Pres. Biden wants $15/hr min wage; Thanks but NOW its not enough

Because people at the very bottom of the income scale have little leverage
Why is that? Because they tend not to have developed skills that employers need?
and I belive there is a bare minimum labor compensation where a line must be drawn.
Your personal beliefs should only apply to you in any society where you aren't the dictator.
It's the same reason we have usury or slavery prohibition laws.
Slavery isn't a voluntary transaction and there should not be usory laws in a nation that values freedom.
It's just not right, even is someone is willing to enter such agreement.
Many people believe abortion is just not right. Should the government stop abortions?

Dictator? Wtf? You support a cause, you win elections and you put in place laws. No dictatorship in sight.

Want to get rid of minimum wage? No problem, go get a party to adopt that platform and win some elections. Thats how our representative democracy works.

Well that's why we are arguing it here.

Argue all you want, just don't call me a dictator for supporting minimum wage standards.

Well... I would not say that openly because it generally isn't helpful...

But... let's be honest.... *YOU* by supporting this policy, are in fact.... trying to dictate terms between two parties that you are not connected to.

Right? You are not part of my party, the employee. And you are not part of the party of the employer.

So, you being completely unconnected to either party in the employment contract, are saying you want to dictate and control the minimum level of payment.

You are saying to the employer, you might want to hire someone for less money, but I refuse to allow you to do that.
And you are saying to the employee, you might want to work for less money, but I refuse to allow you to do that.

You are in effect, engaged in 'dictating' to others how they live.

You do realize that every single dictator in human history, has justified his dictating, as being for the good of society? Which is the same justification for dictating wages here.

And you might say that 'this one thing' doesn't make you a dictator, but the the Democrats wish to dictate everything. Can you name something that Democrats do not wish to control? Guns? Speech? Wages for both the CEO and the hourly worker? Benefits? Religion? Even those who are not hourly workers, they wish to control how much pay people at every income level? They want to control what bathroom you go in, and what pronouns you use.

So, yeah I can see why people on the right, that believe in limited government, that is restricted to protecting actual rights.... that you would be basically a dictator of sorts. The entire left-wing wants to dictate everything.

Yep I'm a dictator that gets his way by building concensus, casting his vote and winning elections.

Now bow down before your master. :sleeping-smiley-015:
Dictator? Wtf? You support a cause, you win elections and you put in place laws. No dictatorship in sight.
You seem to want to dictate what the minimum wage should be.

There are many many many many things we are effectively dictated. You are just special pleading this one.

I can't sell expired products, can't buy hookers, can't do coke lines ina store, even if the owner doesn't mind, the list is never ending.

But gosh, I'm a dictator because I like minimum wage laws to ensure people get compensated slightly above slave wages for their labor.

Again, as we have proven before, it does not ensure people get compensated slightly above slave wages for their labor. The only thing guaranteed is that fewer people will have jobs. That's it. That is literally the only guarantee from increasing the minimum wage.

If what you said was even remotely true, then people in 2010 should have been better off than people in 2006, because from 2007 to 2009, the minimum wage went up dramatically.

Were people ensured they got compensated slightly above slave wages for their labor? No. So stop with the already historically proven false claims.

I can't sell expired products, can't buy hookers, can't do coke lines ina store, even if the owner doesn't mind, the list is never ending.

Apples and Oranges. All of those things have a massive externalities that damage society.

Does hiring someone, who is happy and willing to work for $6.50 an hour, harm society? No it does not.

If anything, society is better off with that person working for $6.50 an hour, than not working, and pooping on the streets spreading Typhus in California, because the minimum wage made finding employment impossible.
Nothing is ever enough for you parasitic commie shit biscuits.

Name calling isn’t necessary. Its not that I/we dont wanna work we just want a living wage. And “commies” really? Im definitely not a communist. America can and should do better
Let more illegals in to drive down wages .....yea!
Because people at the very bottom of the income scale have little leverage
Why is that? Because they tend not to have developed skills that employers need?
and I belive there is a bare minimum labor compensation where a line must be drawn.
Your personal beliefs should only apply to you in any society where you aren't the dictator.
It's the same reason we have usury or slavery prohibition laws.
Slavery isn't a voluntary transaction and there should not be usory laws in a nation that values freedom.
It's just not right, even is someone is willing to enter such agreement.
Many people believe abortion is just not right. Should the government stop abortions?

Dictator? Wtf? You support a cause, you win elections and you put in place laws. No dictatorship in sight.

Want to get rid of minimum wage? No problem, go get a party to adopt that platform and win some elections. Thats how our representative democracy works.

Well that's why we are arguing it here.

Argue all you want, just don't call me a dictator for supporting minimum wage standards.

Well... I would not say that openly because it generally isn't helpful...

But... let's be honest.... *YOU* by supporting this policy, are in fact.... trying to dictate terms between two parties that you are not connected to.

Right? You are not part of my party, the employee. And you are not part of the party of the employer.

So, you being completely unconnected to either party in the employment contract, are saying you want to dictate and control the minimum level of payment.

You are saying to the employer, you might want to hire someone for less money, but I refuse to allow you to do that.
And you are saying to the employee, you might want to work for less money, but I refuse to allow you to do that.

You are in effect, engaged in 'dictating' to others how they live.

You do realize that every single dictator in human history, has justified his dictating, as being for the good of society? Which is the same justification for dictating wages here.

And you might say that 'this one thing' doesn't make you a dictator, but the the Democrats wish to dictate everything. Can you name something that Democrats do not wish to control? Guns? Speech? Wages for both the CEO and the hourly worker? Benefits? Religion? Even those who are not hourly workers, they wish to control how much pay people at every income level? They want to control what bathroom you go in, and what pronouns you use.

So, yeah I can see why people on the right, that believe in limited government, that is restricted to protecting actual rights.... that you would be basically a dictator of sorts. The entire left-wing wants to dictate everything.

Yep I'm a dictator that gets his way by building concensus, casting his vote and winning elections.

Now bow down before your master. :sleeping-smiley-015:

Hitler had support from the public too. Didn't change who he was, or what the people did to the Jews.

In fact, all dictators have support of the public. Chairman Mao was very popular, even as he caused the death of millions.

Even today, Kim Jong-un, has wide support, even while his people starve and soldiers eat grass.

In surveys taken during the last five years and collated in the report, 63 percent of North Korean defectors perceived Kim to have majority support from people within the country. The respondents all fled North Korea between 2010 and last year, while Kim took power in 2011, after the death of his father Kim Jong-il.​

Just like how Syrians support Assad, even after he used chemical weapons on his own people.

Screenshot_2020-11-17 so this is how freedom dies - Google Search.png

This is reality. Most brutal dictators, have the support of psychotic sycophants in the public.

Reminds me of the celebrations we saw when the media claimed Biden won. Every time freedom is eroded, the left-wing celebrates the death of liberty with dancing.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum
While the min wage SHOULD be $20 per hour, just quickly changing it to $20 would do more harm than good. Unfortunately, the process of raising the minimum wage should have begun years back.
No, you fuckers should stop voting for high taxes, you guys are God damn idiots
Because people at the very bottom of the income scale have little leverage
Why is that? Because they tend not to have developed skills that employers need?
and I belive there is a bare minimum labor compensation where a line must be drawn.
Your personal beliefs should only apply to you in any society where you aren't the dictator.
It's the same reason we have usury or slavery prohibition laws.
Slavery isn't a voluntary transaction and there should not be usory laws in a nation that values freedom.
It's just not right, even is someone is willing to enter such agreement.
Many people believe abortion is just not right. Should the government stop abortions?

Dictator? Wtf? You support a cause, you win elections and you put in place laws. No dictatorship in sight.

Want to get rid of minimum wage? No problem, go get a party to adopt that platform and win some elections. Thats how our representative democracy works.

Well that's why we are arguing it here.

Argue all you want, just don't call me a dictator for supporting minimum wage standards.

Well... I would not say that openly because it generally isn't helpful...

But... let's be honest.... *YOU* by supporting this policy, are in fact.... trying to dictate terms between two parties that you are not connected to.

Right? You are not part of my party, the employee. And you are not part of the party of the employer.

So, you being completely unconnected to either party in the employment contract, are saying you want to dictate and control the minimum level of payment.

You are saying to the employer, you might want to hire someone for less money, but I refuse to allow you to do that.
And you are saying to the employee, you might want to work for less money, but I refuse to allow you to do that.

You are in effect, engaged in 'dictating' to others how they live.

You do realize that every single dictator in human history, has justified his dictating, as being for the good of society? Which is the same justification for dictating wages here.

And you might say that 'this one thing' doesn't make you a dictator, but the the Democrats wish to dictate everything. Can you name something that Democrats do not wish to control? Guns? Speech? Wages for both the CEO and the hourly worker? Benefits? Religion? Even those who are not hourly workers, they wish to control how much pay people at every income level? They want to control what bathroom you go in, and what pronouns you use.

So, yeah I can see why people on the right, that believe in limited government, that is restricted to protecting actual rights.... that you would be basically a dictator of sorts. The entire left-wing wants to dictate everything.

Yep I'm a dictator that gets his way by building concensus, casting his vote and winning elections.

Now bow down before your master. :sleeping-smiley-015:
Buy voting against your own wallet?
Why? Because I think thats a minimal fair compensation for labor.
Why must others be forced to your opinion on such things?
If someone is okay doing a simple task for $8/hr, why shouldn't they be allowed to?
If someone refuses to work for less than $20/hr, they are free to choose only jobs that pay that.

Because people at the very bottom of the income scale have little leverage and I belive there is a bare minimum labor compensation where a line must be drawn.

It's the same reason we have usury or slavery prohibition laws. It's just not right, even if someone is willing to enter such agreement.
You twat the minimum wage laws are racist
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum
What city do you live in?
Nothing is ever enough for you parasitic commie shit biscuits.

Name calling isn’t necessary. Its not that I/we dont wanna work we just want a living wage. And “commies” really? Im definitely not a communist. America can and should do better
I bet youre ALL for illegal immigration too. I bet you want a bunch of legal immigration too, right? We told you fucking people this shit would happen. Weve been sounding the alarm for 2 decades and you fought against us every step of the way, and now youre complaining about minimum wages and the cost of living? Rent isnt shit to mexicans when they cram 2 families into one house. They will out spend you every time.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Oh and just which small business can afford $15 hour minimum wage?? You will see small businesses going out of business. No business. No jobs.

Large Corps will just pass that cost onto the consumer.

You really are a lefty loon idiot.
Nothing is ever enough for you parasitic commie shit biscuits.

Name calling isn’t necessary. Its not that I/we dont wanna work we just want a living wage. And “commies” really? Im definitely not a communist. America can and should do better
Your demonstrated ignorance of basic economics is not uncommon, hell even similarly ignorant individuals have made it to the Congress. Now your status as a parasitic shit biscuit is wholly dependent on a willingness on your part to throw off the state indoctrination that led you down this false path and learn something.

Mandating a minunum wage solves nothing if anything it actually costs jobs... There is a huge discrepancy in cost of living across the country. Some places are incredibly cheap because they haven’t seen the jacked up inflation that other areas have...Inflation is just a hidden tax By governments to take more of their citenzens money. Usually though by mandating a higher minumum wage ( it sounds great to someone earning say 12 hr) but here is the catch. It usually places the earner in a higher tax bracket and he or she must pay more federal and or state tax plus thus not earning that much more and the business they work for is now burdened by paying each individual an extra 6000 dollars a year plus extra benefits and taxes that governments hit up business for each month like pension and welfare etc etc..It definitely enriches the government though and guys like Joe can look good in doing so.. If a guy who owns a business has 50 employees he may drop it to 40 and work them harder to offset the extra costs or he may just get completely fed up and start automating with robots and get rid of the jobs entirely... That is why government should not dictate to its population because they make things worse not better but hey in some countries people earn 5 or 6 dollars a day how you going to compete with that . It is bad enough as it is with the number of jobs that have left the states how many more these politicians going to flush out before the people realize how much they have been fleeced....and I haven’t even mentioned the cost of your fruits and vegetables grown locally will obviously go up in price because all extra cost incurred by owners will be passed onto consumers leading to price increases across the board and the guy who got a wage increase will find his food costs and other costs may have increased even more making That extra money he or she made completely evaporating ...Also consider the fact that as people mature and better themselves they seek higher wages with more skill sets and leave the lower paying jobs which might be left for students and people just entering the work force by dictating to businesses a minimum wage they may not hire those people anymore at the entry level and students and or young people may not find any employment in the future... fuckers act as if the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. And every time you trot out the same tired talking points that are proven false.

It does NONE of the evil things you claim it will. There's actual history to look at
What most non employers can't grasp is that entry level employees as a general rule COST businesses money! Between training costs and the mistakes that new employees are almost guaranteed to make you're losing money on new employees until they learn job skills.
Then MAYBE..they ought to work harder to retain employees...but they don't. They use turnover to keep wages low.

So much for your bullshit
"Turnover" costs you money, Lesh! Have you really ever owned a business? If you had you'd know that spending the money to train someone only to have them leave once they've learned job skills is counter productive. When I worked for corporate one of the red flags for a manager was employee turnover. If the rate was too high corporate wanted to know why that was occurring.

It would seem that the one spouting "bullshit" about owning a company is you... fuckers act as if the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. And every time you trot out the same tired talking points that are proven false.

It does NONE of the evil things you claim it will. There's actual history to look at me where minimum wage has ever been hiked by the amounts that the left are currently demanding! Show me THAT history!
"Turnover" costs you money, Lesh! Have you really ever owned a business?

I OWN a small business currently and I avoid turnover by paying a decent wage to begin with (among other things). Companies that pay only minimum wage are using turnover as part of their business model. It's stupid to claim otherwise. Workers are going to leave for better wages as soon as they can. That would be....what's that word...oh yea TURNOVER ya fuckin moron me where minimum wage has ever been hiked by the amounts that the left are currently demanding! Show me THAT history!

You're making prove it. Show us the increase you are actually talking about and then show us where that is so different from previous increases

It's easy to make claims. Proving them ...not so much.

And please...avoid the "everybody knows" bullshit. It just makes you look more dishonest than usual
"Turnover" costs you money, Lesh! Have you really ever owned a business?

I OWN a small business currently and I avoid turnover by paying a decent wage to begin with (among other things). Companies that pay only minimum wage are using turnover as part of their business model. It's stupid to claim otherwise. Workers are going to leave for better wages as soon as they can. That would be....what's that word...oh yea TURNOVER ya fuckin moron me where minimum wage has ever been hiked by the amounts that the left are currently demanding! Show me THAT history!

You're making prove it. Show us the increase you are actually talking about and then show us where that is so different from previous increases

It's easy to make claims. Proving them ...not so much.

And please...avoid the "everybody knows" bullshit. It just makes you look more dishonest than usual
When workers learn job skills you reward them with a raise. That's the way it works in the real world. You reward yours BEFORE they learn those job skills hoping you can get them to stay which means you'll get the people who don't care if their job skills improve because they're already making the same money as the people that worked to learn job skills! The only "moron" in this discussion is you, my friend! Every time you open your mouth you make me doubt even more your claim to have ever owned a business!
"Turnover" costs you money, Lesh! Have you really ever owned a business?

I OWN a small business currently and I avoid turnover by paying a decent wage to begin with (among other things). Companies that pay only minimum wage are using turnover as part of their business model. It's stupid to claim otherwise. Workers are going to leave for better wages as soon as they can. That would be....what's that word...oh yea TURNOVER ya fuckin moron me where minimum wage has ever been hiked by the amounts that the left are currently demanding! Show me THAT history!

You're making prove it. Show us the increase you are actually talking about and then show us where that is so different from previous increases

It's easy to make claims. Proving them ...not so much.

And please...avoid the "everybody knows" bullshit. It just makes you look more dishonest than usual
I can't show you increases of the scale that you on the left are demanding because we've never done something THAT stupid before! Why? Because anyone with any economic expertise at all KNOWS that wage increases of that magnitude will have a negative effect on jobs! fuckers act as if the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. And every time you trot out the same tired talking points that are proven false.

It does NONE of the evil things you claim it will. There's actual history to look at

I've never seen MW increase by over 100% in my life, but we all know what would happen if it did. True, your big mack is not going to go from $5.00 to $7.00, but that's only because of size and volume. A McDonald's restaurant may sell 900 hamburgers a day, but Bob's Hardware store doesn't sell 900 hammers a day. McDonald's may serve 1,300 beverages a day, but Zippy's car wash doesn't clean 1,000 cars a day.

You claim to own a business (like most all liberals here) but seem to know nothing about business or employment.

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