here, where you openly defend and advocate the sexual abuse of children.

ALL parents need to keep children away from these mentally ill perverts, they are evil and any school who allows them in to push their evil Agenda should be placed under immediate investigation, I would actually have all the teaching staff arrested.

Childrens minds have not yet fully developed, as such they are very impressionable and susceptible to Propaganda and the Cultural Marxists know this.

ALL parents should send their children to private schools, if they cannot afford to send them to private schools, then home school them. Children should not be sent to any school that has ANY involvement with Teaching Unions which are full of Cultural Marxists pushing Socially Destructive Agendas including an Anti-Nuclear Family Agenda.

Children are NOT sent to school to learn about sucking dick, butt fucking, carpet munching and that boys can have periods and vaginas and girls can have a penis.
The perverts don't have a prayer of getting into our children's school
the priests are already teaching them

Based on history I say a priest is far more likely to abuse a child. Fucking keep our children out of church!!!

Sorry fruitloop our children are our children, not yours. The Dept of Education study reveals educators sexually abuse children at a rate much higher than clergy.

This is another topic you are woefully uninformed on

No Homo male or female should be allowed ANYWHERE NEAR children UNSUPERVISED and they should NOT be able to adopt children.
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.
a gender fluid person? either have a dick or a pussy matthew.....if you are gay or bi just say so.....

I think Matthews ideal gender would be hermaphrodite.
well they call that the best of both worlds.....
I was driving through Arkansas when I stopped at country gas station. While I was filling up I went to the restroom and when I walked in I was shocked! There were three guys in there, one leaning against the wall with his pants down, the second with his pants down buggering the guy leaning against the wall, and the third one buggering the second guy! I ran out and went in the office and told the manager that he better go take care of the stuff in the mens room. I told him what I had seen and he asked me if the guy in the middle had on a red ball cap and a green jacket. I said yeah he did, so what? He said that's just matthew, he's lucky at cards too!

You are a twisted fucker and I volunteer to be:


People are mentioning homosexual qu33rs of the Catholic religion, and sure that is an insane cult with insane folks working as priests. But keep in mind Jewish folks occupy most key parts of public schools. The best thing is not subject children to public schools nowadays.
People are mentioning homosexual qu33rs of the Catholic religion, and sure that is an insane cult with insane folks working as priests. But keep in mind Jewish folks occupy most key parts of public schools. The best thing is not subject children to public schools nowadays.
Well, I must ask, are there any homosexuals that are not qu33rs? ;)
Based on history I say a priest is far more likely to abuse a child. F•••ing keep our children out of church!!!
You say you hate religion so you have no credibility when it comes to priests.

As with sexual abuse of children, that is a topic with which he frequently speaks with a forked tongue, saying whatever best suits his agenda at that moment without any regard to whether it is consistent with what he's said about it at another time.
It's ironic since homophiles are intolerant of gender. They want people, including little kids, to believe gender is irrelevant. Once you are confused about basic biology the left can get you to believe anything.
It's ironic since homophiles are intolerant of gender. They want people, including little kids, to believe gender is irrelevant. Once you are confused about basic biology the left can get you to believe anything.

It's dangerous, best to keep them and anyone supporting the shit away from children
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.

What you refer to as "good people" is really mentally ill nutjobs. :cuckoo:

What you refer to as "to educate children" is really about desensitizing and brainwashing children into accepting their fucked up lifestyle as being normal. :cuckoo:

Simply put, children should not be subjected to any of that. Period.
As a gender fluid person I find this really sicking that you'd attack good people for wanting to educate children.

So you think women and people that want to be women are a threat to our children? I think children would be better off without all this violent mucho crap personally.

What you refer to as "good people" is really mentally ill nutjobs. :cuckoo:

What you refer to as "to educate children" is really about desensitizing and brainwashing children into accepting their fucked up lifestyle as being normal.

Beyond that, there's an obvious motive and purpose at work here, to specifically groom children, to set them up for sexual abuse, manipulation, and exploitation.

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