Prepare you Angus.....NMB Starts Clock Toward Rail Shutdown

Another lie. You went down like a good little lemming and got your jab and defended it. Fucking liar.

Yes, I did get my vaccination at the recommendation of a medical professional that spent 2 years working with COVID patients. I have COPD and she saw how poorly COVID and COPD got along. I trust her with my life and followed her advice.

I have always been against the Govt mandate, every post on here I made about it said the same. Each person should make up their mind.
Yes, I did get my vaccination at the recommendation of a medical professional that spent 2 years working with COVID patients. I have COPD and she saw how poorly COVID and COPD got along. I trust her with my life and followed her advice.

I have always been against the Govt mandate, every post on here I made about it said the same. Each person should make up their mind.
LIAR. BTW, if contracts mean so much to you, why, pray tell, are you advocating for rail workers to break theirs.
BTW, if contracts mean so much to you, why, pray tell, are you advocating for rail workers to break theirs.

I never did any such thing, I just do not advocate for the Fed Govt to force them to do so.

You on the other hand being a Big Govt lover do advocate for the Fed Govt to force them to do so.
You on the other hand being a Big Govt lover do advocate for the Fed Govt to force them to do so.
If honoring the contract that they signed is a sign of a big govt lover in your mind, then so be it, moron. I wouldn't trust you if you told me the sky was blue, liar. You don't tell the truth and you don't believe contracts should be honored when you sign one.
If honoring the contract that they signed is a sign of a big govt lover in your mind, then so be it, moron.

It is not the job of the Fed Govt to force someone to honor a contract unless that contract was between the entity and the Fed Govt.

you don't believe contracts should be honored when you sign one.

I have never said that nor even came close to implying it.

My comments are about the responsibility of the Fed Govt, not about the workers. I agree with you they should honor their contracts, I just do not agree if they choose not to that it is the job of the Fed Govt to get involved.
I have never said that nor even came close to implying it.
LIAR. In the same post ^^, you said, It is not the job of the Fed Govt to force someone to honor a contract unless that contract was between the entity and the Fed Govt.
The contract was legislated by the feds. Regardless of that fact, THE RAIL WORKERS SIGNED A LEGAL CONTRACT and you don't feel they should honor it. LIAR.
LIAR. In the same post ^^, you said, It is not the job of the Fed Govt to force someone to honor a contract unless that contract was between the entity and the Fed Govt

Yes, and the contract is between workers and the railroad companies. The Feds should have no role in it at all.

THE RAIL WORKERS SIGNED A LEGAL CONTRACT and you don't feel they should honor it. LIAR.

you keep repeating this lie, and no matter how many times you do so it will still be a lie.

I will say this one more time, will type really slowly for you....I agree with you they should honor their contracts, I just do not agree if they choose not to that it is the job of the Fed Govt to get involved.
Yes, and the contract is between workers and the railroad companies. The Feds should have no role in it at all.

you keep repeating this lie, and no matter how many times you do so it will still be a lie.

I will say this one more time, will type really slowly for you....I agree with you they should honor their contracts, I just do not agree if they choose not to that it is the job of the Fed Govt to get involved.
And I will bring to your myopic attention, the courts are run by the GOVERNMENT and courts ENFORCE CONTRACTS. LYING FUCKING MORON. Pay attention instead of trolling and having to walk your bullshit back.
And I will bring to your myopic attention, the courts are run by the GOVERNMENT and courts ENFORCE CONTRACTS. LYING FUCKING MORON. Pay attention instead of trolling and having to walk your bullshit back.

There are many layers of Govt, I have said, and I will say it again, The FED GOVT has no role in enforcing these contracts.
There are many layers of Govt, I have said, and I will say it again, The FED GOVT has no role in enforcing these contracts.
Bullshit. Railroads are concerned with INTERSTATE COMMERCE, moron. The feds are the ones who are in charge of that. Rail commerce also affects national security and safety--which are regulated by the NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD and HOMELAND SECURITY, both FEDERAL agencies.
Bullshit. Railroads are concerned with INTERSTATE COMMERCE, moron. The feds are the ones who are in charge of that. Rail commerce also affects national security and safety--which are regulated by the NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION SAFETY BOARD and HOMELAND SECURITY, both FEDERAL agencies.

So, are we back to where we started.

You still support a bigger, more intrusive Govt than I do.

That was fun.

I always back up my claims. Here you go, even stuck today's date on it so you would know I took the picture today


That bigger, more intrusive government has been working since before you were born. You would think that you'd be used to it by now. Thanks for playing.

Wow, I had no idea you were such a big government loving person. Most people do not have near that much faith in the government. Most of us think it is fucked up and has been for decades.

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