Pres. Biden wants $15/hr min wage; Thanks but NOW its not enough

When workers learn job skills you reward them with a raise. That's the way it works in the real world. You reward yours BEFORE they learn those job skills hoping you can get them to stay which means you'll get the people who don't care if their job skills improve because they're already making the same money as the people that worked to learn job skills!

Wow. That was quite the run on sentence. Apparently you got yourself worked up. I hire carefully and pay decent wages. That reduces (nearly eliminates) turnover. Try it. it works....unless low wages and high turnover is part of your business model. Unfortunately far too often that IS the business model of people advocating low wages.
I can't show you increases of the scale that you on the left are demanding because we've never done something THAT stupid before! Why?
What you can't show is anything to prove your point. Show us the number you are arguing against so we can see if your argument holds water (it doesn't). It's easy to say "THAT NUMBER IS TOO HIGH!" when you don't quote an actual number.
When workers learn job skills you reward them with a raise. That's the way it works in the real world. You reward yours BEFORE they learn those job skills hoping you can get them to stay which means you'll get the people who don't care if their job skills improve because they're already making the same money as the people that worked to learn job skills!

Wow. That was quite the run on sentence. Apparently you got yourself worked up. I hire carefully and pay decent wages. That reduces (nearly eliminates) turnover. Try it. it works....unless low wages and high turnover is part of your business model. Unfortunately far too often that IS the business model of people advocating low wages.
I can't show you increases of the scale that you on the left are demanding because we've never done something THAT stupid before! Why?
What you can't show is anything to prove your point. Show us the number you are arguing against so we can see if your argument holds water (it doesn't). It's easy to say "THAT NUMBER IS TOO HIGH!" when you don't quote an actual number.
My "business model" has been the same from when I was first hired to be a manager some forty years ago! The man that hired me explained it rather succinctly! He told me that my main job as a manager was to identify then reward good employees...and identify and then get rid of bad ones! I spent money on rewarding PROVEN performance...not on the hope that some new employee might work out!
When workers learn job skills you reward them with a raise. That's the way it works in the real world. You reward yours BEFORE they learn those job skills hoping you can get them to stay which means you'll get the people who don't care if their job skills improve because they're already making the same money as the people that worked to learn job skills!

Wow. That was quite the run on sentence. Apparently you got yourself worked up. I hire carefully and pay decent wages. That reduces (nearly eliminates) turnover. Try it. it works....unless low wages and high turnover is part of your business model. Unfortunately far too often that IS the business model of people advocating low wages.
I can't show you increases of the scale that you on the left are demanding because we've never done something THAT stupid before! Why?
What you can't show is anything to prove your point. Show us the number you are arguing against so we can see if your argument holds water (it doesn't). It's easy to say "THAT NUMBER IS TOO HIGH!" when you don't quote an actual number.
Once do I show you a number when nobody has been stupid enough to raise the Minimum Wage by the amounts that you on the left are demanding? Once again...anyone who took even basic ECON courses in college grasps the effect that raising labor costs dramatically has on employment numbers!
What you can't show is anything to prove your point. Show us the number you are arguing against so we can see if your argument holds water (it doesn't). It's easy to say "THAT NUMBER IS TOO HIGH!" when you don't quote an actual number.
My "business model" has been the same from when I was first hired to be a manager some forty years ago! The man that hired me explained it rather succinctly! He told me that my main job as a manager was to identify then reward good employees...and identify and then get rid of bad ones! I spent money on rewarding PROVEN performance...not on the hope that some new employee might work out!
Isn't that nice. "Identify and get rid of"

You are ADVOCATING high turnover. It IS part of the business model obviously. In fact you identify that as being your facilitate that turnover

And oh failed to actually respond to the question regarding what number we are discussing
Once do I show you a number when nobody has been stupid enough to raise the Minimum Wage by the amounts that you on the left are demanding?
What are you claiming I am demanding? The only number I mentioned...ever ...was $15/hr. Are you claiming THAT number has never before used as minimum wage?

What you can't show is anything to prove your point. Show us the number you are arguing against so we can see if your argument holds water (it doesn't). It's easy to say "THAT NUMBER IS TOO HIGH!" when you don't quote an actual number.
My "business model" has been the same from when I was first hired to be a manager some forty years ago! The man that hired me explained it rather succinctly! He told me that my main job as a manager was to identify then reward good employees...and identify and then get rid of bad ones! I spent money on rewarding PROVEN performance...not on the hope that some new employee might work out!
Isn't that nice. "Identify and get rid of"

You are ADVOCATING high turnover. It IS part of the business model obviously. In fact you identify that as being your facilitate that turnover

And oh failed to actually respond to the question regarding what number we are discussing
When did I ever advocate for high turnover? Part of hiring is due diligence. You check references. You conduct interviews. You try to weed out the failures BEFORE they become your problem! If you're doing the job correctly you end up with less turnover of GOOD employees which is what every company wants! I don't want the bad ones to stay. My good employees don't want the bad ones to stay! Getting rid of deadwood and rewarding good behavior is what builds employee loyalty. When bad employees are allowed to keep working (like in our Civil Service set up?) it hurts the entire organization!
Once do I show you a number when nobody has been stupid enough to raise the Minimum Wage by the amounts that you on the left are demanding?
What are you claiming I am demanding? The only number I mentioned...ever ...was $15/hr. Are you claiming THAT number has never before used as minimum wage?

I'm simply stating that a nationwide minimum wage increase of the amount you on the left are demanding has never been done and for good reason!
There is no way Democrats will uniformly vote for $20 minimum wage. I doubt even half would do that.

$15 is at least in the realm of possible.

We don't know that. Before DumBama and his all Democrat Congress, nobody thought they'd entirely change our healthcare in this country, but every Democrat went along with it. It's called vote buying. Lower income people (who typically vote Democrat) got great plans for pennies on the dollar, while the middle and upper-middle-class (many Republican voters) got plans too expensive to afford that didn't cover diddly. Who do you think kids making minimum wage vote for?
  • Thanks
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Once do I show you a number when nobody has been stupid enough to raise the Minimum Wage by the amounts that you on the left are demanding?
What are you claiming I am demanding? The only number I mentioned...ever ...was $15/hr. Are you claiming THAT number has never before used as minimum wage?

I'm simply stating that a nationwide minimum wage increase of the amount you on the left are demanding has never been done and for good reason!
So your stupid claim is that $15/hr has never been used as a minimum wage before?

Please tell me that is what you are claiming because that's so obviously bullshit that it will be fun to shove your nose in it
What you can't show is anything to prove your point. Show us the number you are arguing against so we can see if your argument holds water (it doesn't). It's easy to say "THAT NUMBER IS TOO HIGH!" when you don't quote an actual number.
My "business model" has been the same from when I was first hired to be a manager some forty years ago! The man that hired me explained it rather succinctly! He told me that my main job as a manager was to identify then reward good employees...and identify and then get rid of bad ones! I spent money on rewarding PROVEN performance...not on the hope that some new employee might work out!
Isn't that nice. "Identify and get rid of"

You are ADVOCATING high turnover. It IS part of the business model obviously. In fact you identify that as being your facilitate that turnover

And oh failed to actually respond to the question regarding what number we are discussing
When did I ever advocate for high turnover? Part of hiring is due diligence. You check references. You conduct interviews. You try to weed out the failures BEFORE they become your problem! If you're doing the job correctly you end up with less turnover of GOOD employees which is what every company wants! I don't want the bad ones to stay. My good employees don't want the bad ones to stay! Getting rid of deadwood and rewarding good behavior is what builds employee loyalty. When bad employees are allowed to keep working (like in our Civil Service set up?) it hurts the entire organization!
LOL. You just admitted that your JOB is not to ensure that turnover is low but to facilitate turnover
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Cool story bro but you should realize that $15/hour is a lot more than $7.25 Biden administration will maintain if they won't settle for anything under $20.

Economics dear, raising it that high makes everyone poor..

It's communism

You clearly don't know economics.
I know how to run a lemonade stand into the ground, my competition low balled me in sales, my employees wanted more money, I said fuck that going in and watching the brady bunch , with my jar of coins

You want a plastic shovel for that sandbox you are playing in?
Once again, do you think half of america will be happy making minimum wage?

Hlaf of America is ALREADY making LESS than that in $s now, we just don't call it minimum wage.
You stupid fuck making$15 bucks an hour is twice as much as $7.25

Do the math and economics


Many states (and individual companies like Costco) have $15+ minimim wage already, yet somehow still have plenty of middle class and even wealthy people.
And in many areas $15/hr is far more than MW would need to be. IOW, let the states and cities that want to raise it however high they want. There's no need for the entire country to be shoehorned into a one size fits all solution, because it doesn't.

Thats why I support $12 on Fedderal level.
Why not just let states and cities set it for themselves? The state government of Alabama, for example, knows the needs of their citizens better than do the congresscritters in Washington, the same for California.
We have a Federal minimum wage BECAUSE states (mostly red states) are corrupted by corporate interests that want to pay next to nothing for labor.

And when they can do that to entire regions...they get what they want...and workers (and state economies) suffer
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum
Going back and looking over your threads and posts, I hope that you get everything you wish for, it’s total collapsatarian porn.
When did I ever advocate for high turnover? Part of hiring is due diligence. You check references. You conduct interviews. You try to weed out the failures BEFORE they become your problem! If you're doing the job correctly you end up with less turnover of GOOD employees which is what every company wants! I don't want the bad ones to stay. My good employees don't want the bad ones to stay! Getting rid of deadwood and rewarding good behavior is what builds employee loyalty. When bad employees are allowed to keep working (like in our Civil Service set up?) it hurts the entire organization!

Several companies I used to deal with only hired through temporary service. While pricey, temp services allow business to fluctuate according to business activity, but more importantly is it gives them the opportunity to tryout potential full-time employees for several months before hiring them. They monitor their ability to learn, their attendance, job performance, if they are willing to work overtime...... They claim that in the end, it saves them a lot of time and money.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

My mortgage on a 4 BR house is less than $1000.00.
I have no student loans.
My power, cable, phone, and water are about the same, but I pay for top of the line cable for my internet.
I pay $436 for my car because that that is what I wanted, not what I needed. My wife's car is $200.

You would be living above your means. The cost of living is too high, and you need to move.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Cool story bro but you should realize that $15/hour is a lot more than $7.25 Biden administration will maintain if they won't settle for anything under $20.

Economics dear, raising it that high makes everyone poor..

It's communism

You clearly don't know economics or it's history.

We can pay $20, there will be employment downsides, but no it won't make Bill Gates poor. DUH
Who is we? 80% of the companies in the US is mom and pops

We are a global economy idiot.

No one gives a shit about your stupid "number of companies"
Once again do you think a person making$15 bucks an hour will be happy making minimum wage tomorrow?

Answer the question please..

A $15 wage is $15 no matter what you call it.

Maybe we should get rid of minimum wage so those making $7.25 could feel better about their shitty wage? :rolleyes-41:
Forced wages kills jobs. You can kick and scream, yell foul all the fk you want, but it will increase unemployment. That’s economic 101
It's only a matter of degree. If arbitrarily increasing the MW had no effect on jobs or prices, we COULD just set it to $100/hr and make everybody rich. Of course we can't, and it's stupid to think you can double the MW overnight and expect no consequences.
but when the demofks are buying votes, it's important to fulfill the promises. Even if it means destruction of the economy. Cause they didn't like people doing well at all. They Still never answered what was fair.
When did I ever advocate for high turnover? Part of hiring is due diligence. You check references. You conduct interviews. You try to weed out the failures BEFORE they become your problem! If you're doing the job correctly you end up with less turnover of GOOD employees which is what every company wants! I don't want the bad ones to stay. My good employees don't want the bad ones to stay! Getting rid of deadwood and rewarding good behavior is what builds employee loyalty. When bad employees are allowed to keep working (like in our Civil Service set up?) it hurts the entire organization!

Several companies I used to deal with only hired through temporary service. While pricey, temp services allow business to fluctuate according to business activity, but more importantly is it gives them the opportunity to tryout potential full-time employees for several months before hiring them. They monitor their ability to learn, their attendance, job performance, if they are willing to work overtime...... They claim that in the end, it saves them a lot of time and money.
And the company pays the service and the service then pays the employee. My company actually has released the lower wage individuals and uses a contracting service for those resources now.
We have a Federal minimum wage BECAUSE states (mostly red states) are corrupted by corporate interests that want to pay next to nothing for labor.

And when they can do that to entire regions...they get what they want...and workers (and state economies) suffer
Interesting. "Corrupted by corporate interests" translates to business is flocking to them, bringing good paying jobs. It's not labor costs that attract the businesses, it's lower taxes and fewer regulations.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Cool story bro but you should realize that $15/hour is a lot more than $7.25 Biden administration will maintain if they won't settle for anything under $20.

Economics dear, raising it that high makes everyone poor..

It's communism

You clearly don't know economics.
I know how to run a lemonade stand into the ground, my competition low balled me in sales, my employees wanted more money, I said fuck that going in and watching the brady bunch , with my jar of coins

You want a plastic shovel for that sandbox you are playing in?
Once again, do you think half of america will be happy making minimum wage?

Half of America is ALREADY making LESS than that in $s now, we just don't call it minimum wage.

So not sure what your point is.

There are serious arguments against $20 minimum wage and I certainly don't support it. But a lot of the arguments made against it are laughable.
There is supply and demand, more illegals lowering the wages..
they still don't get that factor.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum
Get a better job lazy.

Oh sure bc its just that easy right?

How about we just make all the jobs better by paying an actual living wage

It isn't that simple. Businesses have to pay the workers. If they pay more they will raise their prices, The person making 20/hr ends up in the same boat in the long run because everything goes up. Those that didn't benefit from the increase because they were already making more basically take a pay cut to account for increased costs.
Yes and no. From what I see most part time jobs for people with skills, who have been covidized or just don't want to work full time because they are taking early Soc Sec, having been "downsized" previously or just not able to work full time but not disabled, pay more than min wage now. So a moderate raise in the min wage is probably not going to "disrupt" anything.

Imo more than doubling it in one bite seems a bit much. It should have been raised to $10 when Obama was potus. But guys like David Perdue have to make bank, even though they're not closing stores and have already laid off any breathing body they possible can

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