Pre-Debate debacles -- Ear Bud Checks, 30 minute breaks..

I wonder why.
NBC News debunks the ear check lie:
I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked the term and his minions were caught telling lies again:
The Biden campaign has denied it ever agreed to such an inspection, and there is no evidence that Biden has ever used such a device during a debate. Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, later said in a statement that Biden's team had agreed to an inspection and later backed out.

The earpiece conspiracy theory is an example of what disinformation experts call “trading up the chain,” where the sheer virality of a meme or conspiracy theory forces mainstream outlets to cover it, giving it a patina of credibility it otherwise would not have.
So, Joe will have an ear piece then?
Sources say Trump will have an ear piece.
Actually the article says that Biden AGREED to the conditions long ago and now THEY are reneging at the last minute. If Joe isn't on drugs or carry electronics, then why are they refusing to let someone just confirm they are indeed clean???
I guess it's a matter of weighing what's been presented. One can go with the article's author or otherwise seek impartiality from somebody pushing the Trump 2020 app.

On Tuesday morning the Trump campaign requested a new rule for the first presidential debate: that a third party inspect both candidates for electronic devices or transmitters.

Very interesting
Wow! The Sleepy Joe is up to his malarkey tricks. Not only has he deflected on getting an drug test. Which can prove to the voters that he is cleaner than a whistle like Trump. But now he's trying to get help with a earpiece. I still think Trump can out debate against whatever is feeding him in that hidden earpiece!

I hear on the internet that Trump wears an adult diaper.

Will he consent to a search prior to the debate?
I hear Depends does not want Trump to wear their adult diaper. Apparently they don’t want him to soil their brand.

No candidate should be permitted to wear a diaper during the debate.
Trump MUST be searched
Is that the best lame joke you have? Wow! You Trump Haters really have faltered LOL...

Trump is rumored to wear a diaper
He should not object to being checked
No one should fucking care if he does. His job is to run the country, and know wtf he's talking about.

If Joe can't prove able to do that without instant help, then that's pathetic, and he's trojan horse fake (which we all know he really is).

The fact that so many are either playing dumb or really just that dumb on this is nauseating. How do you even look in a mirror or live with yourselves at all? fucking gross human beings.
I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked the term and his minions were caught telling lies again:
The Biden campaign has denied it ever agreed to such an inspection, and there is no evidence that Biden has ever used such a device during a debate. Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, later said in a statement that Biden's team had agreed to an inspection and later backed out.

The earpiece conspiracy theory is an example of what disinformation experts call “trading up the chain,” where the sheer virality of a meme or conspiracy theory forces mainstream outlets to cover it, giving it a patina of credibility it otherwise would not have.
So, Joe will have an ear piece then?
Sources say Trump will have an ear piece.

Great, so both can be checked.
I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked the term and his minions were caught telling lies again:
The Biden campaign has denied it ever agreed to such an inspection, and there is no evidence that Biden has ever used such a device during a debate. Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, later said in a statement that Biden's team had agreed to an inspection and later backed out.

The earpiece conspiracy theory is an example of what disinformation experts call “trading up the chain,” where the sheer virality of a meme or conspiracy theory forces mainstream outlets to cover it, giving it a patina of credibility it otherwise would not have.
So, Joe will have an ear piece then?
Sources say Trump will have an ear piece.
We better have both candidates check before the debate begins, then, right?
No way in hell he could manage a debate on his own

Why don't they just run the strings from the rafters and do it for him?

Ever hear about the Constitution of the United States, 1st Amendment? No matter what you think, it does apply to the rest of us as well.
So in your mind it is ok for biden to wear an earphone and take orders from Xi Jinping?

You clearly do not have a mind. That is even crazier.
I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked the term and his minions were caught telling lies again:
The Biden campaign has denied it ever agreed to such an inspection, and there is no evidence that Biden has ever used such a device during a debate. Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, later said in a statement that Biden's team had agreed to an inspection and later backed out.

The earpiece conspiracy theory is an example of what disinformation experts call “trading up the chain,” where the sheer virality of a meme or conspiracy theory forces mainstream outlets to cover it, giving it a patina of credibility it otherwise would not have.
So, Joe will have an ear piece then?
Sources say Trump will have an ear piece.

Great, so both can be checked.
I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked the term and his minions were caught telling lies again:
The Biden campaign has denied it ever agreed to such an inspection, and there is no evidence that Biden has ever used such a device during a debate. Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, later said in a statement that Biden's team had agreed to an inspection and later backed out.

The earpiece conspiracy theory is an example of what disinformation experts call “trading up the chain,” where the sheer virality of a meme or conspiracy theory forces mainstream outlets to cover it, giving it a patina of credibility it otherwise would not have.
So, Joe will have an ear piece then?
Sources say Trump will have an ear piece.

Great, so both can be checked.
Yeah, that what is so funny about all of this.

Real Americans want a fair process with no cheating, and they are willing to live by the same rules.

Commies know good and goddamn well they are worthless cheaters. They use racism and other made-up bullshit to keep the process unfair.

We need to execute them.
I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked the term and his minions were caught telling lies again:
The Biden campaign has denied it ever agreed to such an inspection, and there is no evidence that Biden has ever used such a device during a debate. Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, later said in a statement that Biden's team had agreed to an inspection and later backed out.

The earpiece conspiracy theory is an example of what disinformation experts call “trading up the chain,” where the sheer virality of a meme or conspiracy theory forces mainstream outlets to cover it, giving it a patina of credibility it otherwise would not have.
So, Joe will have an ear piece then?
Sources say Trump will have an ear piece.

Great, so both can be checked.
Will you please tell that to Joe Biden's bullshit handlers that he will submit to an ear check?
No way in hell he could manage a debate on his own

Why don't they just run the strings from the rafters and do it for him?

Ever hear about the Constitution of the United States, 1st Amendment? No matter what you think, it does apply to the rest of us as well.
So in your mind it is ok for biden to wear an earphone and take orders from Xi Jinping?

You clearly do not have a mind. That is even crazier.

MANY of these Leftists on this forum are actually CCP operatives.

America is an open book to the Chinese.....but we are forbidden a glimpse on one page from China.
I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked the term and his minions were caught telling lies again:
The Biden campaign has denied it ever agreed to such an inspection, and there is no evidence that Biden has ever used such a device during a debate. Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, later said in a statement that Biden's team had agreed to an inspection and later backed out.

The earpiece conspiracy theory is an example of what disinformation experts call “trading up the chain,” where the sheer virality of a meme or conspiracy theory forces mainstream outlets to cover it, giving it a patina of credibility it otherwise would not have.
So, Joe will have an ear piece then?
Sources say Trump will have an ear piece.

Great, so both can be checked.
Will you please tell that to Joe Biden's bullshit handlers that he will submit to an ear check?
Will you tell Trump to stop lying about Biden refusing an ear check?
Trump should just do this and force the issue:


Fuck it. He should go straight ape shit and do this:


He might.

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