Predict tomorrow's results in Alabama

Who wins in Alabama tomorrow?

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I really don’t know but I think a couple of things are at play

Virginia showed that the Dems are so mad they are focused on turnout. The news said that jones has outspent Roy 10 to 1. If only 25 per cent of voters vote turnout will be crucial. Shelby saying he can’t vote for Moore is a tipping point of sorts. I am going to say Jones wins a close one because republicans stay home because they are conflicted. This was the whole purpose of the WaPo story and will be a textbook case for future elections for Dems. It was actually the same strategy with the trump bush thing but trump was a more engaging character than Moore.

I do not think that Moore losing will be all that bad for republicans. If it happens he cannot be a poster boy for 2018, and we won’t have to endure the surreal theater of republicans trying to eat one of their own for something he did 40 years ago, while democrats clap for an encore. Neither one of these guys is a good campaigner or politician, actually this is an election by proxy. I would have to agree with the sentiment that the people of Alabama deserve better. Whatever happens, the sun will come up on Wednesday like it always does.
Moore will win...the libs can't cheat in Alabama...

Are you saying, only conservatives can cheat in Alabama? Well, thanks for the heads up! :happy-1:

It's clear you have had a liberal education...

Your reading comprehension sucks....

It’s clear your head is firmly embedded up Trump’s rectum, so I don’t blame you for having no sense of humor. And I think that stinks for you. So sorry.:itsok:

Your foolish retorts are a result of your

poor reading comprehension...

Later Butt Wipe....
Do Republicans really want to justify Creepy Roy for the next six years?
Conservatives will choose a pedophile to represent them.


Like when the Liberals choosing the rapist and sexual predator Slick Willy to represent them? How about when they voted for his filthy wife to be President when she viciously attacked the victims of Slick Willy?

Or how about the Libtard idiots in Massachusetts choosing that scumbag girl killer Ted Kennedy to represent them?

Libtards have no high ground here.
It will be too close to call, so there will be a recount. The recount committee will 'discover' some previously uncounted votes for Jones and he will be Al Frankened into office.
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
I don't see anything wrong with dating teenagers. A lot of those teenaged young ladies are
hot USDA Prime.

I think guys who criticize other dudes for getting that fine piece of ass are simply jealous.
I believe Moore is going to win. Alabama has shown themselves to be a bunch of degenerate inbreds. They'll vote for 'Roy Moore the child molester' because he represents their antiquated views of society.
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
I don't see anything wrong with dating teenagers. A lot of those teenaged young ladies are
hot USDA Prime.

I think guys who criticize other dudes for getting that fine piece of ass are simply jealous.

So you wouldn't mind a grown ass man dating your 15 year old daughter?
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
I don't see anything wrong with dating teenagers. A lot of those teenaged young ladies are
hot USDA Prime.

I think guys who criticize other dudes for getting that fine piece of ass are simply jealous.

So you wouldn't mind a grown ass man dating your 15 year old daughter?
Of course it never bothered me when my daughters dated more responsible and mature (ADULT) guys. Face it, most young ladies are more attracted to men rather than boys.

Comments like yours usually come from guys who don't even have any kids. I'd bet a dollar to a dime that you've never even raised a daughter.

Personally, I have 6 daughters, aged 3, 28, 29, 29, 29 and 32. And my wife wants at least 2 more children.

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