Prediction: Democrats will argue that france shouldn't fight back


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I'm old enough to remember the latter part of the cold war and some of the arguments that the left made about the soviet union and how we shouldn't provoke them. That sounds all fine because I'm not into fighting big wars for little reason but then I heard the same people make the same arguments about the Taliban and other terrorist organizations after 911 such as "we are using to much force against them". This argument only caters to the side that is losing because it is kind of to their advantage since it causes the winning side to stop killing them--To much force. The same arguments were heard about vietnam and not the left is ratcheting up the rhetoric about how drone strikes are 'unfair'.

Their was something called the German Gund. It was a NAZI organization within the United States before WWII. THere mission was to weaken American resolve against the NAZIs in case a war broke out. It just seems like the democratic party has been infiltrated by some kind of gund of their own and now make up any argument that helps the other side.
The French have been fighting ISIS alongside the US for quite some time now. Read the papers once in a while, for chrissakes. Meanwhile, the GOP has refused to provide an AUMF against ISIS in all that time.

And despite the Paris attack, the French are still welcoming in Syrian refugees.

Who would ever have predicted the Right in America would become the simpering pants shitters curled in a fetal position in the corner while France demonstrates some courage and compassion?

Never thought I'd see the day.
The French have been fighting ISIS alongside the US for quite some time now. Read the papers once in a while, for chrissakes. Meanwhile, the GOP has refused to provide an AUMF against ISIS in all that time.

And despite the Paris attack, the French are still welcoming in Syrian refugees.

Who would ever have predicted the Right in America would become the simpering pants shitters curled in a fetal position in the corner while France demonstrates some courage and compassion?

Never thought I'd see the day.

Are drone strikes still bad or is cool now?
The French have been fighting ISIS alongside the US for quite some time now. Read the papers once in a while, for chrissakes. Meanwhile, the GOP has refused to provide an AUMF against ISIS in all that time.

And despite the Paris attack, the French are still welcoming in Syrian refugees.

Who would ever have predicted the Right in America would become the simpering pants shitters curled in a fetal position in the corner while France demonstrates some courage and compassion?

Never thought I'd see the day.

Are drone strikes still bad or is cool now?
Drone strikes have never been bad.
I am probably going to vote democrat this election and I think france should bomb the shit out of the isis1!! Kill each and everyone of them!

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