Pregnant Women Lose Civil Rights

Secular?? 80% of American's considers themselves Christian, 4% of other religions Only 16% of America calls itself agnostic, atheist or just don't know. Whether you like it or not, our society is mostly of a religious /moral mindset. You are in a major minority.

Which part of this 'Yes' answer do you need to have explained to you?

But you're obfuscating again my dear, tsk tsk...

The entire comment was as follows:

So yes, a third trimester (AKA the "unborn") do have rights administered by the state. There is no reputable doctor who will risk his medical license just to provide a 3rd trimester abortion as a matter of "convenience"

That is a true statement, the first sentence, however it says nothing of what your belief on the subject is, I don't see your agreement with that statement. The second may be true for most, but not for all, of course you did qualify it with 'reputable', so I'll give you that.

I love how you libs think you've given an answer with a non answer, must go back to Clinton and the word 'it', you think that somehow contorting the English language buys you something.

however it says nothing of what your belief on the subject is

I am not obfuscating at all. What you are looking for is not something that I ascribe to.

You have a "belief" about fetal rights.

I uphold the Law of the Land ergo no "belief" is required of me.

The law stipulates that States have the right to regulate 3rd trimester abortions in such a way as to provide rights to a 3rd trimester fetus.

I don't have a "belief" that gays have a right to marry because the Law of the Land stipulates that everyone is Equal under the Law.

I don't have a "belief" that I have a right to own a firearm because the Law of the Land provides that right in the 2nd Amendment.

So no, quoting the Law of the Land is not obfuscating. What is obfuscating is trying to impose your religious "beliefs" onto the Law of the Land by denying the rights to abortions and gay marriage.

My position is clear because it is based upon the Law.

Your obfuscation is unclear because it is based upon your religious "beliefs".

Then why try to blow smoke up someone's ass, and simply state that you don't care to state what your personal belief is. What's the point of simply restating what everyone already knows as fact, i.e. law? It's just a waste of everyone's time.

Is your position against murder what it is simply because it is based upon the law? You would be okay with it if it were legal, i.e. you have no moral judgment because you have no religion? Is that how you should be viewed?

I'm against abortion because it is horrific and immoral, it has nothing to do with my religious beliefs or lack thereof. Take your 'religious beliefs' dogma and shove them up your ass, you have no idea why I would or wouldn't support something.

So you have resorted to vulgarities because you cannot defend your own religious beliefs that you wish to impose on the Law of the Land.

What I believe is my own personal business and, unlike you and your cultish ilk, I don't try to impose it on others.

Instead I prefer reason and logic to be the basis for making decisions about life and death rather than the emotion laden "morality" that you espouse.

Legislating "morality" has been tried before by religiously motivated "moralists" like yourself. It was an epic failure and resulted in what today we call organized crime. At the time it was called Prohibition. Today we have "moralists" like you trying to ban gay marriage based upon your religious beliefs. We can also thank "moralists" like you for the failed "War on Drugs".

Your way doesn't work in a secular society so I prefer logic and reason over your failed "moralist" dogma.

our laws are secular. Being a christian or atheist is irrelevant to our laws.
I love how these libs pass judgment on others, yet scream bloody murder whenever someone passes judgement that they don't agree with. The hypocrisy is one of my favorite things to highlight, and they give so much material to use that it's difficult to point them all out!

Nobody likes to be judged and everyone judges. Everyone screams when judged. This isnt a trait beholden to Liberals alone.
This is why you are a moron.

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