Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

What judicial process was applied to those American citizens in rebellion? If an American citizen starts shooting up a school, what judicial process needs to be applied before a cop can shoot him?

You seem to fail to understand that according to this administration, you don't have to be caught in the act of doing something illegal... Merely thought to be a danger by the President.

He can issue secret "kill on sight" orders without judicial review.

...."Kinda" like preemptively-striking Iraq, right??


yes, because they were american citizens
You seem to fail to understand that according to this administration, you don't have to be caught in the act of doing something illegal... Merely thought to be a danger by the President.

He can issue secret "kill on sight" orders without judicial review.

...."Kinda" like preemptively-striking Iraq, right??


Not really.
President G. W. Bush went before Congress and got a vote.

Go-ahead & defend your terrorists, Teabaggers....


Gee....where'd all the TEABAGGERS GO??!!!

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Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

See, you always have to go two bridges too far.

Without due process. Yes.

Without evidence or suspicion of wrongdoing? Bullshit. These are Al Qaeda members actively at war with us.

Are you a Muslim terrorist lover when it suits you?

I guess we know your priorities of hate now.

1. Anything Obama does.

2. Muslim terrorists.

It must really suck for you when these two hates conflict as they do in this case.
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I have no problem with blowing up Al Qaeda terrorists who happen to be US citizens if they are out of the reach of law enforcement.

I would like to see judicial review, though. A closed court of judges, similar to the FISA court, which would review the classified evidence against the terrorist citizen in question.

Obama probably feels that he would not abuse the power he is exercising, the same way Bush felt he could do no wrong.

But I would point out to both of them they are establishing precedents. Therefore, would they trust future intelligence agencies and future presidents to do no wrong? Would they trust future intelligence agencies and presidents with this power unchecked?

Judicial review is warranted here.
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What I find ironic, is that the same people that soiled their bloomers over waterboarding non stop day in and day out when Bush was in Office and called for his and cheneys impeachment are silent on the prospect of this president potentionally asassinating americans abroad with not only no due process but without even having to demonstrate a real current threat...GET REAL. Lets break this down. Waterboarding that does no long term harm to anyone that has gleened valuable information that saved american lives was cause for impeachment and relentless attacks on Bush and CHeney.
Murdering Americans with no due process and without even having to demonstrate a reason is cause to just blame the ones complaining....Nope, im not a democrat nor a republican and I love being able to just call it like I sees it...and this stinks guys

Take a look at the above comment. This is something that many of you do not want to acknowledge. Why not respond to RightNorLeft's comment?
President Obama Signed the National Defense Authorization Act - Now What?​

By: Erik Kain

President Obama signs the National Defense Authorization Act...

The left has been against this forever...seems like it is the right that is now being hypocritical

gawd, people wonder why liberals laugh at the left and the right :laugh2:


To be clear, I believe that terrorists, American or otherwise, need to be taken out. I don't really care how. My beef is with the left and their hypocrisy on this issue. The people who claim that Bush and Reagan killed people and are murderers don't seem to care at all about obama killing people.

It's the hypocrisy of the whole thing that I'm pointing out.
The administration managed to keep the memo under wraps for a while but apparently an executive order authorizes the execution of American citizens overseas without due process by drone strikes if "it is determined" that they are "threats" to American security. Is that OK with the left? Who makes the determination? It's pretty ironic that the US affords Constitutional protection to every person in the US regardless of their legal status but authorizes killing American citizens without due process overseas.

This was not an executive order. It was a white paper from the DOJ. There are thousands of white papers and every administration uses them. The purpose is to explore ideas and very few of them every find their way into actual policy. Its like a battle plan in the pentagon to invade Canada - and you can bet there is one.

Show us the policy and you have a point.
To be clear, I believe that terrorists, American or otherwise, need to be taken out. I don't really care how. My beef is with the left and their hypocrisy on this issue. The people who claim that Bush and Reagan killed people and are murderers don't seem to care at all about obama killing people.

It's the hypocrisy of the whole thing that I'm pointing out.

I think all that does is create more terrorists.
Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

Yes, that is their intent. They want to go out and execute all Americans living abroad, and now they can do it. I would advise that all Americans now remain on US soil, because it is obviously the intent of our government to kill all Americans living or working abroad.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
What I find ironic, is that the same people that soiled their bloomers over waterboarding non stop day in and day out when Bush was in Office and called for his and cheneys impeachment are silent on the prospect of this president potentionally asassinating americans abroad with not only no due process but without even having to demonstrate a real current threat...GET REAL. Lets break this down. Waterboarding that does no long term harm to anyone that has gleened valuable information that saved american lives was cause for impeachment and relentless attacks on Bush and CHeney.
Murdering Americans with no due process and without even having to demonstrate a reason is cause to just blame the ones complaining....Nope, im not a democrat nor a republican and I love being able to just call it like I sees it...and this stinks guys

Take a look at the above comment. This is something that many of you do not want to acknowledge. Why not respond to RightNorLeft's comment?

The left is not that large, and it has spoken against Obama on this. Just because the 2012 election was a choice between Romney and Obama and the left went with Obama while holding their collective nose...

People who say they are neither left nor right and then frame things as Democrats versus Republicans aren't very bright or aren't very smart....take your pick.

"Waterboarding that does no long term harm to anyone that has gleened valuable information that saved american lives..." - not proven.
To be clear, I believe that terrorists, American or otherwise, need to be taken out. I don't really care how. My beef is with the left and their hypocrisy on this issue. The people who claim that Bush and Reagan killed people and are murderers don't seem to care at all about obama killing people.

It's the hypocrisy of the whole thing that I'm pointing out.


not true

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No one has ever before said that they had the right to kill an American Citizen anywhere in the world without judicial process simply because they, by themselves, felt that someone was a danger to the Country.

That is until Obama became President.

They just never told anyone before that they were going to do it; that's the only difference. You believe the CIA has never taken out an American citizen who was an enemy of the state living and working for dubious causes outside of the US? What planet do you come from?
President Obama is following in the footsteps of previous Presidents going as far back as....Washington. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, all were accused of being hypocrites on constitutional issues

knowing American history puts a debater at an advantage
What I find ironic, is that the same people that soiled their bloomers over waterboarding non stop day in and day out when Bush was in Office and called for his and cheneys impeachment are silent on the prospect of this president potentionally asassinating americans abroad with not only no due process but without even having to demonstrate a real current threat...GET REAL. Lets break this down. Waterboarding that does no long term harm to anyone that has gleened valuable information that saved american lives was cause for impeachment and relentless attacks on Bush and CHeney.
Murdering Americans with no due process and without even having to demonstrate a reason is cause to just blame the ones complaining....Nope, im not a democrat nor a republican and I love being able to just call it like I sees it...and this stinks guys

Take a look at the above comment. This is something that many of you do not want to acknowledge. Why not respond to RightNorLeft's comment?

The left is not that large, and it has spoken against Obama on this. Just because the 2012 election was a choice between Romney and Obama and the left went with Obama while holding their collective nose...

People who say they are neither left nor right and then frame things as Democrats versus Republicans aren't very bright or aren't very smart....take your pick.

"Waterboarding that does no long term harm to anyone that has gleened valuable information that saved american lives..." - not proven.

However being dead has been proven to be bad for your health. :eusa_silenced:
To be clear, I believe that terrorists, American or otherwise, need to be taken out. I don't really care how. My beef is with the left and their hypocrisy on this issue. The people who claim that Bush and Reagan killed people and are murderers don't seem to care at all about obama killing people.

It's the hypocrisy of the whole thing that I'm pointing out.

I think all that does is create more terrorists.

I don't think it matters at all. It's the culture over there that creates more terrorists. This kind of killing, hatred, and religious fanaticism has been going on over there for centuries.
To be clear, I believe that terrorists, American or otherwise, need to be taken out. I don't really care how. My beef is with the left and their hypocrisy on this issue. The people who claim that Bush and Reagan killed people and are murderers don't seem to care at all about obama killing people.

It's the hypocrisy of the whole thing that I'm pointing out.


not true


Not true?

Call your doc, he needs to up your meds pal.
To be clear, I believe that terrorists, American or otherwise, need to be taken out. I don't really care how. My beef is with the left and their hypocrisy on this issue. The people who claim that Bush and Reagan killed people and are murderers don't seem to care at all about obama killing people.

It's the hypocrisy of the whole thing that I'm pointing out.


not true


Not true?

Call your doc, he needs to up your meds pal.

to be clear...The people Dante speaks of have credibility as public speakers...Dante was not speaking of anonymous trolls on anonymous internet forums and dipshits on blogs.

People like Jonathan Turley and others who spoke out against Executive decisions have been consistent.

The people who claim that Bush and Reagan killed people and are murderers don't seem to care at all about obama killing people.

It's the hypocrisy of the whole thing that I'm pointing out.


not true

To be clear, I believe that terrorists, American or otherwise, need to be taken out. I don't really care how. My beef is with the left and their hypocrisy on this issue. The people who claim that Bush and Reagan killed people and are murderers don't seem to care at all about obama killing people.

It's the hypocrisy of the whole thing that I'm pointing out.

Nearly everyone in the country(and the world for that matter) Left or Right was solidly behind President Bush and the effort to kill or capture those responsible for 9-11. Now twisting the emotions we all felt that day into support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq is another matter.....

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