Pres. Biden wants $15/hr min wage; Thanks but NOW its not enough

Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Nope, a $762.31 per hour minimum wage is the least I will accept.
What you can't show is anything to prove your point. Show us the number you are arguing against so we can see if your argument holds water (it doesn't). It's easy to say "THAT NUMBER IS TOO HIGH!" when you don't quote an actual number.
what would you accept? Why didn't Obammy do it when he was in office?
We have a Federal minimum wage BECAUSE states (mostly red states) are corrupted by corporate interests that want to pay next to nothing for labor.

And when they can do that to entire regions...they get what they want...and workers (and state economies) suffer
Interesting. "Corrupted by corporate interests" translates to business is flocking to them, bringing good paying jobs. It's not labor costs that attract the businesses, it's lower taxes and fewer regulations.
I think it's more about quality of workforce / cost. And it simply costs less to live in the south than in …. Mich or Il.
We have a Federal minimum wage BECAUSE states (mostly red states) are corrupted by corporate interests that want to pay next to nothing for labor.

And when they can do that to entire regions...they get what they want...and workers (and state economies) suffer
Interesting. "Corrupted by corporate interests" translates to business is flocking to them, bringing good paying jobs. It's not labor costs that attract the businesses, it's lower taxes and fewer regulations.
I think it's more about quality of workforce / cost. And it simply costs less to live in the south than in …. Mich or Il.
And that's why a high federal MW is a bad idea. The states should be in charge of their MW because they know their people.
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We have a Federal minimum wage BECAUSE states (mostly red states) are corrupted by corporate interests that want to pay next to nothing for labor.

And when they can do that to entire regions...they get what they want...and workers (and state economies) suffer
Interesting. "Corrupted by corporate interests" translates to business is flocking to them, bringing good paying jobs. It's not labor costs that attract the businesses, it's lower taxes and fewer regulations.
I think it's more about quality of workforce / cost. And it simply costs less to live in the south than in …. Mich or Il.
it's the cost of living in the states period.
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And an apartment in the suburbs or further is still like $800 for a 1 bdrm and it makes it like a 30-60 minute commute instead of walking or biking and climate change isn’t gonna get better if we drive more and more

60 minute commute for minimum wage? :lmao:

You fucking commies are such clowns.

Those who work minimum wage work around the corner from their mom's basement or wherever they live.

Oh, and "student loans?' So, you were so fucking stupid in picking your major that you have to work at McDonald's after graduation?

You think "gender fluidity studies" might not have been such a great choice?
Imo more than doubling it in one bite seems a bit much
But no one is advocating "one bite". Minimum wages are almost ALWAYS raised Florida is doing

Florida unlike many places in the US have the weather to keep people there. If not for that, businesses would be moving out of the state for states that don't have their eventual $15.00 minimum wage and inflation.
Yes and no. From what I see most part time jobs for people with skills, who have been covidized or just don't want to work full time because they are taking early Soc Sec, having been "downsized" previously or just not able to work full time but not disabled, pay more than min wage now. So a moderate raise in the min wage is probably not going to "disrupt" anything.

Imo more than doubling it in one bite seems a bit much. It should have been raised to $10 when Obama was potus. But guys like David Perdue have to make bank, even though they're not closing stores and have already laid off any breathing body they possible can

The problem is the higher the minimum wage, the harder it is to startup a business. Most new businesses close up within 5 years, and you need a lot of money to start a business as it is now.

What a lot of people don't understand is that wage is just part of a cost for an employee. When forced to increase that pay, the other costs go up as well. If your employees work overtime, that's going to be a huge cost. An employer has to double our SS and Medicare contributions. Higher pay means the employers unemployment and workman's compensation (a huge cost in my state) increase as well. When you get paid for vacation or holidays, that's money your employer is paying you while not getting anything back in return.
Imo more than doubling it in one bite seems a bit much
But no one is advocating "one bite". Minimum wages are almost ALWAYS raised Florida is doing
Well yah. But a $15 min wage might not be horrible if it went to $10 and then at the end of Biden's term $12. The min wage isn't going anywhere with fed legis anyway.
Raising minimums only sucks. How about a proportional increase across the board for hourly workers?
That's essentially what would happen if you doubled the MW overnight. Since the majority of American workers earn less than $20/hr now, all of them would be demanding big raises or quitting because it just wouldn't be worth the effort any more. Why stay in a higher stress job when you can get a MW job that makes you almost as much with no headaches?

I make $20 an hour and so does my wife. We have been in our respective businesses for many years and have tons of experience. If you make minimum wage $20, what is to say I won't be happier in a lower stress job, making the same amount?

No, you are going to have to pay me at least $35 an hour to keep me. There are simply very few people who can do what I do for the US Army.
I make $20 an hour and so does my wife. We have been in our respective businesses for many years and have tons of experience. If you make minimum wage $20, what is to say I won't be happier in a lower stress job, making the same amount?

No, you are going to have to pay me at least $35 an hour to keep me. There are simply very few people who can do what I do for the US Army.
Sorry you're so badly underpaid...or maybe that's just a measure of your worth...shrug

But nrewsflash...$15 isn't $20 or $35.

Maybe math is why your wages are so poor
Sorry you're so badly underpaid...or maybe that's just a measure of your worth...shrug

How is that underpaid? Two people making $20.00 an hour is a combined 83K a year household income. That's considering no overtime either. In my state, you are living pretty well.
There are many many many many things we are effectively dictated.
And you want to dictate another one, which makes you similar to other dictators. Let people freely choose both what they are willing to pay for labor and what they're willing to sell their labor for. If they agree on compensation, a job is born. If not, both are free to seek other prospects, no harm, no foul.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Why live in an apartment at all when he can buy a 2000 square foot homewith 2 1/2 baths and a double garage for 50k?

Do you know anything about East St.Louis? I would rather live in a pig pen! Less crime and it would smell better!
Of course job losses happen when raising the minimum wage, it's economics 101..

Because every time there is a rise in minimum wage...and that claim is doesn't happen
Lesh? Are you not noticing the "kiosks" that are sprouting up at places like WalMart, McDonalds, Panera Bread...etc...etc? Those kiosks used to be people working at those businesses. That didn't happen because labor was getting cheaper.

Now, all of those kiosks are shut down due to COVID.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Why live in an apartment at all when he can buy a 2000 square foot homewith 2 1/2 baths and a double garage for 50k?

Do you know anything about East St.Louis? I would rather live in a pig pen! Less crime and it would smell better!

I am not that familiar with East St. Louis, but I am very familiar with the tremendous city of Youngstown. It isn't only ESL that has reasonable real estate prices. BTW, Youngstown gets a lot of bad reports as well, but the city of my birth is pretty decent IMHO. I'd rather be there than NYC or LA.

What you can't show is anything to prove your point. Show us the number you are arguing against so we can see if your argument holds water (it doesn't). It's easy to say "THAT NUMBER IS TOO HIGH!" when you don't quote an actual number.
My "business model" has been the same from when I was first hired to be a manager some forty years ago! The man that hired me explained it rather succinctly! He told me that my main job as a manager was to identify then reward good employees...and identify and then get rid of bad ones! I spent money on rewarding PROVEN performance...not on the hope that some new employee might work out!
Isn't that nice. "Identify and get rid of"

You are ADVOCATING high turnover. It IS part of the business model obviously. In fact you identify that as being your facilitate that turnover

And oh failed to actually respond to the question regarding what number we are discussing
When did I ever advocate for high turnover? Part of hiring is due diligence. You check references. You conduct interviews. You try to weed out the failures BEFORE they become your problem! If you're doing the job correctly you end up with less turnover of GOOD employees which is what every company wants! I don't want the bad ones to stay. My good employees don't want the bad ones to stay! Getting rid of deadwood and rewarding good behavior is what builds employee loyalty. When bad employees are allowed to keep working (like in our Civil Service set up?) it hurts the entire organization!
LOL. You just admitted that your JOB is not to ensure that turnover is low but to facilitate turnover
No, I just told you how REAL managers hire REAL employees! Unlike your pretend company in my real ones we checked references...we did interviews and asked pertinent questions. Contrary to what you mistakenly believe...getting rid of bad employees doesn't "facilitate" turnover of good employees! Good employees want to feel like their efforts will be rewarded more than the efforts of bad employees. They're the ones that have to carry the slackers and screw ups.

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