Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

Yes, that is their intent. They want to go out and execute all Americans living abroad, and now they can do it. I would advise that all Americans now remain on US soil, because it is obviously the intent of our government to kill all Americans living or working abroad.

That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh???

That's really gonna screw-up his Thailand Man-On-Boy vacations!!
methinks the 'left' was onto this before you were .. like a few years ago. :rofl:

You need to come out from under your rock more often. This has been discussed to death and it has been one of the "left's" main beefs with President Obama.



Show ANY leftist in this forum who has posted criticism of your little tin god for murdering American citizens?

Any forum, any leftist?
Sure they have.

What do you think the AUMF, Enemy Combatants and the Patriot Act were all about?

Incarceration of enemies captured on the battle field. IF Bush had murdered Americans - you would demand he be executed. But since your god does it, well then murder is the greatest good.

Fucking hypocrite.
Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

Of course, we'll have "an informed, high-level official", appointed by this criminal administration, who will determine who is to be droned. Inspires so much confidence, doesn't it. And if we, the American public, buy off on this atrocity, how long before they start targeting "domestic" terrorist identified by the administration, of course.

The memo says “an informed, high-level official of the U.S. government” must decide that the target is a "senior operational leader" of al-Qaida or "associated forces," “poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the United States,” and that an attempt to capture that individual is “infeasible.”
...Instead, that previously mentioned "high-level official" can determine that the potential target was “recently” involved in “activities” posing a threat of an attack and that “there is no evidence suggesting that he has renounced or abandoned such activities.”
"Due process" doesn't really apply in a combat zone. Suspected bad guy doing bad things = dead bad guy. An American citizen in a group of known Taliban would give the Taliban blanket protection from any missle or artillery attacks if due process were applied.

It's not limited to just combat zones.

Obama has said that he has this authority anywhere in the world. And he didn't exclude inside the borders of the United States.

And exactly when did you want to end the AUMF?

Or the idiocy of Enemy Combatants?

Or the dangerous Patriot Act?


Of course it doesn't surprise me.

Because here you are attacking the President.

Not the underlying "powers" that have been afforded TO the President.

Define what you consider an attack on the president.
methinks the 'left' was onto this before you were .. like a few years ago. :rofl:

You need to come out from under your rock more often. This has been discussed to death and it has been one of the "left's" main beefs with President Obama.



Show ANY leftist in this forum who has posted criticism of your little tin god for murdering American citizens?

Any forum, any leftist?

You are once again mistaken. The President has murdered no one. I'd bet you'd have been the first to call for President Clintons head if he had killed bin Laden in 1998 wouldn't you?

That being said I completely disagree with the policy of blind drone strikes on unknown targets and second strikes on first responders. That's much closer to murder than wiping those two grease spots traitors off the face of the earth.
What judicial process was applied to those American citizens in rebellion? If an American citizen starts shooting up a school, what judicial process needs to be applied before a cop can shoot him?

You seem to fail to understand that according to this administration, you don't have to be caught in the act of doing something illegal... Merely thought to be a danger by the President.

He can issue secret "kill on sight" orders without judicial review.

Oh gosh.

The irony of this post is overwhelming.

The Bush doctrine attacked an ENTIRE COUNTRY based on that legal principle.

Of course, that makes every further incursion by this administration just peachy. "They did it too!" That makes anything goes just fine.
Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

Of course, we'll have "an informed, high-level official", appointed by this criminal administration, who will determine who is to be droned. Inspires so much confidence, doesn't it. And if we, the American public, buy off on this atrocity, how long before they start targeting "domestic" terrorist identified by the administration, of course.

Bush Sr. had Vicki Weaver shot through the head while she held her infant daughter. Clinton had 38 Children burned to death at Waco.

Seems to me like we already murder citizens domestically.

Clinton murdered more children than Adam Lanza - but the left worship Clinton.
What happened to all that bitching by the Right that Democrats wouldn't treat the war on terrorism/al qaeda as a war,

and not just as a law enforcement problem?

Oh, I think I know the answer...

Funny these folks are all over stripping rights away from suspects.

Until the person with those powers is someone they don't like.


Until this Administration, I had not known of another person who claimed that the President has the power to issue secret "Kill on sight" orders on any person any where in the world without any review any one.

Even if previous presidents did possess that power, they either did not use it or they were discreet enough to keep it quiet. This ass-in-chief doesn't care, either way. Classical narcissist.
Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

Of course, we'll have "an informed, high-level official", appointed by this criminal administration, who will determine who is to be droned. Inspires so much confidence, doesn't it. And if we, the American public, buy off on this atrocity, how long before they start targeting "domestic" terrorist identified by the administration, of course.

Bush Sr. had Vicki Weaver shot through the head while she held her infant daughter. Clinton had 38 Children burned to death at Waco.

Seems to me like we already murder citizens domestically.

Clinton murdered more children than Adam Lanza - but the left worship Clinton.

Why do people like you complain about law enforcement when you challenge them to a show down and then lose?

The people you list died because friggin cowards hid behind them
You are once again mistaken.

You mean one of you scumbag hypocrites spoke against your little tin god for murdering Americans?

The President has murdered no one.

Oh, you mean you're going to lie, like the partisan hack that you are...

What a surprise.

I'd bet you'd have been the first to call for President Clintons head if he had killed bin Laden in 1998 wouldn't you?

Osama Bin Laden was an American Citizen?

Damn, you fascists have all sorts of answers....

That being said I completely disagree with the policy of blind drone strikes on unknown targets and second strikes on first responders. That's much closer to murder than wiping those two grease spots traitors off the face of the earth.

{No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. }

Standard Disclaimer: Will you like burst into flames if you read from the Constitution? Or do you just kiss your portrait of Pol Pot and it's all good?
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Of course, we'll have "an informed, high-level official", appointed by this criminal administration, who will determine who is to be droned. Inspires so much confidence, doesn't it. And if we, the American public, buy off on this atrocity, how long before they start targeting "domestic" terrorist identified by the administration, of course.

Bush Sr. had Vicki Weaver shot through the head while she held her infant daughter. Clinton had 38 Children burned to death at Waco.

Seems to me like we already murder citizens domestically.

Clinton murdered more children than Adam Lanza - but the left worship Clinton.

Why do people like you complain about law enforcement when you challenge them to a show down and then lose?

The people you list died because friggin cowards hid behind them

That makes it all OK to murder innocent bystanders, doesn't it?
Why do people like you complain about law enforcement when you challenge them to a show down and then lose?

Why are people like you Dainty, incapable of formulating a rational argument?

The people you list died because friggin cowards hid behind them

Who was hiding behind Vicki Weaver when FBI assassin Lon Horiuchi put a bullet in her brain as she held her infant daughter?

No one, but because you think she was "right wing" you smile at her murder. Such is America's left.

When Clinton ordered the FBI to set fire the nursery at the Branch Davidian compound, no one was "hiding." He used a Bradley APC to fire an incendiary shell into the nursery. figuring (correctly) that killing their children would take the fight out of the Davidians. Even the Mafia had the children of their enemies designated "off limits," but not Clinton.
Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

Of course, we'll have "an informed, high-level official", appointed by this criminal administration, who will determine who is to be droned. Inspires so much confidence, doesn't it. And if we, the American public, buy off on this atrocity, how long before they start targeting "domestic" terrorist identified by the administration, of course.

Bush Sr. had Vicki Weaver shot through the head while she held her infant daughter. Clinton had 38 Children burned to death at Waco.

Seems to me like we already murder citizens domestically.

Clinton murdered more children than Adam Lanza - but the left worship Clinton.

Again, your nodding off in left(figuratively speaking) field. David Koresh order the fires be started, not Clinton.
Again, your nodding off in left(figuratively speaking) field. David Koresh order the fires be started, not Clinton.


Why was the FBI pilot of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle that pierced the nursery wall and fired the incendiary shell inside, taking orders from David Koresh?

Oh, you're just lying again.

Carry on.

[ame=]Bill Hicks Waco Bradley Tank Setting Fire To The Compound - YouTube[/ame]
What happened to all that bitching by the Right that Democrats wouldn't treat the war on terrorism/al qaeda as a war,

and not just as a law enforcement problem?

Oh, I think I know the answer...

Funny these folks are all over stripping rights away from suspects.

Until the person with those powers is someone they don't like.


You are exactly right. However, some were saying back in the initial Patriot Act days and the first drone strikes that this was more power than a Presdient should have. And that when the next President (way before Obama) came in that they would expand that power (and they have) and we should be very concerned about having a President with a kill list and HE make the decision to cause a drone strike to kill someone. Even an Ameican cititzen.

Where does it say in the COTUS he can do that. Why is Congress not wanting to know what the hell's going on? We are running an air war in countries we are not at war with.
Is this how our government is supposed to work? I don't think so. If we do nothing now, the next President will do what with this power and the next? and so forth. NOt good.

Not with Obama on this one.
So, essentially the same people around here who want every mom in America armed to the teeth so she can gun down trespassers

do NOT want the government to be able to kill terrorists.

Again, your nodding off in left(figuratively speaking) field. David Koresh order the fires be started, not Clinton.


Why was the FBI pilot of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle that pierced the nursery wall and fired the incendiary shell inside, taking orders from David Koresh?

Oh, you're just lying again.

Carry on.

To this day, questions remain as to whether the fire that consumed the compound was sparked by the FBI or Davidians bent on suicide. Federal officials have maintained over the years that those inside the compound started the fire, citing as evidence infrared images that showed hot spots erupting simultaneously in different parts of the building.

"This is the critical point, the M651 rounds were never directed towards the wooden structure," he says. "They were used in an area yards away from the building. Also, they were used earlier in the day. The fire didn't start until four hours later. They had absolutely nothing to do with that fire."

Lawmen Reflect

But I know it was Clinton so you must..........
Without due process of the law.

Any American that join up with Al Qaeda and plan attacks against America and American interest should be stripped of their citizenship and then their butts blown to smithereens. Al Qaeda is always a eminent threat. Always planning their next attack against Americans where ever they are. “We have met the enemy and he is us.” We kill Americans daily on our streets without due process of law and eminent threat.

US legal argument for drone strikes

The memo says that it is lawful for the US to target al-Qaeda-linked US citizens if they pose an "imminent" threat of violent attack against other US citizens, and that delaying action against such people would create an unacceptably high risk.
Awlaki was a high-level al-Qaeda operative, while Khan edited al-Qaeda's English language magazine. (wrong place at the wrong time. Casualties of war.
US legal argument for drone strikes revealed - Americas - Al Jazeera English
What are the Penalties for Treason?

Treason is an act of disloyalty or betrayal of trust to your own government. Examples of treason include assassination of a state figure, fighting against your own nation in a war, assisting enemy combatants, or passing vital government information to the enemy. Historically, treason has been severely punished, because an act of treason can destroy a nation. In the modern day, a conviction of treason is accompanied at a minimum by a long jail sentence and a heavy fine, and may merit the death penalty under certain circumstances.
Traditionally, the families of traitors were punished along with the traitors themselves, to act as a deterrent to committing treason or participating in treasonous acts with family members. In addition to being sentenced to death, all of the traitor's property would be confiscated, and his or her family members might be forced to forfeit property as well in punishment. Traitors could not will property to other family members, and individuals related to someone who had committed treason faced serious social stigma. Many family members fled to other countries with what wealth they could salvage.
What are the Penalties for Treason?

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