PredFan explains it all.

What good is a Republican majority if they end up caving in on everything Obama wants, just for the sake of holding onto their majority? Obama will continue to win, regardless of the makeup of Congress. Rinos like Boehner, McCain, Graham, etc. will keep capitulating and compromising until we're living under a communist dictatorship (which isn't very far off).

OK, go rip your hair off, put ashes on the skull and crawl slowly to the cemetery - America is dead. :evil:

( sorry, this pathological pessimism is making me mad. it is nice to stand by principles, but it is even better to WIN no matter what than to lose with principles all the time. isn't that time to finally LEARN whom we are dealing with and to put aside the honorable knight's methods?)
That's just it, I KNOW who we are dealing with, I'm not sure you do. Tell me one thing the Rinos in Congress have done to stop the 5 year assault on this country by the left. And I'm not sure what your idea of "winning" is, keeping the same capitulating Rinos in office? All we can hope for with that strategy is to prolong the inevitable.

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