Prepare to turn on Cavuto: Cavuto calls out Trump to stop scapegoating. You are the Problem!

I think Cavuto was right, Trump needs to stop the effing tweets on bullshit stuff that he needs to stay out of and focus instead on the stuff that really matters. He is his own worst enemy IMHO.
I wonder if some of his fellow news people at FOX are going to start giving him a hard time?

And's kind of interesting that Trump isn't even 6 months in, and already some of his previous supporters are starting to turn against him.
Things are approaching critical mass when fox is reproaching trump.

There's a cloud of corruption hanging over the White House that's unmistakable.

Trumpies: I don't see anything. Lmao
"Mr. President, it is not the fake news media that’s your problem. It’s you."

When even Fox can see what's happening, when will Trumpies ?

Fox News' Neil Cavuto Calls Out Donald Trump: Stop Scapegoating. You Are The Problem. | HuffPost

Now the Trumpies will feel the need to attack Cavuto.

It's the law!
I like Cavuto, but he isn't always right. he's more of an establishment Republican, so his opinion on that is to be expected. Other Republicans are a big part of the problem. They are part of the establishment and like things the way they are.
Things are approaching critical mass when fox is reproaching trump.

There's a cloud of corruption hanging over the White House that's unmistakable.

Trumpies: I don't see anything. Lmao
You're welcome to your delusions.
Trump Drones will never do anything but lick Trumps ass.

it's what they do best.
"Mr. President, it is not the fake news media that’s your problem. It’s you."

When even Fox can see what's happening, when will Trumpies ?

Fox News' Neil Cavuto Calls Out Donald Trump: Stop Scapegoating. You Are The Problem. | HuffPost

Now the Trumpies will feel the need to attack Cavuto.

It's the law!
I like Cavuto, but he isn't always right. he's more of an establishment Republican, so his opinion on that is to be expected. Other Republicans are a big part of the problem. They are part of the establishment and like things the way they are.
Trump has had problems with leakers.
Trump has had problems with fake news.
Trump has had problems with Obama hold overs.

It's not scape goating when you really get down to it. He is simply trying to be to civilized with a group of animals. It's time that instead of finger pointing he got harsh.

Shoot the leakers.
Have the FCC cancel broadcasting permits to lying news shows .
And bust some skulls.
Fox has been against Trump since the first primary debate, this OP is laughable. Actually the first bushwhacking question of the first primary debate by that blond bimbo. Wallace is no Trump friend. About the only friend Trump has at Fox is Hannity and Fox recently slapped handcuffs on him.
Personally, I'm not a fan of cheap talk for taking up space just to sound cool. So lets review, for the sake of sanity.

Liberal propaganda seeks to destroy Trump based on what are complete fabrications. They incite hatred, especially toward Trump. Trump nor his family deserve a life. Heck, its become front page news when "why is Peyton Manning golfing with Trump"? Everything is a conspiracy, because you know, Trump is a Russian spy. Even employees within the government cannot be trusted, and surely the public cannot be trusted. We're the most corrupt and intellectually inferior public in our history. Half of us believe "reality winner" actually accomplished something and is righteous. 58% of Democrats believe Russia tampered with votes.


Trump says stupid shit on Twitter, though it's often a reality. Folks don't like hearing the truth.
Trump has had problems with leakers? Got news for you, ALL administrations have had leaks at various times during their terms.

Trump has had problems with fake news? So did Hillary. Anyone remember the Pizzagate scandal where kids were being held as sex slaves in the basement of a pizza shop that didn't have a basement? That was passed around as gospel among Trump supporters.

Trump has had problems with Obama holdovers? While that is a possibility, most of the problems in his administration have come from the infighting between all his people. Think Bannon and people like that.
"Mr. President, it is not the fake news media that’s your problem. It’s you."

When even Fox can see what's happening, when will Trumpies ?

Fox News' Neil Cavuto Calls Out Donald Trump: Stop Scapegoating. You Are The Problem. | HuffPost

Now the Trumpies will feel the need to attack Cavuto.

It's the law!
I like Cavuto, but he isn't always right. he's more of an establishment Republican, so his opinion on that is to be expected. Other Republicans are a big part of the problem. They are part of the establishment and like things the way they are.
What is he wrong about?
If he tweets on policy it can be valuable and it should be what the GOP are focusing on. Tweeting on issues that the Democrats want you to focus on doesn't help often, though sometimes it is effective.

He has to pick his spots. In times like this, best to take the advice of your lawyers. For instance, Comey released these notes today for tomorrows testimony and Trump didn't react on twitter, which I think is wise. Let the process run it's course, there's nothing of substance that suggests anything other than Trump wanting to be cleared publicly and allowed to focus on going forward with his agenda.
"Mr. President, it is not the fake news media that’s your problem. It’s you."

When even Fox can see what's happening, when will Trumpies ?

Fox News' Neil Cavuto Calls Out Donald Trump: Stop Scapegoating. You Are The Problem. | HuffPost

Now the Trumpies will feel the need to attack Cavuto.

It's the law!
I like Cavuto, but he isn't always right. he's more of an establishment Republican, so his opinion on that is to be expected. Other Republicans are a big part of the problem. They are part of the establishment and like things the way they are.
What is he wrong about?

He's wrong that somehow Trump is causing his current problems. The left is bent on destroying Trump, and they control the media. No matter what Trump does they will find some justification to attack him.
Fox has been against Trump since the first primary debate, this OP is laughable. Actually the first bushwhacking question of the first primary debate by that blond bimbo. Wallace is no Trump friend. About the only friend Trump has at Fox is Hannity and Fox recently slapped handcuffs on him.
Hannity and Tucker Carlson support Trump. Dana Perino is a Bush #neverTrumper, and has been since Trump announced. Gregg Gutfield is anti-Trump. Sheppard Smith is a lefty and a homo who hates Trump. Chris Wallace is clearly hostile to Trump. Brite Hume has also said quite a few negative things about Trump

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