Pre-Debate debacles -- Ear Bud Checks, 30 minute breaks..

I wonder why.

Biden's handlers are looking for an edge. If Trump refuses on the breaks, drug test or searches, they will simply throw up their hands, walk out and say they tried to have a civil debate, but they simply refuse to concede to any more of Trump's ridiculous unprofessional accusations, rampant paranoia and gestapo tactics and harassment to try to influence and control these debates! What next, Trump wants a fingerprint of Joe to prove he is really him?

And if Trump does concede, then they get in without drug screening, more opportunities to coach Joe, and more chances to sneak in illegal paraphernalia.

Democrats insist, concerns are totally unwarranted.

I wonder why.

Biden's handlers are looking for an edge. If Trump refuses on the breaks, drug test or searches, they will simply throw up their hands, walk out and say they tried to have a civil debate, but they simply refuse to concede to any more of Trump's ridiculous unprofessional accusations, rampant paranoia and gestapo tactics and harassment to try to influence and control these debates! What next, Trump wants a fingerprint of Joe to prove he is really him?

And if Trump does concede, then they get in without drug screening, more opportunities to coach Joe, and more chances to sneak in illegal paraphernalia.

Democrats insist, concerns are totally unwarranted.

View attachment 394770

Why would a Borg need a cod piece?
Ever hear about the Constitution of the United States, 1st Amendment?

Actually, that would be the 4th Amendment.

We submit to searches all the time as a condition for entering a place or participating in an activity.

I used the 1st. The Pursuit of Happiness. And trust me, I would not be happy with the anal search part of it, myself.
Why wonder? Article says Trump's side requested an 11th hour rule change and Biden's side is telling them to go fly a kite (or perhaps jump in the lake since they're in Cleveland). I would expect the same from Trump's people of any request from Biden. Pre-debate gamesmanship, nothing to cry about,

Actually the article says that Biden AGREED to the conditions long ago and now THEY are reneging at the last minute. If Joe isn't on drugs or carry electronics, then why are they refusing to let someone just confirm they are indeed clean???
Ever hear about the Constitution of the United States, 1st Amendment?

Actually, that would be the 4th Amendment.

We submit to searches all the time as a condition for entering a place or participating in an activity.

I don't expect them to check anally. If they did, they would need to also check rumps ass and who the hell wants to get that close to that thing other than a Party of the Rumper. So that would be a safe place for Biden to hide the ear piece. But it would no longer be called an ear piece would it.

Joe could have a wireless vibrator up his ass. One buzz for yes, two buzzes for no. I think they should xray the candidates just to be sure.
Why wonder? Article says Trump's side requested an 11th hour rule change and Biden's side is telling them to go fly a kite (or perhaps jump in the lake since they're in Cleveland). I would expect the same from Trump's people of any request from Biden. Pre-debate gamesmanship, nothing to cry about,

It wasn't 11th hour and china puppet joe biden agreed....then changed his mind.....
Why wonder? Article says Trump's side requested an 11th hour rule change and Biden's side is telling them to go fly a kite (or perhaps jump in the lake since they're in Cleveland). I would expect the same from Trump's people of any request from Biden. Pre-debate gamesmanship, nothing to cry about,

Actually the article says that Biden AGREED to the conditions long ago and now THEY are reneging at the last minute. If Joe isn't on drugs or carry electronics, then why are they refusing to let someone just confirm they are indeed clean???
That was never an agreed on condition was it?

Trump is playing games at the last minute
Why wonder? Article says Trump's side requested an 11th hour rule change and Biden's side is telling them to go fly a kite (or perhaps jump in the lake since they're in Cleveland). I would expect the same from Trump's people of any request from Biden. Pre-debate gamesmanship, nothing to cry about,

It wasn't 11th hour and china puppet joe biden agreed....then changed his mind.....
Show where Biden ever agreed
Wow! The Sleepy Joe is up to his malarkey tricks. Not only has he deflected on getting an drug test. Which can prove to the voters that he is cleaner than a whistle like Trump. But now he's trying to get help with a earpiece. I still think Trump can out debate against whatever is feeding him in that hidden earpiece!
Actually the article says that Biden AGREED to the conditions long ago and now THEY are reneging at the last minute. If Joe isn't on drugs or carry electronics, then why are they refusing to let someone just confirm they are indeed clean???
I guess it's a matter of weighing what's been presented. One can go with the article's author or otherwise seek impartiality from somebody pushing the Trump 2020 app.

On Tuesday morning the Trump campaign requested a new rule for the first presidential debate: that a third party inspect both candidates for electronic devices or transmitters.


I wonder why.

If no one else has mentioned it, Biden is also refusing to shake hands with Trump. Did they stop making gloves? Is it now suddenly dangerous to shake hands? Or do they just not want Trump getting within 30 feet of Joe to be able to look him over good or maybe they think Trump is a carrier like Typhoid Mary and has a drop of super germs on his palm and wants to infect Joe.

Maybe they can just bring Joe out in one of those plastic germ bubbles with a HEPA filter?
Biden can win this debate before it begins by entering the stage wearing a Colin Kaepernick football helmet with its built in radio receiver. Nothing beats handling pressure with comical ease.

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