Premila Lal, 18, shot dead after jumping out of closet to surprise friend

Nope, just studied the issue, unlike you spouting off.

Incidently, I think the government totally fucked that one up. But religious creeps with guns getting killed doesn't really put me in mourning.

Happy that the Feds murdered the children of non liberals then?

When will you quote the post you alleged I made?
You are a fucking liar aren't you!

I already responded to it.

Not my fault you went full crazy and started graphically going Ed Guien on us.

I'm really indifferent to the Davidian Kids. they'd be filling our prisons now if they had lived.
No such post was made, I never once stated I loved slaughtering animals.
I said I hunted.
Hunting offends you?
Show the post that you claim I made, or be proven a liar again.
Still nothing?

As for Waco, your Janet Reno later changed her tune.

"A few months after the fire, Reno said that she might have misunderstood the FBI comments, and there was no evidence of ongoing child abuse in the besieged home".

Didn't see that bit in your extensive studies of the incident?

I have seen them.

What I remember was that the GOP decided to try to appease the nutters after Oklahoma City by holding "hearings", and their first witness was a girl named Keri Jewel, who Koresh Molested when she was 10 re-enacting a story from the bible. Seriously, what a perv.

Girl Tells Of Molestation By Koresh - Chicago Tribune

The bickering stopped, at least for a moment, as Kiri told of her life with the Davidians.

Forced to have sex at the age of 10, she said she "stared at the ceiling" as Koresh molested her and afterward "stayed in the shower for maybe an hour."

Kiri's father, David Jewell, pulled her away from the religious group when he won custody from Kiri's mother, who was among 80 Davidians who died in the blaze that engulfed the Waco compound on April 19, 1993.

Jewell told the panel of a phone call he got in 1991 from a man he'd never met, who ominously said, "I have reason to believe your daughter is in danger."

The caller, a former Branch Davidian, warned Jewell that Koresh intended to take his 10 year-old daughter as his "wife."

I'm saying it's more lies.
Everything you post is lies.
That is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Show the post, liar!!
I'm making ones that WORK FOR ME.

Please do not labor under the delusion I give a shit what you think.

Ah yes, that one. How often do people on message boards want others to think they don't care, yet they keep replying and having conversation with the same people they supposedly don't care at all what they think? :tongue:

If false arguments work for you, have fun with that.

Guy, if you want proof hunters are sociopaths, go back to about 13 posts or so and listen to Pauli talk about how how loves slaughtering animals...

Only a matter of time before that guy goes Ed Geuin on his neighbors...

Show the post liar.
Still nothing?

As for Waco, your Janet Reno later changed her tune.

"A few months after the fire, Reno said that she might have misunderstood the FBI comments, and there was no evidence of ongoing child abuse in the besieged home".

Didn't see that bit in your extensive studies of the incident?

I have seen them.

What I remember was that the GOP decided to try to appease the nutters after Oklahoma City by holding "hearings", and their first witness was a girl named Keri Jewel, who Koresh Molested when she was 10 re-enacting a story from the bible. Seriously, what a perv.

Girl Tells Of Molestation By Koresh - Chicago Tribune

The bickering stopped, at least for a moment, as Kiri told of her life with the Davidians.

Forced to have sex at the age of 10, she said she "stared at the ceiling" as Koresh molested her and afterward "stayed in the shower for maybe an hour."

Kiri's father, David Jewell, pulled her away from the religious group when he won custody from Kiri's mother, who was among 80 Davidians who died in the blaze that engulfed the Waco compound on April 19, 1993.

Jewell told the panel of a phone call he got in 1991 from a man he'd never met, who ominously said, "I have reason to believe your daughter is in danger."

The caller, a former Branch Davidian, warned Jewell that Koresh intended to take his 10 year-old daughter as his "wife."

I'm saying it's more lies.
Everything you post is lies.
That is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Show the post, liar!!

Please keep acting all nutty there, Double-Wide. I knew you couldn't answer the truth about your hero, Koresh.
Who is Ed Guien btw? Not heard of him.

I probably got the spelling of the name wrong, but he was a whacko recluse in Wisconsin who liked hunting and eventually upgraded to hunting people, who he skinned alive and attempted to taxidermy.

He was the inspiration for the book Psycho and the Buffalo Bill character in "Silence of the Lambs."

Another of your heros?
Up there with Koresh?
You studied him extensively too.

How about you show the post where I mention that I enjoy slaughtering animals?
No such post was made was it , liar.
Everything you post is a proven lie.
Until you show the post you have Zero credibility .

Not even your fanatic obamacultists can dig you out of this lie.
Who is Ed Guien btw? Not heard of him.

I probably got the spelling of the name wrong, but he was a whacko recluse in Wisconsin who liked hunting and eventually upgraded to hunting people, who he skinned alive and attempted to taxidermy.

He was the inspiration for the book Psycho and the Buffalo Bill character in "Silence of the Lambs."

Another of your heros?
Up there with Koresh?
You studied him extensively too.

How about you show the post where I mention that I enjoy slaughtering animals?
No such post was made was it , liar.
Everything you post is a proven lie.
Until you show the post you have Zero credibility .

Not even your fanatic obamacultists can dig you out of this lie.

Guy, you are showing yourself to be Crazy and OCD with each post.

I think even Spambot ran out on you.
Who is Ed Guien btw? Not heard of him.

I probably got the spelling of the name wrong, but he was a whacko recluse in Wisconsin who liked hunting and eventually upgraded to hunting people, who he skinned alive and attempted to taxidermy.

He was the inspiration for the book Psycho and the Buffalo Bill character in "Silence of the Lambs."

You can't spell then ?

So the guy killed people.

Hew does that relate to hunting?
I probably got the spelling of the name wrong, but he was a whacko recluse in Wisconsin who liked hunting and eventually upgraded to hunting people, who he skinned alive and attempted to taxidermy.

He was the inspiration for the book Psycho and the Buffalo Bill character in "Silence of the Lambs."

Another of your heros?
Up there with Koresh?
You studied him extensively too.

How about you show the post where I mention that I enjoy slaughtering animals?
No such post was made was it , liar.
Everything you post is a proven lie.
Until you show the post you have Zero credibility .

Not even your fanatic obamacultists can dig you out of this lie.

Guy, you are showing yourself to be Crazy and OCD with each post.

I think even Spambot ran out on you.

No , I'm showing you in your true light.

You are a liar!

If the post existed you would be able to quote it with ease.

You cannot.
It does not exist.

You are a liar.
He kiled animals before he killed people.

In fact, that's usually the case with most mass murderers, they start with animals and move up to people.

Quick many animals were killed by the person who killed all those kids in CT?

How many animals were killed by the DC Navy yard shooter?

Got links?
Shit happens.

Nature has de-selected her.

May she rest in peace.

May God grant peace and serenity to her family and friends.

If it was an accident or fright-reaction, may the shooter also find peace for what has happened.

If it was intentional, may the shooter rot in Hell - both before and after he dies.

The Gun-Grabbers go positively orgasmic over this stuff... more grist for their mill... and shamelessly exploit it like some street-walking harlot.

Gun-Owners tell Gun-Grabbers to go phukk themselves, and wave the Constitution in their face.

The sun comes up the next day.

Next slide, please.

Uh...ooops? (I am not making light of a woman being shot, I say, uh oops because it does not look like anyone is going to be charged with killing her).

A YOUNG woman was shot dead after jumping out of a closet where she was hiding to surprise a friend.

Premila Lal, 18, was killed when the startled friend, Nerrek Daniel Galley, 21, reportedly shot her in a Longmont, Colorado home.

After the prank went awry, Galley and two of Lal's male relatives, one of them believed to be her 15-year-old brother, carried the victim to a car and took her to hospital, a neighbour told the Longmont Times-Call.

But she died shortly afterwards.

The neighbour, who was not identified by the paper, said that prior to that her husband "heard yelling and screaming" coming from the property.


No Cookies | Herald Sun

why the picture of the assault style weapon? what kind of spin are you trying to create here?

Uh...ooops? (I am not making light of a woman being shot, I say, uh oops because it does not look like anyone is going to be charged with killing her).

A YOUNG woman was shot dead after jumping out of a closet where she was hiding to surprise a friend.

Premila Lal, 18, was killed when the startled friend, Nerrek Daniel Galley, 21, reportedly shot her in a Longmont, Colorado home.

After the prank went awry, Galley and two of Lal's male relatives, one of them believed to be her 15-year-old brother, carried the victim to a car and took her to hospital, a neighbour told the Longmont Times-Call.

But she died shortly afterwards.

The neighbour, who was not identified by the paper, said that prior to that her husband "heard yelling and screaming" coming from the property.


No Cookies | Herald Sun

why the picture of the assault style weapon? what kind of spin are you trying to create here?
That is what you took from this story?


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