Prepare for gun grabber tears.... Senate anti-gun proposals don't seem to give them what they wanted.....good....I hope it stays that way...

It looks incredibly superficial to me but I suppose establishing the principle is important at this stage.
Keeping guns from crazies is a major step forward and I beleie rips up some of trumps nonsense.

Cool story, bro...

That meme is spot on.

Liberals can often be found both ridiculing the idea of AR15s as a means for civilians to defend themselves from an out-of-control government and also claiming dread fear of AR15s because they are "weapons of war."

Your link is to a paywall, sir. Can you quote a relevant paragraph so I know how the bill will keep guns out of the hands of crazies?

Or just tell me in your own words. How, for example, would this bipartisan bill have prevented the Uvalde school shooting?
Liberals are correct to ridicule the notion that civilians are entitled to defend themselves from an ‘out-of-control’ government because there’s nothing in the history, text, or case law of he Second Amendment that authorizes insurrectionist dogma, regardless the weapon.

And AR 15s are indeed weapons of war – that AR 15s are useless in ‘overthrowing’ a government incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical’ doesn’t change that fact.
Elected Dems don't want to fix the problem... That's the first thing about guns and shootings you must learn...
Dems run on chaos so fixing problems is not a winning plan for them....
First of all, you are not a member of either party. You're not even an American. You're a British piece of shit, who has no standing, and no say with regard to how we Americans run our country, and nearly everything that you think you know about our country is just plain wrong.

Second, the only ones that are made safer by denying law-abiding human beings the right to keep and bear arms are criminals, crazies, and tyrants. Anyone who claims that this is being proposed to make human beings safer is lying, or deceived, or both.

Third, the only purpose for your very existence is to remind us Americans why we kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago. You have no other standing, and no other significance, as far as we Americans are concerned.

Fourth, go fuck yourself.

Fifth, go fuck yourself again.
Because you know that you are too fucking stupid to debate with me. Or with a 4 year old child.
So, not only ignorant and arrogant, but drunk, as well.

Perhaps you should worry about your own pathetic little shithole of a country, and just keep your filthy drunk faggot nose out of America's business, where it does not belong.
The typical hateful rightwing bigot and coward who has nothing of merit to contribute, save that of personal attacks and insults.
Elected Dems don't want to fix the problem... That's the first thing about guns and shootings you must learn...
Dems run on chaos so fixing anything wrong is not a winning plan for them....
Are you a Dem? No? Then you have no clue.
Even if it passes it's still quite meaningless. Nothing short of dealing with the violence that's been created by America's continuous wars and culture of killing, is going to lessen the mass shootings.

But that can never be accepted, on account of self-condemnation by Americans of themselves.
Its a start isnt it.
Even if it passes it's still quite meaningless. Nothing short of dealing with the violence that's been created by America's continuous wars and culture of killing, is going to lessen the mass shootings.

But that can never be accepted, on account of self-condemnation by Americans of themselves.
Further proof that conservatives are lying – no guns will be ‘banned,’ no guns will be ‘confiscated.’
Then you run into problems with who is determining what qualifies as "dangerous mentally ill".
That's a slippery slope when they accuse anybody that refuses masks, clot shots or to believe lies about weather & elections being fraud free as being dangerous & mentally ill.
I will never agree to have some lunatic lefty judge my capacity to exercise my rights.
We want to stop these seriously deranged psychos from obtaining weapons & their mass shootings but you have to be real careful when the odds say they will use anything like this to disarm political opponents
I agree that it’s a matter of very real importance, which is why there need to be significant procedural safeguards out into place. I usually tend to reject the slippery slope argument because if we’re aware of the dangers ahead of time, we can impose checks, backups, circuit breakers, guardrails and an automatic breaking system.

Beyond that, I’m one of those who strongly desires to have such built in safeguards. I wouldn’t want someone who has had a psychiatric issue in his or her younger days to be denied a gun license or a permit on such a minimal basis. The standards should be as rock solid and clearly spelled out as possible and the review and appeal process should be scrupulous.
Even if it passes it's still quite meaningless. Nothing short of dealing with the violence that's been created by America's continuous wars and culture of killing, is going to lessen the mass shootings.

But that can never be accepted, on account of self-condemnation by Americans of themselves.
GFY, duck. You and the limey don't have any standing in the debate so just STFU.
The NRA will not allow it

Republicans will back away at the last minute

They always do

Just wait till the NRA starts saying they are trying to take away everybody's guns and scare the hell out of gun huggers again.

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