Prayers to Jesus Christ, 2019

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Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

...the greatest murder/destruction/horror/displacement/robberies/rapes/etc occurred many years AFTER jesus [ WW2 ] ---so he helped how?
But didn’t the real sinners of the day get off scott free by Jesus taking the rap for them?
Jesus' message was a new covenant, a New Testament. Traditionally, covenants required blood, to be authenticated. Recall that people challenged Jesus' right/authority to lay out the new covenant of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. His blood was the sign of the new covenant, shed for many so that all might recognize the authority and validity of this teaching. So far from it being a get out of jail free card, it is a map advising sinners what we must do to return to the graces of God.

Atheists universally hate the idea of sinners getting off “Scott free”. Very telling isn’t it?
Atheists universally hate the idea of sinners getting off “Scott free”. Very telling isn’t it?
'Ironic' is a good word for it. A people with no belief in the afterlife don't like people of faith describing an afterlife where sins are forgiven.
My prayer:

Dear gods, please protect me from those who worship you.

This is another failure of atheists. They do not have prayer, so atheism is meaningless in spiritual recognition and wishes of hope and thoughtfulness. Can you just admit that you failed and not get hysterical over these important matters?
proof that he '''rose''--what does that mean?

There were plenty of unrelated eyewitnesses to the Resurrection. They saw Jesus' wounds and new flesh. His tomb empty and huge stone in front blocking entrance/exit moved aside. You are an idiot to not be able to recognize the observable evidence.

When the irrefutable evidence is given for God, you deny it, cast it aside, or feign ignorance. That is idiocy. You are betting your whole afterlife against it.
proof that he '''rose''--what does that mean?

There were plenty of unrelated eyewitnesses to the Resurrection. They saw Jesus' wounds and new flesh. His tomb empty and huge stone in front blocking entrance/exit moved aside. You are an idiot to not be able to recognize the observable evidence.
that's a very christian thing to say---hahahha
sure--witnesses 2000 years ago --hahahahhahaha--very credible--hahahah
proof that he '''rose''--what does that mean?

There were plenty of unrelated eyewitnesses to the Resurrection. They saw Jesus' wounds and new flesh. His tomb empty and huge stone in front blocking entrance/exit moved aside. You are an idiot to not be able to recognize the observable evidence.
that's a very christian thing to say---hahahha
sure--witnesses 2000 years ago --hahahahhahaha--very credible--hahahah

Like I said, you are an idiot :laugh:.
Atheists universally hate the idea of sinners getting off “Scott free”. Very telling isn’t it?
'Ironic' is a good word for it. A people with no belief in the afterlife don't like people of faith describing an afterlife where sins are forgiven.

Demonic is another good word for it. Satan, “the accuser”, has been screaming this at God about humanity since The Fall...”you aren’t going to let them get away with that are you?”
Demonic is another good word for it. Satan, “the accuser”, has been screaming this at God about humanity since The Fall...”you aren’t going to let them get away with that are you?”
I tend towards a slightly more microscopic view of humanity's story. Every one sees him/herself as the hero of his/her own story. In many ways, this is very true, we do try very hard to act the hero of our own story. Those with a sense of self awareness can also admit that we are often our hero's greatest adversary. People of faith call this the sin nature of humans.

Our spirits seem to be quite open to holiness (though the Holy Spirit) and to evil (of the evil one). Our own unique, individual person-hood has that challenge to overcome sin to truly become God's holy people. We each have our own conflict to win.
proof that he '''rose''--what does that mean?

There were plenty of unrelated eyewitnesses to the Resurrection. They saw Jesus' wounds and new flesh. His tomb empty and huge stone in front blocking entrance/exit moved aside. You are an idiot to not be able to recognize the observable evidence.
that's a very christian thing to say---hahahha
sure--witnesses 2000 years ago --hahahahhahaha--very credible--hahahah

Like I said, you are an idiot :laugh:.
witnesses from 2000 years ago---wow--you would be a great lawyer! hhahhahahahaha
no one rose from the dead--impossible
Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for saving the world by offering yourself as the sacrificial lamb for our sins, so that we may seek and find your grace and goodness in this world we live.

We ask you to forgive and encourage those who think they are beyond your help. We ask you for patience to hear those who are troubled over something that only you and he or she knows about, to resolve differences between friends and enemies alike, over something not known to others. We ask you to help us forgive someone who offended another or an entire group of your beloved ones.

We know that you forgive those who ask you to. We know you forgave Peter who forsook you three times on the worst and last day of your life. We know you have forgiven mentally sick people who were sorry their illness caused them to harm others. We know your angels are present when we are born, when we are troubled, and when we die. We know you prefer us to dedicate our lives to you when we become adults, or even after the world thinks it's too late to be sorry for something we did wrong. We don't know how we wrong others many times, so we ask your forgiveness for things unknown to us but known to the person who feels let down by us.

And we thank you forgiving us for all of the above and will help us to turn our lives around and do better starting from right now.

We ask your mercy on people who are experiencing pain due to loss of a loved one, whether through death or their decision to leave on unfriendly terms, or who break our hearts in some way. Please help us get through loss and accept it and to quickly find other paths to try to do better the next time by not repeating errors.

And we thank you for being a rock as we read the good book you gave us through blessed hands that wrote both good and bad things, so we could make a determination not to make their mistake of old. Please help us make time to read your word and be confident we can do better tomorrow than we did today.

We ask you to comfort those who have lost someone, be it friend or family, and thank you for washing us in the blood of your kindness to mankind so long ago on the cross where men persecuted a perfect you who was able to muster strength to ask the Father to forgive them for their wrong, knowing that you would consider nothing else but what we ask--that wrongdoers really be forgiven by you on the spot. We thank you for believers who we have seen forgive even murders of their children as they bury them.

Thank you dear lord for forgiving our foolish ways and teach us your sense of humility under fire as a teacher who loves us.

Just a little doctrinal help. You pray to to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost. We should pray to the Father, not the Son
You must've missed Isaiah's prophecy about what the savior would be called. Think it's the sixth chapter and around the eighth verse or somewhere nearby. I''l go check. :brb9:

Oops, my bad. It's in the ninth chapter. Doh!
And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 KJV
I am aware of the fact the Jews can't wrap their minds around the Christian godhead being three parts--the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--the three in one. What it means to us is that we can be clear headed in saying "Hear, O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one." The concept of the Trinity is that God has three forms, which are united in the spirit. And the name of Jesus is prophesied many hundreds of years prior to his birth by Isaiah. In the ninth Chapter and the Sixth verse. The Book of John begins with "In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was With God, and the Word was God." The Apostles knew who Jesus was, but not until he rose from the dead and doubting Thomas even was convinced when he placed his hand upon the place where the nail was driven through his hand by the Romans to nail him to the Cross. He was revealed to the eleven. Judas had already killed himself. The Apostles had a lot to do after that, getting the Word out to the ends of the earth.

You may have heard it in Handel's Messiah, too. Handel was a stickler for getting it right. It starts about at time 1:20 on this particular video/youtube. :thanks:

There is another place we can verify the interchangability of Jesus with God when Jesus said, "I and my Father are One." I don't know where , but I'll find it in a jiffy.
BRB again.

John 10:30 Context

27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30I and my Father are one. 31Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. 32Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? 33The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

The Jews were like you. The concept that Jesus was one with the Father was beyond their understanding, so they took up rocks to stone him for blasphemy, which he did not commit. He and the Father are one and the same.

John was the beloved of Christ, and he furnished a book because the others had not quite gotten around to each and every point. It wasn't intentional, I'm sure, because every one of them is rumored to have said that he told them so much more than they wrote down. John the beloved of Christ, saw this as an unpardonable oversight, and did what he could to make CERTAIN people knew what Isaiah knew. That's why I am very comfortable with praying to Jesus, because the Bible says he is the Mighty God both in prophecies before his birth and following his crucifixion. John was a regular handy man of the group when it came to accuracy. That's all.

Is Jesus the Father?

“we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity; Neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the Substance.“

Totally unbiblical
But you can worship what you may
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