
There is a difference between IMPOSING a view and sharing a view. I share my view of Buddhism and Christianity and preaching.

I'm not imposing it on anyone. You are quite free to have your own ideas about Buddhism and Christianity.

Our perspectives are different naturally. You are a practicing Christian, I am a former Catholic, practicing Buddhist.

Your rejection of Christianity does not equate to Scriptures being in error. You may not believe the Scriptures, but that does not entitle you to negate the fact that Scripture is the Word of God unless you have some pretty strong evidence, which you don't.

Just as much or as little evidence exists on both sides of the argument.

Buford's post is a perfect example of preaching. He presumes that if I personally reject Christianity and choose Buddhism instead I have telling him that his Scriptures are in error.

He doesn't allow me to have my view that the Bible is written by men and that there is no God.

That's my view, but it's so challenging to his, he has to make me wrong and himself right.

Instead of, Buddhism is right for me, and as valuable to me as Christianity is to Buford.
Your rejection of Christianity does not equate to Scriptures being in error. You may not believe the Scriptures, but that does not entitle you to negate the fact that Scripture is the Word of God unless you have some pretty strong evidence, which you don't.

Just as much or as little evidence exists on both sides of the argument.

Buford's post is a perfect example of preaching. He presumes that if I personally reject Christianity and choose Buddhism instead I have telling him that his Scriptures are in error.

He doesn't allow me to have my view that the Bible is written by men and that there is no God.

That's my view, but it's so challenging to his, he has to make me wrong and himself right.

Instead of, Buddhism is right for me, and as valuable to me as Christianity is to Buford.

In his defense (God owes me one) - it's really, REALLY difficult to open one's mind on the "there are many paths, and you are not on the only 'right' one" front.
Just as much or as little evidence exists on both sides of the argument.

Buford's post is a perfect example of preaching. He presumes that if I personally reject Christianity and choose Buddhism instead I have telling him that his Scriptures are in error.

He doesn't allow me to have my view that the Bible is written by men and that there is no God.

That's my view, but it's so challenging to his, he has to make me wrong and himself right.

Instead of, Buddhism is right for me, and as valuable to me as Christianity is to Buford.

In his defense (God owes me one) - it's really, REALLY difficult to open one's mind on the "there are many paths, and you are not on the only 'right' one" front.

Are you saying it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that Buddhism may be the best spiritual path for sky but Christianity is the best for Boop?

Every religion has justification for why it's superior to all others. Buddhism does too. Can you imagine the kind of havoc I'd wreak talking about why Buddhism is superior to Judaism or Christianity?

It would be nuts. I'd never do that. All I will ever claim is that it's the best path for me.
Buford's post is a perfect example of preaching. He presumes that if I personally reject Christianity and choose Buddhism instead I have telling him that his Scriptures are in error.

He doesn't allow me to have my view that the Bible is written by men and that there is no God.

That's my view, but it's so challenging to his, he has to make me wrong and himself right.

Instead of, Buddhism is right for me, and as valuable to me as Christianity is to Buford.

In his defense (God owes me one) - it's really, REALLY difficult to open one's mind on the "there are many paths, and you are not on the only 'right' one" front.

Are you saying it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that Buddhism may be the best spiritual path for sky but Christianity is the best for Boop?

Every religion has justification for why it's superior to all others. Buddhism does too. Can you imagine the kind of havoc I'd wreak talking about why Buddhism is superior to Judaism or Christianity?

It would be nuts. I'd never do that. All I will ever claim is that it's the best path for me.

I'm saying I have been there, I know how hard it is to get past some thought processes that are practically reactive.

Your first paragraph: Do I act like I'd say that?
In his defense (God owes me one) - it's really, REALLY difficult to open one's mind on the "there are many paths, and you are not on the only 'right' one" front.

Are you saying it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that Buddhism may be the best spiritual path for sky but Christianity is the best for Boop?

Every religion has justification for why it's superior to all others. Buddhism does too. Can you imagine the kind of havoc I'd wreak talking about why Buddhism is superior to Judaism or Christianity?

It would be nuts. I'd never do that. All I will ever claim is that it's the best path for me.

I'm saying I have been there, I know how hard it is to get past some thought processes that are practically reactive.

Your first paragraph: Do I act like I'd say that?

Do you act as if you would say that it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that a Buddhist would consider his or her path as superior as best for him or her as a Christian does for Christianity?

No, you seem at peace with differences, yet you admit you've had to go through a process to get there.

I asked the question rather than assume the answer.
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There is a difference between IMPOSING a view and sharing a view. I share my view of Buddhism and Christianity and preaching.

I'm not imposing it on anyone. You are quite free to have your own ideas about Buddhism and Christianity.

Our perspectives are different naturally. You are a practicing Christian, I am a former Catholic, practicing Buddhist.

Your rejection of Christianity does not equate to Scriptures being in error. You may not believe the Scriptures, but that does not entitle you to negate the fact that Scripture is the Word of God unless you have some pretty strong evidence, which you don't.

Just as much or as little evidence exists on both sides of the argument.

That's what some say, and it's always said by those who don't believe the Scriptures.
Your rejection of Christianity does not equate to Scriptures being in error. You may not believe the Scriptures, but that does not entitle you to negate the fact that Scripture is the Word of God unless you have some pretty strong evidence, which you don't.

Just as much or as little evidence exists on both sides of the argument.

That's what some say, and it's always said by those who don't believe the Scriptures.

Can you accept that many people don't believe your Scriptures? Can you live with that?
Your rejection of Christianity does not equate to Scriptures being in error. You may not believe the Scriptures, but that does not entitle you to negate the fact that Scripture is the Word of God unless you have some pretty strong evidence, which you don't.

Just as much or as little evidence exists on both sides of the argument.

Buford's post is a perfect example of preaching. He presumes that if I personally reject Christianity and choose Buddhism instead I have telling him that his Scriptures are in error.

He doesn't allow me to have my view that the Bible is written by men and that there is no God.

That's my view, but it's so challenging to his, he has to make me wrong and himself right.

Instead of, Buddhism is right for me, and as valuable to me as Christianity is to Buford.

Jesus told the woman accused of adultery...."Go and sin no more". Was Jesus preaching to her?
Just as much or as little evidence exists on both sides of the argument.

That's what some say, and it's always said by those who don't believe the Scriptures.

Can you accept that many people don't believe your Scriptures? Can you live with that?

First, the Scriptures are not mine. Second, I've always lived very well knowing people don't believe the Scriptures. Did you have a point to make?
Buford's post is a perfect example of preaching. He presumes that if I personally reject Christianity and choose Buddhism instead I have telling him that his Scriptures are in error.

He doesn't allow me to have my view that the Bible is written by men and that there is no God.

That's my view, but it's so challenging to his, he has to make me wrong and himself right.

Instead of, Buddhism is right for me, and as valuable to me as Christianity is to Buford.

In his defense (God owes me one) - it's really, REALLY difficult to open one's mind on the "there are many paths, and you are not on the only 'right' one" front.

Are you saying it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that Buddhism may be the best spiritual path for sky but Christianity is the best for Boop?

Every religion has justification for why it's superior to all others. Buddhism does too. Can you imagine the kind of havoc I'd wreak talking about why Buddhism is superior to Judaism or Christianity?

It would be nuts. I'd never do that. All I will ever claim is that it's the best path for me.

Jesus said "I am the way". Jesus also said "No one comes to the Father but through me".

You disagee with Jesus, correct?
In his defense (God owes me one) - it's really, REALLY difficult to open one's mind on the "there are many paths, and you are not on the only 'right' one" front.

Are you saying it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that Buddhism may be the best spiritual path for sky but Christianity is the best for Boop?

Every religion has justification for why it's superior to all others. Buddhism does too. Can you imagine the kind of havoc I'd wreak talking about why Buddhism is superior to Judaism or Christianity?

It would be nuts. I'd never do that. All I will ever claim is that it's the best path for me.

Jesus said "I am the way". Jesus also said "No one comes to the Father but through me".

You disagee with Jesus, correct?

I have a completely different view of that scripture than you do. I will keep mine to myself so as to not argue with you.

Your mind is pretty rigid. At least, you seem that way to me, like a fundamentalist.
Can you accept that many people don't believe your Scriptures? Can you live with that?

First, the Scriptures are not mine. Second, I've always lived very well knowing people don't believe the Scriptures. Did you have a point to make?

My point. Live with difference.

I do, so you really have no point. If you are having a hard time in the religion section, perhaps you need to find a different topic to participate in. I'm not going to change my posting style to suit you.
Are you saying it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that Buddhism may be the best spiritual path for sky but Christianity is the best for Boop?

Every religion has justification for why it's superior to all others. Buddhism does too. Can you imagine the kind of havoc I'd wreak talking about why Buddhism is superior to Judaism or Christianity?

It would be nuts. I'd never do that. All I will ever claim is that it's the best path for me.

Jesus said "I am the way". Jesus also said "No one comes to the Father but through me".

You disagee with Jesus, correct?

I have a completely different view of that scripture than you do. I will keep mine to myself so as to not argue with you.

Your mind is pretty rigid. At least, you seem that way to me, like a fundamentalist.

I'd be interested to hear your interpretation of those words of Jesus. I didn't interpret anything so I can't have a pretty rigid mind. All I did was quote Jesus. Do you believe Jesus is a fundamentalist?
Jesus said "I am the way". Jesus also said "No one comes to the Father but through me".

You disagee with Jesus, correct?

I have a completely different view of that scripture than you do. I will keep mine to myself so as to not argue with you.

Your mind is pretty rigid. At least, you seem that way to me, like a fundamentalist.

I'd be interested to hear your interpretation of those words of Jesus. I didn't interpret anything so I can't have a pretty rigid mind. All I did was quote Jesus. Do you believe Jesus is a fundamentalist?

No, I think you are a fundamentalist. I think Jesus was a bodhisattva. I interpret Jesus words less literally than you do.

I think in terms of "Christ consciousness", as being no different that buddha nature. No one comes to the Father except through me doesn't mean what you think it means. It means you have to find awareness itself, to rest in the nature of mind, buddha nature.
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Are you saying it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that Buddhism may be the best spiritual path for sky but Christianity is the best for Boop?

Every religion has justification for why it's superior to all others. Buddhism does too. Can you imagine the kind of havoc I'd wreak talking about why Buddhism is superior to Judaism or Christianity?

It would be nuts. I'd never do that. All I will ever claim is that it's the best path for me.

I'm saying I have been there, I know how hard it is to get past some thought processes that are practically reactive.

Your first paragraph: Do I act like I'd say that?

Do you act as if you would say that it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that a Buddhist would consider his or her path as superior as best for him or her as a Christian does for Christianity?

No, you seem at peace with differences, yet you admit you've had to go through a process to get there.

I asked the question rather than assume the answer.

Yup, and it was not an easy process.

But it was a relief to get there. I don't see how anybody can perceive [insert deity here] to be loving, but willing to send anybody to hell that does not believe in HIM.

Especially given my question thread a few months back, where if faith is a gift, how can we be punished for not having been given it.
People do judge me for who I am also, we are not talking about that in this thread. We are talking about when people use their religion to judge me and others.

No we are not, we are talking about people who preach to others. You preach by dictating your worldview, insisting it is better than mine, and then trying to force me to live up to what you think I, as a Christian, should do.

You are insane.

Isn't it true that you use Christianity against homosexuals?

Yep, I use it by insisting that both sides of the argument admit that science cannot prove what causes homosexuality, by saying I don't think the government should be telling anyone who they sleep with, or even who they marry, and I have even argued that homosexuals have as much right to government guaranteed benefits of marriage as I do, ie., none.
I have a completely different view of that scripture than you do. I will keep mine to myself so as to not argue with you.

Your mind is pretty rigid. At least, you seem that way to me, like a fundamentalist.

I'd be interested to hear your interpretation of those words of Jesus. I didn't interpret anything so I can't have a pretty rigid mind. All I did was quote Jesus. Do you believe Jesus is a fundamentalist?

No, I think you are a fundamentalist. I think Jesus was a bodhisattva. I interpret Jesus words less literally than you do.

I think in terms of "Christ consciousness", as being no different that buddha nature. No one comes to the Father except through me doesn't mean what you think it means. It means you have to find awareness itself, to rest in the nature of mind, buddha nature.

Fascinating. What did Jesus mean when he told the woman accused of adultery to "Go and sin no more".
People do judge me for who I am also, we are not talking about that in this thread. We are talking about when people use their religion to judge me and others.

No we are not, we are talking about people who preach to others. You preach by dictating your worldview, insisting it is better than mine, and then trying to force me to live up to what you think I, as a Christian, should do.

You are insane.

Where did I say my worldview is better than yours?
Like I said, try and not change what I said. All I am asking you is to follow what Jesus tells you to do. Don't judge others if you also sin. It's pretty simple.

You don't want me to follow what Jesus said, you want me to follow what you think Jesus said. That means you think your interpretation of the Bible, your worldview, is better than mine. Then you insist that you are not doing that, even when you demand that I follow your opinion.

Definitely insane.
I'm saying I have been there, I know how hard it is to get past some thought processes that are practically reactive.

Your first paragraph: Do I act like I'd say that?

Do you act as if you would say that it's hard for you to wrap your mind around the idea that a Buddhist would consider his or her path as superior as best for him or her as a Christian does for Christianity?

No, you seem at peace with differences, yet you admit you've had to go through a process to get there.

I asked the question rather than assume the answer.

Yup, and it was not an easy process.

But it was a relief to get there. I don't see how anybody can perceive [insert deity here] to be loving, but willing to send anybody to hell that does not believe in HIM.

Especially given my question thread a few months back, where if faith is a gift, how can we be punished for not having been given it.

God doesn't send anyone to hell. God has provided a way out of darkness and into everlasting life. If anyone goes to hell, they have chosen to send themselves there by refusing God's way out.

If you are drowning and I toss you a life preserver and you swim away and drown, I didn't drown you. You and everyone else is responsible for their own decision after they hear the Gospel. God is just.
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