Prediction: November Electoral Vote - Clinton 429 - Trump 109

I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

I think the main flaw to these sorts of things metrics with Trump is that he's some what unique. He acquires voter "market share" by making his opponent unpalatable.

Hillary Clinton is not going to be acceptable in most red states after a few months of Trump reminding us all about Bill's depravity and Hillary callous behavior.

He can take Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, NC, Florida, and probably will have NY in play late October.

Hillary is from suburban Illinois, she's not a new yorker.

edit - and there are many more white voters to get out to vote than there are latinos. Not to mention with a few words about the drug war and shrinking the prison system he could win highest percentage of the black vote since the civil rights act

Men love Trump

How could Trump take Pennsylvania and New York when no Republican candidate has won those states since the 1980s. Objectively think about that for a second. Trump is behind in New York to Hillary by 25 points at the moment. He is down in Pennsylvania too. Even if Trump won the other states you mentioned, Hillary would still win with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Again, the 18 "Blue Wall" states have not voted Republican since the 1980s or earlier. They give Hillary 242 electoral votes which means she only needs to win 28 more to become President. There are multiple ways she could do that, including by just winning Florida! Hillary could be elected President by only winning 19 States!

Because Trump is from NY for one, he's going to put that state in play guaranteed. Probably win it, not to mention almost all good polling data is on likely voters not just anyone. So if some one draws in new or occasional voters it's not going to show up.

If you haven't noticed black men are sort of aware Mexican men are employed at a 95% rate while they are not. He could easily take NY with an anti immigration platform. And the anti globalist platform is obscenely easy* to sell in Pennsylvania.

He has bucked political convention by being a known quantity but increasing his numbers vastly and steadily over time. 100% name recognition. While at the same time throwing his parties platform out the window.

If you think Hillary is the person to beat him I think it's at best a 50 50 for you. You're going to hear a lot less about pigs blood and a lot more about libya and blow jobs soon
Last edited:
The writer and Author George Will is a Republican and plans to vote for Hillary as well. Colin Powell is a Republican and voted for Obama and I assume will be voting for Hillary. Many Republicans will not vote for TRUMP because his views on Foreign Policy and National Security are to the left of Hillary, far left of Hillary in fact!
Says a lot about George Will doesn't it? Hillary wants to smash ISIS quickly? Never heard her say so, that's not a fact and if you were a Republican you were part of the problem. One that so many rejected this time around.

But Iove these doom and gloom predictions. Nobody though Trump would win, let alone wrap it up before the convention. I haven't heard a single pollster/talking head predict it. Now we're supposed to believe Hillary will mop the floor with him. It's laughable.

We'll see who is laughing in 6 months! Whats your prediction for the election?
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

I think the main flaw to these sorts of things metrics with Trump is that he's some what unique. He acquires voter "market share" by making his opponent unpalatable.

Hillary Clinton is not going to be acceptable in most red states after a few months of Trump reminding us all about Bill's depravity and Hillary callous behavior.

He can take Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, NC, Florida, and probably will have NY in play late October.

Hillary is from suburban Illinois, she's not a new yorker.

edit - and there are many more white voters to get out to vote than there are latinos. Not to mention with a few words about the drug war and shrinking the prison system he could win highest percentage of the black vote since the civil rights act

Men love Trump

How could Trump take Pennsylvania and New York when no Republican candidate has won those states since the 1980s. Objectively think about that for a second. Trump is behind in New York to Hillary by 25 points at the moment. He is down in Pennsylvania too. Even if Trump won the other states you mentioned, Hillary would still win with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Again, the 18 "Blue Wall" states have not voted Republican since the 1980s or earlier. They give Hillary 242 electoral votes which means she only needs to win 28 more to become President. There are multiple ways she could do that, including by just winning Florida! Hillary could be elected President by only winning 19 States!

Because Trump is from NY for one, he's going to put that state in play guaranteed. Probably win it, not to mention almost all good polling data is on likely voters not just anyone. So if some one draws in new or occasional voters it's not going to show up.

If you haven't noticed black men are sort of aware Mexican men are employed at a 95% rate while they are not. He could easily take NY with an anti immigration platform. And the anti globalist platform is obscenely easily to sell in Pennsylvania.

He has bucked political convention by being a known quantity but increasing his numbers vastly and steadily over time. 100% name recognition. While at the same time throwing his parties platform out the window.

If you think Hillary is the person to beat him I think it's at best a 50 50 for you. You're going to hear a lot less about pigs blood and a lot more about libya and blow jobs soon

The Democrats could put up anyone, Bernie Sanders or even Barack Obama and they would crush Trump in November.

You have it backward. Hillary is not going to beat Trump, rather Trump is going to help Hillary win in a landslide when she shouldn't.

Pennsylvania has been solid BLUE since Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed back in the 1990s. There is currently no polling that shows that Trump will win in Pennsylvania or New York. None at all. No Republican has won in those states since the 1980s and Trumps negatives are worse than any Republican candidate since the 1980s.
You can't win an election when 75% of women will not vote for you. Its just that simple.

The GENERAL ELECTION is a totally different ball game from the party primary. The Republicans needed a candidate in 2016 that could appeal to minorities and women since every election cycle they form a larger block of who is actually voting. Trump hurts the Republican position with minorities and women, and thus makes him unelectable in the general election.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

I think the main flaw to these sorts of things metrics with Trump is that he's some what unique. He acquires voter "market share" by making his opponent unpalatable.

Hillary Clinton is not going to be acceptable in most red states after a few months of Trump reminding us all about Bill's depravity and Hillary callous behavior.

He can take Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, NC, Florida, and probably will have NY in play late October.

Hillary is from suburban Illinois, she's not a new yorker.

edit - and there are many more white voters to get out to vote than there are latinos. Not to mention with a few words about the drug war and shrinking the prison system he could win highest percentage of the black vote since the civil rights act

Men love Trump

How could Trump take Pennsylvania and New York when no Republican candidate has won those states since the 1980s. Objectively think about that for a second. Trump is behind in New York to Hillary by 25 points at the moment. He is down in Pennsylvania too. Even if Trump won the other states you mentioned, Hillary would still win with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Again, the 18 "Blue Wall" states have not voted Republican since the 1980s or earlier. They give Hillary 242 electoral votes which means she only needs to win 28 more to become President. There are multiple ways she could do that, including by just winning Florida! Hillary could be elected President by only winning 19 States!

Because Trump is from NY for one, he's going to put that state in play guaranteed. Probably win it, not to mention almost all good polling data is on likely voters not just anyone. So if some one draws in new or occasional voters it's not going to show up.

If you haven't noticed black men are sort of aware Mexican men are employed at a 95% rate while they are not. He could easily take NY with an anti immigration platform. And the anti globalist platform is obscenely easily to sell in Pennsylvania.

He has bucked political convention by being a known quantity but increasing his numbers vastly and steadily over time. 100% name recognition. While at the same time throwing his parties platform out the window.

If you think Hillary is the person to beat him I think it's at best a 50 50 for you. You're going to hear a lot less about pigs blood and a lot more about libya and blow jobs soon

The Democrats could put up anyone, Bernie Sanders or even Barack Obama and they would crush Trump in November.

You have it backward. Hillary is not going to beat Trump, rather Trump is going to help Hillary win in a landslide when she shouldn't.

Pennsylvania has been solid BLUE since Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed back in the 1990s. There is currently no polling that shows that Trump will win in Pennsylvania or New York. None at all. No Republican has won in those states since the 1980s and Trumps negatives are worse than any Republican candidate since the 1980s.
You can't win an election when 75% of women will not vote for you. Its just that simple.

The GENERAL ELECTION is a totally different ball game from the party primary. The Republicans needed a candidate in 2016 that could appeal to minorities and women since every election cycle they form a larger block of who is actually voting. Trump hurts the Republican position with minorities and women, and thus makes him unelectable in the general election.

Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

I think the main flaw to these sorts of things metrics with Trump is that he's some what unique. He acquires voter "market share" by making his opponent unpalatable.

Hillary Clinton is not going to be acceptable in most red states after a few months of Trump reminding us all about Bill's depravity and Hillary callous behavior.

He can take Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, NC, Florida, and probably will have NY in play late October.

Hillary is from suburban Illinois, she's not a new yorker.

edit - and there are many more white voters to get out to vote than there are latinos. Not to mention with a few words about the drug war and shrinking the prison system he could win highest percentage of the black vote since the civil rights act

Men love Trump

How could Trump take Pennsylvania and New York when no Republican candidate has won those states since the 1980s. Objectively think about that for a second. Trump is behind in New York to Hillary by 25 points at the moment. He is down in Pennsylvania too. Even if Trump won the other states you mentioned, Hillary would still win with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Again, the 18 "Blue Wall" states have not voted Republican since the 1980s or earlier. They give Hillary 242 electoral votes which means she only needs to win 28 more to become President. There are multiple ways she could do that, including by just winning Florida! Hillary could be elected President by only winning 19 States!

Because Trump is from NY for one, he's going to put that state in play guaranteed. Probably win it, not to mention almost all good polling data is on likely voters not just anyone. So if some one draws in new or occasional voters it's not going to show up.

If you haven't noticed black men are sort of aware Mexican men are employed at a 95% rate while they are not. He could easily take NY with an anti immigration platform. And the anti globalist platform is obscenely easily to sell in Pennsylvania.

He has bucked political convention by being a known quantity but increasing his numbers vastly and steadily over time. 100% name recognition. While at the same time throwing his parties platform out the window.

If you think Hillary is the person to beat him I think it's at best a 50 50 for you. You're going to hear a lot less about pigs blood and a lot more about libya and blow jobs soon

The Democrats could put up anyone, Bernie Sanders or even Barack Obama and they would crush Trump in November.

You have it backward. Hillary is not going to beat Trump, rather Trump is going to help Hillary win in a landslide when she shouldn't.

Pennsylvania has been solid BLUE since Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed back in the 1990s. There is currently no polling that shows that Trump will win in Pennsylvania or New York. None at all. No Republican has won in those states since the 1980s and Trumps negatives are worse than any Republican candidate since the 1980s.
You can't win an election when 75% of women will not vote for you. Its just that simple.

The GENERAL ELECTION is a totally different ball game from the party primary. The Republicans needed a candidate in 2016 that could appeal to minorities and women since every election cycle they form a larger block of who is actually voting. Trump hurts the Republican position with minorities and women, and thus makes him unelectable in the general election.

Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men

There are millions of Republicans that prefer a globalist, centrist, and someone that is a HAWK when it comes to military, defense, and foreign policy. Your forgetting that Trump is driving millions of Republicans to vote for the Democrat this year. Hillary is far closer to Reagan and Bush than Trump is.

Trump completely lost it when he suggested the United States abandon NATO. Thats the opposite of Reagan and will not sit well with many long time Republicans.

Again, I've never voted for a Democrat before. I've voted Republican since the 1980s. But this year, for the first time, I will vote for the Democratic nominee to PREVENT Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.
I think the main flaw to these sorts of things metrics with Trump is that he's some what unique. He acquires voter "market share" by making his opponent unpalatable.

Hillary Clinton is not going to be acceptable in most red states after a few months of Trump reminding us all about Bill's depravity and Hillary callous behavior.

He can take Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, NC, Florida, and probably will have NY in play late October.

Hillary is from suburban Illinois, she's not a new yorker.

edit - and there are many more white voters to get out to vote than there are latinos. Not to mention with a few words about the drug war and shrinking the prison system he could win highest percentage of the black vote since the civil rights act

Men love Trump

How could Trump take Pennsylvania and New York when no Republican candidate has won those states since the 1980s. Objectively think about that for a second. Trump is behind in New York to Hillary by 25 points at the moment. He is down in Pennsylvania too. Even if Trump won the other states you mentioned, Hillary would still win with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Again, the 18 "Blue Wall" states have not voted Republican since the 1980s or earlier. They give Hillary 242 electoral votes which means she only needs to win 28 more to become President. There are multiple ways she could do that, including by just winning Florida! Hillary could be elected President by only winning 19 States!

Because Trump is from NY for one, he's going to put that state in play guaranteed. Probably win it, not to mention almost all good polling data is on likely voters not just anyone. So if some one draws in new or occasional voters it's not going to show up.

If you haven't noticed black men are sort of aware Mexican men are employed at a 95% rate while they are not. He could easily take NY with an anti immigration platform. And the anti globalist platform is obscenely easily to sell in Pennsylvania.

He has bucked political convention by being a known quantity but increasing his numbers vastly and steadily over time. 100% name recognition. While at the same time throwing his parties platform out the window.

If you think Hillary is the person to beat him I think it's at best a 50 50 for you. You're going to hear a lot less about pigs blood and a lot more about libya and blow jobs soon

The Democrats could put up anyone, Bernie Sanders or even Barack Obama and they would crush Trump in November.

You have it backward. Hillary is not going to beat Trump, rather Trump is going to help Hillary win in a landslide when she shouldn't.

Pennsylvania has been solid BLUE since Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed back in the 1990s. There is currently no polling that shows that Trump will win in Pennsylvania or New York. None at all. No Republican has won in those states since the 1980s and Trumps negatives are worse than any Republican candidate since the 1980s.
You can't win an election when 75% of women will not vote for you. Its just that simple.

The GENERAL ELECTION is a totally different ball game from the party primary. The Republicans needed a candidate in 2016 that could appeal to minorities and women since every election cycle they form a larger block of who is actually voting. Trump hurts the Republican position with minorities and women, and thus makes him unelectable in the general election.

Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men

There are millions of Republicans that prefer a globalist, centrist, and someone that is a HAWK when it comes to military, defense, and foreign policy. Your forgetting that Trump is driving millions of Republicans to vote for the Democrat this year. Hillary is far closer to Reagan and Bush than Trump is.

Trump completely lost it when he suggested the United States abandon NATO. Thats the opposite of Reagan and will not sit well with many long time Republicans.

Again, I've never voted for a Democrat before. I've voted Republican since the 1980s. But this year, for the first time, I will vote for the Democratic nominee to PREVENT Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.

The majority of the American public wants an end to illegal immigration (although not a wall or mass deportation schemes but amnesty doesn't poll well and open borders sure as shit don't)

The majority of the American public is against free trade, especially when the people we have trade deals with practice protectionism

The majority of the American public doesn't want more foreign intervention. You can ask them about ISIS and they'll say something vague about defeating them. But you can't get them to accept any blood price

His political platform is more in line with the American public of all colors...Whether or not he will govern that way who knows. But beyond "law and order" he's on the right side of all these issues. And I suspect as soon as he's nominated his first move will be to court black voters by suggesting we need less non violent prisoners, save room for the rapists
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Wow, a leftist predicting a massive victory for your candidate, stop the presses ...

I'm a Republican who has NEVER voted for a Democrat before! Food for thought! mmmmmm!

OK, then why the hysterical prediction? Sure, Trump sucks. And Hillary is dishonest, corrupt and a liar and has almost as high a disapproval rating as Trump. And the current polls are while Republicans who supported other candidates are still licking their wounds. That Hillary is the opponent is going to help Trump a lot. I'm not saying that Trump will win, but I see no reason for the gloomy prediction against freaking Hillary

My prediction is something that should be celebrated in that Trump will be stopped and America will be saved.

The prediction is not hysterical. Its based on the facts of the last election and the changing demography of the United States. Romney got 59% of the White non-hispanic vote back in 2012 and he still lost. The lesson was that the next Republican candidate would have to do better with hispanics, other minorities, and women in order to have a chance of winning. Trump will pick up less hispanics, minorities and women than Romney did. Trump would have to probably get 65% of the white non-hispanic vote to do just as well as Romney did which was still a LOSS. Trump would probably have to get 70% of the white vote in order to win the election and that is not going to happen.

Trump changes the dynamic of everything. You are assuming that everyone votes with him like they do for other Republican candidates, then add his negatives only. And you're ignoring that he has politically an opponent who is corrupt and almost as disliked as he is yet assuming she'll do as well with Democrats as the past. You took the pure worst case of everything
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

I think the main flaw to these sorts of things metrics with Trump is that he's some what unique. He acquires voter "market share" by making his opponent unpalatable.

Hillary Clinton is not going to be acceptable in most red states after a few months of Trump reminding us all about Bill's depravity and Hillary callous behavior.

He can take Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, NC, Florida, and probably will have NY in play late October.

Hillary is from suburban Illinois, she's not a new yorker.

edit - and there are many more white voters to get out to vote than there are latinos. Not to mention with a few words about the drug war and shrinking the prison system he could win highest percentage of the black vote since the civil rights act

Men love Trump

How could Trump take Pennsylvania and New York when no Republican candidate has won those states since the 1980s. Objectively think about that for a second. Trump is behind in New York to Hillary by 25 points at the moment. He is down in Pennsylvania too. Even if Trump won the other states you mentioned, Hillary would still win with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Again, the 18 "Blue Wall" states have not voted Republican since the 1980s or earlier. They give Hillary 242 electoral votes which means she only needs to win 28 more to become President. There are multiple ways she could do that, including by just winning Florida! Hillary could be elected President by only winning 19 States!

Because Trump is from NY for one, he's going to put that state in play guaranteed. Probably win it, not to mention almost all good polling data is on likely voters not just anyone. So if some one draws in new or occasional voters it's not going to show up.

If you haven't noticed black men are sort of aware Mexican men are employed at a 95% rate while they are not. He could easily take NY with an anti immigration platform. And the anti globalist platform is obscenely easy* to sell in Pennsylvania.

He has bucked political convention by being a known quantity but increasing his numbers vastly and steadily over time. 100% name recognition. While at the same time throwing his parties platform out the window.

If you think Hillary is the person to beat him I think it's at best a 50 50 for you. You're going to hear a lot less about pigs blood and a lot more about libya and blow jobs soon
NY does not like Trump...they are long tired of his act
Trump has done little for the state
How could Trump take Pennsylvania and New York when no Republican candidate has won those states since the 1980s. Objectively think about that for a second. Trump is behind in New York to Hillary by 25 points at the moment. He is down in Pennsylvania too. Even if Trump won the other states you mentioned, Hillary would still win with Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, and New Hampshire. Again, the 18 "Blue Wall" states have not voted Republican since the 1980s or earlier. They give Hillary 242 electoral votes which means she only needs to win 28 more to become President. There are multiple ways she could do that, including by just winning Florida! Hillary could be elected President by only winning 19 States!

Because Trump is from NY for one, he's going to put that state in play guaranteed. Probably win it, not to mention almost all good polling data is on likely voters not just anyone. So if some one draws in new or occasional voters it's not going to show up.

If you haven't noticed black men are sort of aware Mexican men are employed at a 95% rate while they are not. He could easily take NY with an anti immigration platform. And the anti globalist platform is obscenely easily to sell in Pennsylvania.

He has bucked political convention by being a known quantity but increasing his numbers vastly and steadily over time. 100% name recognition. While at the same time throwing his parties platform out the window.

If you think Hillary is the person to beat him I think it's at best a 50 50 for you. You're going to hear a lot less about pigs blood and a lot more about libya and blow jobs soon

The Democrats could put up anyone, Bernie Sanders or even Barack Obama and they would crush Trump in November.

You have it backward. Hillary is not going to beat Trump, rather Trump is going to help Hillary win in a landslide when she shouldn't.

Pennsylvania has been solid BLUE since Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed back in the 1990s. There is currently no polling that shows that Trump will win in Pennsylvania or New York. None at all. No Republican has won in those states since the 1980s and Trumps negatives are worse than any Republican candidate since the 1980s.
You can't win an election when 75% of women will not vote for you. Its just that simple.

The GENERAL ELECTION is a totally different ball game from the party primary. The Republicans needed a candidate in 2016 that could appeal to minorities and women since every election cycle they form a larger block of who is actually voting. Trump hurts the Republican position with minorities and women, and thus makes him unelectable in the general election.

Bernie Sanders is not the candidate running, and Barack Obama sure as shit isn't

We've got the openly globalist, centrist, wooden, and warmongering hillary clinton

Bernie has much better numbers than Hillary, his negatives aren't second only to Trump and people think he's sincere.

He's got vast swathes of voters of all colors to bring in. He doesn't need Latinos if he compensates with black, asian, and new white men

There are millions of Republicans that prefer a globalist, centrist, and someone that is a HAWK when it comes to military, defense, and foreign policy. Your forgetting that Trump is driving millions of Republicans to vote for the Democrat this year. Hillary is far closer to Reagan and Bush than Trump is.

Trump completely lost it when he suggested the United States abandon NATO. Thats the opposite of Reagan and will not sit well with many long time Republicans.

Again, I've never voted for a Democrat before. I've voted Republican since the 1980s. But this year, for the first time, I will vote for the Democratic nominee to PREVENT Trump from getting anywhere near the White House.

The majority of the American public wants an end to illegal immigration (although not a wall or mass deportation schemes but amnesty doesn't poll well and open borders sure as shit don't)

The majority of the American public is against free trade, especially when the people we have trade deals with practice protectionism

The majority of the American public doesn't want more foreign intervention. You can ask them about ISIS and they'll say something vague about defeating them. But you can't get them to accept any blood price

His political platform is more in line with the American public of all colors...Whether or not he will govern that way who knows. But beyond "law and order" he's on the right side of all these issues. And I suspect as soon as he's nominated his first move will be to court black voters by suggesting we need less non violent prisoners, save room for the rapists

Most Americans recognize the value of immigration to the United States and know that it is a source of strength for a growing economy and demographically helps the United States as its population ages. There are certain sectors of the country that are against immigration, but its really more just racism and blaming others for changes in society.

Americans love Free Trade because it makes the goods Americans buy everyday cheaper. It also expands business opportunities with increasing exports. Protectionism has a poor record and is outdated in the 21st century.

The majority of the American public wants to continue to protect areas of the world that are vital to United States security and are critical to the United States economy. The Persian Gulf, Japan, South Korea, and Europe remain vital interest of the United States just as they have been for the past 70 years. Abandoning U.S. security commitments abroad will create a world where third World War would be possible. It was U.S. isolationism prior to the first World War and 2nd World War that helped create the conditions that led to those wars.

This will become perfectly clear to everyone when Trump is slaughtered in November.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Wow, a leftist predicting a massive victory for your candidate, stop the presses ...

I'm a Republican who has NEVER voted for a Democrat before! Food for thought! mmmmmm!

OK, then why the hysterical prediction? Sure, Trump sucks. And Hillary is dishonest, corrupt and a liar and has almost as high a disapproval rating as Trump. And the current polls are while Republicans who supported other candidates are still licking their wounds. That Hillary is the opponent is going to help Trump a lot. I'm not saying that Trump will win, but I see no reason for the gloomy prediction against freaking Hillary

My prediction is something that should be celebrated in that Trump will be stopped and America will be saved.

The prediction is not hysterical. Its based on the facts of the last election and the changing demography of the United States. Romney got 59% of the White non-hispanic vote back in 2012 and he still lost. The lesson was that the next Republican candidate would have to do better with hispanics, other minorities, and women in order to have a chance of winning. Trump will pick up less hispanics, minorities and women than Romney did. Trump would have to probably get 65% of the white non-hispanic vote to do just as well as Romney did which was still a LOSS. Trump would probably have to get 70% of the white vote in order to win the election and that is not going to happen.

Trump changes the dynamic of everything. You are assuming that everyone votes with him like they do for other Republican candidates, then add his negatives only. And you're ignoring that he has politically an opponent who is corrupt and almost as disliked as he is yet assuming she'll do as well with Democrats as the past. You took the pure worst case of everything

Trump is not some magic guru. There are certain realities about the electoral college and peoples political views that will not change regardless of who the candidates are based on past history. Swing states can change, but states that have voted for one party or the other for a solid 3 decades are highly unlikely to change.

Since Reagan left office in January 1989, the Democrats have won the following States in every Presidential election:

New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

This is the Democrats "BLUE WALL". These states have a combined 242 electoral votes and the Democrats have consistently won these states in every election now for nearly 3 decades. This is not a worse case scenario but a simple political reality. None of these 18 states are swing states. They are all solid blue. Hillary then only needs to pick up 28 more electoral votes and the election is over. She could do this buy winning Florida with its 29 electoral votes. Or she could do it instead by winning Virginia and North Carolina that combine for 28 electoral votes. The population has been polarized into these Blue and Red states for several decades now.
Most of the population isn't that ideological. Us arguing here is no reflection of society at large. The presidency is a popularity contest. Yes, Trump has rubbed some people the wrong way but I think the party will coalesce behind him and people will warm up to him. His focus will be on Hillary, not the establishment GOP or contenders. Bear in mind he's had boatloads of negatives ads against him while Hillary has had softball slowpitiches from the Bern, hardly anything from the right. And Hillary doesn't come across about as likable as an angry wet hen.

Just because you win your party's primary has NO BEARING on how you will do in the general election. Goldwater got slaughtered by Johnson in 64. I predict Hillary will do the same to Trump in 2016.
You missed much of my post. Read instead of instantly reacting to an impression.
Americans love Free Trade because it makes the goods Americans buy everyday cheaper. It also expands business opportunities with increasing exports. Protectionism has a poor record and is outdated in the 21st century.

This will become perfectly clear to everyone when Trump is slaughtered in November.
What's your evidence that Trump lost in the general election? And what's your evidence that he's a protectionist? Fair trade, equal trade, not getting the shitty end of the stick trade isn't protectionism. You need to lie to uphold your beliefs.
The Democrats could put up anyone, Bernie Sanders or even Barack Obama and they would crush Trump in November.
You're sounding like a little fat kid on the playground bragging about how much weight he'll lift in the next Olympics.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Remains to be seen. Alaska will most definitely be in the Drumpf column as will Utah with or without the Latter Day Saints support. I would put Louisiana in his column as well. You could be right about the rest if Hillary avoids stepping in it. Arizona will be a challenge for HRC

Latest polling in Arizona by the "Behavior Research Center" has Hillary ahead with 42% to Trumps 35%.

It always seems like AZ will turn blue then it swings red at the last moment....I hope you're right.

30% of AZ voters are Hispanic. Trump has some work to do there.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Wow, a leftist predicting a massive victory for your candidate, stop the presses ...

I'm a Republican who has NEVER voted for a Democrat before! Food for thought! mmmmmm!

OK, then why the hysterical prediction? Sure, Trump sucks. And Hillary is dishonest, corrupt and a liar and has almost as high a disapproval rating as Trump. And the current polls are while Republicans who supported other candidates are still licking their wounds. That Hillary is the opponent is going to help Trump a lot. I'm not saying that Trump will win, but I see no reason for the gloomy prediction against freaking Hillary

My prediction is something that should be celebrated in that Trump will be stopped and America will be saved.

The prediction is not hysterical. Its based on the facts of the last election and the changing demography of the United States. Romney got 59% of the White non-hispanic vote back in 2012 and he still lost. The lesson was that the next Republican candidate would have to do better with hispanics, other minorities, and women in order to have a chance of winning. Trump will pick up less hispanics, minorities and women than Romney did. Trump would have to probably get 65% of the white non-hispanic vote to do just as well as Romney did which was still a LOSS. Trump would probably have to get 70% of the white vote in order to win the election and that is not going to happen.

And then when you consider that Romney won 44% of the female vote, and Trump is 20+ points behind Hillary amongst women, Trump probably needs north of 75% of white males. Good luck with that.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

Remains to be seen. Alaska will most definitely be in the Drumpf column as will Utah with or without the Latter Day Saints support. I would put Louisiana in his column as well. You could be right about the rest if Hillary avoids stepping in it. Arizona will be a challenge for HRC

Latest polling in Arizona by the "Behavior Research Center" has Hillary ahead with 42% to Trumps 35%.

It always seems like AZ will turn blue then it swings red at the last moment....I hope you're right.

30% of AZ voters are Hispanic. Trump has some work to do there.

And Hispanic voter registration will surge.
I predict Hillary Clinton will come away with a landslide victory in the November 8th election against Trump. Hillary Clinton will win 429 Electoral Votes to Trumps 109.

These are the only states Trump will win on November 8:

North Dakota
South Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia

Trumps largest margin of Victory will be in West Virginia.

The Mormans of Utah will not support Trump.

That 109 number seems a bit optimistic.
Wow, a leftist predicting a massive victory for your candidate, stop the presses ...

I'm a Republican who has NEVER voted for a Democrat before! Food for thought! mmmmmm!

OK, then why the hysterical prediction? Sure, Trump sucks. And Hillary is dishonest, corrupt and a liar and has almost as high a disapproval rating as Trump. And the current polls are while Republicans who supported other candidates are still licking their wounds. That Hillary is the opponent is going to help Trump a lot. I'm not saying that Trump will win, but I see no reason for the gloomy prediction against freaking Hillary

My prediction is something that should be celebrated in that Trump will be stopped and America will be saved.

The prediction is not hysterical. Its based on the facts of the last election and the changing demography of the United States. Romney got 59% of the White non-hispanic vote back in 2012 and he still lost. The lesson was that the next Republican candidate would have to do better with hispanics, other minorities, and women in order to have a chance of winning. Trump will pick up less hispanics, minorities and women than Romney did. Trump would have to probably get 65% of the white non-hispanic vote to do just as well as Romney did which was still a LOSS. Trump would probably have to get 70% of the white vote in order to win the election and that is not going to happen.

Trump changes the dynamic of everything. You are assuming that everyone votes with him like they do for other Republican candidates, then add his negatives only. And you're ignoring that he has politically an opponent who is corrupt and almost as disliked as he is yet assuming she'll do as well with Democrats as the past. You took the pure worst case of everything

Trump is not some magic guru. There are certain realities about the electoral college and peoples political views that will not change regardless of who the candidates are based on past history. Swing states can change, but states that have voted for one party or the other for a solid 3 decades are highly unlikely to change.

Since Reagan left office in January 1989, the Democrats have won the following States in every Presidential election:

New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

This is the Democrats "BLUE WALL". These states have a combined 242 electoral votes and the Democrats have consistently won these states in every election now for nearly 3 decades. This is not a worse case scenario but a simple political reality. None of these 18 states are swing states. They are all solid blue. Hillary then only needs to pick up 28 more electoral votes and the election is over. She could do this buy winning Florida with its 29 electoral votes. Or she could do it instead by winning Virginia and North Carolina that combine for 28 electoral votes. The population has been polarized into these Blue and Red states for several decades now.
The Blue Wall is real

That is why I say the next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Wow, a leftist predicting a massive victory for your candidate, stop the presses ...

I'm a Republican who has NEVER voted for a Democrat before! Food for thought! mmmmmm!

OK, then why the hysterical prediction? Sure, Trump sucks. And Hillary is dishonest, corrupt and a liar and has almost as high a disapproval rating as Trump. And the current polls are while Republicans who supported other candidates are still licking their wounds. That Hillary is the opponent is going to help Trump a lot. I'm not saying that Trump will win, but I see no reason for the gloomy prediction against freaking Hillary

My prediction is something that should be celebrated in that Trump will be stopped and America will be saved.

The prediction is not hysterical. Its based on the facts of the last election and the changing demography of the United States. Romney got 59% of the White non-hispanic vote back in 2012 and he still lost. The lesson was that the next Republican candidate would have to do better with hispanics, other minorities, and women in order to have a chance of winning. Trump will pick up less hispanics, minorities and women than Romney did. Trump would have to probably get 65% of the white non-hispanic vote to do just as well as Romney did which was still a LOSS. Trump would probably have to get 70% of the white vote in order to win the election and that is not going to happen.

Trump changes the dynamic of everything. You are assuming that everyone votes with him like they do for other Republican candidates, then add his negatives only. And you're ignoring that he has politically an opponent who is corrupt and almost as disliked as he is yet assuming she'll do as well with Democrats as the past. You took the pure worst case of everything

Trump is not some magic guru. There are certain realities about the electoral college and peoples political views that will not change regardless of who the candidates are based on past history. Swing states can change, but states that have voted for one party or the other for a solid 3 decades are highly unlikely to change.

Since Reagan left office in January 1989, the Democrats have won the following States in every Presidential election:

New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island

This is the Democrats "BLUE WALL". These states have a combined 242 electoral votes and the Democrats have consistently won these states in every election now for nearly 3 decades. This is not a worse case scenario but a simple political reality. None of these 18 states are swing states. They are all solid blue. Hillary then only needs to pick up 28 more electoral votes and the election is over. She could do this buy winning Florida with its 29 electoral votes. Or she could do it instead by winning Virginia and North Carolina that combine for 28 electoral votes. The population has been polarized into these Blue and Red states for several decades now.

And in this election you have a non-traditional Republican against a historically corrupt Democrat. I'm not predicting Trump will exactly sweep those States, but to assume they are all out of play is way too extreme. The Northeast particularly is an area Trump showed a lot of strength and could put several of those States in play.

And even if he's a threat, the Democrats have to use their resources to defend States they usually don't have to put much into.

I'm just saying you're painting every scenario as breaking for the Democrats and completely ignoring Hillary's historically high negative approval ratings taking the position the impact of that will be zero. It's hard to believe

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