Prediction for 2016


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Hillary will chose Mark Warner of Virginia as her running mate. It will seal the fate of another GOP loss. He is a moderate, he swings Virginia Blue, and he has the Kennedy charm as a self made millionaire. Mark it down now!
Hillary will chose Mark Warner of Virginia as her running mate. It will seal the fate of another GOP loss. He is a moderate, he swings Virginia Blue, and he has the Kennedy charm as a self made millionaire. Mark it down now!

Who needs an old hag who reached her peak in the last century?
Hillary will chose Mark Warner of Virginia as her running mate. It will seal the fate of another GOP loss. He is a moderate, he swings Virginia Blue, and he has the Kennedy charm as a self made millionaire. Mark it down now!

Hillary will chose Mark Warner of Virginia as her running mate. It will seal the fate of another GOP loss. He is a moderate, he swings Virginia Blue, and he has the Kennedy charm as a self made millionaire. Mark it down now!

even the DNC is not stupid enough to make hilly billy their nominee. she is nothing but a black mark in the history of the US. the SECSTATE who let americans die for political gain.
Hillary will chose Mark Warner of Virginia as her running mate. It will seal the fate of another GOP loss. He is a moderate, he swings Virginia Blue, and he has the Kennedy charm as a self made millionaire. Mark it down now!

I don't think she's even running, but if she does I could see her putting that Hispanic mayor from San Antonio on the ticket.
Hillary will chose Mark Warner of Virginia as her running mate. It will seal the fate of another GOP loss. He is a moderate, he swings Virginia Blue, and he has the Kennedy charm as a self made millionaire. Mark it down now!

I don't think she's even running, but if she does I could see her putting that Hispanic mayor from San Antonio on the ticket.

Castro is a fruitcake.
Christie guaranteed victory with an opponent ticket of Clinton-Warner.
In 2016, obama declares martial law, calls off all elections, attempts to send DHS troops across America to quell uprisings. DHS troops refuse after homes burned and family members killed. obama is arrested for treason and hung. Rand Paul/Ted Cruz are elected P/VP. Democrats lose elections for next 50 years.
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By 2016 the US could be in a state of open rebellion and a world war.

Just a few weeks ago democrats were claiming victory in 2014 and 2016 because they successfully blamed a democrat government shut down on republicans. Today democrats are expecting heavy losses in 2014 and 2016 is too murky to determine.

It might be a mistake to put all the democrat eggs in the Hillary basket.
By 2016 the US could be in a state of open rebellion and a world war.

Just a few weeks ago democrats were claiming victory in 2014 and 2016 because they successfully blamed a democrat government shut down on republicans. Today democrats are expecting heavy losses in 2014 and 2016 is too murky to determine.

It might be a mistake to put all the democrat eggs in the Hillary basket.

I really hope they are dumb enough to run hilly billy. the ads with clips or her insane ravings will be a laugh a minute, and she will lose in a landslide.
Bad move nominating Hillary in my view. Of course the old saying is that "there are horses for courses." Depending on the opponent, she is either going to be a clear alternative or a hair's difference. Aside from the opposition, she comes with Obama's baggage and 8 years of steady improvement isn't what Americans are used to when calling something a success.

The Dems better think twice about nominating anyone from the administration in 2016. And keep in mind that she had a real likability problem in 2008...add Obama's baggage on top of that.
Bad move nominating Hillary in my view. Of course the old saying is that "there are horses for courses." Depending on the opponent, she is either going to be a clear alternative or a hair's difference. Aside from the opposition, she comes with Obama's baggage and 8 years of steady improvement isn't what Americans are used to when calling something a success.

The Dems better think twice about nominating anyone from the administration in 2016. And keep in mind that she had a real likability problem in 2008...add Obama's baggage on top of that.

Geez, fluke. you finally posted something that makes sense. :lol:
Bad move nominating Hillary in my view. Of course the old saying is that "there are horses for courses." Depending on the opponent, she is either going to be a clear alternative or a hair's difference. Aside from the opposition, she comes with Obama's baggage and 8 years of steady improvement isn't what Americans are used to when calling something a success.

The Dems better think twice about nominating anyone from the administration in 2016. And keep in mind that she had a real likability problem in 2008...add Obama's baggage on top of that.

Geez, fluke. you finally posted something that makes sense. :lol:

Been posting it since December of last year....
In 2016, I predict Obama will commence drone bombing America. In February, the, I mean the Capitol will burn to the ground. Obama will blame his predecessor, and DHS and the Army will then begin rounding up darkies, Jews, and homos and put them in FEMA camps which will be guarded by left wing progressive Confederates and Minutemen in flag armbands.

Obama will declare the lack of participation in federal health insurance exchanges have created a national emergency, and he will mobilize the National Security Force (NSF) under Rahm Emanuel. Everyone will be required to volunteer for at least two years in the NSF. If you serve in the NSF for four years, you can qualify for food stamps or be granted immigration amnesty.

At a press conference carried on all networks except Fox News, Obama will state he must remain in office until the emergency has passed. Then he will depart for a round of golf with some Muslims.

God will be so pissed off about all the states that have legalized gay marriage, a Category 23 hurricane will strike Detroit, leaving behind a prairie full of roaming buffalo and amber waves of grain.

All in all, 2016 will have its ups and downs.
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Christie guaranteed victory with an opponent ticket of Clinton-Warner.

Christie only takes the primary if (and this is a possibility) the republicans open their primaries. If that does not occur, I don’t see Christie winning the primary. He has ostracized himself far too much when Obama visited his state after the storm.
By 2016 the US could be in a state of open rebellion and a world war.

Just a few weeks ago democrats were claiming victory in 2014 and 2016 because they successfully blamed a democrat government shut down on republicans. Today democrats are expecting heavy losses in 2014 and 2016 is too murky to determine.

It might be a mistake to put all the democrat eggs in the Hillary basket.

I really hope they are dumb enough to run hilly billy. the ads with clips or her insane ravings will be a laugh a minute, and she will lose in a landslide.
And Obama was going to lose to Romney by a landslide also but he didn’t. I don’t think she will run (or win if she did) but don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Every time the right does they do get a ‘landslide’ but it is not in the direction that they believe it will be in.

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