Premila Lal, 18, shot dead after jumping out of closet to surprise friend

Yeah, we should totally side with what Slave Rapists thought was a good idea 200 years ago.

So next time you get sick, you totally need to let them bleed you.

Me, I'll use anti-biotics and modern science, but you totally go with that bleeding, because that's what the Founders thought was a good idea.

John Adams didn't own slaves. Is siding with him on the second Amendment still taking the side of slaveowners?

He took the side of Slave Rapists when he let his good buddy Tommy Jefferson keep owning and fucking Sally Hemmings. "All men are created equal" my ass.

Frankly, I don't care what their thinking was 200 years ago. I will even go so far to say that when you had hostile natives, no organized police, wild animals, provisions gun ownership might have been a good idea.

But Aaron Alexis or James Holmes or Cho or Loughner or Lanza having a "right" to the same kinds of guns the military has access to, that's just fucking insane.

That's the problem in dealing in Absolutes. Freedom of Religion means you aren't allowed to sacrifice your baby to C'Thulhu. Freedom of Speech does not mean you can shout "Fire" in a crowded theatre. (Of course, theatres aren't crowded now because people are afraid of getting shot there.) Right to Bear Arms should not mean, "Some Crazy Guy can buy a gun despite hearing voices in his head and being involved in at least TWO previous shooting incidents."

Strawman. No one has ever stated that a crazy guy should be able to buy a gun. We are allowed to lock people up if they are considered a danger to society right? Criminals should be kept in prison, not released. Mentally ill should be in a hospital, not given a few pills and allowed to walk free.
Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns. Private Gun Ownership was seen as source of good Aryan pride.

Gun laws should be based on "is this really a good idea" and not, "A bunch of slave-owners thought it was 200 years ago."

Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns from citizens. Too bad the Jews weren't considered German citizens after 1935 and it was illegal for them to own firearms or ammunition by 1938.

That was actually the LEAST of their problems in 1938.

And exactly what would having guns done for them? The Nazis had fucking tanks!

Yeah, that would have gone well.

It would of let them at least put up a fight, or allowed for some to escape. Tanks don't chase down individuals down very well. Just look at what the insurgents in Iraq were able to do against our tanks. I'm not saying that armed Jews could of defeated the Nazi army, but putting up a fight could of saved some lives, and slowed down the Nazis' plans for the Jews.

But, I understand you think its just better for people to submit to defeat without a fight. It's so much more 'humane'.
Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns. Private Gun Ownership was seen as source of good Aryan pride.

Gun laws should be based on "is this really a good idea" and not, "A bunch of slave-owners thought it was 200 years ago."

Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns from citizens. Too bad the Jews weren't considered German citizens after 1935 and it was illegal for them to own firearms or ammunition by 1938.

That was actually the LEAST of their problems in 1938.

And exactly what would having guns done for them? The Nazis had fucking tanks!

Yeah, that would have gone well.

Ah, now it comes out! Better to just give up and give in to the threat, and hope that your enemy will let you live, as long as you don't resist. A good many people thought that, all the way to the gas chambers: how did THAT work out? About as well as surrendering to any other criminal psychopath! You go ahead and be a submissive sheep, Joe; but some of us like having at least a fighting chance (with a weapon).
Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns from citizens. Too bad the Jews weren't considered German citizens after 1935 and it was illegal for them to own firearms or ammunition by 1938.

That was actually the LEAST of their problems in 1938.

And exactly what would having guns done for them? The Nazis had fucking tanks!

Yeah, that would have gone well.

Ah, now it comes out! Better to just give up and give in to the threat, and hope that your enemy will let you live, as long as you don't resist. A good many people thought that, all the way to the gas chambers: how did THAT work out? About as well as surrendering to any other criminal psychopath! You go ahead and be a submissive sheep, Joe; but some of us like having at least a fighting chance (with a weapon).

32,000 Americans die every year of gunshots. I'm pretty tired of that kind of body count because you are paranoid about your government.

Point was, most of those folks on the way to the gas chambers DID have guns. The Nazis had better ones. Which puts the lie to your whole premise.
That was actually the LEAST of their problems in 1938.

And exactly what would having guns done for them? The Nazis had fucking tanks!

Yeah, that would have gone well.

Ah, now it comes out! Better to just give up and give in to the threat, and hope that your enemy will let you live, as long as you don't resist. A good many people thought that, all the way to the gas chambers: how did THAT work out? About as well as surrendering to any other criminal psychopath! You go ahead and be a submissive sheep, Joe; but some of us like having at least a fighting chance (with a weapon).

32,000 Americans die every year of gunshots.
I'm pretty tired of that kind of body count because you are paranoid about your government.

Point was, most of those folks on the way to the gas chambers DID have guns. The Nazis had better ones. Which puts the lie to your whole premise.


do you want statistics how many die form drowning in the pool? or from FALLING?

should we ban the sidewalks? or ladders? or roofs? how about bikes?
Ah, now it comes out! Better to just give up and give in to the threat, and hope that your enemy will let you live, as long as you don't resist. A good many people thought that, all the way to the gas chambers: how did THAT work out? About as well as surrendering to any other criminal psychopath! You go ahead and be a submissive sheep, Joe; but some of us like having at least a fighting chance (with a weapon).

32,000 Americans die every year of gunshots.
I'm pretty tired of that kind of body count because you are paranoid about your government.

Point was, most of those folks on the way to the gas chambers DID have guns. The Nazis had better ones. Which puts the lie to your whole premise.


do you want statistics how many die form drowning in the pool? or from FALLING?

should we ban the sidewalks? or ladders? or roofs? how about bikes?

Bikes and Ladders aren't designed to kill people.
That was actually the LEAST of their problems in 1938.

And exactly what would having guns done for them? The Nazis had fucking tanks!

Yeah, that would have gone well.

Ah, now it comes out! Better to just give up and give in to the threat, and hope that your enemy will let you live, as long as you don't resist. A good many people thought that, all the way to the gas chambers: how did THAT work out? About as well as surrendering to any other criminal psychopath! You go ahead and be a submissive sheep, Joe; but some of us like having at least a fighting chance (with a weapon).

32,000 Americans die every year of gunshots. I'm pretty tired of that kind of body count because you are paranoid about your government.

Point was, most of those folks on the way to the gas chambers DID have guns. The Nazis had better ones. Which puts the lie to your whole premise.
The nazis banned guns in order to facilitate their mass murder.
They used exactly the same arguments that you do to justify banning guns.

Gangland crime in Berlin and Hamburg went wild during the nazi era.

Criminal convictions, particularly gun crimes were at record levels, more murderers were excecuted at moabit in the nazi years than anytime before or since.
The gibbet at moabit was used only for murderers, political crimes were placed under SS jurisdiction.
Murders were local/state police responsibility .
The gibbet at plotzenzee seized up with congealed blood due to overuse.

So much for gun control ending crime huh?

No guns no murders?

Where ?

32,000 Americans die every year of gunshots.
I'm pretty tired of that kind of body count because you are paranoid about your government.

Point was, most of those folks on the way to the gas chambers DID have guns. The Nazis had better ones. Which puts the lie to your whole premise.


do you want statistics how many die form drowning in the pool? or from FALLING?

should we ban the sidewalks? or ladders? or roofs? how about bikes?

Bikes and Ladders aren't designed to kill people.

Neither are guns.
Nazi Germany didn't confiscate guns from citizens. Too bad the Jews weren't considered German citizens after 1935 and it was illegal for them to own firearms or ammunition by 1938.

That was actually the LEAST of their problems in 1938.

And exactly what would having guns done for them? The Nazis had fucking tanks!

Yeah, that would have gone well.

Ah, now it comes out! Better to just give up and give in to the threat, and hope that your enemy will let you live, as long as you don't resist. A good many people thought that, all the way to the gas chambers: how did THAT work out? About as well as surrendering to any other criminal psychopath! You go ahead and be a submissive sheep, Joe; but some of us like having at least a fighting chance (with a weapon).

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping that it will eat him last.
Winston Churchill.
Eventually, we'll do both.

Incidently, most companies are ALREADY using the Metric System.

Maybe. Eventually could be a long way off, though.

Oh, and exactly what does 'most companies' mean?

Major companies like mine that use metric system for measuring materials and parts.


Proven liar!!!
YET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The nazis banned guns in order to facilitate their mass murder.
They used exactly the same arguments that you do to justify banning guns.

No, no, they didn't. In fact, Nazi Germany LOOSENED the gun laws for average Germans, compared to the sensible gun laws they had during the Weimar era.

And the countries they conquered had armies. Yup, they largely disarmed countries they conquered, just like WE disarmed Germany and Japan after the war.

Gangland crime in Berlin and Hamburg went wild during the nazi era.

Not true.

You really need to stop learning your "history" from NRA websites.
Maybe. Eventually could be a long way off, though.

Oh, and exactly what does 'most companies' mean?

Major companies like mine that use metric system for measuring materials and parts.


Proven liar!!!
YET AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess your reading comprehension levels are very poor.

Where did I say I worked in "the insurance industry"?

I've said a bunch of time, my CURRENT job is working as a buyer at a manufacturing plant.

No, what might be confusing your brain, Double Wide, is that in my LAST job, I was cut after my insurance company insisted my employer get rid of all of us who ran up too many medical issues. But I was also a buyer there.

Bikes and Ladders aren't designed to kill people.

Neither are guns.

Really? I don't know, if something is designed specifically to propel a bit of lead in a straight line towards another person, I'd say the purpose is to kill folks.

There is no other use?

Perhaps not in your murderous sociopath mind.
For me my weapons are primarily for hunting game.

Sometimes though it is nessesary to propel a lead projectile into another human being.
Self defense for example.
Thousands of times a day people in the USA use firearms in a lawfull manner to stay alive.
You would see them dead?

There is no other use?

Perhaps not in your murderous sociopath mind.
For me my weapons are primarily for hunting game.

So are you too poor to afford your own meat, or are you just a sociopath who likes to murder animals?

Sometimes though it is nessesary to propel a lead projectile into another human being.
Self defense for example

Thousands of times a day people in the USA use firearms in a lawfull manner to stay alive.
You would see them dead?

Depends who they are.

The thing is, only 200 bad guys are killed by civilians with guns in incidents that are ruled "Self-Defense".

compared to 11,101 murders, 16,500 suicides and 800 accidents, it's not a good tradeoff.

There is no other use?

Perhaps not in your murderous sociopath mind.
For me my weapons are primarily for hunting game.

So are you too poor to afford your own meat, or are you just a sociopath who likes to murder animals?

Sometimes though it is nessesary to propel a lead projectile into another human being.
Self defense for example

Thousands of times a day people in the USA use firearms in a lawfull manner to stay alive.
You would see them dead?

Depends who they are.

The thing is, only 200 bad guys are killed by civilians with guns in incidents that are ruled "Self-Defense".

compared to 11,101 murders, 16,500 suicides and 800 accidents, it's not a good tradeoff.

Why must one be poor or a sociopath to hunt for food?

While I don't have any idea what the actual numbers are, 200 people killed in self-defense incidents doesn't mean that many others aren't injured without being killed, or simply frightened off by the gun.

There are plenty of good arguments to be made against gun ownership. The two you have presented in this post are not among them. ;)
there should be some investigation.

unless she was wearing a disguise of some kind, he should have been able to recognize her before pulling his gun out.

I always support RESPONSIBLE gun owners. This guy....I just don't know.

That is my opinion. Does anyone else here think this was just an accident?

If the story is as published, yes I believe it was an accident. What kind of a person startles someone holding a gun, on purpose? Of course maybe she didn't know he was holding a loaded gun.

There is no other use?

Perhaps not in your murderous sociopath mind.
For me my weapons are primarily for hunting game.

So are you too poor to afford your own meat, or are you just a sociopath who likes to murder animals?

Sometimes though it is nessesary to propel a lead projectile into another human being.
Self defense for example

Thousands of times a day people in the USA use firearms in a lawfull manner to stay alive.
You would see them dead?

Depends who they are.

The thing is, only 200 bad guys are killed by civilians with guns in incidents that are ruled "Self-Defense".

compared to 11,101 murders, 16,500 suicides and 800 accidents, it's not a good tradeoff.
Love it!
Murder animals!!
If you are not a veggie you are just confirming my earlier diagnosis of your non borderline learning difficulty( retardation).
You cannot buy good venison cuts.
Anyone with a palate knows this.
The finest cut of meat on earth is a venison back strap.
But it deteriorates within seconds of death.
It is eaten IMMIDIATLY after shooting, often raw.

As for affordability, the cost associated with hunting and dressing game in New England are far higher than buying meat in a farm co operative.

Back to your retardation , if shooting deer is murder, what term would you use to describe killing cattle in order for you to purchase your meat at your supermarket , or , more likely in your case, Walmart.

You are a retard aren't you !!!

One shot and instant death .
Versus months of abuse.
Lining up watching your fellows butchered.
Smelling the blood, hearing the screams, knowing what's coming but unable to fight or flight, the agonizing pain of the cattle prods.
Stunned but not killed tied upside down, sliced from groin to throat and bled to death in agony .

And shooting a deer is murder!!!
You fucking retarded fuck.
Venison at a butchers ( crappy cuts ) costs 16 bucks a pound.
To hunt a deer costs me in excess of 70 bucks a pound, all cuts.
All but societies most retarded are aware of this.

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