Preliminary election returns in Slovenia confirm a right-wing party is winning the most votes

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The Associated Press on Twitter

build the wall with Slovakia!!!

Slovakia has Mexicans, right?
Russia targets Slovakia as the weakest link in V4

Russian propaganda finds its mark....again....

so the right doesn't have the right to win elections and build walls to protect the safety of its people without bein accused of bein russian spies??!
Uh...son...did you ever go to school and learn the term, "non sequitur"?
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The Associated Press on Twitter

build the wall with Slovakia!!!

Slovakia has Mexicans, right?
Russia targets Slovakia as the weakest link in V4

Russian propaganda finds its mark....again....

so the right doesn't have the right to win elections and build walls to protect the safety of its people without bein accused of bein russian spies??!
Uh...son...did you ever go to school and learn the term, "non sequitur"?

when folks were sayin we're gonna march for our freedoms, somebody said you can't do that, and they said YES WE CAN!

when folks were sayin we can't get out of the great depression, FDR said we're gonna have a revolution in our economy by startin a POLITICAL REVOLUTION!

when folks told gays they can't marry, they said the heck we can't, we're STRONGER TOGETHER!

when folks told Slovenian right-wingers that they're Russian spies, they said, fuck you, We're gonna MAKE SLOVENIA GREAT AGAIN!

(i'm drunk)
The Associated Press on Twitter

build the wall with Slovakia!!!

Slovakia has Mexicans, right?

Well the Slovenian General Election result is a total mess, not sure how long it will take for a Coalition Government to be formed, they could be without a Government until approx September or whatever.

The Slovenian President of course will ask Janez Janša and the SDS to attempt to form a Coalition Government, the other day the NSi said that if the SDS got the most votes then they would join them in a Coalition Government which is good, but the problem is even then they will be a few seats off the amount needed to form the Coalition Government so they will need very probably DeSUS AND the SNS this would form a Coalition Government of SDS-NSi-DeSUS-SNS with Janez Janša as Prime Minister for a third time.

The results:

The SDS (Right-Wing) the leader is Janez Janša who has twice been Slovenian Prime Minister (2004-2008 and again 2012-2013) the SDS got the most votes and 24.96%.

The Centre Left party that was only founded in 2014 the LMŠ - The List of Marjan Šarec, Marjan Šarec is the leader and is a former actor, journalist and comedian, the LMŠ came second and got 12.6%

The SD (Social Democrats) who's leader is Dejan Židan and the SD are currently in the existing Slovenian Government Coalition, they had a disaster and have only got 9.9%

The SMC (Modern Centre Party) who's leader is Miro Cerar who is the current Prime Minister of Slovenia and the SMC are in Coalition with the junior partner the SD, they had even more of a disaster and have only got 9.7% so this is a TOTAL REJECTION by the Slovenians of their current Government who only combined got 19.6%

Levica who are a strange Eco-Socialist party that only was founded in 2017, they got 9.2%

The NSi who are the New Slovenia-Christian Democrats and are Centre-Right and Socially Conservative they got 7.1%

The Party of Alenka Bratušek who are Liberal, they got 5.1%

DeSUS who are The Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia, they are sort of Centrist but they have no actual fixed political positions on anything instead they operate on Single Issue situations which they then vote for or against, DeSUS was previously in the Government when Janez Janša of the SDS was Prime Minister in 2004-2008, DeSUS yesterday got 4.9%

The SNS who are the Slovenian National Party, they are Right-Wing but some members are weird and are sympathetic bizarrely to Josip Broz aka Tito, the SNS got 4.2%.

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