Prediction: November Electoral Vote - Clinton 429 - Trump 109

She's getting closer....
369/169 based on the latest state by state polling.
Trump can lose the SW if he flips the rustbelt, which he does. Plus florida and probably NY. He has to make up the loss of latinos with non hispanic men in the rest of the country. Which he can do, and get young women. Young people hate hillary

And Georgia isn't going to go for Clinton once Trump starts courting the black vote, which he will, heavily. He just got out of a primary with the media asking him questions about affiliation with white nationalists. There is no fucking way georgia goes blue, mark this post. I will send you 10 dollars via paypal if Trump loses Georgia.

Blacks aren't going to vote for Trump. They are going to come out for Hillary in size.

Trump is trailing Hillary in NY by 25 points. And it's not like no one in NY knows who they are.

As for GA, Trump could lose because he could lose the Atlanta suburbs. And as much as I appreciate your offer to send me $10, I'll respectfully spare you of that!
How much did Mitt Romney lose New York to Obama?


United States presidential election in New York, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrats aren't too worried about NY.
Trump is already doing better than Romney there....

On August 15, 2012, Romney was trailing Obama by 3% in the RCP polls.

On August 15, 2016, Trump is trailing Clinton by nearly 7% in the RCP polls.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump. have Trump losing to Hillary in Georgia and Tennessee??? And Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina??? And Florida? don't know the South well do ya?

If Hillary beats Trump that badly in the South....I'll bark along with her

The south do not go for party. They vote for the more conservative politician.

The most conservative politician in this race is Hillary!!.

In fact, we do not know how to classify Trump. There is no record to classify him, and his word means nothing!!

If Hillary takes Texas she will get in the 420 EV range
Hillary taking Texas would be the same as Zander becoming heterosexual.
It could happen

Trump has a lot more fucking up to do

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
If Hillary takes Texas she will get in the 420 EV range
Hillary taking Texas would be the same as Zander becoming heterosexual.
It could happen

Trump has a lot more fucking up to do

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?

I don't

That is why I despise Trump
If Hillary takes Texas she will get in the 420 EV range
Hillary taking Texas would be the same as Zander becoming heterosexual.
It could happen

Trump has a lot more fucking up to do

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?

Because she doesn’t do this: (mock a reporter with a disability)

And her opponent does.
Just one of many reasons.
If Hillary takes Texas she will get in the 420 EV range
Hillary taking Texas would be the same as Zander becoming heterosexual.
It could happen

Trump has a lot more fucking up to do

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?

I don't

That is why I despise Trump

sorry, but that makes no sense. you don't want HRC to be president but you will help her get there because you despise Trump?

Do you piss into the wind and then wonder why your shoes are wet?

BTW, a large majority of republican primary voters picked Trump.
It's headed this way. Cook political analytics just moved 11 states from Red to Toss-up. The NeverTrump movement is exceptionally strong and actually doing some good in bringing people of different political beliefs together to unite against that sleazeball.

You will be able to see how much stroke Trump supporters have in 3 months:

The Speaker of the House has come out and stated that he cannot support the nominee of his own party. Needless to say this is a slap in the face to Mr. Trump (a well deserved one). I believe it is on 8/9/16, Mr. Ryan is up for re-election in his own party. If he wins by upwards of say 15-20 percent, there is nothing to worry about from Mr. Trump's supporters.

As predicted; Ryan cruised to victory despite the “anger” from the Trump enablers…
And you see Trump enablers leaving the sinking ship in droves.
If Hillary takes Texas she will get in the 420 EV range
Hillary taking Texas would be the same as Zander becoming heterosexual.
It could happen

Trump has a lot more fucking up to do

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?

I don't

That is why I despise Trump

sorry, but that makes no sense. you don't want HRC to be president but you will help her get there because you despise Trump?

Do you piss into the wind and then wonder why your shoes are wet?

BTW, a large majority of republican primary voters picked Trump.

Not true.
More voted against Drumpf than voted for him.
You might want to tell the RINOs that.
The RINOs will be laughing "told you so" when Trump is schlonged and brings the rest of the GOP down with him

I am a registered Republican also, went to Florida for 3 months to check the reality of Trump power, and discovered it was real. But something changed between Florida and today. It wasn't that he won those states, but how he won those states that changed the perception of his ability to get the Republicans behind him. As of now, it isn't going to happen.

For the 1st month while in Florida, I thought the polls were skewed. No way did Trump have this much support, something was wrong. I found out, what was wrong was my opinion that they were wrong, lol. Trump hard core supporters pointed to virtually every poll, and nobody believed them. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and everyone is pointing at the polls, and Trump supporters have their head in the sand and won't admit that one poll could be wrong, maybe even two, possibly 3; but most of them? No way Jose. Just as they predicted what Trump would do in many primaries accurately, they are telling everyone........including his arrogant supporters what he WON'T do in the general; they just don't want to listen.

And so, for Trump supporters, let me say this---------------> everything can change very quickly in politics, you can go from getting hammered, to winning convincingly. Thing is, usually for that to happen 1 of 2 things must occur, 1. your opponent steps in it so bad they can't recover, or 2. your candidate redefines him/herself to become more electable. From what I see, the Trump supporters have all their eggs in one basket and are betting on number 1, because Trump is doing nothing to change public perception of him, and in fact negotiating publicly against himself on his own tax plan, along with flip-flopping on other economic stances he claimed to take.

No Trump supporters, Mr Trump is 100% correct that if he is elected, it will be because of the Democratic crossover vote, not the Republican vote. He will get some I am sure, but not enough to make up for all the people who are revolted by Trumps demeanor, and will not vote for him. As of this writing, the only question is-------->will Trump take the senate and house down, along with his Presidential candidacy! By September, or October, we should have a pretty clear picture, and while I hope not, it might finally force the red states to get 100% serious about an article 5. I guess that could be considered making lemonade out of lemons.

He has won every demographic in the last primaries. A landslide victory is very possible, especially if the FBI goes public with what they have on Hillary.

Winning every demographic in the primaries is wonderful. Wait, we are out of the primaries, and he is losing almost every demographic in the general, so far.

And let me ask you-------------->were his words during the primaries and debates on his positions part of the reason he won the nomination? So now, the words on policies that won him the nomination, he decides to negotiate against himself; publicly no less, and flip-flop! Come on! As a Trump supporter, (meaning many of you) besides his wall, you can't name a policy he is for that is not malleable, and according to many reports the wall is too, lol.

Usually, this is where I go into how you people have been scammed, but I am not going to do that anymore. Many of you have debated with liberals for years, upon years, trying to pin them down. Well, now it is your turn, lol. Trump changes policies so fast, that once a lefty gets you to state what he stands for in the world according to you, within a week, everything that you stated may have changed........therefore, it is one of 2 things, 1. just like Obama, the cult of personality, or 2. he is better than Hillary, which is an admission that he BAMBOOZLED you when that is all you got!

Rant and rave all you want. a majority of the American people will support Trump in November. The criminal hildebeast will never be president.

Archived to rub your nose in it!!!!
It's headed this way. Cook political analytics just moved 11 states from Red to Toss-up. The NeverTrump movement is exceptionally strong and actually doing some good in bringing people of different political beliefs together to unite against that sleazeball.

You will be able to see how much stroke Trump supporters have in 3 months:

The Speaker of the House has come out and stated that he cannot support the nominee of his own party. Needless to say this is a slap in the face to Mr. Trump (a well deserved one). I believe it is on 8/9/16, Mr. Ryan is up for re-election in his own party. If he wins by upwards of say 15-20 percent, there is nothing to worry about from Mr. Trump's supporters.
A sound prediction. Trump has been toned down for a few days. But the narcistic fool cannot keep his mouth shut, so that won't last.
Why is it so difficult for some to understand that, as lousy a candidate as Hillary is, she is still preferable to the alternative for a majority of us?

There are very few people claiming that she is angel; but her opponent is repulsive and it's an insult to many that he's even an option.

So there is your answer to your constant "why would you vote for Hillary" question once and for all.

The GOP was handed this election on a silver platter, but it was too busy losing its marbles to notice.
If Hillary takes Texas she will get in the 420 EV range
Hillary taking Texas would be the same as Zander becoming heterosexual.
It could happen

Trump has a lot more fucking up to do

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
I want Johnson, and you have described the Comrade Communist Trump well: a proven liar, who has accomplished nothing without his dad's money, who has corrupted politicians, whose incompetence has completely destroyed the GOP presidential campaign, who hates and abuses women, who has bankrupted four times at least, who gives millions to corrupt politicians, and who is emotionally, physically, mentally, and morally unable to be president.
Why is it so difficult for some to understand that, as lousy a candidate as Hillary is, she is still preferable to the alternative for a majority of us?

There are very few people claiming that she is angel; but her opponent is repulsive and it's an insult to many that he's even an option.

So there is your answer to your constant "why would you vote for Hillary" question once and for all.

The GOP was handed this election on a silver platter, but it was too busy losing its marbles to notice.
The far right was finally given the chance it has been whining for many years, and it predictably the snowflakes flubbed it.

Of course they did.

Vote Gary Johnson.

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