Prediction for Nov. 2016

The Republican Party will control the Senate, the H. of Rep. and the White House on Jan 20, 2017. The reason is simple, mass murders have created the Great Wedge Issue, and single issue voters will not support Democratic candidates for the simple reason that they will believe the D's will take their guns.

It matters not that the Republican Party will soon have greater control of the Supreme Court, since the new President will likely have several appointments, and as a result the goal of creating an Oligarchy will be met, and America will further decline into a nation ruled by a power elite ready; an elite willing and able to remake our nation into a Plutocracy.

Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. When each state makes their own rules/laws, rules and laws written by and signed by members of the power elite.

Of course this exists today, but once the power transfer is complete it will last until the regime falls and those who have read history understand the fall will not be easy, short or non violent.

A look back on USMB History:

Let us all hope that the failure of the Trump Administration is soon to come, and the inability of the GOP controlled Congress (which proved once again they can win elections, but cannot govern effectively) will be replaced by the democratic process this coming November.

Dems are going to run on tax increases for all, right?

Wrong. D's need to run on a fiscally responsible policy, one which details the cost-benefits vis a vis the cost-deficits in a budget.

Fiscal conservatives are outnumbered by the don't tax and spend Congress under McConnell and Ryan - sure to lead to another economic correction / recession when trickle down fails.

BTW Frank, how about explaining why you haven't brought up the national debt which is predicted to increase by a Trillion Dollars or more, and be passed on to our kids and theirs by this tax reform?

Do you believe tax cuts to global corporations and the billionaire set will trickle down to you?

Something that is as alien to them as man living on the Moon. Congrats, you woke up a necro thread to be proven a fool yet again.
The Republican Party will control the Senate, the H. of Rep. and the White House on Jan 20, 2017. The reason is simple, mass murders have created the Great Wedge Issue, and single issue voters will not support Democratic candidates for the simple reason that they will believe the D's will take their guns.

It matters not that the Republican Party will soon have greater control of the Supreme Court, since the new President will likely have several appointments, and as a result the goal of creating an Oligarchy will be met, and America will further decline into a nation ruled by a power elite ready; an elite willing and able to remake our nation into a Plutocracy.

Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. When each state makes their own rules/laws, rules and laws written by and signed by members of the power elite.

Of course this exists today, but once the power transfer is complete it will last until the regime falls and those who have read history understand the fall will not be easy, short or non violent.

A look back on USMB History:

Let us all hope that the failure of the Trump Administration is soon to come, and the inability of the GOP controlled Congress (which proved once again they can win elections, but cannot govern effectively) will be replaced by the democratic process this coming November.

Dems are going to run on tax increases for all, right?

Wrong. D's need to run on a fiscally responsible policy, one which details the cost-benefits vis a vis the cost-deficits in a budget.

Fiscal conservatives are outnumbered by the don't tax and spend Congress under McConnell and Ryan - sure to lead to another economic correction / recession when trickle down fails.

BTW Frank, how about explaining why you haven't brought up the national debt which is predicted to increase by a Trillion Dollars or more, and be passed on to our kids and theirs by this tax reform?

Do you believe tax cuts to global corporations and the billionaire set will trickle down to you?

Something that is as alien to them as man living on the Moon. Congrats, you woke up a necro thread to be proven a fool yet again.

And yet all you have to offer is an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem.

Fact: The prediction was spot on!
Fact: Once again, the GOP won an election, and cannot figure out how to govern.
Fact: The GOP puts Party First, and patronizes most of the 300+ million citizens not members of the power elite.
Fact: Our economy is consumer driven, 90% buy goods and services, 10% buy goods and services and invest most of their money, many times in foreign banks and markets.
The Republican Party will control the Senate, the H. of Rep. and the White House on Jan 20, 2017. The reason is simple, mass murders have created the Great Wedge Issue, and single issue voters will not support Democratic candidates for the simple reason that they will believe the D's will take their guns.

It matters not that the Republican Party will soon have greater control of the Supreme Court, since the new President will likely have several appointments, and as a result the goal of creating an Oligarchy will be met, and America will further decline into a nation ruled by a power elite ready; an elite willing and able to remake our nation into a Plutocracy.

Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. When each state makes their own rules/laws, rules and laws written by and signed by members of the power elite.

Of course this exists today, but once the power transfer is complete it will last until the regime falls and those who have read history understand the fall will not be easy, short or non violent.

A look back on USMB History:

Let us all hope that the failure of the Trump Administration is soon to come, and the inability of the GOP controlled Congress (which proved once again they can win elections, but cannot govern effectively) will be replaced by the democratic process this coming November.

Dems are going to run on tax increases for all, right?

Wrong. D's need to run on a fiscally responsible policy, one which details the cost-benefits vis a vis the cost-deficits in a budget.

Fiscal conservatives are outnumbered by the don't tax and spend Congress under McConnell and Ryan - sure to lead to another economic correction / recession when trickle down fails.

BTW Frank, how about explaining why you haven't brought up the national debt which is predicted to increase by a Trillion Dollars or more, and be passed on to our kids and theirs by this tax reform?

Do you believe tax cuts to global corporations and the billionaire set will trickle down to you?

Something that is as alien to them as man living on the Moon. Congrats, you woke up a necro thread to be proven a fool yet again.

And yet all you have to offer is an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem.

Fact: The prediction was spot on!
Fact: Once again, the GOP won an election, and cannot figure out how to govern.
Fact: The GOP puts Party First, and patronizes most of the 300+ million citizens not members of the power elite.
Fact: Our economy is consumer driven, 90% buy goods and services, 10% buy goods and services and invest most of their money, many times in foreign banks and markets.

Fact: The economy is vastly better after one year of Trump than it ever was under Obama. It's the economy stupid. Voters will vote based on their wallet.
The Republican Party will control the Senate, the H. of Rep. and the White House on Jan 20, 2017. The reason is simple, mass murders have created the Great Wedge Issue, and single issue voters will not support Democratic candidates for the simple reason that they will believe the D's will take their guns.

It matters not that the Republican Party will soon have greater control of the Supreme Court, since the new President will likely have several appointments, and as a result the goal of creating an Oligarchy will be met, and America will further decline into a nation ruled by a power elite ready; an elite willing and able to remake our nation into a Plutocracy.

Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. When each state makes their own rules/laws, rules and laws written by and signed by members of the power elite.

Of course this exists today, but once the power transfer is complete it will last until the regime falls and those who have read history understand the fall will not be easy, short or non violent.

A look back on USMB History:

Let us all hope that the failure of the Trump Administration is soon to come, and the inability of the GOP controlled Congress (which proved once again they can win elections, but cannot govern effectively) will be replaced by the democratic process this coming November.

Dems are going to run on tax increases for all, right?

Wrong. D's need to run on a fiscally responsible policy, one which details the cost-benefits vis a vis the cost-deficits in a budget.

Fiscal conservatives are outnumbered by the don't tax and spend Congress under McConnell and Ryan - sure to lead to another economic correction / recession when trickle down fails.

BTW Frank, how about explaining why you haven't brought up the national debt which is predicted to increase by a Trillion Dollars or more, and be passed on to our kids and theirs by this tax reform?

Do you believe tax cuts to global corporations and the billionaire set will trickle down to you?

Under Clinton/Gingrich we were on a glidepath to a real peace dividend and would probably have paid off a lot of our national debt by now.

I agree with Jackie Mason, if we want fiscal responsibility, we should put Congress on commission. They get paid when the the nation stops running up deficits
A look back on USMB History:

Let us all hope that the failure of the Trump Administration is soon to come, and the inability of the GOP controlled Congress (which proved once again they can win elections, but cannot govern effectively) will be replaced by the democratic process this coming November.

Dems are going to run on tax increases for all, right?

Wrong. D's need to run on a fiscally responsible policy, one which details the cost-benefits vis a vis the cost-deficits in a budget.

Fiscal conservatives are outnumbered by the don't tax and spend Congress under McConnell and Ryan - sure to lead to another economic correction / recession when trickle down fails.

BTW Frank, how about explaining why you haven't brought up the national debt which is predicted to increase by a Trillion Dollars or more, and be passed on to our kids and theirs by this tax reform?

Do you believe tax cuts to global corporations and the billionaire set will trickle down to you?

Something that is as alien to them as man living on the Moon. Congrats, you woke up a necro thread to be proven a fool yet again.

And yet all you have to offer is an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem.

Fact: The prediction was spot on!
Fact: Once again, the GOP won an election, and cannot figure out how to govern.
Fact: The GOP puts Party First, and patronizes most of the 300+ million citizens not members of the power elite.
Fact: Our economy is consumer driven, 90% buy goods and services, 10% buy goods and services and invest most of their money, many times in foreign banks and markets.

Fact: The economy is vastly better after one year of Trump than it ever was under Obama. It's the economy stupid. Voters will vote based on their wallet.

Explain this to me:

Obama was blamed for the high unemployment, the near collapse of the stock/bond markets and real estate collapse in 2009; and Trump is credited with decreasing unemployment and real estate boom in 2017.
Dems are going to run on tax increases for all, right?

Wrong. D's need to run on a fiscally responsible policy, one which details the cost-benefits vis a vis the cost-deficits in a budget.

Fiscal conservatives are outnumbered by the don't tax and spend Congress under McConnell and Ryan - sure to lead to another economic correction / recession when trickle down fails.

BTW Frank, how about explaining why you haven't brought up the national debt which is predicted to increase by a Trillion Dollars or more, and be passed on to our kids and theirs by this tax reform?

Do you believe tax cuts to global corporations and the billionaire set will trickle down to you?

Something that is as alien to them as man living on the Moon. Congrats, you woke up a necro thread to be proven a fool yet again.

And yet all you have to offer is an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem.

Fact: The prediction was spot on!
Fact: Once again, the GOP won an election, and cannot figure out how to govern.
Fact: The GOP puts Party First, and patronizes most of the 300+ million citizens not members of the power elite.
Fact: Our economy is consumer driven, 90% buy goods and services, 10% buy goods and services and invest most of their money, many times in foreign banks and markets.

Fact: The economy is vastly better after one year of Trump than it ever was under Obama. It's the economy stupid. Voters will vote based on their wallet.

Explain this to me:

Obama was blamed for the high unemployment, the near collapse of the stock/bond markets and real estate collapse in 2009; and Trump is credited with decreasing unemployment and real estate boom in 2017.

because youre the president....Reagan was blame in 81 and 82 for the economy, he was in charge....his policies eventually made it boom.....but he's in charge
Wrong. D's need to run on a fiscally responsible policy, one which details the cost-benefits vis a vis the cost-deficits in a budget.

Fiscal conservatives are outnumbered by the don't tax and spend Congress under McConnell and Ryan - sure to lead to another economic correction / recession when trickle down fails.

BTW Frank, how about explaining why you haven't brought up the national debt which is predicted to increase by a Trillion Dollars or more, and be passed on to our kids and theirs by this tax reform?

Do you believe tax cuts to global corporations and the billionaire set will trickle down to you?

Something that is as alien to them as man living on the Moon. Congrats, you woke up a necro thread to be proven a fool yet again.

And yet all you have to offer is an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem.

Fact: The prediction was spot on!
Fact: Once again, the GOP won an election, and cannot figure out how to govern.
Fact: The GOP puts Party First, and patronizes most of the 300+ million citizens not members of the power elite.
Fact: Our economy is consumer driven, 90% buy goods and services, 10% buy goods and services and invest most of their money, many times in foreign banks and markets.

Fact: The economy is vastly better after one year of Trump than it ever was under Obama. It's the economy stupid. Voters will vote based on their wallet.

Explain this to me:

Obama was blamed for the high unemployment, the near collapse of the stock/bond markets and real estate collapse in 2009; and Trump is credited with decreasing unemployment and real estate boom in 2017.

because youre the president....Reagan was blame in 81 and 82 for the economy, he was in charge....his policies eventually made it boom.....but he's in charge

I'm the President? Good to know. Reagan left a massive debt, and raised taxes. You really need to find a new hobby.

Reaganomics - Wikipedia
The Republican Party will control the Senate, the H. of Rep. and the White House on Jan 20, 2017. The reason is simple, mass murders have created the Great Wedge Issue, and single issue voters will not support Democratic candidates for the simple reason that they will believe the D's will take their guns.

It matters not that the Republican Party will soon have greater control of the Supreme Court, since the new President will likely have several appointments, and as a result the goal of creating an Oligarchy will be met, and America will further decline into a nation ruled by a power elite ready; an elite willing and able to remake our nation into a Plutocracy.

Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. When each state makes their own rules/laws, rules and laws written by and signed by members of the power elite.

Of course this exists today, but once the power transfer is complete it will last until the regime falls and those who have read history understand the fall will not be easy, short or non violent.

You know, I read this old thread Wry. Can I ask a question? Why do Democrats think they have to pander to those waaaaaaaaay out there to win? Why do they think they have to import voters? Maybe, just maybe, if they went slightly back to their historical positions, they would not have to do it.

I urge you to look at the laws that the left all but ignore. Why wouldn't you change those laws? Because America doesn't want you to!

So if America doesn't want the laws changed, why would you believe that they would elect people who would; or a person who will just ignore them?

Understand, this is NOT a response stating that, "I am right, and you are wrong," rather........this is a response asking you why you do not understand that if the majority of people do not want it, why are you surprised they vote against you!
Get the Supreme Court. If Trump can get 1 or 2 more Justices appointed, he will have accomplished all i've asked of him. The Courts decide everything these days.
Something that is as alien to them as man living on the Moon. Congrats, you woke up a necro thread to be proven a fool yet again.

And yet all you have to offer is an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem.

Fact: The prediction was spot on!
Fact: Once again, the GOP won an election, and cannot figure out how to govern.
Fact: The GOP puts Party First, and patronizes most of the 300+ million citizens not members of the power elite.
Fact: Our economy is consumer driven, 90% buy goods and services, 10% buy goods and services and invest most of their money, many times in foreign banks and markets.

Fact: The economy is vastly better after one year of Trump than it ever was under Obama. It's the economy stupid. Voters will vote based on their wallet.

Explain this to me:

Obama was blamed for the high unemployment, the near collapse of the stock/bond markets and real estate collapse in 2009; and Trump is credited with decreasing unemployment and real estate boom in 2017.

because youre the president....Reagan was blame in 81 and 82 for the economy, he was in charge....his policies eventually made it boom.....but he's in charge

I'm the President? Good to know. Reagan left a massive debt, and raised taxes. You really need to find a new hobby.

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

Hey know what I meant with youre

you aren't that stupid I hope.
Third he didn't raise taxes, he lowered them, then he removed deductions, Trump did it in one bill...........and boy you blue staters are hating to be you.

you really need to get a clue........
The Republican Party will control the Senate, the H. of Rep. and the White House on Jan 20, 2017. The reason is simple, mass murders have created the Great Wedge Issue, and single issue voters will not support Democratic candidates for the simple reason that they will believe the D's will take their guns.

It matters not that the Republican Party will soon have greater control of the Supreme Court, since the new President will likely have several appointments, and as a result the goal of creating an Oligarchy will be met, and America will further decline into a nation ruled by a power elite ready; an elite willing and able to remake our nation into a Plutocracy.

Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. When each state makes their own rules/laws, rules and laws written by and signed by members of the power elite.

Of course this exists today, but once the power transfer is complete it will last until the regime falls and those who have read history understand the fall will not be easy, short or non violent.

You know, I read this old thread Wry. Can I ask a question? Why do Democrats think they have to pander to those waaaaaaaaay out there to win? Why do they think they have to import voters? Maybe, just maybe, if they went slightly back to their historical positions, they would not have to do it.

I urge you to look at the laws that the left all but ignore. Why wouldn't you change those laws? Because America doesn't want you to!

So if America doesn't want the laws changed, why would you believe that they would elect people who would; or a person who will just ignore them?

Understand, this is NOT a response stating that, "I am right, and you are wrong," rather........this is a response asking you why you do not understand that if the majority of people do not want it, why are you surprised they vote against you!

I don't follow which laws you are referencing.
Get the Supreme Court. If Trump can get 1 or 2 more Justices appointed, he will have accomplished all i've asked of him. The Courts decide everything these days.

Why do you believe more conservative justices will benefit the people?
And yet all you have to offer is an idiot-gram wrapped in an ad hominem.

Fact: The prediction was spot on!
Fact: Once again, the GOP won an election, and cannot figure out how to govern.
Fact: The GOP puts Party First, and patronizes most of the 300+ million citizens not members of the power elite.
Fact: Our economy is consumer driven, 90% buy goods and services, 10% buy goods and services and invest most of their money, many times in foreign banks and markets.

Fact: The economy is vastly better after one year of Trump than it ever was under Obama. It's the economy stupid. Voters will vote based on their wallet.

Explain this to me:

Obama was blamed for the high unemployment, the near collapse of the stock/bond markets and real estate collapse in 2009; and Trump is credited with decreasing unemployment and real estate boom in 2017.

because youre the president....Reagan was blame in 81 and 82 for the economy, he was in charge....his policies eventually made it boom.....but he's in charge

I'm the President? Good to know. Reagan left a massive debt, and raised taxes. You really need to find a new hobby.

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

Hey know what I meant with youre

you aren't that stupid I hope.
Third he didn't raise taxes, he lowered them, then he removed deductions, Trump did it in one bill...........and boy you blue staters are hating to be you.

you really need to get a clue........

"Hey dipshit..."?

It seems you're misinformed, as well as rude and declasse.
Get the Supreme Court. If Trump can get 1 or 2 more Justices appointed, he will have accomplished all i've asked of him. The Courts decide everything these days.

Why do you believe more conservative justices will benefit the people?
Fact: The economy is vastly better after one year of Trump than it ever was under Obama. It's the economy stupid. Voters will vote based on their wallet.

Explain this to me:

Obama was blamed for the high unemployment, the near collapse of the stock/bond markets and real estate collapse in 2009; and Trump is credited with decreasing unemployment and real estate boom in 2017.

because youre the president....Reagan was blame in 81 and 82 for the economy, he was in charge....his policies eventually made it boom.....but he's in charge

I'm the President? Good to know. Reagan left a massive debt, and raised taxes. You really need to find a new hobby.

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

Hey know what I meant with youre

you aren't that stupid I hope.
Third he didn't raise taxes, he lowered them, then he removed deductions, Trump did it in one bill...........and boy you blue staters are hating to be you.

you really need to get a clue........

"Hey dipshit..."?

It seems you're misinformed, as well as rude and declasse.
I'm rude? Nah, just blunt, I don't care about your feelings...grow a pair.
and what am I misinformed on?
Get the Supreme Court. If Trump can get 1 or 2 more Justices appointed, he will have accomplished all i've asked of him. The Courts decide everything these days.

Why do you believe more conservative justices will benefit the people?
Explain this to me:

Obama was blamed for the high unemployment, the near collapse of the stock/bond markets and real estate collapse in 2009; and Trump is credited with decreasing unemployment and real estate boom in 2017.

because youre the president....Reagan was blame in 81 and 82 for the economy, he was in charge....his policies eventually made it boom.....but he's in charge

I'm the President? Good to know. Reagan left a massive debt, and raised taxes. You really need to find a new hobby.

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

Hey know what I meant with youre

you aren't that stupid I hope.
Third he didn't raise taxes, he lowered them, then he removed deductions, Trump did it in one bill...........and boy you blue staters are hating to be you.

you really need to get a clue........

"Hey dipshit..."?

It seems you're misinformed, as well as rude and declasse.

I'm rude? Nah, just blunt, I don't care about your feelings...grow a pair.
and what am I misinformed on?

History, Grammar, Syntax, Civics, Decorum and Common Sense.
Get the Supreme Court. If Trump can get 1 or 2 more Justices appointed, he will have accomplished all i've asked of him. The Courts decide everything these days.

Why do you believe more conservative justices will benefit the people?
because youre the president....Reagan was blame in 81 and 82 for the economy, he was in charge....his policies eventually made it boom.....but he's in charge

I'm the President? Good to know. Reagan left a massive debt, and raised taxes. You really need to find a new hobby.

Reaganomics - Wikipedia

Hey know what I meant with youre

you aren't that stupid I hope.
Third he didn't raise taxes, he lowered them, then he removed deductions, Trump did it in one bill...........and boy you blue staters are hating to be you.

you really need to get a clue........

"Hey dipshit..."?

It seems you're misinformed, as well as rude and declasse.

I'm rude? Nah, just blunt, I don't care about your feelings...grow a pair.
and what am I misinformed on?

History, Grammar, Syntax, Civics, Decorum and Common Sense.
cute.,.......unlike leftwing women.......
so you cant specify, just more talking points from ya....nice
Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. .
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Of course neither of the Washington Crime Families will ever do anything close to that so it's completely moot. :(

Do you believe deregulation is a good thing? If so, please explain why.

Deregulation is necessary in the current environment of insanely excessive regulation.

Government has a handful of legitimate roles in the economy, including contract enforcement, protection against fraud, protection of private property and compensating for externalities. What we have now goes WAY beyond those roles and is essentially an opaque mechanism for cronyism and market manipulation, not to mention all the unintended negative consequences that are born of regulation that fails to account for all market variables or their interactions with each other and remain unaddressed.

As it stands now the regulatory process doesn't include metrics, a system to measure actual performance against those metrics or an expedient method to remove or modify regulations whose unintended negative consequences exceeds their benefits. It's an absolutely insane way to do things not to mention the fact that it involves Congress abdicating its constitution responsibilities and leaving it up to unelected bureaucrats in the Executive Branch to write what are de facto laws.

The cost of this nightmare which has been levied upon the citizenry needs to end because it's making us all poorer than would otherwise be the case, of course if one likes plutocracy, corruption and economic inefficiency then the current system is just perfect.
Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. .
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Of course neither of the Washington Crime Families will ever do anything close to that so it's completely moot. :(

Do you believe deregulation is a good thing? If so, please explain why.

Deregulation is necessary in the current environment of insanely excessive regulation.

Government has a handful of legitimate roles in the economy, including contract enforcement, protection against fraud, protection of private property and compensating for externalities. What we have now goes WAY beyond those roles and is essentially an opaque mechanism for cronyism and market manipulation, not to mention all the unintended negative consequences that are born of regulation that fails to account for all market variables or their interactions with each other and remain unaddressed.

As it stands now the regulatory process doesn't include metrics, a system to measure actual performance against those metrics or an expedient method to remove or modify regulations whose unintended negative consequences exceeds their benefits. It's an absolutely insane way to do things not to mention the fact that it involves Congress abdicating its constitution responsibilities and leaving it up to unelected bureaucrats in the Executive Branch to write what are de facto laws.

The cost of this nightmare which has been levied upon the citizenry needs to end because it's making us all poorer than would otherwise be the case, of course if one likes plutocracy, corruption and economic inefficiency then the current system is just perfect.

Much of what is posted above is thoughtful and thought provoking, and yet blows a hole directly through the Ryan, McConnell, Trump axis. Consider, their goal is too remove regulations based on only one metric - profit. There is little or no concern for the environment or the health and well being of We the People.

For those who believe my response is funny, consider the cost-benefits and cost-deficits of Sessions' war on Marijuana?
Consider the consequences to you and your family, when the EPA, FDA, etc. and progressive taxation has been eliminated, and replaced by unregulated, lassiez faire capitalism. .
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Of course neither of the Washington Crime Families will ever do anything close to that so it's completely moot. :(

Do you believe deregulation is a good thing? If so, please explain why.

Deregulation is necessary in the current environment of insanely excessive regulation.

Government has a handful of legitimate roles in the economy, including contract enforcement, protection against fraud, protection of private property and compensating for externalities. What we have now goes WAY beyond those roles and is essentially an opaque mechanism for cronyism and market manipulation, not to mention all the unintended negative consequences that are born of regulation that fails to account for all market variables or their interactions with each other and remain unaddressed.

As it stands now the regulatory process doesn't include metrics, a system to measure actual performance against those metrics or an expedient method to remove or modify regulations whose unintended negative consequences exceeds their benefits. It's an absolutely insane way to do things not to mention the fact that it involves Congress abdicating its constitution responsibilities and leaving it up to unelected bureaucrats in the Executive Branch to write what are de facto laws.

The cost of this nightmare which has been levied upon the citizenry needs to end because it's making us all poorer than would otherwise be the case, of course if one likes plutocracy, corruption and economic inefficiency then the current system is just perfect.

Much of what is posted above is thoughtful and thought provoking, and yet blows a hole directly through the Ryan, McConnell, Trump axis.
The "Ryan, McConnell, Trump axis" is part of the problem not the solution; they're pursuing deregulatory favoritism (i.e. helping out their pals) not deregulation based on legitimate government roles in the economy or on regulations whose negative unintended consequences exceed their benefits.

Consider, their goal is too remove regulations based on only one metric - profit. There is little or no concern for the environment or the health and well being of We the People.
Agreed, although occasionally the creatures in Washington actually do remove / modify regulation in a way that makes sense for the greater good of the economy and the citizenry, usually it's by accident.

For those who believe my response is funny, consider the cost-benefits and cost-deficits of Sessions' war on Marijuana?
The idiotic "war on marijuana" isn't of Jeff Sessions making and he really hasn't done anything (yet) to inhibit those States that have legalized either medical or recreational use/sales, it remains to be seen whether his rescinding the Obama Era policy of "non-enforcement" hurts or helps legalization; it may actually end up helping it since it does put the screws to Congress to act on revoking federal anti-marijuana laws and leaving it up to the States which, if I'm not mistaken, is an issue that major swaths of both sides of the partisan aisle can get on board with.

At this point all his move has done is put a chilling effect on new investment in the pot trade in those States where it has been legalized, the Justice Department hasn't pursued enforcement or allocated any resources to do so and I for one doubt (hope) they never will, we'll see I suppose.

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