Pres. Biden wants $15/hr min wage; Thanks but NOW its not enough

Each state is different and it should be up to them to decide what their min wage should be. One size fits all doesn't fit everybody. The federal govt has no business dictating that, it's just another political issue to fight over and they already got enough of those.

Ditto housing, education, heath care, and no doubt others that don't come to mind at the moment.
Of course job losses happen when raising the minimum wage, it's economics 101..

Because every time there is a rise in minimum wage...and that claim is doesn't happen
Lesh? Are you not noticing the "kiosks" that are sprouting up at places like WalMart, McDonalds, Panera Bread...etc...etc? Those kiosks used to be people working at those businesses. That didn't happen because labor was getting cheaper.
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.

Brilliant, so if minimum wage becomes $15/hour your employees would expect a similar wage hike, then you can adjust your profit margins....dumbass.
Of course job losses happen when raising the minimum wage, it's economics 101..

Because every time there is a rise in minimum wage...and that claim is doesn't happen
Yeah it does, it's economics 101
He argues about “obeying our corporate masters”, yet doesn’t realize the businesses and “corporate masters” who don’t give a shit about the minimum wage going up are the large businesses. People who can either outsource their work, replace people with kiosks, or just don’t have much minimum wage employees to begin with.
What will McDonald’s do?
Replace people with kiosks.
What will Ford do?
Probably nothing, as plant workers don’t make minimum wage.
What will Amazon do?
More automation.
What will small businesses who have entry level people answering the phones or at the front desk? Either lay them off or lose the ability to compete with larger businesses. It’s one of the reason these mega corporation often don’t give a shit about jacking up the minimum wage.

mandating a minimum wage increase, particularly a large one, hurts small businesses and entry level workers by decreasing the amount of jobs available to them.
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
Leah is a lying bitch, he thinks his employees will be happy to make minimum wage .
Labor costs are passed onto consumers.

You'll simply spend your increase in consumer goods price increases.

If they can, but sometimes a particular business can't raise their prices and the enterprise goes under. Or they cut benefits, hours worked, number of employees, or they automate if they can afford to do that. Money flows to where it gets the highest ROI, so the number of startups is reduced cuz the reward just isn't there.
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
That kind of logic escapes progressives! I guess when you major in Women's Studies, Black Studies, Education or Political Science things like economic theory are too complex to understand.
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
You folks act like the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. Many times and none of your doom and gloom predictions happened.
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
You folks act like the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. Many times and none of your doom and gloom predictions happened.
Raising it a dollar every 5 years or somis one thing. It’s foolish to do so nationally, as cost of living is vastly different throughout the country. But just banging it up $5 will cause a large distortion.
Will it affect Manhattan much? Probably not, as the cost of living is higher there and wages are already higher, so maybe the cost of your lowest employee goes up a dollar, maybe 2.
What about people living in the rest of the country, where cost of living is way less, therefore wages are way less? When suddenly businesses have to pay $6 an hour more per employee, that is drastic.
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
You folks act like the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. Many times and none of your doom and gloom predictions happened.
We never got a raise ..

You didn't answer the question do you think your employees will be happy making minimum wage?
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
You folks act like the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. Many times and none of your doom and gloom predictions happened.
Really? Show me where it's been raised in the amount you on the left are calling for, Lesh!
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
You folks act like the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. Many times and none of your doom and gloom predictions happened.

When I was a teenager, I was a pump man for Exxon . Minimum wage went up, the corporation had no choice but to switch self service where customers had to do their own pumping. Min Wage increases cause a loss of jobs.
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
You folks act like the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. Many times and none of your doom and gloom predictions happened.
Raising it a dollar every 5 years or somis one thing. It’s foolish to do so nationally, as cost of living is vastly different throughout the country. But just banging it up $5 will cause a large distortion.
Will it affect Manhattan much? Probably not, as the cost of living is higher there and wages are already higher, so maybe the cost of your lowest employee goes up a dollar, maybe 2.
What about people living in the rest of the country, where cost of living is way less, therefore wages are way less? When suddenly businesses have to pay $6 an hour more per employee, that is drastic.
Exactly minimum wage in New York should be $50 bucks an hour with overtime, in bumb fuck Mississippi $5 bucks an hour is fine
What most non employers can't grasp is that entry level employees as a general rule COST businesses money! Between training costs and the mistakes that new employees are almost guaranteed to make you're losing money on new employees until they learn job skills.
Been reading that President Biden will make min wage $15/hour. Thanks Mr. President but that was enough in 2010. Not 2020. It needs to be $20/minimum. 40 hours/week after taxes thats like $2300 a month.

A 1 bedroom apt in my city is like $1200/month
Student loan payment $300
Power/cable/phone/water.....another $400
Car $200
(Already $2100 gone)

I could go on but as you can see it rapidly is gone and we havent even gotten to healthcare, food, clothing, recreation

Mr President.....$20 an hour is the minimum

Cool story bro but you should realize that $15/hour is a whole lot more than $7.25 Biden administration will get if they demand $20 MW from a Congress full of representatives that have no interest in that.
Last edited:
Fuck $15 an hour.
Fuck $20 and hour.
Minimum wage needs to be $50 and hour. Everyone will be making $100k a year.
Boom! No more poverty. Er’body is rich!!
Only the truly intelligent economist like myself could have come up with this, it’s never been thought of before.
You’re welcome, you stupid moderates and conservatives. Liberalism has once again solved the country’s problems with the benevolent force of the government.
And of course the right wing response is exaggeration absurdum.

Of course we know we need water to survive. But we can also drown.

We need oxygen to survive but pure oxygen would kill us

So let's go back to figuring out what the CORRECT minimum wage should be and stop the nonsense.

Currently that looks like $15/hr

Which by the way was what Florida just voted for

That's the way it should be, by a vote. If Florida wants to chase industry out of their state, it's up to them, but a President should not be chasing industry out of the country.
We keep hearing about "job loss" from raising the minimum wage but it never happens

Funny how that works huh?

But right wingers are so corrupted by corporate bosses that they actually believe that lower wages for working folks (which they largely are) is a good thing

I can tell you first hand. I have a small business, and if I have to bump some of my employees to $15, I can’t keep them all. I can’t pass the rate increases to the customer. I will be working later doing it myself.
I have a small business myself and I pay NO ONE less than $15/hour.

Maybe you ought to adjust your profit margin there bub.
Wait so if minimum wage will be $15 an hour are you going to pay them $30 an hour to keep up?

Your a lying son of a bitch.
Also a solid point.
When minimum gets bumped to $15, the people currently making $15 are gonna do what, be cool about entry level people making the same pay as them?
Nope. They will want a raise.
What about the people who worked hard to move up and are making $20, double the minimum? They are gonna be cool making $5 more than the entry people? Nope. Probably gonna say “I was making double the minimum wage then, I want double now. So that’s a $10 an hour increase for them.
What do you know... that minimum wage increase didn’t happen in a vacuum.
You folks act like the minimum wage has never been raised before. It has. Many times and none of your doom and gloom predictions happened.
Really? Show me where it's been raised in the amount you on the left are calling for, Lesh!
"You on the left"?

I'm calling for $15. WTF are you talking about
What most non employers can't grasp is that entry level employees as a general rule COST businesses money! Between training costs and the mistakes that new employees are almost guaranteed to make you're losing money on new employees until they learn job skills.
Then MAYBE..they ought to work harder to retain employees...but they don't. They use turnover to keep wages low.

So much for your bullshit

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