Predict tomorrow's results in Alabama

Who wins in Alabama tomorrow?

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Conservatives will choose a pedophile to represent them.

Oh Jerry Falwell, why did you die so soon? You could have put your skies on and slid all the way down this slippery slope with your brethren. Conservatives now have as their leaders a sexual predator and a pedophile.

Satan is being vetted by Mitch McConnell and Steve Bannon right now to see if they could bring his 'go get 'em' attitude to the ticket. Conservative Evangelicals are like "hell yeah, if it means we don't have to believe in Global Warming or treating other people with dignity we're in!"

Meanwhile Christ looks on and is sad..."right before my birthday?" Suck it up Jesus, they view you as a snowflake bleeding heart that wants to help the lazy poor. They've changed into the money changers. Yet somehow they are uber-triggered about baking cakes.

If Moore wins (and I think he will) ....He will be the Christmas gift that keeps on giving for Democrats
I have learned that the malls in Alabama will be open today

That will hold down the pedophile vote
Conservatives will choose a pedophile to represent them.


Like when the Liberals choosing the rapist and sexual predator Slick Willy to represent them? How about when they voted for his filthy wife to be President when she viciously attacked the victims of Slick Willy?

Or how about the Libtard idiots in Massachusetts choosing that scumbag girl killer Ted Kennedy to represent them?

Libtards have no high ground here.
You’re deranged. :cuckoo:

Clinton did not rape anyone nor was he accused of rape when he was elected. His wife stood by his side, which still consumes you from the inside.

As far as Kennedy, you do have a point. However, your shortsightedness prevents you from comprehending the same way you still bitch about him some half a century after his infamous crime, Republicans are now setting themselves up to deal with Moore for the next half century.
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
you really think the voters will vote against their child's future? there is much more to the seat than just an alleged child molester, it is their future, not some alleged forty year old alleged incident. really?

I don't know, seems like the awful damage has been done. Democrats have labeled the man a 'Child Rapist.' And they have a very large & powerful MSM backing their accusation. I just don't see how Moore overcomes that. But i guess we'll see.
I'm going with the yard sign indicator and calling it for Jones. Plus I should at least give the nuts around here at least one chance to mock me for being wrong about something.
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
you really think the voters will vote against their child's future? there is much more to the seat than just an alleged child molester, it is their future, not some alleged forty year old alleged incident. really?

I don't know, seems like the awful damage has been done. Democrats have labeled the man a 'Child Rapist.' And they have a very large & powerful MSM backing their accusation. I just don't see how Moore overcomes that. But i guess we'll see.

lol there's a preview of RW victimology if Moore loses.
If Moore wins, the Republican party should be rebranded:

GOP should no longer stand for 'Grand 'Old Party',

But should be changed to:

'Grumpy 'Old Perverts'!
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
I don't see anything wrong with dating teenagers. A lot of those teenaged young ladies are
hot USDA Prime.

I think guys who criticize other dudes for getting that fine piece of ass are simply jealous.

So you wouldn't mind a grown ass man dating your 15 year old daughter?

Look, it was Alabama 40-45yrs ago. It wasn't uncommon for folks to get married at a very young age. Right or wrong, that's how it was there. Moore is not a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats destroyed a man simply to steal a Senate Seat. It's as low as i've ever seen in Politics. Hopefully, it's gonna come back to haunt them at some point. That would be real justice.
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
I don't see anything wrong with dating teenagers. A lot of those teenaged young ladies are
hot USDA Prime.

I think guys who criticize other dudes for getting that fine piece of ass are simply jealous.

So you wouldn't mind a grown ass man dating your 15 year old daughter?

Look, it was Alabama 40-45yrs ago. It wasn't uncommon for folks to get married at a very young age. Right or wrong, that's how it was there. Moore is not a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats destroyed a man simply to steal a Senate Seat. It's as low as i've ever seen in Politics. Hopefully, it's gonna come back to haunt them at some point. That would be real justice.

Then why doesn't Creepy Roy just come out and say he was looking for a child bride?
Post the statistics from 40 years ago showing the number of child brides in Alabama
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
I don't see anything wrong with dating teenagers. A lot of those teenaged young ladies are
hot USDA Prime.

I think guys who criticize other dudes for getting that fine piece of ass are simply jealous.

So you wouldn't mind a grown ass man dating your 15 year old daughter?

Look, it was Alabama 40-45yrs ago. It wasn't uncommon for folks to get married at a very young age. Right or wrong, that's how it was there. Moore is not a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats destroyed a man simply to steal a Senate Seat. It's as low as i've ever seen in Politics. Hopefully, it's gonna come back to haunt them at some point. That would be real justice.

Then why doesn't Creepy Roy just come out and say he was looking for a child bride?
Post the statistics from 40 years ago showing the number of child brides in Alabama

He's not a 'Child Rapist.' Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for what you did to the man. All to steal a damn Senate Seat. You Democrats really have sunk as low as one can go. This is by far the ugliest political lynching in US history. Even I never thought Democrats could stoop so low. I guess i was very naive on that. But i think it is gonna come to bite y'all at some point. It has to. So stay tuned.
Sadly, i had to go with the Dems. Looks like they got this seat stolen. It's the most heinous political lynching in US history. I honestly didn't believe the Democrats would ever stoop as low as accusing someone of being a 'Child Rapist', to steal a Senate Seat. I was obviously very naive on that. So, they'll likely get their seat. But i hope it comes back to haunt them someday. What they did to that man is absolutely unforgivable.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
I don't see anything wrong with dating teenagers. A lot of those teenaged young ladies are
hot USDA Prime.

I think guys who criticize other dudes for getting that fine piece of ass are simply jealous.

So you wouldn't mind a grown ass man dating your 15 year old daughter?

Look, it was Alabama 40-45yrs ago. It wasn't uncommon for folks to get married at a very young age. Right or wrong, that's how it was there. Moore is not a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats destroyed a man simply to steal a Senate Seat. It's as low as i've ever seen in Politics. Hopefully, it's gonna come back to haunt them at some point. That would be real justice.

Then why doesn't Creepy Roy just come out and say he was looking for a child bride?
Post the statistics from 40 years ago showing the number of child brides in Alabama

In the 70’s the median age for a first time bride in the United States was 20.1 years.

So every other wedding attended (first time married) would have been a teen bride.

We can assume that Alabama would have been on the low side of the median.

So what is your point.
I believe that Moore did date legal aged teenagers when he was in his thirties.....enough to consider it a fact. This fact makes him vulnerable to the allegations of behaving inappropriately with younger teens.
I don't see anything wrong with dating teenagers. A lot of those teenaged young ladies are
hot USDA Prime.

I think guys who criticize other dudes for getting that fine piece of ass are simply jealous.

So you wouldn't mind a grown ass man dating your 15 year old daughter?

Look, it was Alabama 40-45yrs ago. It wasn't uncommon for folks to get married at a very young age. Right or wrong, that's how it was there. Moore is not a 'Child Rapist.' The Democrats destroyed a man simply to steal a Senate Seat. It's as low as i've ever seen in Politics. Hopefully, it's gonna come back to haunt them at some point. That would be real justice.

Then why doesn't Creepy Roy just come out and say he was looking for a child bride?
Post the statistics from 40 years ago showing the number of child brides in Alabama

In the 70’s the median age for a first time bride in the United States was 20.1 years.

So every other wedding attended (first time married) would have been a teen bride.

We can assume that Alabama would have been on the low side of the median.

So what is your point.

Different times, especially so in the South. The Democrats have shamefully used that fact to brand the poor man a 'Child Rapist.' It's an ugly all-time low in Politics. I truly hope it all comes back around on Democrats down the road. That'll be real justice.
I will guess Moore will win...because the FOX poll was FAKE NEWS! Moore is gonna ride a horse all the way to Washington DC and help drain The Swamp!
You know what was interesting today? McConnell and Moore were BOTH asked what they would do if an investigation was launched when Moore got into office.

Both said that they can't comment on it, because the election isn't over.

McConnell has already said that he would start an investigation if Moore got in though.
Let us get this straight; the accuser is a 50+ yo woman of very questionable standing. She SAID that she was 14 at the time, and she said this when she was 50+. I am disbelieving of her NOW!! Sounds many times more likely that it is a political hit job.

And I want to see it in COURT!!!

Let us get this straight; the accuser is a 50+ yo woman of very questionable standing. She SAID that she was 14 at the time, and she said this when she was 50+. I am disbelieving of her NOW!! Sounds many times more likely that it is a political hit job.

And I want to see it in COURT!!!


You know, at one time in my childhood, I was abused by a relative. Won't go into all the details, but it was pretty bad. And, because of the shame attached to something like that, it is something that I rarely talk about, and the only people that know the details of what happened are only a couple of really close friends who I have known for years.

The shame attached to something like that is enough to stop a person from saying anything, and if it is someone who is respected in the community, they will choose to stay silent rather than accuse the person, because the person with standing will more than likely be believed over the word of a teenager or child.

That is why most of them were silent for so long.
After today's bombing? Moore by ten points.

And....214 blurts out the real desire of nutbag cons. More terrorism cuz it frightens rubes into voting for GOP candidates.

If so then, they've had as good an example possible given them:

The DEMOCRATS trying to frighten voters perennially that a republican winning election means:

Loss of woman's rights
The end of the world
Big corporations crushing the little guy
Loss of our civil rights
Massive deficits
Destruction of our environment
Blacks not being allowed to vote
Discrimination and persecution of minorities everywhere
Unchecked, rabid gun availability
White Supremacist Nationalism

Shall I go on?
The repugs won and all those things are happening.

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