
Hmm. It's ok if Buford, Marie, and Windbag preach, but it's not OK if sky "preaches". Gotcha.

Oh help us, here we go again...


Double standard. OK if some asshole Bible thumper shows up at the DMV but don't let the Hare Krishnas in.

That post tells us a lot about your attitude of the Scriptures and "preaching". Ahhh yes, it's all becoming clearer and clearer.
I don't care what you think of me, Amelia. I know you from another forum. I know exactly who you are.

You're a nutjob. I do so love your nonviolent communication though. :lmao:

Non-violent communication is the language of feelings and needs. Do you know what you're feeling and what you need from me?

Diagnosing is violent communication says Marshall Rosenberg. All behavior arises out of feelings and needs. We're all trying to meet our needs at less cost.

Me telling you to fuck off expresses a feeling and takes care of a need. Is it too costly? Maybe. Could be a better way, but that wouldn't be USMB, would it?

Do you judge everything in your life by your feelings? When a cop pulls you over do you inform the cop that you don't feel you deserve a ticket regardless of what you did? I bet you experience many surprises on a regular basis.
Hmm. It's ok if Buford, Marie, and Windbag preach, but it's not OK if sky "preaches". Gotcha.

Funny, I don't recall any of us saying that. None of us are complaining about preaching, you are. I actually enjoy it, when it is done right.

No, Amelia is complaining that I'm preaching.

Whatever little rep bomb you lobbed in, I deleted it without reading it QW.
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Hmm. It's ok if Buford, Marie, and Windbag preach, but it's not OK if sky "preaches". Gotcha.

Funny, I don't recall any of us saying that. None of us are complaining about preaching, you are. I actually enjoy it, when it is done right.

No, Amelia is complaining that I'm preaching.

Whatever little rep bomb you lobbed in, I deleted it without reading it QW.

Who's complaining? Oh wait, that's you. I'm laughing at you for it.

You preach about people preaching.

Funny, I don't recall any of us saying that. None of us are complaining about preaching, you are. I actually enjoy it, when it is done right.

No, Amelia is complaining that I'm preaching.

Whatever little rep bomb you lobbed in, I deleted it without reading it QW.

Who's complaining? Oh wait, that's you. I'm laughing at you for it.

You preach about people preaching.


Why not? I'm laughing at myself and YOU. You take me far more seriously than I take myself.
I'm glad you're having fun, Amelia. I am too. I'm laughing at YOU taking me so seriously.

I'm here to have fun. How about you?

I love pulling the rug out from under you. What are you doing so far away from the Flame Zone? That's your home, isn't it? What are you doing in the Religion Forum?
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Where did I say my worldview is better than yours?
Like I said, try and not change what I said. All I am asking you is to follow what Jesus tells you to do. Don't judge others if you also sin. It's pretty simple.

You don't want me to follow what Jesus said, you want me to follow what you think Jesus said. That means you think your interpretation of the Bible, your worldview, is better than mine. Then you insist that you are not doing that, even when you demand that I follow your opinion.

Definitely insane.

It's pretty clear what Jesus and the Bible say. If you are going to follow one things like say homosexuality and same sex marriage then you better follow it completely.
And why you keep calling me insane? Is there a purpose to you repeating this statement? I think I got your point the first two times you said it.

It is actually very clear, you just don't understand it. Here is one of the things Jesus said about judging.

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. John 7:24

The simple truth is that Christians are told to be careful about judging, and to make sure that we get it right. That is clear even if you read the verses you think prove that Christians are not supposed to judge.

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam [is] in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:1-6

this is quite clearly not a command to never judge, it is a warning to be careful about judging. That is what Jesus, and the Bible, teaches.

You prefer to believe that it teaches that Christians are not supposed to judge because you think it makes you morally superior to people who are Christians and judge others.

The reason I point out our insanity is to warn others.
You don't want me to follow what Jesus said, you want me to follow what you think Jesus said. That means you think your interpretation of the Bible, your worldview, is better than mine. Then you insist that you are not doing that, even when you demand that I follow your opinion.

Definitely insane.

It's pretty clear what Jesus and the Bible say. If you are going to follow one things like say homosexuality and same sex marriage then you better follow it completely.
And why you keep calling me insane? Is there a purpose to you repeating this statement? I think I got your point the first two times you said it.
It's a diagnosis. Diagnosing people is a form of violent speech according to Marshall Rosenberg.

I don't see you diagnosing anyone.

Marshall Rosenberg is an idiot, diagnosing is a form of helping people, calling them idiots is a form of violent speech.

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