Prediction: November Electoral Vote - Clinton 429 - Trump 109

Most Americans recognize the value of immigration to the United States and know that it is a source of strength for a growing economy and demographically helps the United States as its population ages. There are certain sectors of the country that are against immigration, but its really more just racism and blaming others for changes in society.

Americans love Free Trade because it makes the goods Americans buy everyday cheaper. It also expands business opportunities with increasing exports. Protectionism has a poor record and is outdated in the 21st century.

The majority of the American public wants to continue to protect areas of the world that are vital to United States security and are critical to the United States economy. The Persian Gulf, Japan, South Korea, and Europe remain vital interest of the United States just as they have been for the past 70 years. Abandoning U.S. security commitments abroad will create a world where third World War would be possible. It was U.S. isolationism prior to the first World War and 2nd World War that helped create the conditions that led to those wars.

This will become perfectly clear to everyone when Trump is slaughtered in November.

Unless you're taking advantage of cheap labor in the west most people do not see low skill immigration as a boon

Yes having bodies gives us a slight geopolitical advantage. But the children of Honduran and Mexican illegals who's fathers are educated as well as our middle schoolers are not a boon

Guest workers are only a boon in Saudi Arabia because they treat them like an underclass.

Our guest workers get to go to school with our children and suck up funds for medical care

Almost no one in this country is for limited immigration. The dumbest immigrants should be last in line. That includes the poor mexicans who poor across our borders and drive the wages of poor Americans down.

You're just wrong

Being pro immigrant is a pro capital position, (being pro low skill labor immigration means you really hate poor people and don't understand the implications of having a massive brown underclass)

We want a nation of equals. Not a nation of equals plus hispanics who's majority of descendants won't be assimilated in our lifetime.

If you consider yourself a progressive you should be against low skill immigration. It's terrible for our poor.

Trading an insignificant increase in GDP for a massive loss in GDP per capita and a bigger strain on social services especially in urban areas.

Your failing to see that many wealthy educated whites are not having children. Without immigration the United States would be having a declining population which would result in all kinds of problems. We do not want to suffer the economic and demographic problems that Japan, European countries and even China will be suffering in the coming decades. U.S. immigration is the way it is today largely because that is what society has demanded. People from Latin America come to work in the United States because there are opportunities waiting for them. We need the workers and they desire the work. That is how it has worked since the United States became a country in 1776. Many o f the people who came to the United States in the 19th century would also be defined as "ILLEGAL" based on existing laws. Built up government regulation on immigration has also been a factor in making what was once legal, illegal. A good example of where government interfere's with the business interest of individuals in the United States.

Any Human Being, regardless of age, can get a better education and learn new skills. So just because someone comes to the United States under-educated or under-skilled does not mean they will stay that way.

We can have almost infinite legal immigration. And pull people who are well above the American average in education and IQ

It does not make any sense to ship in people to be our maids or pick our fruit. There is no job an American won't take. There are just wages Americans won't accept.

We had downward pressure on low skill employment for 2 generations. Continuiing to ship in idiots will not be good for poor Americans. Even if you wanted 100 million people over the next 10 years to immigrate. We could do it all legally and get very skilled individuals to come here, we are the most attractive place on the planet to immigrate to.

Hundreds of millions of people living in the third world that have already been educated by their society. We don't need mexicans educated at a 6th grade level to do anything. We are not Saudi Arabia. You're just wrong

We need educated Latinos and everyone else that wants to come. Not people to undercut poor American laborers. Not bring in people who will take 4 generations to assimilate.

Sorry, but your ignoring basic economic realities of immigration and free trade that occur because people in the United States demand it. The United States has a minimum wage, unlike most other third world countries so the idea that the current policy is driving down wages is false. Wages continue to rise or sometimes stagnate and inflation is LOW which is good. Latin American immigration to the United States has been positive for the economy and society far more than it has been negative which is why it has continued for all our countries history and should continue well into the future. It is one of the key reasons why the United States remains one of the strongest countries in the world. Trumps ideas of building a WALL and deporting people are idiotic and would hurt the country and the economy as well as drive the U.S. population towards the democraphic problems that are being suffered in Japan and Europe. U.S. economic growth for the past two centuries has been driven heavily by immigration and as the population grows older immigration will become an even more economic necessity than it has been in the past.

You think the minimum wage is an appropriate wage for an American citizen?

It's difficult to live on double minimum wage. It has not been positive for the economy unless you only look at GDP.

It has strained our system, we treat mexicans much better than the GDP they produce would make economic sense to.

Again you have not explained why we want middle shcool educated latinos as opposed to high IQ inidivudals that speak perfect English.

You stupid white trash

You're taking a pro capital position. You're on the same side as teh rich libertarians. Poor mexicans are not a boon to this country in any way. Economically and certanily not geopolticially.

Mexicans are literally colonizing the SW, New Mexico is going to be majority mexican soon.
It was before we came West.
The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.


I wish I could place a $100 bet with all of you clowns who keep thinking Utah is going Democratic this year.

Trump is going to lose the race, but there is no chance he loses Utah.
You clearly do not know Mormon Utah. Yes, there is a decent chance he could lose Utah. Mia Love will not return to Congress, I think.

Your prediction history is not exactly stellar. Mia Love will be just fine.
Other than the house in 2010 my prediction history is very, very good.

I called Harry two months out that he would beat Angle easily.

I said that Love would not get 52% in a year everyone else would clean up. She got 50%.

If Trump tanks, as I expect he will, Owens will beat her by five points.

It depends on WHY he tanks. If he tanks because Republicans flee to Clinton, or don't vote for President, Love will be fine. If he tanks because Republicans stay home, Love might be in trouble.
I know Utah. Utahns liked Owens' dad though he lost his last election. Owens ran a late campaign and came within three points of her despite a massive GOP sweep nationally.
Unless you're taking advantage of cheap labor in the west most people do not see low skill immigration as a boon

Yes having bodies gives us a slight geopolitical advantage. But the children of Honduran and Mexican illegals who's fathers are educated as well as our middle schoolers are not a boon

Guest workers are only a boon in Saudi Arabia because they treat them like an underclass.

Our guest workers get to go to school with our children and suck up funds for medical care

Almost no one in this country is for limited immigration. The dumbest immigrants should be last in line. That includes the poor mexicans who poor across our borders and drive the wages of poor Americans down.

You're just wrong

Being pro immigrant is a pro capital position, (being pro low skill labor immigration means you really hate poor people and don't understand the implications of having a massive brown underclass)

We want a nation of equals. Not a nation of equals plus hispanics who's majority of descendants won't be assimilated in our lifetime.

If you consider yourself a progressive you should be against low skill immigration. It's terrible for our poor.

Trading an insignificant increase in GDP for a massive loss in GDP per capita and a bigger strain on social services especially in urban areas.

Your failing to see that many wealthy educated whites are not having children. Without immigration the United States would be having a declining population which would result in all kinds of problems. We do not want to suffer the economic and demographic problems that Japan, European countries and even China will be suffering in the coming decades. U.S. immigration is the way it is today largely because that is what society has demanded. People from Latin America come to work in the United States because there are opportunities waiting for them. We need the workers and they desire the work. That is how it has worked since the United States became a country in 1776. Many o f the people who came to the United States in the 19th century would also be defined as "ILLEGAL" based on existing laws. Built up government regulation on immigration has also been a factor in making what was once legal, illegal. A good example of where government interfere's with the business interest of individuals in the United States.

Any Human Being, regardless of age, can get a better education and learn new skills. So just because someone comes to the United States under-educated or under-skilled does not mean they will stay that way.

We can have almost infinite legal immigration. And pull people who are well above the American average in education and IQ

It does not make any sense to ship in people to be our maids or pick our fruit. There is no job an American won't take. There are just wages Americans won't accept.

We had downward pressure on low skill employment for 2 generations. Continuiing to ship in idiots will not be good for poor Americans. Even if you wanted 100 million people over the next 10 years to immigrate. We could do it all legally and get very skilled individuals to come here, we are the most attractive place on the planet to immigrate to.

Hundreds of millions of people living in the third world that have already been educated by their society. We don't need mexicans educated at a 6th grade level to do anything. We are not Saudi Arabia. You're just wrong

We need educated Latinos and everyone else that wants to come. Not people to undercut poor American laborers. Not bring in people who will take 4 generations to assimilate.

Sorry, but your ignoring basic economic realities of immigration and free trade that occur because people in the United States demand it. The United States has a minimum wage, unlike most other third world countries so the idea that the current policy is driving down wages is false. Wages continue to rise or sometimes stagnate and inflation is LOW which is good. Latin American immigration to the United States has been positive for the economy and society far more than it has been negative which is why it has continued for all our countries history and should continue well into the future. It is one of the key reasons why the United States remains one of the strongest countries in the world. Trumps ideas of building a WALL and deporting people are idiotic and would hurt the country and the economy as well as drive the U.S. population towards the democraphic problems that are being suffered in Japan and Europe. U.S. economic growth for the past two centuries has been driven heavily by immigration and as the population grows older immigration will become an even more economic necessity than it has been in the past.

You think the minimum wage is an appropriate wage for an American citizen?

It's difficult to live on double minimum wage. It has not been positive for the economy unless you only look at GDP.

It has strained our system, we treat mexicans much better than the GDP they produce would make economic sense to.

Again you have not explained why we want middle shcool educated latinos as opposed to high IQ inidivudals that speak perfect English.

You stupid white trash

You're taking a pro capital position. You're on the same side as teh rich libertarians. Poor mexicans are not a boon to this country in any way. Economically and certanily not geopolticially.

Mexicans are literally colonizing the SW, New Mexico is going to be majority mexican soon.
It was before we came West.

We didn't have a minimum wage before we went west...

We also gave away land instead of funneling Germans to urban areas to strain the social services of native born Americans
Your failing to see that many wealthy educated whites are not having children. Without immigration the United States would be having a declining population which would result in all kinds of problems. We do not want to suffer the economic and demographic problems that Japan, European countries and even China will be suffering in the coming decades. U.S. immigration is the way it is today largely because that is what society has demanded. People from Latin America come to work in the United States because there are opportunities waiting for them. We need the workers and they desire the work. That is how it has worked since the United States became a country in 1776. Many o f the people who came to the United States in the 19th century would also be defined as "ILLEGAL" based on existing laws. Built up government regulation on immigration has also been a factor in making what was once legal, illegal. A good example of where government interfere's with the business interest of individuals in the United States.

Any Human Being, regardless of age, can get a better education and learn new skills. So just because someone comes to the United States under-educated or under-skilled does not mean they will stay that way.

We can have almost infinite legal immigration. And pull people who are well above the American average in education and IQ

It does not make any sense to ship in people to be our maids or pick our fruit. There is no job an American won't take. There are just wages Americans won't accept.

We had downward pressure on low skill employment for 2 generations. Continuiing to ship in idiots will not be good for poor Americans. Even if you wanted 100 million people over the next 10 years to immigrate. We could do it all legally and get very skilled individuals to come here, we are the most attractive place on the planet to immigrate to.

Hundreds of millions of people living in the third world that have already been educated by their society. We don't need mexicans educated at a 6th grade level to do anything. We are not Saudi Arabia. You're just wrong

We need educated Latinos and everyone else that wants to come. Not people to undercut poor American laborers. Not bring in people who will take 4 generations to assimilate.

Sorry, but your ignoring basic economic realities of immigration and free trade that occur because people in the United States demand it. The United States has a minimum wage, unlike most other third world countries so the idea that the current policy is driving down wages is false. Wages continue to rise or sometimes stagnate and inflation is LOW which is good. Latin American immigration to the United States has been positive for the economy and society far more than it has been negative which is why it has continued for all our countries history and should continue well into the future. It is one of the key reasons why the United States remains one of the strongest countries in the world. Trumps ideas of building a WALL and deporting people are idiotic and would hurt the country and the economy as well as drive the U.S. population towards the democraphic problems that are being suffered in Japan and Europe. U.S. economic growth for the past two centuries has been driven heavily by immigration and as the population grows older immigration will become an even more economic necessity than it has been in the past.

You think the minimum wage is an appropriate wage for an American citizen?

It's difficult to live on double minimum wage. It has not been positive for the economy unless you only look at GDP.

It has strained our system, we treat mexicans much better than the GDP they produce would make economic sense to.

Again you have not explained why we want middle shcool educated latinos as opposed to high IQ inidivudals that speak perfect English.

You stupid white trash

You're taking a pro capital position. You're on the same side as teh rich libertarians. Poor mexicans are not a boon to this country in any way. Economically and certanily not geopolticially.

Mexicans are literally colonizing the SW, New Mexico is going to be majority mexican soon.
It was before we came West.

We didn't have a minimum wage before we went west...
That has nothing to do with your complaining. You don't like Mexicans taking the low paying wages. Then get some education.
We can have almost infinite legal immigration. And pull people who are well above the American average in education and IQ

It does not make any sense to ship in people to be our maids or pick our fruit. There is no job an American won't take. There are just wages Americans won't accept.

We had downward pressure on low skill employment for 2 generations. Continuiing to ship in idiots will not be good for poor Americans. Even if you wanted 100 million people over the next 10 years to immigrate. We could do it all legally and get very skilled individuals to come here, we are the most attractive place on the planet to immigrate to.

Hundreds of millions of people living in the third world that have already been educated by their society. We don't need mexicans educated at a 6th grade level to do anything. We are not Saudi Arabia. You're just wrong

We need educated Latinos and everyone else that wants to come. Not people to undercut poor American laborers. Not bring in people who will take 4 generations to assimilate.

Sorry, but your ignoring basic economic realities of immigration and free trade that occur because people in the United States demand it. The United States has a minimum wage, unlike most other third world countries so the idea that the current policy is driving down wages is false. Wages continue to rise or sometimes stagnate and inflation is LOW which is good. Latin American immigration to the United States has been positive for the economy and society far more than it has been negative which is why it has continued for all our countries history and should continue well into the future. It is one of the key reasons why the United States remains one of the strongest countries in the world. Trumps ideas of building a WALL and deporting people are idiotic and would hurt the country and the economy as well as drive the U.S. population towards the democraphic problems that are being suffered in Japan and Europe. U.S. economic growth for the past two centuries has been driven heavily by immigration and as the population grows older immigration will become an even more economic necessity than it has been in the past.

You think the minimum wage is an appropriate wage for an American citizen?

It's difficult to live on double minimum wage. It has not been positive for the economy unless you only look at GDP.

It has strained our system, we treat mexicans much better than the GDP they produce would make economic sense to.

Again you have not explained why we want middle shcool educated latinos as opposed to high IQ inidivudals that speak perfect English.

You stupid white trash

You're taking a pro capital position. You're on the same side as teh rich libertarians. Poor mexicans are not a boon to this country in any way. Economically and certanily not geopolticially.

Mexicans are literally colonizing the SW, New Mexico is going to be majority mexican soon.
It was before we came West.

We didn't have a minimum wage before we went west...
That has nothing to do with your complaining. You don't like Mexicans taking the low paying wages. Then get some education.

What the fuck are you tlaking about?

Go to a poor communmity in this country.

Go look at the Californians who until very recently were living under drought conditions.

No one rational is for open borders. There is a limit. And you can fill that limit with high IQ invidivuals.

I don't like white trash. I don't like stupid mexicans either. Why would I like stupid and racist mexicans mroe than I like stupid and racist white men?

Put your policy platform away, you're taking the pro capital position. Not the side of progressives. Shut the fuck up
We can have almost infinite legal immigration. And pull people who are well above the American average in education and IQ

It does not make any sense to ship in people to be our maids or pick our fruit. There is no job an American won't take. There are just wages Americans won't accept.

We had downward pressure on low skill employment for 2 generations. Continuiing to ship in idiots will not be good for poor Americans. Even if you wanted 100 million people over the next 10 years to immigrate. We could do it all legally and get very skilled individuals to come here, we are the most attractive place on the planet to immigrate to.

Hundreds of millions of people living in the third world that have already been educated by their society. We don't need mexicans educated at a 6th grade level to do anything. We are not Saudi Arabia. You're just wrong

We need educated Latinos and everyone else that wants to come. Not people to undercut poor American laborers. Not bring in people who will take 4 generations to assimilate.

Sorry, but your ignoring basic economic realities of immigration and free trade that occur because people in the United States demand it. The United States has a minimum wage, unlike most other third world countries so the idea that the current policy is driving down wages is false. Wages continue to rise or sometimes stagnate and inflation is LOW which is good. Latin American immigration to the United States has been positive for the economy and society far more than it has been negative which is why it has continued for all our countries history and should continue well into the future. It is one of the key reasons why the United States remains one of the strongest countries in the world. Trumps ideas of building a WALL and deporting people are idiotic and would hurt the country and the economy as well as drive the U.S. population towards the democraphic problems that are being suffered in Japan and Europe. U.S. economic growth for the past two centuries has been driven heavily by immigration and as the population grows older immigration will become an even more economic necessity than it has been in the past.

You think the minimum wage is an appropriate wage for an American citizen?

It's difficult to live on double minimum wage. It has not been positive for the economy unless you only look at GDP.

It has strained our system, we treat mexicans much better than the GDP they produce would make economic sense to.

Again you have not explained why we want middle shcool educated latinos as opposed to high IQ inidivudals that speak perfect English.

You stupid white trash

You're taking a pro capital position. You're on the same side as teh rich libertarians. Poor mexicans are not a boon to this country in any way. Economically and certanily not geopolticially.

Mexicans are literally colonizing the SW, New Mexico is going to be majority mexican soon.
It was before we came West.

We didn't have a minimum wage before we went west...
That has nothing to do with your complaining. You don't like Mexicans taking the low paying wages. Then get some education.

And if you weren't white trash you'd have gotten a job when you were 14, and in that summer job mexicans would undercut your earnings on your very first fucking year of making money.

I detassled corn, field work, made nothing because of mexicans. Plenty of low skill Americans who are grown who face the same problems, except instead of competing with mexican children they're competing with mexican dry wallers and carpenters who work for nothing.
I know Utah. Utahns liked Owens' dad though he lost his last election. Owens ran a late campaign and came within three points of her despite a massive GOP sweep nationally.

Open seats are always competitive, Jake. Love is now the incumbent and she doesn't have a negative approval.

The only way I see Hillary carrying the state is if Gary Johnson ends up putting up Perot like numbers and maybe then it will be possible, but still doubtful, in my opinion.
Trump can lose the SW if he flips the rustbelt, which he does. Plus florida and probably NY. He has to make up the loss of latinos with non hispanic men in the rest of the country. Which he can do, and get young women. Young people hate hillary

And Georgia isn't going to go for Clinton once Trump starts courting the black vote, which he will, heavily. He just got out of a primary with the media asking him questions about affiliation with white nationalists. There is no fucking way georgia goes blue, mark this post. I will send you 10 dollars via paypal if Trump loses Georgia.

Blacks aren't going to vote for Trump. They are going to come out for Hillary in size.

Trump is trailing Hillary in NY by 25 points. And it's not like no one in NY knows who they are.

As for GA, Trump could lose because he could lose the Atlanta suburbs. And as much as I appreciate your offer to send me $10, I'll respectfully spare you of that!
How much did Mitt Romney lose New York to Obama?


United States presidential election in New York, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Democrats aren't too worried about NY.
Trump is already doing better than Romney there....
cankles winning TN? LMAO

Bill did
Donald almost got more votes than cankles and Bernie combined. And that was with 15 other republicans on the ballot. There is a trump sign in every other yard lol

I don't expect Hillary to win Tennessee. Just pointing out that it's not that far fetched.
Well, I think it is. That's going to take ALOT of people changing their minds and republicans not voting for him. There are ALOT of hacks here.
I know Utah. Utahns liked Owens' dad though he lost his last election. Owens ran a late campaign and came within three points of her despite a massive GOP sweep nationally.

Open seats are always competitive, Jake. Love is now the incumbent and she doesn't have a negative approval.

The only way I see Hillary carrying the state is if Gary Johnson ends up putting up Perot like numbers and maybe then it will be possible, but still doubtful, in my opinion.
You have little idea of what you are talking about when it comes to Utah. I have said that Utah will probably go Trump but will not be surprised if it does not. Mia Love is not a sure thing.
Wow, a leftist predicting a massive victory for your candidate, stop the presses ...

I'm a Republican who has NEVER voted for a Democrat before! Food for thought! mmmmmm!

OK, then why the hysterical prediction? Sure, Trump sucks. And Hillary is dishonest, corrupt and a liar and has almost as high a disapproval rating as Trump. And the current polls are while Republicans who supported other candidates are still licking their wounds. That Hillary is the opponent is going to help Trump a lot. I'm not saying that Trump will win, but I see no reason for the gloomy prediction against freaking Hillary

My prediction is something that should be celebrated in that Trump will be stopped and America will be saved.

The prediction is not hysterical. Its based on the facts of the last election and the changing demography of the United States. Romney got 59% of the White non-hispanic vote back in 2012 and he still lost. The lesson was that the next Republican candidate would have to do better with hispanics, other minorities, and women in order to have a chance of winning. Trump will pick up less hispanics, minorities and women than Romney did. Trump would have to probably get 65% of the white non-hispanic vote to do just as well as Romney did which was still a LOSS. Trump would probably have to get 70% of the white vote in order to win the election and that is not going to happen.

Trump changes the dynamic of everything. You are assuming that everyone votes with him like they do for other Republican candidates, then add his negatives only. And you're ignoring that he has politically an opponent who is corrupt and almost as disliked as he is yet assuming she'll do as well with Democrats as the past. You took the pure worst case of everything

Trump is not some magic guru. There are certain realities about the electoral college and peoples political views that will not change regardless of who the candidates are based on past history. Swing states can change, but states that have voted for one party or the other for a solid 3 decades are highly unlikely to change.

Since Reagan left office in January 1989, the Democrats have won the following States in every Presidential election:

New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

This is the Democrats "BLUE WALL". These states have a combined 242 electoral votes and the Democrats have consistently won these states in every election now for nearly 3 decades. This is not a worse case scenario but a simple political reality. None of these 18 states are swing states. They are all solid blue. Hillary then only needs to pick up 28 more electoral votes and the election is over. She could do this buy winning Florida with its 29 electoral votes. Or she could do it instead by winning Virginia and North Carolina that combine for 28 electoral votes. The population has been polarized into these Blue and Red states for several decades now.
This captures the situation succinctly.

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This needs to be said again: There are certain realities about the electoral college and peoples political views that will not change regardless of who the candidates are based on past history. Swing states can change, but states that have voted for one party or the other for a solid 3 decades are highly unlikely to change. .
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Thank you! Sounds good - and seems very logical. Even Nate Silver is predicting a possible landslide for Hillary.

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