Premila Lal, 18, shot dead after jumping out of closet to surprise friend

[ Do you think me that bereft of intelligence?


I think you are easily the stupidest poster on this board, save for Marty Began and Pauli, who are just batshit insane. Oh. And Daveman. He's nuts too.

But back to the point. Koresh and his boys were running a very brisk business of legal gun sales at gun shows. That's what the ATF was upset about and that's what brought them to the ATF's attention.

Also they were molesting kids and defrauding welfare and were a bunch of religious nuts. And they were having shootouts about who God's real prophet was.

And they had been doing this shit for years, because we have such a passive attitude about guns in this country.

Actually the allegations of child abuse/sexual molestation were proven later to be complete invention by obsessed liberal fanatics in the DOJ.
At the time Janet Reno threw that charge into most cases she had control of.
She was obsessed with child sex.
[ Do you think me that bereft of intelligence?


I think you are easily the stupidest poster on this board, save for Marty Began and Pauli, who are just batshit insane. Oh. And Daveman. He's nuts too.

But back to the point. Koresh and his boys were running a very brisk business of legal gun sales at gun shows. That's what the ATF was upset about and that's what brought them to the ATF's attention.

Also they were molesting kids and defrauding welfare and were a bunch of religious nuts. And they were having shootouts about who God's real prophet was.

And they had been doing this shit for years, because we have such a passive attitude about guns in this country.

When you resort to petty insults, it proves you are the most irrational and unintelligent poster here. Now, for Koresh. His legal gun sales were not what drew the ATF to him, actually.

Former Branch Davidian Marc Breault claimed that Koresh had "M16 lower receiver parts" (combining M16 trigger components with a modified AR-15 lower receiver possibly constitutes the manufacture of a firearm that would be classified as a machine gun; the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 outlawed civilian ownership of any newly manufactured machine guns manufactured after the date of enactment). According to the affidavit presented by ATF investigator David Aguilera to U.S. Magistrate Dennis G. Green on February 25, 1993, the Branch Davidian gun business, the Mag Bag, had purchased many legal guns and gun parts from various legal vendors, such as 45 semi-automatic AR-15 lower receivers from Olympic Arms. Deliveries by UPS for the Mag Bag were accepted and paid for at Mount Carmel Center by Woodrow Kendrick, Paul Fatta, David Koresh or Steve Schneider. These purchases were traced by Aguilera through the normal channels used to track legal firearms purchases from legal vendors. None of the weapons and firearms were illegally obtained nor illegally owned by the Mag Bag; however, Aguilera affirmed to the judge that in his training and experience, in the past other purchasers of such legal gun parts had modified them to make illegal firearms. The search warrant was justified not on the basis of there being proof that the Davidians had purchased anything illegal, but on the basis that they could be modifying legal arms to illegal arms, and that automatic weapon fire had been reported from the compound.The affidavit of Aguilera for the search warrant claimed that there were over 150 weapons in the compound. The paperwork on the AR-15 components cited in the affidavit showed that they were in fact legal semi-automatics; however, Aguilera told the judge: "I have been involved in many cases where defendants, following a relatively simple process, convert AR-15 semi-automatic rifles to fully automatic rifles of the nature of the M-16." Aguilera stated in the affidavit and later testified at trial that a neighbor had heard machine gun fire; however, Aguilera failed to tell the magistrate that the same neighbor had previously reported the noise to the local Waco sheriff, who investigated the neighbor's complaint. Paul Fatta, who was also involved in the failed takeover of the group in 1987, told The New York Times that Koresh and he had visited the sheriff after the surveillance had been spotted and claimed that the sheriff's office told them their guns were legal.



Using the affidavit filed by Aguilera that alleged that the Davidians had violated federal law, the ATF obtained search and arrest warrants for Koresh and specific followers on weapons charges due to the many firearms they had accumulated (Search Warrant W93-15M for the "residence of Vernon Wayne Howell, and others," signed by U.S. Judge or Magistrate Dennis G. Green, dated 25 February 1993 8:43 pm at Waco, Texas)

Waco siege - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Guy, you already graphically talked about slaughtering things and how much fun you think that is.

Frankly, the folks living next to your double wide out in the woods ought to be worried.

I said no such thing , you are a lying piece of shit.
Show the post, you said it was there, if you don't your lies are proven again.

Where are there doublewides in the woods in the CITY OF BOSTON?

You fucking retarded liar!
Guy, you already graphically talked about slaughtering things and how much fun you think that is.

Frankly, the folks living next to your double wide out in the woods ought to be worried.

I said no such thing , you are a lying piece of shit.
Show the post, you said it was there, if you don't your lies are proven again.

Where are there doublewides in the woods in the CITY OF BOSTON?

You fucking retarded liar!

I think he was referring to me, living in Georgia. He can no longer form a rational argument to support his premise, so he resorts to these kinds of bigoted insults.
Guy, you already graphically talked about slaughtering things and how much fun you think that is.

Frankly, the folks living next to your double wide out in the woods ought to be worried.

You support graphically slaughtering unborn children all the time, Joe. So, you lecture me about killing anything, yet you advocate such dastardly behavior as abortion on demand. You hypocrite!
Last edited:

Actually the allegations of child abuse/sexual molestation were proven later to be complete invention by obsessed liberal fanatics in the DOJ.
At the time Janet Reno threw that charge into most cases she had control of.
She was obsessed with child sex.

He fathered three children on his 14 year old sister in law, guy.
Guy, you already graphically talked about slaughtering things and how much fun you think that is.

Frankly, the folks living next to your double wide out in the woods ought to be worried.

You support graphically slaughtering unborn children all the time, Joe. So, you lecture me about killing anything, yet you advocate such dastardly behavior. You hypocrite!

Thing is, no such post was made.
The retard is the most prolific liar I have ever encountered.
Guy, you already graphically talked about slaughtering things and how much fun you think that is.

Frankly, the folks living next to your double wide out in the woods ought to be worried.

You support graphically slaughtering unborn children all the time, Joe. So, you lecture me about killing anything, yet you advocate such dastardly behavior as abortion on demand. You hypocrite!

Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is, and Fetuses aren't children.

Nobody ever lost their shit over a miscarriage the way they lost their shit over losing a child.
Lets not forget here that we have a gun grabber board member on this thread who's family is maybe 2 generations removed from the tree's !!

Actually the allegations of child abuse/sexual molestation were proven later to be complete invention by obsessed liberal fanatics in the DOJ.
At the time Janet Reno threw that charge into most cases she had control of.
She was obsessed with child sex.

He fathered three children on his 14 year old sister in law, guy.

You know a lot about him.
A hero of yours ?
Let's say joe made a completely false allegation.
It would be an easy matter for him to quote the post in his next crazed spout of lies.

Actually the allegations of child abuse/sexual molestation were proven later to be complete invention by obsessed liberal fanatics in the DOJ.
At the time Janet Reno threw that charge into most cases she had control of.
She was obsessed with child sex.

He fathered three children on his 14 year old sister in law, guy.

You know a lot about him.
A hero of yours ?

Nope, just studied the issue, unlike you spouting off.

Incidently, I think the government totally fucked that one up. But religious creeps with guns getting killed doesn't really put me in mourning.
Guy, you already graphically talked about slaughtering things and how much fun you think that is.

Frankly, the folks living next to your double wide out in the woods ought to be worried.

You support graphically slaughtering unborn children all the time, Joe. So, you lecture me about killing anything, yet you advocate such dastardly behavior as abortion on demand. You hypocrite!

Women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is, and Fetuses aren't children.

Nobody ever lost their shit over a miscarriage the way they lost their shit over losing a child.

Yes they did.

But you favor the murder and rape of children of NRA members, republicans, tea party members and those who do not recognise Obama as the messiah.
Let's say joe made a completely false allegation.
It would be an easy matter for him to quote the post in his next crazed spout of lies.

Why, guy.

The problem with you is that you don't realize how batshit crazy you sound to normal people.
He fathered three children on his 14 year old sister in law, guy.

You know a lot about him.
A hero of yours ?

Nope, just studied the issue, unlike you spouting off.

Incidently, I think the government totally fucked that one up. But religious creeps with guns getting killed doesn't really put me in mourning.

Happy that the Feds murdered the children of non liberals then?

When will you quote the post you alleged I made?
You are a fucking liar aren't you!
Let's say joe made a completely false allegation.
It would be an easy matter for him to quote the post in his next crazed spout of lies.

Why, guy.

The problem with you is that you don't realize how batshit crazy you sound to normal people.

Thing is, you are claiming I made a comment about how I enjoy slaughtering animals.
No such post was made.
You are a liar.
Or imagining things.
Show the post.
If you don't, I will assume that is an apology for your lies and an admission that you are the most prolific liar outside of DC!
Still nothing?

As for Waco, your Janet Reno later changed her tune.

"A few months after the fire, Reno said that she might have misunderstood the FBI comments, and there was no evidence of ongoing child abuse in the besieged home".

Didn't see that bit in your extensive studies of the incident?

You know a lot about him.
A hero of yours ?

Nope, just studied the issue, unlike you spouting off.

Incidently, I think the government totally fucked that one up. But religious creeps with guns getting killed doesn't really put me in mourning.

Happy that the Feds murdered the children of non liberals then?

When will you quote the post you alleged I made?
You are a fucking liar aren't you!

I already responded to it.

Not my fault you went full crazy and started graphically going Ed Guien on us.

I'm really indifferent to the Davidian Kids. they'd be filling our prisons now if they had lived.
Still nothing?

As for Waco, your Janet Reno later changed her tune.

"A few months after the fire, Reno said that she might have misunderstood the FBI comments, and there was no evidence of ongoing child abuse in the besieged home".

Didn't see that bit in your extensive studies of the incident?

I have seen them.

What I remember was that the GOP decided to try to appease the nutters after Oklahoma City by holding "hearings", and their first witness was a girl named Keri Jewel, who Koresh Molested when she was 10 re-enacting a story from the bible. Seriously, what a perv.

Girl Tells Of Molestation By Koresh - Chicago Tribune

The bickering stopped, at least for a moment, as Kiri told of her life with the Davidians.

Forced to have sex at the age of 10, she said she "stared at the ceiling" as Koresh molested her and afterward "stayed in the shower for maybe an hour."

Kiri's father, David Jewell, pulled her away from the religious group when he won custody from Kiri's mother, who was among 80 Davidians who died in the blaze that engulfed the Waco compound on April 19, 1993.

Jewell told the panel of a phone call he got in 1991 from a man he'd never met, who ominously said, "I have reason to believe your daughter is in danger."

The caller, a former Branch Davidian, warned Jewell that Koresh intended to take his 10 year-old daughter as his "wife."

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