Predictions.. 2012 election Cycle

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well.. I think we're there.

The odds of our elected federal representatives passing useful legislation is pretty well kaput....

So.. I'm thinking this election cycle will be the most divisive and low blowing in American history..

I prefer to hope the results of the 2012 election with be a conservative result and a return to sanity.. will be about the same.
However - I do expect the bullshit meter to reach heights never seen before.
I also predict that Obama is going to be embarrassed numerous times by his own words that will be put in front of him - and his insistence on blaming republicans for everything is not going to cut it.
About the only predication I am willing to make is that regardless of the outcome, there are going to be a lot of people that are unhappy with it.

I would like to predict that Obama is going to lose the election, but despite the positive thinking on the right, I am afraid that they could be guilty of counting their chickens before they hatch. There is just too much time between now and the election and too much corruption in Washington to make such claims.

Yeah, I actually think the left is doing a good job of making the right look wacky, extreme, obstructionist and all about defeating Obama at the cost of the economy.

So at this point I'm not comfortable making serious predictions about whether the Capitol will become more red or more blue.
If you run Cain, I'd nearly put money on it that Obama will WIN big time. Possibly 400 elv.

I'd run Newt or Paul if you want a conservative that maybe able to win...Otherwise Romney as a moderate.

Cain is turning out to be PURE shit when it comes to explaining any idea. His 9, 9, 9 has become 9, 0, 9 or worst.
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Yeah, I actually think the left is doing a good job of making the right look wacky, extreme, obstructionist and all about defeating Obama at the cost of the economy.

So at this point I'm not comfortable making serious predictions about whether the Capitol will become more red or more blue.

Me.. I think the Democrats are doing a lousy job of it... I think that results will be all that matters in 2012 and we all know the Obama leadership result is pathetic at best....
About the only predication I am willing to make is that regardless of the outcome, there are going to be a lot of people that are unhappy with it.

I would like to predict that Obama is going to lose the election, but despite the positive thinking on the right, I am afraid that they could be guilty of counting their chickens before they hatch. There is just too much time between now and the election and too much corruption in Washington to make such claims.


Sadly, I think you are right. There is too much between now and then to accurately claim someone is going to win no matter what.

The only think im certain of is that we will see violence. I dont know who will do it or where or why. But it will happen.
When Romney beats Obama there are going to be riots.

Cities burning.

There is going to be violence before then.

Especially if it becomes obvious that Obama won't win.

The vast majority of that will occur from "we all know who".:lol: Stay the fuck away from the big cities like Detroit, ect. Expect them to be burning them!
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When Romney beats Obama there are going to be riots.

Cities burning.

There is going to be violence before then.

Especially if it becomes obvious that Obama won't win.

The vast majority of that will occur from "we all know who".:lol: Stay the fuck away from the big cities like Detroit, ect. Expect them to be burning them!

No. I have no clue who. That's why I said, I don't know who. It could be groups on the right. It could be groups on the left.
Yeah, I actually think the left is doing a good job of making the right look wacky, extreme, obstructionist and all about defeating Obama at the cost of the economy.

The Right is doing that to themselves. Which is why I predict an Obama win. You guys like to cry about Obama, but when you look at his record and compare it to the "ideas" coming from the GOP, Obama seems like the safer bet.

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