Premila Lal, 18, shot dead after jumping out of closet to surprise friend


Don't most of those countries also use the metric system?

I think you underestimate the stubbornness of the US. If we can't even use the obviously superior metric system, why do you think we'll change in this instance because other countries have? :lol:

Eventually, we'll do both.

Incidently, most companies are ALREADY using the Metric System.

Maybe. Eventually could be a long way off, though.

Oh, and exactly what does 'most companies' mean?

Don't most of those countries also use the metric system?

I think you underestimate the stubbornness of the US. If we can't even use the obviously superior metric system, why do you think we'll change in this instance because other countries have? :lol:

Eventually, we'll do both.

Incidently, most companies are ALREADY using the Metric System.

Maybe. Eventually could be a long way off, though.

Oh, and exactly what does 'most companies' mean?

Major companies like mine that use metric system for measuring materials and parts.
Eventually, we'll do both.

Incidently, most companies are ALREADY using the Metric System.

Maybe. Eventually could be a long way off, though.

Oh, and exactly what does 'most companies' mean?

Major companies like mine that use metric system for measuring materials and parts.

Does your company use the metric system exclusively or in conjunction with US measurements?

How do you extrapolate most companies from my company? Or is there some other reason you think most companies use metrics?
Maybe. Eventually could be a long way off, though.

Oh, and exactly what does 'most companies' mean?

Major companies like mine that use metric system for measuring materials and parts.

Does your company use the metric system exclusively or in conjunction with US measurements?

How do you extrapolate most companies from my company? Or is there some other reason you think most companies use metrics?

Because most of the larger ones that have to deal internationally have to use the rest of the world's measurements.

Now, yeah, I have to do conversions, but all our inventory is in metric.
Major companies like mine that use metric system for measuring materials and parts.

Does your company use the metric system exclusively or in conjunction with US measurements?

How do you extrapolate most companies from my company? Or is there some other reason you think most companies use metrics?

Because most of the larger ones that have to deal internationally have to use the rest of the world's measurements.

Now, yeah, I have to do conversions, but all our inventory is in metric.

Using metrics for international business but the usual pounds and inches for the US isn't exactly what I meant. :tongue:

Maybe a step in the right direction?
Does your company use the metric system exclusively or in conjunction with US measurements?

How do you extrapolate most companies from my company? Or is there some other reason you think most companies use metrics?

Because most of the larger ones that have to deal internationally have to use the rest of the world's measurements.

Now, yeah, I have to do conversions, but all our inventory is in metric.

Using metrics for international business but the usual pounds and inches for the US isn't exactly what I meant. :tongue:

Maybe a step in the right direction?

I like turtles.

The RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS is a right not a privilage.

There are no rights. It can't be a right if it can be taken away from you. Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

What we have are privilages the rest of society accepts that you have. Unless, of course, you abuse them.

Why does no one need a gun?
What about self defense?

We have 32,000 gun deaths in this country every year, only 200 of which are ruled as "justified" uses of force by civilians defending themselves. The solution is far worse than the problem.

If all these other countries are so much better than the USA why don't you live in them?

Because I don't speak Japanese.

More to the point, why should I have to live with crazy people with guns because you are a scared, paranoid little man?

We are tired of your treasonous anti American posts.
You hate America and love shitholes, instead of moving to your beloved shitholes you prefer to turn the USA into a shithole and make all your countrymen as fucking miserable as you?

Guy, I was in the military for 11 years, and I was not fighting for the right of crazy people to shoot up schools and theatres. Clearly, you guys have no interest in stopping that from happening.

No "rights"? Joe, the Constitution says otherwise! Yes, that same Constitution you (supposedly) swore a solemn oath to "support and defend". You DO remember that, don't you? Well, only when it suits your peculiar views (like everything else you selectively either quote or ignore). Thanks for confirming that though; like all good totalitarian sheep, you acknowledge only those "rights" your party thinks the rest of us "ought" to have. That however, is NOT what the Constitution says; it does NOT, it damn well does not, say what you think it ought to have said, or what it would say if your species could re-write it; and until you manage to overthrow it (in violation of that oath i mentioned) it remains the law of the land. So yes, the rest of us (specifically those of us who don't buy your bullshit!) DO have rights, and they apply, whether you or anyone else "agrees" they do, or not! In America, THAT is OUR "social compact" and if you don't like it, you can go somewhere where they do it differently!

No "rights"? Joe, the Constitution says otherwise! Yes, that same Constitution you (supposedly) swore a solemn oath to "support and defend". You DO remember that, don't you? Well, only when it suits your peculiar views (like everything else you selectively either quote or ignore). Thanks for confirming that though; like all good totalitarian sheep, you acknowledge only those "rights" your party thinks the rest of us "ought" to have. That however, is NOT what the Constitution says; it does NOT, it damn well does not, say what you think it ought to have said, or what it would say if your species could re-write it; and until you manage to overthrow it (in violation of that oath i mentioned) it remains the law of the land. So yes, the rest of us (specifically those of us who don't buy your bullshit!) DO have rights, and they apply, whether you or anyone else "agrees" they do, or not! In America, THAT is OUR "social compact" and if you don't like it, you can go somewhere where they do it differently!

Hey, Gumby, let's get REAL here.

There are no "rights". It can't be a right if it can be taken away from you. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942". That's how fast "rights" disappear when people are angry or scared enough.

What we have are PRIVILAGES that the rest of a civilized society agrees you should have.

Normally, I'd have no problem with responsible folks owning guns. But clearly, the gun industry wants to arm as many crazy people as they can to scare the rest of us into buying guns we don't really need. They create a problem, then they present a solution.

Because if you get rid of the crazy people and the criminals having guns, most average families wouldn't want one in their house, either.

No "rights"? Joe, the Constitution says otherwise! Yes, that same Constitution you (supposedly) swore a solemn oath to "support and defend". You DO remember that, don't you? Well, only when it suits your peculiar views (like everything else you selectively either quote or ignore). Thanks for confirming that though; like all good totalitarian sheep, you acknowledge only those "rights" your party thinks the rest of us "ought" to have. That however, is NOT what the Constitution says; it does NOT, it damn well does not, say what you think it ought to have said, or what it would say if your species could re-write it; and until you manage to overthrow it (in violation of that oath i mentioned) it remains the law of the land. So yes, the rest of us (specifically those of us who don't buy your bullshit!) DO have rights, and they apply, whether you or anyone else "agrees" they do, or not! In America, THAT is OUR "social compact" and if you don't like it, you can go somewhere where they do it differently!

Hey, Gumby, let's get REAL here.

There are no "rights". It can't be a right if it can be taken away from you. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942". That's how fast "rights" disappear when people are angry or scared enough.

What we have are PRIVILAGES that the rest of a civilized society agrees you should have.

Normally, I'd have no problem with responsible folks owning guns. But clearly, the gun industry wants to arm as many crazy people as they can to scare the rest of us into buying guns we don't really need. They create a problem, then they present a solution.

Because if you get rid of the crazy people and the criminals having guns, most average families wouldn't want one in their house, either.

Thank you for illustrating what happens, when a society acts on emotions, rather than rule of law. You are of course aware, that the AJA's who were interned were about as dangerous to America as your pet housecat, right? What you just presented, Joe, is why America was founded as a REPUBLIC, instead of as a popular democracy, A/K/A "mob rule". Tell me this, what happens to you, when some demagogue whips up that sacred populace of yours into another fit of irrationality, and they decide that YOU belong behind the wire? You ok with the "social consensus" going against YOU? No? I didn't think so. All you are is just another fool, willing to trade liberty for emotional gratification and a mostly false sense of security.

No, as to your "solution", how about, we just euthanize all the "crazy people", execute all the criminals, and confiscate all the guns? It's been tried before, you know-in Nazi Germany. That what you want?
Hey, Gumby, let's get REAL here.

There are no "rights". It can't be a right if it can be taken away from you. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942". That's how fast "rights" disappear when people are angry or scared enough.

What we have are PRIVILAGES that the rest of a civilized society agrees you should have.

Normally, I'd have no problem with responsible folks owning guns. But clearly, the gun industry wants to arm as many crazy people as they can to scare the rest of us into buying guns we don't really need. They create a problem, then they present a solution.

Because if you get rid of the crazy people and the criminals having guns, most average families wouldn't want one in their house, either.

Thank you for illustrating what happens, when a society acts on emotions, rather than rule of law. You are of course aware, that the AJA's who were interned were about as dangerous to America as your pet housecat, right? What you just presented, Joe, is why America was founded as a REPUBLIC, instead of as a popular democracy, A/K/A "mob rule". Tell me this, what happens to you, when some demagogue whips up that sacred populace of yours into another fit of irrationality, and they decide that YOU belong behind the wire? You ok with the "social consensus" going against YOU? No? I didn't think so. All you are is just another fool, willing to trade liberty for emotional gratification and a mostly false sense of security.

Actually, I don't know that and neither do you. Wingnut and Anchor-Baby Michelle Malkin actually defended internments. (In addition to 110,000 Japanese-Americans, 10,000 Germans and 5,000 Italians were also interned, although they probalby had more probable cause on the latter.)

What would these folks have done if the Akagi had shown up in San Franscisco bay after the sinking of the American Fleet at Midway (in an alternative history)? Maybe locking them up WAS the right call. I mean, shit, the Axis Powers found local people willing to do their dirty work in EVERY COUNTRY they occuppied. The Ustate in Croatia, the Milice in France....

Yes, there should be sensible guidlelines of individual liberty, but frankly, it should be drawn at "The Guy who hears voices in his head and has been busted twice for shooting at people STILL has a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to have a gun."

Seriously, Aaron Alexis should not have had a gun, I don't give a fuck what the constitution says.

No, as to your "solution", how about, we just euthanize all the "crazy people", execute all the criminals, and confiscate all the guns? It's been tried before, you know-in Nazi Germany. That what you want?

Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns. Private Gun Ownership was seen as source of good Aryan pride.

Gun laws should be based on "is this really a good idea" and not, "A bunch of slave-owners thought it was 200 years ago."
So lets say it wasnt his friend that jumped out but an intruder and they got shot and killed would you say the same thing. The person was shocked did not know it was his friend and shot. I might have done the same thing if I was alone in my house.. People dont think about when they do pranks what the outcome would be. IT ended badly for her and I Feel for family they must be going through a living hell. I am sure her friend feels so badly as well. He will have to live every day of his life he killed his friend. But it was an accident and no jail time will do anything that his mind will to to him until the day he dies..
Hey, Gumby, let's get REAL here.

There are no "rights". It can't be a right if it can be taken away from you. Any fool who thinks he has "Rights" needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942". That's how fast "rights" disappear when people are angry or scared enough.

What we have are PRIVILAGES that the rest of a civilized society agrees you should have.

Normally, I'd have no problem with responsible folks owning guns. But clearly, the gun industry wants to arm as many crazy people as they can to scare the rest of us into buying guns we don't really need. They create a problem, then they present a solution.

Because if you get rid of the crazy people and the criminals having guns, most average families wouldn't want one in their house, either.

Thank you for illustrating what happens, when a society acts on emotions, rather than rule of law. You are of course aware, that the AJA's who were interned were about as dangerous to America as your pet housecat, right? What you just presented, Joe, is why America was founded as a REPUBLIC, instead of as a popular democracy, A/K/A "mob rule". Tell me this, what happens to you, when some demagogue whips up that sacred populace of yours into another fit of irrationality, and they decide that YOU belong behind the wire? You ok with the "social consensus" going against YOU? No? I didn't think so. All you are is just another fool, willing to trade liberty for emotional gratification and a mostly false sense of security.

Actually, I don't know that and neither do you. Wingnut and Anchor-Baby Michelle Malkin actually defended internments. (In addition to 110,000 Japanese-Americans, 10,000 Germans and 5,000 Italians were also interned, although they probalby had more probable cause on the latter.)

What would these folks have done if the Akagi had shown up in San Franscisco bay after the sinking of the American Fleet at Midway (in an alternative history)? Maybe locking them up WAS the right call. I mean, shit, the Axis Powers found local people willing to do their dirty work in EVERY COUNTRY they occuppied. The Ustate in Croatia, the Milice in France....

Yes, there should be sensible guidlelines of individual liberty, but frankly, it should be drawn at "The Guy who hears voices in his head and has been busted twice for shooting at people STILL has a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to have a gun."

Seriously, Aaron Alexis should not have had a gun, I don't give a fuck what the constitution says.

No, as to your "solution", how about, we just euthanize all the "crazy people", execute all the criminals, and confiscate all the guns? It's been tried before, you know-in Nazi Germany. That what you want?

Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns. Private Gun Ownership was seen as source of good Aryan pride.

Gun laws should be based on "is this really a good idea" and not, "A bunch of slave-owners thought it was 200 years ago."

The point he should have lost his rights were in Seattle, and exactly what did your Liberal buddies do? NOTHING. He admitted he shot up a car in a blind rage and your Utopia afraid of the black man let him walk. The law already exists, it is idiots like you and them that don't enforce it.
So lets say it wasnt his friend that jumped out but an intruder and they got shot and killed would you say the same thing. The person was shocked did not know it was his friend and shot. I might have done the same thing if I was alone in my house.. People dont think about when they do pranks what the outcome would be. IT ended badly for her and I Feel for family they must be going through a living hell. I am sure her friend feels so badly as well. He will have to live every day of his life he killed his friend. But it was an accident and no jail time will do anything that his mind will to to him until the day he dies..

Alternate timeline. He lives in a society where we don't let average citizens have guns. He sees someone looting around in the house and knowing he DOESN'T have a gun, he calls the cops. You know. trained professionals. The cops show up and announce, "This is the Police. Come out of the HOuse" and Premila walks out and sheepishly apologizes that she was just playing a prank. Everyone gets a stern talking to. No one dies.

Wow. What a concept. I think this alternate universe without guns is much more awesome.

The point he should have lost his rights were in Seattle, and exactly what did your Liberal buddies do? NOTHING. He admitted he shot up a car in a blind rage and your Utopia afraid of the black man let him walk. The law already exists, it is idiots like you and them that don't enforce it.

You're the one who insists that he still needs a gun despite being prescribed anti-psychotic drugs.

You know, we still don't know where he got his guns. I'm reasonably sure the one he used in Seattle in 2004 was taken away from him.

But you do make a good case for a NATIONAL gun law. Even if Seattle did the right thing, he was able to get a gun in Virginia, where Virginia is for Gun-Lovers.
So lets say it wasnt his friend that jumped out but an intruder and they got shot and killed would you say the same thing. The person was shocked did not know it was his friend and shot. I might have done the same thing if I was alone in my house.. People dont think about when they do pranks what the outcome would be. IT ended badly for her and I Feel for family they must be going through a living hell. I am sure her friend feels so badly as well. He will have to live every day of his life he killed his friend. But it was an accident and no jail time will do anything that his mind will to to him until the day he dies..

Alternate timeline. He lives in a society where we don't let average citizens have guns. He sees someone looting around in the house and knowing he DOESN'T have a gun, he calls the cops. You know. trained professionals. The cops show up and announce, "This is the Police. Come out of the HOuse" and Premila walks out and sheepishly apologizes that she was just playing a prank. Everyone gets a stern talking to. No one dies.

Wow. What a concept. I think this alternate universe without guns is much more awesome.
OUr constitution begs to differ with you. I side with our founding fathers..

Wow. What a concept. I think this alternate universe without guns is much more awesome.
OUr constitution begs to differ with you. I side with our founding fathers..

Yeah, we should totally side with what Slave Rapists thought was a good idea 200 years ago.

So next time you get sick, you totally need to let them bleed you.

Me, I'll use anti-biotics and modern science, but you totally go with that bleeding, because that's what the Founders thought was a good idea.
Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns. Private Gun Ownership was seen as source of good Aryan pride.

Gun laws should be based on "is this really a good idea" and not, "A bunch of slave-owners thought it was 200 years ago."

Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns from citizens. Too bad the Jews weren't considered German citizens after 1935 and it was illegal for them to own firearms or ammunition by 1938.

Wow. What a concept. I think this alternate universe without guns is much more awesome.
OUr constitution begs to differ with you. I side with our founding fathers..

Yeah, we should totally side with what Slave Rapists thought was a good idea 200 years ago.

So next time you get sick, you totally need to let them bleed you.

Me, I'll use anti-biotics and modern science, but you totally go with that bleeding, because that's what the Founders thought was a good idea.

John Adams didn't own slaves. Is siding with him on the second Amendment still taking the side of slaveowners?
Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns. Private Gun Ownership was seen as source of good Aryan pride.

Gun laws should be based on "is this really a good idea" and not, "A bunch of slave-owners thought it was 200 years ago."

Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns from citizens. Too bad the Jews weren't considered German citizens after 1935 and it was illegal for them to own firearms or ammunition by 1938.

That was actually the LEAST of their problems in 1938.

And exactly what would having guns done for them? The Nazis had fucking tanks!

Yeah, that would have gone well.
OUr constitution begs to differ with you. I side with our founding fathers..

Yeah, we should totally side with what Slave Rapists thought was a good idea 200 years ago.

So next time you get sick, you totally need to let them bleed you.

Me, I'll use anti-biotics and modern science, but you totally go with that bleeding, because that's what the Founders thought was a good idea.

John Adams didn't own slaves. Is siding with him on the second Amendment still taking the side of slaveowners?

He took the side of Slave Rapists when he let his good buddy Tommy Jefferson keep owning and fucking Sally Hemmings. "All men are created equal" my ass.

Frankly, I don't care what their thinking was 200 years ago. I will even go so far to say that when you had hostile natives, no organized police, wild animals, provisions gun ownership might have been a good idea.

But Aaron Alexis or James Holmes or Cho or Loughner or Lanza having a "right" to the same kinds of guns the military has access to, that's just fucking insane.

That's the problem in dealing in Absolutes. Freedom of Religion means you aren't allowed to sacrifice your baby to C'Thulhu. Freedom of Speech does not mean you can shout "Fire" in a crowded theatre. (Of course, theatres aren't crowded now because people are afraid of getting shot there.) Right to Bear Arms should not mean, "Some Crazy Guy can buy a gun despite hearing voices in his head and being involved in at least TWO previous shooting incidents."

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