Pregnant Women Lose Civil Rights

I hold that killing a baby is not a basic human right.

If you know of anyone killing babies I suggest that you contact the authorities.

A pre-viable fetus is not a baby.

At that point the fetus only has whatever rights the woman concerned is willing to grant it. You don't get to deprive her of her rights.

But she DOES get to strip a man of his reproductive freedom.

Women doesn't strip a man of his reproductive freedom.....he can go and reproduce whenever and with whoever he wants. Show me where a woman has kept a man from doing that. Lorena Bobbitt tried to do that and failed, as far as we know, because he claims the doctors did a fantastic job on him.
Lies. There is a MASSIVE difference between killing a baby to save a mother from having to bring the baby to term... and killing the mother by forcing her to carry the baby to term. That is the rough equivalent of saying giving someone a license to drive is murder.

The use of emotive terminology indicates that your point is too weak to stand on it's own...which just happens to be true in this case because no "baby" is being "killed".
What is it they are killing then, an alien from mars? What "species" are these aliens?

And what do you call the "babies" that were dying due to lack of health care when you were busy trying to kill the chance of the ACA being made a law? Unfortunate?

You spout on here about civil rights and intrusive government while at the same time supporting Obamacare?? What an idiot! lol

It appears that you are the idiot. Obamacare is not government healthcare. The government is just the overseer, and rightly so, when people like you don't seem to care that Insurance Companies were able to scam people, raise their premiums whenever they felt like it so that only wealthy people could actually afford "good" health care and terminating those they felt were needing too much care, not to mention declaring some with pre-existing illnesses just so that they wouldn't have to put out any money. You're a bigger idiot if you think that insurance companies are able to regulate themselves.

And your idea that every woman that gets an abortion was just careless in getting pregnant just shows your ignorance. We already have laws that prevent elective abortions just for the hell of it.....what I am against is people like you thinking it is okay to do away with it altogether and to hell with women that are raped or can die from a pregnancy, as well as young girls getting pregnant incestuously. You may not mind carrying or giving birth to the child of a predator/rapist, but you don't have the right to impose that on other women.
The weakness of your position is that you are arguing that your fingernail clippings are "human" and have a "right to life". No one is denying you your right to clip your fingernails even though they are made of the same DNA as you are and are therefore "just as human" as any other part of you.

Nope. A developing baby has unique human DNA that matches neither the father nor the mother. It is, therefore, not a part of the mother's body, and in fact, produces the placenta specifically to prevent mixing of things like blood. Please try again.

So one identical twin can kill the other because they both have identical DNA according to your illogic?

Now you're just making ridiculous arguments, because both are living humans, are they not? It is illegal for one to kill the other because they are separate beings. Likewise, a developing baby is a being separate from his/her mother.

You made the facile argument that a fetus is equally as human as a baby. If that holds true then so are your fingernail clippings. You then tried to differentiate on DNA but that is a red herring. Your fingernails contain human DNA and therefore should be just as sacred as another human being.

But you are now making the argument that the fetus is not part of the woman because it is "separated" by the placenta. In which case the woman has every right to terminate the fetus since it not a part of her by your own admission.

Either way you are arguing yourself into a corner here. The fetus is not a person as defined by law until after birth. Up until that time the woman has the right to terminate the pregnancy in the 1st and 2nd trimesters and if her life is at stake in the 3rd trimester too.

The "humanity" of the fetus is not the issue. Her Constitutional rights under the law are what takes precedence.

We're protecting the rights of a human life to live, what are you protecting? The right to irresponsible behavior that's results in harm and death to another human being?

Why do you assume that a woman who gets pregnant unexpectedly is irresponsible?
newby, your posts are disappointing...

why do you need to make this issue personal, as if those who see things differently must be irresponsible sluts or femnazis...??

no matter what certain posters may post to irritate you or whatever, this serious issue remains the same...

most rational responsible women (and men) understand the very real legal implications of personhood laws!

pushing such anti-choice legislation should be a legitimate concern for all responsible citizens.

did you even read any of my posts which clearly reinforce the legal and moral rationale??

the anti-choice rhetoric sounds like fascist 'nazis', always wagging the self-righteous finger, talking to rational adults in that manner as if lecturing a child about bad behavior...

"Be responsible, don't have sex or use birth control when you have sex" "

We're protecting the rights of a human life to live, what are you protecting? The right to irresponsible behavior"

may make you feel like the better person, but certainly does not make for a legit argument. :rolleyes:

Well tell me Valerie, what is a woman who goes out and gets pregnant when she didn't want to or intend to?

She's a victim, right? Are you a victim when you agree to have unprotected sex? Is that what you're saying?

what is a woman? what is an unintended pregnancy?

what is you putting words in my mouth about victims...??

is this like jeopardy? what is beside the point??

you'll have to read my informative posts in order to understand what i am saying...

what is a woman who has an unintended pregnancy...........?

a private citizen in a private situation who has a constitutionally protected right to privacy from state intrusion...

weird how so-called 'conservatives' petition 'the nanny state' to keep the evil women folk in their - vag probe - place!

Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.[1]

89% occur within 12 weeks and 98.8% occur within the first 20 weeks...

Induced Abortion in the United States

"Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state.

You don't have a constitutionally protected right to murder, simple as that. You can post 'what is a woman', 'what is an unintended pregnancy', like there's some great debate about it, and obfuscate until the cows come home, but that doesn't change the fact that it is killing, murder, and no one has a 'constitutionally protected right' to murder. And your accusations of 'fascism' are a joke, does it make you feel good to label someone as a fascist because they are against the murder of children by their very own mothers, the very people who are supposed to love, care, and nurture them? Murder is morally wrong in our society, and to try to protect the murdering of children as a 'constitutionally protected right' is disgusting, barbarous, and inhumane. This society will be looked at with scorn by future generations for what we have allowed, especially given the ease with which you can prevent it all to begin with. It will show us for the uncivilized, uneducated, selfish, lazy society that we are.
Lies. There is a MASSIVE difference between killing a baby to save a mother from having to bring the baby to term... and killing the mother by forcing her to carry the baby to term. That is the rough equivalent of saying giving someone a license to drive is murder.

The use of emotive terminology indicates that your point is too weak to stand on it's own...which just happens to be true in this case because no "baby" is being "killed".
What is it they are killing then, an alien from mars? What "species" are these aliens?

And what do you call the "babies" that were dying due to lack of health care when you were busy trying to kill the chance of the ACA being made a law? Unfortunate?

You spout on here about civil rights and intrusive government while at the same time supporting Obamacare?? What an idiot! lol

It appears that you are the idiot. Obamacare is not government healthcare. The government is just the overseer, and rightly so, when people like you don't seem to care that Insurance Companies were able to scam people, raise their premiums whenever they felt like it so that only wealthy people could actually afford "good" health care and terminating those they felt were needing too much care, not to mention declaring some with pre-existing illnesses just so that they wouldn't have to put out any money. You're a bigger idiot if you think that insurance companies are able to regulate themselves.

And your idea that every woman that gets an abortion was just careless in getting pregnant just shows your ignorance. We already have laws that prevent elective abortions just for the hell of it.....what I am against is people like you thinking it is okay to do away with it altogether and to hell with women that are raped or can die from a pregnancy, as well as young girls getting pregnant incestuously. You may not mind carrying or giving birth to the child of a predator/rapist, but you don't have the right to impose that on other women.

Obamacare is a travesty and intrusive into American citizens lives, period.

And I didn't say 'every' woman that gets an abortion was just careless in getting pregnant, but 99% of them were exactly that. Abortion is mostly used as birth control, which is disgusting in a society that has the means to very easily prevent pregnancy from happening to begin with. I'm so tired of hearing the 'rape' bullshit or any of the other excuses that you use for the slaughter of millions of children. If there was a movement to make abortion illegal except for the case of rape or incest, you would still be screaming about a woman's 'right' to kill her own child. Give me a break.
Nope. A developing baby has unique human DNA that matches neither the father nor the mother. It is, therefore, not a part of the mother's body, and in fact, produces the placenta specifically to prevent mixing of things like blood. Please try again.

So one identical twin can kill the other because they both have identical DNA according to your illogic?

Now you're just making ridiculous arguments, because both are living humans, are they not? It is illegal for one to kill the other because they are separate beings. Likewise, a developing baby is a being separate from his/her mother.

You made the facile argument that a fetus is equally as human as a baby. If that holds true then so are your fingernail clippings. You then tried to differentiate on DNA but that is a red herring. Your fingernails contain human DNA and therefore should be just as sacred as another human being.

But you are now making the argument that the fetus is not part of the woman because it is "separated" by the placenta. In which case the woman has every right to terminate the fetus since it not a part of her by your own admission.

Either way you are arguing yourself into a corner here. The fetus is not a person as defined by law until after birth. Up until that time the woman has the right to terminate the pregnancy in the 1st and 2nd trimesters and if her life is at stake in the 3rd trimester too.

The "humanity" of the fetus is not the issue. Her Constitutional rights under the law are what takes precedence.

We're protecting the rights of a human life to live, what are you protecting? The right to irresponsible behavior that's results in harm and death to another human being?

Why do you assume that a woman who gets pregnant unexpectedly is irresponsible?

Because that's exactly what she is unless the sex was forced on her.
You don't have a constitutionally protected right to murder, simple as that.

And you don't have the right to call the termination of a pregnancy murder. If it was murder, women who abort would be put in jail. And abortion is constitutionally protected as a right within the laws of each individual state. Do your homework.
You don't have a constitutionally protected right to murder, simple as that.

And you don't have the right to call the termination of a pregnancy murder. If it was murder, women who abort would be put in jail. And abortion is constitutionally protected as a right within the laws of each individual state. Do your homework.

The intentional taking of a life is murder, you can pretend that abortion is otherwise, but it's not, it's intentionally ending a life. And the fact that it can easily be prevented makes it an even more horrific act.
Obamacare is a travesty and intrusive into American citizens lives, period.
That is your opinion and probably the opinion of other right-wingers, but you cannot speak for all Americans.

And I didn't say 'every' woman that gets an abortion was just careless in getting pregnant, but 99% of them were exactly that. Abortion is mostly used as birth control, which is disgusting in a society that has the means to very easily prevent pregnancy from happening to begin with. I'm so tired of hearing the 'rape' bullshit or any of the other excuses that you use for the slaughter of millions of children. If there was a movement to make abortion illegal except for the case of rape or incest, you would still be screaming about a woman's 'right' to kill her own child. Give me a break.

You certainly implied it. That some women may use it as birth control may be true, but because it is legal, unless we put a limit to elective abortions, there is not much anyone can do about it. But, how do you know how many are repeat and are using it as a birth-control method? Abortion is not simple and I would think that most women are smart enough to do better than that. That just sounds like something you've heard without any real facts to back it up.

You may be tired of hearing the "rape" bullshit, as you call it, and I am so tired of hearing the "murder" bullshit, too. And, zygotes/fetuses are not children. And if abortion were to be made illegal, you would next be squawking about recreational sex and would insist that sex should be restricted to the specific purpose of reproducing.....give me a break!
You don't have a constitutionally protected right to murder, simple as that.

And you don't have the right to call the termination of a pregnancy murder. If it was murder, women who abort would be put in jail. And abortion is constitutionally protected as a right within the laws of each individual state. Do your homework.
Uhmm it is murder if it's against the will of the mother.

Thus as the law stands it's the will of the mother that decides whether the killing is a murder, homicide, privileged killing of a human with brain function and a heart beat, or termination of early pregnancy.

Granted killing the growing baby before it has any brain function isn't the same as killing the growing baby when it's heart is beating and it is listening to that song you have on the radio.

But then that's why we have laws specifying when a human is alive or dead wrt. when you can declare the human dead and send them to the morgue.

Again, if we can declare a baby "unwanted" and kill it by will alone... how far away are we from killing unwanted orphans, or homeless people?
Last edited:
Obamacare is a travesty and intrusive into American citizens lives, period.
That is your opinion and probably the opinion of other right-wingers, but you cannot speak for all Americans.

And I didn't say 'every' woman that gets an abortion was just careless in getting pregnant, but 99% of them were exactly that. Abortion is mostly used as birth control, which is disgusting in a society that has the means to very easily prevent pregnancy from happening to begin with. I'm so tired of hearing the 'rape' bullshit or any of the other excuses that you use for the slaughter of millions of children. If there was a movement to make abortion illegal except for the case of rape or incest, you would still be screaming about a woman's 'right' to kill her own child. Give me a break.

You certainly implied it. That some women may use it as birth control may be true, but because it is legal, unless we put a limit to elective abortions, there is not much anyone can do about it. But, how do you know how many are repeat and are using it as a birth-control method? Abortion is not simple and I would think that most women are smart enough to do better than that. That just sounds like something you've heard without any real facts to back it up.

You may be tired of hearing the "rape" bullshit, as you call it, and I am so tired of hearing the "murder" bullshit, too. And, zygotes/fetuses are not children. And if abortion were to be made illegal, you would next be squawking about recreational sex and would insist that sex should be restricted to the specific purpose of reproducing.....give me a break!

Some women use abortion as birth control? How about 99% of abortions? Why is that whenever we have easily available birth control? Why?

And you ask an excellent question regarding statistics on abortion, why don't we have many? Why are they so unregulated whenever any other medical facility has far more strict regulations to follow? Why can an underage girl get an abortion without parental consent, but can't have a cavity filled at the dentist without parental consent?

Have there been 53 million rapes? 53 million women who's lives were at risk by giving birth?

Induced Abortion in the United States

• Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.[1]

Twenty-one percent of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.[2]

• In 2011, 1.06 million abortions were performed, down 13% from 1.21 million in 2008. From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions occurred.[2]

• Each year, 1.7% of women aged 15–44 have an abortion [2]. Half have had at least one previous abortion.[3]

At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45, and at 2008 abortion rates, one in 10 women will have an abortion by age 20, one in four by age 30 and three in 10 by age 45.[4,5]

I don't see rape, incest, or threat of life listed here, it's used for birth control.

• The reasons women give for having an abortion underscore their understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood and family life. Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner.[6]

Another good question is why is an abortion so cheap when compared to other similar surgical procedures? How do we manage to make that affordable whenever the price of medical care is skyrocketing?

In 2011-2012, the average amount paid for a nonhospital abortion with local anesthesia at 10 weeks’ gestation was $480. The average amount paid for an early medication abortion before 10 weeks was $504.[8]
newby, your posts are disappointing...

why do you need to make this issue personal, as if those who see things differently must be irresponsible sluts or femnazis...??

no matter what certain posters may post to irritate you or whatever, this serious issue remains the same...

most rational responsible women (and men) understand the very real legal implications of personhood laws!

pushing such anti-choice legislation should be a legitimate concern for all responsible citizens.

did you even read any of my posts which clearly reinforce the legal and moral rationale??

the anti-choice rhetoric sounds like fascist 'nazis', always wagging the self-righteous finger, talking to rational adults in that manner as if lecturing a child about bad behavior...

"Be responsible, don't have sex or use birth control when you have sex" "

We're protecting the rights of a human life to live, what are you protecting? The right to irresponsible behavior"

may make you feel like the better person, but certainly does not make for a legit argument. :rolleyes:

Well tell me Valerie, what is a woman who goes out and gets pregnant when she didn't want to or intend to?

She's a victim, right? Are you a victim when you agree to have unprotected sex? Is that what you're saying?

what is a woman? what is an unintended pregnancy?

what is you putting words in my mouth about victims...??

is this like jeopardy? what is beside the point??

you'll have to read my informative posts in order to understand what i am saying...

what is a woman who has an unintended pregnancy...........?

a private citizen in a private situation who has a constitutionally protected right to privacy from state intrusion...

weird how so-called 'conservatives' petition 'the nanny state' to keep the evil women folk in their - vag probe - place!

Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.[1]

89% occur within 12 weeks and 98.8% occur within the first 20 weeks...

Induced Abortion in the United States

"Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state.

You don't have a constitutionally protected right to murder, simple as that. You can post 'what is a woman', 'what is an unintended pregnancy', like there's some great debate about it, and obfuscate until the cows come home, but that doesn't change the fact that it is killing, murder, and no one has a 'constitutionally protected right' to murder. And your accusations of 'fascism' are a joke, does it make you feel good to label someone as a fascist because they are against the murder of children by their very own mothers, the very people who are supposed to love, care, and nurture them? Murder is morally wrong in our society, and to try to protect the murdering of children as a 'constitutionally protected right' is disgusting, barbarous, and inhumane. This society will be looked at with scorn by future generations for what we have allowed, especially given the ease with which you can prevent it all to begin with. It will show us for the uncivilized, uneducated, selfish, lazy society that we are.

what exactly did i obfuscate..? you tried to obfuscate with victimhood no one ever mentioned.

private circumstances which lead to unintended pregnancies are private, simple as that!

the constitutionally protected 'right' is to self governed reproductive privacy between a woman and her physician.

SCOTUS has ruled and repeatedly reaffirmed reproductive privacy in the first trimester...

tell me newby, what exactly is NAZI-like about privacy from State overreach???

^ "you femi-nazis blah blah murder!!"

you can't get past emotional appeals, so YOU slung the self righteous fascist accusation^

i simply point out that pro-life rhetoric is what's really fascist > "Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state."

and no, it does not make me feel good at all...

must feel so good to act morally superior to the vast majority of rational humans though, huh?

your stubborn misguided position is essentially:

'well i support fascist control of women because i care about babies and you evil, uncivilized, uneducated, selfish, lazy don't.'


the logo at this website says it all: TRUST FAMILIES, NOT GOVERNMENT


Parents Against Personhood -

In the moral sphere, there is no right to abortion but there is a strong right to choose, and this includes the right to choose abortion. There is a right to autonomy, and the right to bodily integrity, and these are broad enough to include the right to abortion."

The Ethics of Prochoice Advocacy
Obamacare is a travesty and intrusive into American citizens lives, period.
That is your opinion and probably the opinion of other right-wingers, but you cannot speak for all Americans.

And I didn't say 'every' woman that gets an abortion was just careless in getting pregnant, but 99% of them were exactly that. Abortion is mostly used as birth control, which is disgusting in a society that has the means to very easily prevent pregnancy from happening to begin with. I'm so tired of hearing the 'rape' bullshit or any of the other excuses that you use for the slaughter of millions of children. If there was a movement to make abortion illegal except for the case of rape or incest, you would still be screaming about a woman's 'right' to kill her own child. Give me a break.

You certainly implied it. That some women may use it as birth control may be true, but because it is legal, unless we put a limit to elective abortions, there is not much anyone can do about it. But, how do you know how many are repeat and are using it as a birth-control method? Abortion is not simple and I would think that most women are smart enough to do better than that. That just sounds like something you've heard without any real facts to back it up.

You may be tired of hearing the "rape" bullshit, as you call it, and I am so tired of hearing the "murder" bullshit, too. And, zygotes/fetuses are not children. And if abortion were to be made illegal, you would next be squawking about recreational sex and would insist that sex should be restricted to the specific purpose of reproducing.....give me a break!

The claim that women use abortion as birth control is nothing but a lie.

It shows that people who say those things know absolutely nothing about abortion. That they're willing to lie to force their agenda on our nation.

First of all birth control prevents pregnancy. Abortion terminates a pregnancy. So an abortion can't prevent an existing pregnancy from happening.

No one can use abortion as birth control. The law states that a person can't have an abortion if they've had one in the previous 6 months.

If a person was using abortion as birth control they would be having abortions regularly. Every couple of months. Which is impossible because no doctor will perform an abortion on someone who has had one in the last 6 months.

If a woman has too many abortions she will be come infertile. If she have multiple abortions back to back she will become infertile.

Abortion is a procedure that aspirates the tissue from the uterus. If it's done too often or too many times, scar tissue forms on the uterus and the woman can't conceive.

So if a woman has more than one abortion in less than 6 months she will never become pregnant again thus never have an abortion again.

To say women use it as birth control is a blatant lie and anyone who knows the laws and how the procedure is done, will do as I'm doing now, calling it all nothing but lies and garbage.
newby, your posts are disappointing...

why do you need to make this issue personal, as if those who see things differently must be irresponsible sluts or femnazis...??

no matter what certain posters may post to irritate you or whatever, this serious issue remains the same...

most rational responsible women (and men) understand the very real legal implications of personhood laws!

pushing such anti-choice legislation should be a legitimate concern for all responsible citizens.

did you even read any of my posts which clearly reinforce the legal and moral rationale??

the anti-choice rhetoric sounds like fascist 'nazis', always wagging the self-righteous finger, talking to rational adults in that manner as if lecturing a child about bad behavior...

"Be responsible, don't have sex or use birth control when you have sex" "

We're protecting the rights of a human life to live, what are you protecting? The right to irresponsible behavior"

may make you feel like the better person, but certainly does not make for a legit argument. :rolleyes:

Well tell me Valerie, what is a woman who goes out and gets pregnant when she didn't want to or intend to?

She's a victim, right? Are you a victim when you agree to have unprotected sex? Is that what you're saying?

what is a woman? what is an unintended pregnancy?

what is you putting words in my mouth about victims...??

is this like jeopardy? what is beside the point??

you'll have to read my informative posts in order to understand what i am saying...

what is a woman who has an unintended pregnancy...........?

a private citizen in a private situation who has a constitutionally protected right to privacy from state intrusion...

weird how so-called 'conservatives' petition 'the nanny state' to keep the evil women folk in their - vag probe - place!

Half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.[1]

89% occur within 12 weeks and 98.8% occur within the first 20 weeks...

Induced Abortion in the United States

"Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state.

You don't have a constitutionally protected right to murder, simple as that. You can post 'what is a woman', 'what is an unintended pregnancy', like there's some great debate about it, and obfuscate until the cows come home, but that doesn't change the fact that it is killing, murder, and no one has a 'constitutionally protected right' to murder. And your accusations of 'fascism' are a joke, does it make you feel good to label someone as a fascist because they are against the murder of children by their very own mothers, the very people who are supposed to love, care, and nurture them? Murder is morally wrong in our society, and to try to protect the murdering of children as a 'constitutionally protected right' is disgusting, barbarous, and inhumane. This society will be looked at with scorn by future generations for what we have allowed, especially given the ease with which you can prevent it all to begin with. It will show us for the uncivilized, uneducated, selfish, lazy society that we are.

what exactly did i obfuscate..? you tried to obfuscate with victimhood no one ever mentioned.

private circumstances which lead to unintended pregnancies are private, simple as that!

the constitutionally protected 'right' is to self governed reproductive privacy between a woman and her physician.

SCOTUS has ruled and repeatedly reaffirmed reproductive privacy in the first trimester...

tell me newby, what exactly is NAZI-like about privacy from State overreach???

^ "you femi-nazis blah blah murder!!"

you can't get past emotional appeals, so YOU slung the self righteous fascist accusation^

i simply point out that pro-life rhetoric is what's really fascist > "Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state."

and no, it does not make me feel good at all...

must feel so good to act morally superior to the vast majority of rational humans though, huh?

your stubborn misguided position is essentially:

'well i support fascist control of women because i care about babies and you evil, uncivilized, uneducated, selfish, lazy don't.'


the logo at this website says it all: TRUST FAMILIES, NOT GOVERNMENT


Parents Against Personhood -

In the moral sphere, there is no right to abortion but there is a strong right to choose, and this includes the right to choose abortion. There is a right to autonomy, and the right to bodily integrity, and these are broad enough to include the right to abortion."

The Ethics of Prochoice Advocacy

No Valerie, what I support is for women to quit being victims and taking control of their own bodies by not having unprotected sex and getting pregnant when that's not what they want. It's called self control and responsibility, obviously two concepts that are foreign to a lot of women out there since they've aborted 53 million babies in this country.

A woman's right to reproductive privacy ends whenever she is murdering an innocent child. If she wanted reproductive privacy, then be responsible and don't get pregnant if that's not what you want. Removing consequences via murder of children is not the answer any civilized society should tolerate.
Obamacare is a travesty and intrusive into American citizens lives, period.
That is your opinion and probably the opinion of other right-wingers, but you cannot speak for all Americans.

And I didn't say 'every' woman that gets an abortion was just careless in getting pregnant, but 99% of them were exactly that. Abortion is mostly used as birth control, which is disgusting in a society that has the means to very easily prevent pregnancy from happening to begin with. I'm so tired of hearing the 'rape' bullshit or any of the other excuses that you use for the slaughter of millions of children. If there was a movement to make abortion illegal except for the case of rape or incest, you would still be screaming about a woman's 'right' to kill her own child. Give me a break.

You certainly implied it. That some women may use it as birth control may be true, but because it is legal, unless we put a limit to elective abortions, there is not much anyone can do about it. But, how do you know how many are repeat and are using it as a birth-control method? Abortion is not simple and I would think that most women are smart enough to do better than that. That just sounds like something you've heard without any real facts to back it up.

You may be tired of hearing the "rape" bullshit, as you call it, and I am so tired of hearing the "murder" bullshit, too. And, zygotes/fetuses are not children. And if abortion were to be made illegal, you would next be squawking about recreational sex and would insist that sex should be restricted to the specific purpose of reproducing.....give me a break!

The claim that women use abortion as birth control is nothing but a lie.

It shows that people who say those things know absolutely nothing about abortion. That they're willing to lie to force their agenda on our nation.

First of all birth control prevents pregnancy. Abortion terminates a pregnancy. So an abortion can't prevent an existing pregnancy from happening.

No one can use abortion as birth control. The law states that a person can't have an abortion if they've had one in the previous 6 months.

If a person was using abortion as birth control they would be having abortions regularly. Every couple of months. Which is impossible because no doctor will perform an abortion on someone who has had one in the last 6 months.

If a woman has too many abortions she will be come infertile. If she have multiple abortions back to back she will become infertile.

Abortion is a procedure that aspirates the tissue from the uterus. If it's done too often or too many times, scar tissue forms on the uterus and the woman can't conceive.

So if a woman has more than one abortion in less than 6 months she will never become pregnant again thus never have an abortion again.

To say women use it as birth control is a blatant lie and anyone who knows the laws and how the procedure is done, will do as I'm doing now, calling it all nothing but lies and garbage.

If it's not being used as birth control, then what is it being used for?
The claim that women use abortion as birth control is nothing but a lie.

Thanks for pointing that out. When it first became legal, I heard that there may have been cases where a woman had more than one and that might have been the objective. I'm sure that states have tightened the rules, so now they are just spewing rhetoric.
The claim that women use abortion as birth control is nothing but a lie.

Thanks for pointing that out. When it first became legal, I heard that there may have been cases where a woman had more than one and that might have been the objective. I'm sure that states have tightened the rules, so now they are just spewing rhetoric.

No, they're spewing lies.

Those people are counting on people not knowing the facts.

Every time I hear someone say that women use it as birth control I just want to tell the person the honest facts. I've done it many times in the past and was just answered with MURDER! KILLER! And other ridiculous personal attacks. Or they just don't acknowledge it and continue to lie. Or they call me a liar and what I say is nothing but lies. They don't want the honest truth. It doesn't fit into the lies they've been brainwashed with.

My state has the 6 month between abortions. I'm sure the red conservative states have changed it in their states to be longer.
If it's not being used as birth control, then what is it being used for?

If you have to ask that question, you shouldn't even be discussing the issue.

You can't answer the damn question, at least not with honesty. You know damn well it's being used for birth control 99% of the time.

You've never addressed my question. Have there been 53 million rapes, and mothers at risk in this country, that's why 53 million children had to be killed?

The bottom line is that it is morally wrong to kill anyone, let alone your own child. Our society will be looked upon as sick and deranged for having allowed such a horrific atrocity to happen, not only allowed but promoted by people such as yourself. I feel bad for the young girls who are fooled into believing that it's perfectly okay to kill your own baby whenever in their hearts they know it's not, and they'll suffer emotionally for it for the rest of their lives because of what they've done.
nobody is fooling anyone into killing their own babies by protecting them from government over reach.

private citizens have private relationships and make private choices with their sexual partners and physicians.

government overreach into every private conception is oppressive and immoral thus not a policy any civilized society has EVER tolerated..

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