Prediction: November Electoral Vote - Clinton 429 - Trump 109

Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men

There are millions of Republicans that prefer a globalist, centrist, and someone that is a HAWK when it comes to military, defense, and foreign policy. Your forgetting that Trump is driving millions of Republicans to vote for the Democrat this year. Hillary is far closer to Reagan and Bush than Trump is.

Trump completely lost it when he suggested the United States abandon NATO. Thats the opposite of Reagan and will not sit well with many long time Republicans.

Again, I've never voted for a Democrat before. I've voted Republican since the 1980s. But this year, for the first time, I will vote for the Democratic nominee to PREVENT Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.

The majority of the American public wants an end to illegal immigration (although not a wall or mass deportation schemes but amnesty doesn't poll well and open borders sure as shit don't)

The majority of the American public is against free trade, especially when the people we have trade deals with practice protectionism

The majority of the American public doesn't want more foreign intervention. You can ask them about ISIS and they'll say something vague about defeating them. But you can't get them to accept any blood price

His political platform is more in line with the American public of all colors...Whether or not he will govern that way who knows. But beyond "law and order" he's on the right side of all these issues. And I suspect as soon as he's nominated his first move will be to court black voters by suggesting we need less non violent prisoners, save room for the rapists

Most Americans recognize the value of immigration to the United States and know that it is a source of strength for a growing economy and demographically helps the United States as its population ages. There are certain sectors of the country that are against immigration, but its really more just racism and blaming others for changes in society.

Americans love Free Trade because it makes the goods Americans buy everyday cheaper. It also expands business opportunities with increasing exports. Protectionism has a poor record and is outdated in the 21st century.

The majority of the American public wants to continue to protect areas of the world that are vital to United States security and are critical to the United States economy. The Persian Gulf, Japan, South Korea, and Europe remain vital interest of the United States just as they have been for the past 70 years. Abandoning U.S. security commitments abroad will create a world where third World War would be possible. It was U.S. isolationism prior to the first World War and 2nd World War that helped create the conditions that led to those wars.

This will become perfectly clear to everyone when Trump is slaughtered in November.

Unless you're taking advantage of cheap labor in the west most people do not see low skill immigration as a boon

Yes having bodies gives us a slight geopolitical advantage. But the children of Honduran and Mexican illegals who's fathers are educated as well as our middle schoolers are not a boon

Guest workers are only a boon in Saudi Arabia because they treat them like an underclass.

Our guest workers get to go to school with our children and suck up funds for medical care

Almost no one in this country is for limited immigration. The dumbest immigrants should be last in line. That includes the poor mexicans who poor across our borders and drive the wages of poor Americans down.

You're just wrong

Being pro immigrant is a pro capital position, (being pro low skill labor immigration means you really hate poor people and don't understand the implications of having a massive brown underclass)

We want a nation of equals. Not a nation of equals plus hispanics who's majority of descendants won't be assimilated in our lifetime.

If you consider yourself a progressive you should be against low skill immigration. It's terrible for our poor.

Trading an insignificant increase in GDP for a massive loss in GDP per capita and a bigger strain on social services especially in urban areas.

Your failing to see that many wealthy educated whites are not having children. Without immigration the United States would be having a declining population which would result in all kinds of problems. We do not want to suffer the economic and demographic problems that Japan, European countries and even China will be suffering in the coming decades. U.S. immigration is the way it is today largely because that is what society has demanded. People from Latin America come to work in the United States because there are opportunities waiting for them. We need the workers and they desire the work. That is how it has worked since the United States became a country in 1776. Many o f the people who came to the United States in the 19th century would also be defined as "ILLEGAL" based on existing laws. Built up government regulation on immigration has also been a factor in making what was once legal, illegal. A good example of where government interfere's with the business interest of individuals in the United States.

Any Human Being, regardless of age, can get a better education and learn new skills. So just because someone comes to the United States under-educated or under-skilled does not mean they will stay that way.

We can have almost infinite legal immigration. And pull people who are well above the American average in education and IQ

It does not make any sense to ship in people to be our maids or pick our fruit. There is no job an American won't take. There are just wages Americans won't accept.

We had downward pressure on low skill employment for 2 generations. Continuiing to ship in idiots will not be good for poor Americans. Even if you wanted 100 million people over the next 10 years to immigrate. We could do it all legally and get very skilled individuals to come here, we are the most attractive place on the planet to immigrate to.

Hundreds of millions of people living in the third world that have already been educated by their society. We don't need mexicans educated at a 6th grade level to do anything. We are not Saudi Arabia. You're just wrong

We need educated Latinos and everyone else that wants to come. Not people to undercut poor American laborers. Not bring in people who will take 4 generations to assimilate.
Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men

There are millions of Republicans that prefer a globalist, centrist, and someone that is a HAWK when it comes to military, defense, and foreign policy. Your forgetting that Trump is driving millions of Republicans to vote for the Democrat this year. Hillary is far closer to Reagan and Bush than Trump is.

Trump completely lost it when he suggested the United States abandon NATO. Thats the opposite of Reagan and will not sit well with many long time Republicans.

Again, I've never voted for a Democrat before. I've voted Republican since the 1980s. But this year, for the first time, I will vote for the Democratic nominee to PREVENT Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.

The majority of the American public wants an end to illegal immigration (although not a wall or mass deportation schemes but amnesty doesn't poll well and open borders sure as shit don't)

The majority of the American public is against free trade, especially when the people we have trade deals with practice protectionism

The majority of the American public doesn't want more foreign intervention. You can ask them about ISIS and they'll say something vague about defeating them. But you can't get them to accept any blood price

His political platform is more in line with the American public of all colors...Whether or not he will govern that way who knows. But beyond "law and order" he's on the right side of all these issues. And I suspect as soon as he's nominated his first move will be to court black voters by suggesting we need less non violent prisoners, save room for the rapists

Most Americans recognize the value of immigration to the United States and know that it is a source of strength for a growing economy and demographically helps the United States as its population ages. There are certain sectors of the country that are against immigration, but its really more just racism and blaming others for changes in society.

Americans love Free Trade because it makes the goods Americans buy everyday cheaper. It also expands business opportunities with increasing exports. Protectionism has a poor record and is outdated in the 21st century.

The majority of the American public wants to continue to protect areas of the world that are vital to United States security and are critical to the United States economy. The Persian Gulf, Japan, South Korea, and Europe remain vital interest of the United States just as they have been for the past 70 years. Abandoning U.S. security commitments abroad will create a world where third World War would be possible. It was U.S. isolationism prior to the first World War and 2nd World War that helped create the conditions that led to those wars.

This will become perfectly clear to everyone when Trump is slaughtered in November.

Unless you're taking advantage of cheap labor in the west most people do not see low skill immigration as a boon

Yes having bodies gives us a slight geopolitical advantage. But the children of Honduran and Mexican illegals who's fathers are educated as well as our middle schoolers are not a boon

Guest workers are only a boon in Saudi Arabia because they treat them like an underclass.

Our guest workers get to go to school with our children and suck up funds for medical care

Almost no one in this country is for limited immigration. The dumbest immigrants should be last in line. That includes the poor mexicans who poor across our borders and drive the wages of poor Americans down.

You're just wrong

Being pro immigrant is a pro capital position, (being pro low skill labor immigration means you really hate poor people and don't understand the implications of having a massive brown underclass)

We want a nation of equals. Not a nation of equals plus hispanics who's majority of descendants won't be assimilated in our lifetime.

If you consider yourself a progressive you should be against low skill immigration. It's terrible for our poor.

Trading an insignificant increase in GDP for a massive loss in GDP per capita and a bigger strain on social services especially in urban areas.

Your failing to see that many wealthy educated whites are not having children. Without immigration the United States would be having a declining population which would result in all kinds of problems. We do not want to suffer the economic and demographic problems that Japan, European countries and even China will be suffering in the coming decades. U.S. immigration is the way it is today largely because that is what society has demanded. People from Latin America come to work in the United States because there are opportunities waiting for them. We need the workers and they desire the work. That is how it has worked since the United States became a country in 1776. Many o f the people who came to the United States in the 19th century would also be defined as "ILLEGAL" based on existing laws. Built up government regulation on immigration has also been a factor in making what was once legal, illegal. A good example of where government interfere's with the business interest of individuals in the United States.

Any Human Being, regardless of age, can get a better education and learn new skills. So just because someone comes to the United States under-educated or under-skilled does not mean they will stay that way.

And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...
Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men

There are millions of Republicans that prefer a globalist, centrist, and someone that is a HAWK when it comes to military, defense, and foreign policy. Your forgetting that Trump is driving millions of Republicans to vote for the Democrat this year. Hillary is far closer to Reagan and Bush than Trump is.

Trump completely lost it when he suggested the United States abandon NATO. Thats the opposite of Reagan and will not sit well with many long time Republicans.

Again, I've never voted for a Democrat before. I've voted Republican since the 1980s. But this year, for the first time, I will vote for the Democratic nominee to PREVENT Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.

The majority of the American public wants an end to illegal immigration (although not a wall or mass deportation schemes but amnesty doesn't poll well and open borders sure as shit don't)

The majority of the American public is against free trade, especially when the people we have trade deals with practice protectionism

The majority of the American public doesn't want more foreign intervention. You can ask them about ISIS and they'll say something vague about defeating them. But you can't get them to accept any blood price

His political platform is more in line with the American public of all colors...Whether or not he will govern that way who knows. But beyond "law and order" he's on the right side of all these issues. And I suspect as soon as he's nominated his first move will be to court black voters by suggesting we need less non violent prisoners, save room for the rapists

Most Americans recognize the value of immigration to the United States and know that it is a source of strength for a growing economy and demographically helps the United States as its population ages. There are certain sectors of the country that are against immigration, but its really more just racism and blaming others for changes in society.

Americans love Free Trade because it makes the goods Americans buy everyday cheaper. It also expands business opportunities with increasing exports. Protectionism has a poor record and is outdated in the 21st century.

The majority of the American public wants to continue to protect areas of the world that are vital to United States security and are critical to the United States economy. The Persian Gulf, Japan, South Korea, and Europe remain vital interest of the United States just as they have been for the past 70 years. Abandoning U.S. security commitments abroad will create a world where third World War would be possible. It was U.S. isolationism prior to the first World War and 2nd World War that helped create the conditions that led to those wars.

This will become perfectly clear to everyone when Trump is slaughtered in November.

Unless you're taking advantage of cheap labor in the west most people do not see low skill immigration as a boon

Yes having bodies gives us a slight geopolitical advantage. But the children of Honduran and Mexican illegals who's fathers are educated as well as our middle schoolers are not a boon

Guest workers are only a boon in Saudi Arabia because they treat them like an underclass.

Our guest workers get to go to school with our children and suck up funds for medical care

Almost no one in this country is for limited immigration. The dumbest immigrants should be last in line. That includes the poor mexicans who poor across our borders and drive the wages of poor Americans down.

You're just wrong

Being pro immigrant is a pro capital position, (being pro low skill labor immigration means you really hate poor people and don't understand the implications of having a massive brown underclass)

We want a nation of equals. Not a nation of equals plus hispanics who's majority of descendants won't be assimilated in our lifetime.

If you consider yourself a progressive you should be against low skill immigration. It's terrible for our poor.

Trading an insignificant increase in GDP for a massive loss in GDP per capita and a bigger strain on social services especially in urban areas.

Your failing to see that many wealthy educated whites are not having children. Without immigration the United States would be having a declining population which would result in all kinds of problems. We do not want to suffer the economic and demographic problems that Japan, European countries and even China will be suffering in the coming decades. U.S. immigration is the way it is today largely because that is what society has demanded. People from Latin America come to work in the United States because there are opportunities waiting for them. We need the workers and they desire the work. That is how it has worked since the United States became a country in 1776. Many o f the people who came to the United States in the 19th century would also be defined as "ILLEGAL" based on existing laws. Built up government regulation on immigration has also been a factor in making what was once legal, illegal. A good example of where government interfere's with the business interest of individuals in the United States.

Any Human Being, regardless of age, can get a better education and learn new skills. So just because someone comes to the United States under-educated or under-skilled does not mean they will stay that way.

"even though every other major nation has an education system we should just ship in ignorant idiots and pretend they're not going to be a burden on social services our poor use"

Being pro immigration is pro capital

Being anti immigration is pro labor

Period. and shipping in low IQ low education laborers is just about the most terrible thing you could do for the progressive vision of America.
The more Hillary has to talk the more she falls in the polls. She's as awful as a candidate as there ever was. It's likely she belongs in prison. Why would anyone with a brain cell vote for her even if Trump is her opponent?
Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men

There are millions of Republicans that prefer a globalist, centrist, and someone that is a HAWK when it comes to military, defense, and foreign policy. Your forgetting that Trump is driving millions of Republicans to vote for the Democrat this year. Hillary is far closer to Reagan and Bush than Trump is.

Trump completely lost it when he suggested the United States abandon NATO. Thats the opposite of Reagan and will not sit well with many long time Republicans.

Again, I've never voted for a Democrat before. I've voted Republican since the 1980s. But this year, for the first time, I will vote for the Democratic nominee to PREVENT Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.

The majority of the American public wants an end to illegal immigration (although not a wall or mass deportation schemes but amnesty doesn't poll well and open borders sure as shit don't)

The majority of the American public is against free trade, especially when the people we have trade deals with practice protectionism

The majority of the American public doesn't want more foreign intervention. You can ask them about ISIS and they'll say something vague about defeating them. But you can't get them to accept any blood price

His political platform is more in line with the American public of all colors...Whether or not he will govern that way who knows. But beyond "law and order" he's on the right side of all these issues. And I suspect as soon as he's nominated his first move will be to court black voters by suggesting we need less non violent prisoners, save room for the rapists

Most Americans recognize the value of immigration to the United States and know that it is a source of strength for a growing economy and demographically helps the United States as its population ages. There are certain sectors of the country that are against immigration, but its really more just racism and blaming others for changes in society.

Americans love Free Trade because it makes the goods Americans buy everyday cheaper. It also expands business opportunities with increasing exports. Protectionism has a poor record and is outdated in the 21st century.

The majority of the American public wants to continue to protect areas of the world that are vital to United States security and are critical to the United States economy. The Persian Gulf, Japan, South Korea, and Europe remain vital interest of the United States just as they have been for the past 70 years. Abandoning U.S. security commitments abroad will create a world where third World War would be possible. It was U.S. isolationism prior to the first World War and 2nd World War that helped create the conditions that led to those wars.

This will become perfectly clear to everyone when Trump is slaughtered in November.

Unless you're taking advantage of cheap labor in the west most people do not see low skill immigration as a boon

Yes having bodies gives us a slight geopolitical advantage. But the children of Honduran and Mexican illegals who's fathers are educated as well as our middle schoolers are not a boon

Guest workers are only a boon in Saudi Arabia because they treat them like an underclass.

Our guest workers get to go to school with our children and suck up funds for medical care

Almost no one in this country is for limited immigration. The dumbest immigrants should be last in line. That includes the poor mexicans who poor across our borders and drive the wages of poor Americans down.

You're just wrong

Being pro immigrant is a pro capital position, (being pro low skill labor immigration means you really hate poor people and don't understand the implications of having a massive brown underclass)

We want a nation of equals. Not a nation of equals plus hispanics who's majority of descendants won't be assimilated in our lifetime.

If you consider yourself a progressive you should be against low skill immigration. It's terrible for our poor.

Trading an insignificant increase in GDP for a massive loss in GDP per capita and a bigger strain on social services especially in urban areas.

Remember when everyone thought there was no way Trump was going to win states? When Trump supporters consistently made their case, what did they use as evidence? That is correct, polls! Nobody believed the polls, even as Trump supporters pointed at them, and jumped up and down. When the returns came back from the states, Trump supporters smugly told all of us, "see, we told you so!" Score one for the Trumpster and his supporters now known as the 42%-) We were wrong, we were in shock the polls were correct, just as we were in shock over the polls being correct in 2012 when Obama got re-elected!

Pesky things those polls you know. We as humans don't want to believe them when they tell us something we don't want to hear, and trumpet them like a symphony when they agree with our position. The polls don't care how we feel about them though, they just usually give us a rather accurate picture of where things are at; especially if most of the polls are saying the same thing, even as they poll totally different people to draw the same conclusion.

And so I ask the 42% ers---------> the very polls YOU used as evidence for the power of Trump in the primary, what story are they telling you now about the general? And why is it they were soooooooooo accurate in your eyes back then, but now are all full of poo-poo! And notice that even as Trump flip-flops faster than a grounded fish on many of his policies, you have taken EXACTLY the same stance that Obamaphiles took proclaiming the man can do no wrong and is a genius, lol.

Now then, I agree that Trump COULD actually win the election. How? If as many Democrats stay at home in disgust with Hillary, as Republicans stay at home in disgust with Trump, that is how! It could happen. Because Trump IS drawing more Democratic voters than Hillary is drawing Republicans, a very-very low Presidential turnout could put Trump in. Now if that is where you 42%ers are putting all your eggs, good luck with that-)

What people odnt seem to understand is that if you throw out the Republican platform then election demographics get mixed to hell.

Trump wins men overwhelmingly, he puts just about every rust belt state in play. Nothing flips blue when he takes more liberal positions.

And once he gets on a debate stage and she says the word "misogynist" she's going to get blasted for her husbands indiscretions, and her reactions to it.

I know pundits think this stuff doesn't matter. But if you tell a 20 year old woman what Hillary did she ain't voting for Hillary, and most older Americans are going to feel very uncomfortable when recalling the last Clinton administration. One headed by a much better politician
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.

New Mexico? No one surprised about that. That didn't flip from his liberal positions

Georgia and Utah aren't worth Pennsylvania, and again didn't flip because of his liberal positions.
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.
Very true

Those three will push Hillary close to 400 EVs
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.
Very true

Those three will push Hillary close to 400 EVs

Not without OH and Pen it won'

And Trump hasn't courted black voters yet. Wait for it and georgia will flip back real quick

Trump is never going to win over mormons or mexicans in NM
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.

New Mexico? No one surprised about that. That didn't flip from his liberal positions

Georgia and Utah aren't worth Pennsylvania, and again didn't flip because of his liberal positions.

Utah and Georgia combined have more EVs than PA.

Trump can't afford to lose any states the gop won in 2012. Even if they flipped OH, FL and PA, they still wouldn't have enough to win if they lost one of UT, GA or AZ.

And Hillary is leading in NC.
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.
Very true

Those three will push Hillary close to 400 EVs

Not without OH and Pen it won'

And Trump hasn't courted black voters yet. Wait for it and georgia will flip back real quick

Trump is never going to win over mormons or mexicans in NM
Trump will take neither

What makes you think Trump or any Republican can appeal to blacks?
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.

New Mexico? No one surprised about that. That didn't flip from his liberal positions

Georgia and Utah aren't worth Pennsylvania, and again didn't flip because of his liberal positions.

Utah and Georgia combined have more EVs than PA.

Trump can't afford to lose any states the gop won in 2012. Even if they flipped OH, FL and PA, they still wouldn't have enough to win if they lost one of UT, GA or AZ.

And Hillary is leading in NC.

Trump can lose the SW if he flips the rustbelt, which he does. Plus florida and probably NY. He has to make up the loss of latinos with non hispanic men in the rest of the country. Which he can do, and get young women. Young people hate hillary

And Georgia isn't going to go for Clinton once Trump starts courting the black vote, which he will, heavily. He just got out of a primary with the media asking him questions about affiliation with white nationalists. There is no fucking way georgia goes blue, mark this post. I will send you 10 dollars via paypal if Trump loses Georgia.
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.
Very true

Those three will push Hillary close to 400 EVs

Not without OH and Pen it won'

And Trump hasn't courted black voters yet. Wait for it and georgia will flip back real quick

Trump is never going to win over mormons or mexicans in NM
Trump will take neither

What makes you think Trump or any Republican can appeal to blacks?

Because economically Trump has 100 times the appeal?

Hillary is a globalist, black Americans occupy per capita the lowest position of any ethnic group on the economic scale

Trump takes pro labor positions at every turn. You'd have to be an idiot to not vote for Trump (assuming you can stomach him). And most black men are aware 95% of Mexican men work in this country. Black men aren't employed at that rate

edit - An aggressive position on illegal immigration benefits no one more than black AMericans, it's not a toxic position. Being tagged with white nationalists is though, so he has to fix that
I think the main flaw to these sorts of things metrics with Trump is that he's some what unique. He acquires voter "market share" by making his opponent unpalatable.

Hillary Clinton is not going to be acceptable in most red states after a few months of Trump reminding us all about Bill's depravity and Hillary callous behavior.

He can take Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, NC, Florida, and probably will have NY in play late October.

Hillary is from suburban Illinois, she's not a new yorker.

edit - and there are many more white voters to get out to vote than there are latinos. Not to mention with a few words about the drug war and shrinking the prison system he could win highest percentage of the black vote since the civil rights act

Men love Trump

How could Trump take Pennsylvania and New York when no Republican candidate has won those states since the 1980s. Objectively think about that for a second. Trump is behind in New York to Hillary by 25 points at the moment. He is down in Pennsylvania too. Even if Trump won the other states you mentioned, Hillary would still win with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Again, the 18 "Blue Wall" states have not voted Republican since the 1980s or earlier. They give Hillary 242 electoral votes which means she only needs to win 28 more to become President. There are multiple ways she could do that, including by just winning Florida! Hillary could be elected President by only winning 19 States!

Because Trump is from NY for one, he's going to put that state in play guaranteed. Probably win it, not to mention almost all good polling data is on likely voters not just anyone. So if some one draws in new or occasional voters it's not going to show up.

If you haven't noticed black men are sort of aware Mexican men are employed at a 95% rate while they are not. He could easily take NY with an anti immigration platform. And the anti globalist platform is obscenely easily to sell in Pennsylvania.

He has bucked political convention by being a known quantity but increasing his numbers vastly and steadily over time. 100% name recognition. While at the same time throwing his parties platform out the window.

If you think Hillary is the person to beat him I think it's at best a 50 50 for you. You're going to hear a lot less about pigs blood and a lot more about libya and blow jobs soon

The Democrats could put up anyone, Bernie Sanders or even Barack Obama and they would crush Trump in November.

You have it backward. Hillary is not going to beat Trump, rather Trump is going to help Hillary win in a landslide when she shouldn't.

Pennsylvania has been solid BLUE since Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed back in the 1990s. There is currently no polling that shows that Trump will win in Pennsylvania or New York. None at all. No Republican has won in those states since the 1980s and Trumps negatives are worse than any Republican candidate since the 1980s.
You can't win an election when 75% of women will not vote for you. Its just that simple.

The GENERAL ELECTION is a totally different ball game from the party primary. The Republicans needed a candidate in 2016 that could appeal to minorities and women since every election cycle they form a larger block of who is actually voting. Trump hurts the Republican position with minorities and women, and thus makes him unelectable in the general election.

Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men

There are millions of Republicans that prefer a globalist, centrist, and someone that is a HAWK when it comes to military, defense, and foreign policy. Your forgetting that Trump is driving millions of Republicans to vote for the Democrat this year. Hillary is far closer to Reagan and Bush than Trump is.

Trump completely lost it when he suggested the United States abandon NATO. Thats the opposite of Reagan and will not sit well with many long time Republicans.

Again, I've never voted for a Democrat before. I've voted Republican since the 1980s. But this year, for the first time, I will vote for the Democratic nominee to PREVENT Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.
Trump has a better chance to win the general than he did the GOP nomination.

You are going to lose.
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.
Arizona is the only one even remotely possible to flip.

You mean to say that Donald "charge-Mexico-for-a-wall" Trump might flip Sheriff Arpaio and sue the feds Arizona?

That remote possibility, in and of itself, is proof positive that Trump is a catastrophe for the party.
Trump can lose the SW if he flips the rustbelt, which he does. Plus florida and probably NY. He has to make up the loss of latinos with non hispanic men in the rest of the country. Which he can do, and get young women. Young people hate hillary

And Georgia isn't going to go for Clinton once Trump starts courting the black vote, which he will, heavily. He just got out of a primary with the media asking him questions about affiliation with white nationalists. There is no fucking way georgia goes blue, mark this post. I will send you 10 dollars via paypal if Trump loses Georgia.

Blacks aren't going to vote for Trump. They are going to come out for Hillary in size.

Trump is trailing Hillary in NY by 25 points. And it's not like no one in NY knows who they are.

As for GA, Trump could lose because he could lose the Atlanta suburbs. And as much as I appreciate your offer to send me $10, I'll respectfully spare you of that!
Trump can lose the SW if he flips the rustbelt, which he does. Plus florida and probably NY. He has to make up the loss of latinos with non hispanic men in the rest of the country. Which he can do, and get young women. Young people hate hillary

And Georgia isn't going to go for Clinton once Trump starts courting the black vote, which he will, heavily. He just got out of a primary with the media asking him questions about affiliation with white nationalists. There is no fucking way georgia goes blue, mark this post. I will send you 10 dollars via paypal if Trump loses Georgia.

Blacks aren't going to vote for Trump. They are going to come out for Hillary in size.

Trump is trailing Hillary in NY by 25 points. And it's not like no one in NY knows who they are.

As for GA, Trump could lose because he could lose the Atlanta suburbs. And as much as I appreciate your offer to send me $10, I'll respectfully spare you of that!
How much did Mitt Romney lose New York to Obama?
And Quinnipiac already shows Penn OH and FL in play for Trump, so your prediction is already dead...

Recent polls also have Arizona, Utah and Georgia in play, red states that have voted Democrat fewer times over the last 30 years than fingers you have on your hand.
Arizona is the only one even remotely possible to flip.

You mean to say that Donald "charge-Mexico-for-a-wall" Trump might flip Sheriff Arpaio and sue the feds Arizona?

That remote possibility, in and of itself, is proof positive that Trump is a catastrophe for the party.
Any Republican candidate would have to spend money in Arizona to win it with the changing demographics.

Trump is just getting more open opposition by Hispanics than Romney did.
Because economically Trump has 100 times the appeal?

Hillary is a globalist, black Americans occupy per capita the lowest position of any ethnic group on the economic scale

Trump takes pro labor positions at every turn. You'd have to be an idiot to not vote for Trump (assuming you can stomach him). And most black men are aware 95% of Mexican men work in this country. Black men aren't employed at that rate

edit - An aggressive position on illegal immigration benefits no one more than black AMericans, it's not a toxic position. Being tagged with white nationalists is though, so he has to fix that

Black people can't stand Trump.

A separate NBC News/SurveyMonkey tracking poll found that Trump was viewed unfavorably by 86% of black voters and 75% of Latinos. Overall about eight in 10 nonwhite voters in that survey had an unfavorable view of Trump, with about seven in 10 saying their view was "very unfavorable."​

Trump has a huge deficit among nonwhite voters

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