Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

and quoting this addresses the Constitutionality of what Congress signed into law how?
He's an alleged terrorist. We have due process for these things to properly label someone an enemy. Just because the leader of your favorite religion (statism) told you he was the bad guy, doesn't necessairly make it so.

Check the 5th Amendment, Due Process of law applies in criminal cases. Congress authorized the use of military force on September 14th, 2001 for persons in terrorist organizations who are a threat to United States citizens. They didn't include in those "persons" a restrictions against using force against US Citizens. Such a citizen would be in a state of insurrection and Congress can authorize the use of military force against them.

I suppose his 16 yr old son got what he deserved too, right? Being the son of an alleged terrorist and all. Fucking dumb fuck.

The 16 year old wasn't the target of the attack, he was collateral damage.


Is this a quoted legal opinion handed down by the courts?
The POTUS is sworn to support and defend the constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It sounds to me like he's doing his job for a change.
Its ok scooter, I have this effect on all of you reatrds....I just have a knack for getting under your skins...its an art aquired throuch lots of practice on morons just like yourself.

Fact is you are engaging full blown projection because you have nothing say.

Look at you, you can edit posts....just like a big boy!

Oh the irony!

Oh yeah baby! I'm a big-roo-boy too!

Yabba-dabba-doo-doo-roo .. we can all be as childish as you.

Roo rah!

Roo hah!

Look at me, I'm a roo-cartoon character too! Yippie yay!!! Roo rocks!!! :laugh2:

The administration managed to keep the memo under wraps for a while but apparently an executive order authorizes the execution of American citizens overseas without due process by drone strikes if "it is determined" that they are "threats" to American security. Is that OK with the left? Who makes the determination? It's pretty ironic that the US affords Constitutional protection to every person in the US regardless of their legal status but authorizes killing American citizens without due process overseas.

You forgot to cite the case where a Federal court ruled the president’s actions were a violation of anyone’s due process rights.

Absent that, you’ve managed to fail to afford Obama due process.

The sword of due process cuts both ways.
You say "po-ta-toe", I say "po-tah-toe", the fact remains that dozens of children died because of actions initiated by the Federal Government. Knowing the possibility of harming innocents should have tempered the ferocity of government action.

Boo is lying.

The flames were visible within three minutes of the Bradley ATC's assaulting the compound.

There is no doubt, and no disputing that they fired incendiary rounds into the building.
Hey...............the American that was killed in the drone strike was a guy born in NM, who later converted to Islam and joined the terrorists. His name was Al-Awalki, and he was the person who instructed the underwear bomber who was going to blow up an airplane over Detroit.

As far as I'm concerned? If you leave this country and go to a war zone to help out the enemy, you have committed treason, which means you've pretty much forfeited all rights by doing so.
This is a power no President should have, not just Barack Obama. It goes beyond the rights protected by the Constitution and Congress should make it illegal right now.

However, that this President has claimed such power is not surprising. Once the idea of extra-judicial powers was established, it couldn't help but grow incrementally over time. If it's not stopped now, such powers will continue to expand. We are sleep-walking our way into a genuine police state.

Before the rights goes off with "See? We told you Obama was creating a police state!" remember that the precedent was set back in the days after 9/11, when the then President claimed the unrestricted power to spy on US citizens anytime he liked without court supervision, the right to detain American citizens indefinitely, without charge and incommunicado, the right to torture anyone he chose and the right to ship them off to other countries and hold them in secret prisons. What we have today is just the natural outgrowth of the horrendous grasp for new Executive Branch powers begun under George Bush.

Some of us tried to warn you back then that it would not stop there and we were correct, but the right pooh-poohed our pleadings as silly nonsense. Remember? They trusted that George Bush would not actually USE those powers against American citizens, that it would not be expanded any further and that such powers were necessary to protect us from terrorists. Remember?

Now, for those same people to come crying about Obama overstepping his Constitutional authority sounds a little hollow and opportunistic. Y'all helped give birth to this executive power to execute American citizens, so don't shed your crocodile tears and expect any sympathy. We warned you.

However, that's the past and how we got here. What we all need to do NOW is join hands and demand Congress stop ALL extra-judicial actions by the Executive Branch, including executing American citizens without due process, including warrantless wiretapping, including filtering all e-mails, including extraordinary renditions and indefinite detention. We all, from both sides of the ideological aisle, need to tell our members of Congress to act and act NOW.
This is a power no President should have, not just Barack Obama. It goes beyond the rights protected by the Constitution and Congress should make it illegal right now.

It is illegal.

{No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. }

Obama is violating both the constitution and criminal law.

He should be immediately impeached, removed from office, tried in criminal court, and put in prison.

However, that this President has claimed such power is not surprising. Once the idea of extra-judicial powers was established, it couldn't help but grow incrementally over time. If it's not stopped now, such powers will continue to expand. We are sleep-walking our way into a genuine police state.

Before the rights goes off with "See? We told you Obama was creating a police state!" remember that the precedent was set back in the days after 9/11, when the then President claimed the unrestricted power to spy on US citizens anytime he liked without court supervision, the right to detain American citizens indefinitely, without charge and incommunicado, the right to torture anyone he chose and the right to ship them off to other countries and hold them in secret prisons. What we have today is just the natural outgrowth of the horrendous grasp for new Executive Branch powers begun under George Bush.

Some of us tried to warn you back then that it would not stop there and we were correct, but the right pooh-poohed our pleadings as silly nonsense. Remember? They trusted that George Bush would not actually USE those powers against American citizens, that it would not be expanded any further and that such powers were necessary to protect us from terrorists. Remember?

Now, for those same people to come crying about Obama overstepping his Constitutional authority sounds a little hollow and opportunistic. Y'all helped give birth to this executive power to execute American citizens, so don't shed your crocodile tears and expect any sympathy. We warned you.

However, that's the past and how we got here. What we all need to do NOW is join hands and demand Congress stop ALL extra-judicial actions by the Executive Branch, including executing American citizens without due process, including warrantless wiretapping, including filtering all e-mails, including extraordinary renditions and indefinite detention. We all, from both sides of the ideological aisle, need to tell our members of Congress to act and act NOW.

  • Impeach Obama
  • Repeal the NDAA
  • Repeal the Patriot Act
  • Disband the KGB (DHS)

In this order.
The administration managed to keep the memo under wraps for a while but apparently an executive order authorizes the execution of American citizens overseas without due process by drone strikes if "it is determined" that they are "threats" to American security. Is that OK with the left? Who makes the determination? It's pretty ironic that the US affords Constitutional protection to every person in the US regardless of their legal status but authorizes killing American citizens without due process overseas.

When an American combatant against the USA puts himself overseas or in a bunker in the USA and will not surrender to due process, guess what?
Hey...............the American that was killed in the drone strike was a guy born in NM, who later converted to Islam and joined the terrorists. His name was Al-Awalki, and he was the person who instructed the underwear bomber who was going to blow up an airplane over Detroit.

As far as I'm concerned? If you leave this country and go to a war zone to help out the enemy, you have committed treason, which means you've pretty much forfeited all rights by doing so.

The Constitution guarantees a traitor a trial before execution.
Sure they have.

What do you think the AUMF, Enemy Combatants and the Patriot Act were all about?

Incarceration of enemies captured on the battle field. IF Bush had murdered Americans - you would demand he be executed. But since your god does it, well then murder is the greatest good.

Fucking hypocrite.

What gives an American who joins Al Qaeda special privileges?

And what about John Walker Lindh, who joined the Taliban? Could we not have shot him in Afghanistan?
Sure they have.

What do you think the AUMF, Enemy Combatants and the Patriot Act were all about?

Incarceration of enemies captured on the battle field. IF Bush had murdered Americans - you would demand he be executed. But since your god does it, well then murder is the greatest good.

Fucking hypocrite.

What gives an American who joins Al Qaeda special privileges?

And what about John Walker Lindh, who joined the Taliban? Could we not have shot him in Afghanistan?

Or Johnny Walker Lindhboom who holes up in a bunker on a mountaintop and keeps shooting at federal officers?

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