Pres. memo--execute Americans without due process

methinks the 'left' was onto this before you were .. like a few years ago. :rofl:

You need to come out from under your rock more often. This has been discussed to death and it has been one of the "left's" main beefs with President Obama.



Show ANY leftist in this forum who has posted criticism of your little tin god for murdering American citizens?

Any forum, any leftist?

you seriously take as representative of the outside world, those that pass for leftists here @ USMB and elsewhere on the www/net?

He's an alleged terrorist. We have due process for these things to properly label someone an enemy. Just because the leader of your favorite religion (statism) told you he was the bad guy, doesn't necessairly make it so.

I suppose his 16 yr old son got what he deserved too, right? Being the son of an alleged terrorist and all. Fucking dumb fuck.
Without due process, without evidence, without even suspicion of wrongdoing.

Of course, we'll have "an informed, high-level official", appointed by this criminal administration, who will determine who is to be droned. Inspires so much confidence, doesn't it. And if we, the American public, buy off on this atrocity, how long before they start targeting "domestic" terrorist identified by the administration, of course.

Bush Sr. had Vicki Weaver shot through the head while she held her infant daughter. Clinton had 38 Children burned to death at Waco.

Seems to me like we already murder citizens domestically.

Clinton murdered more children than Adam Lanza - but the left worship Clinton.

Bush murdered more children than Bin Laden.
Again, your nodding off in left(figuratively speaking) field. David Koresh order the fires be started, not Clinton.


Why was the FBI pilot of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle that pierced the nursery wall and fired the incendiary shell inside, taking orders from David Koresh?

Oh, you're just lying again.

Carry on.

To this day, questions remain as to whether the fire that consumed the compound was sparked by the FBI or Davidians bent on suicide. Federal officials have maintained over the years that those inside the compound started the fire, citing as evidence infrared images that showed hot spots erupting simultaneously in different parts of the building.

"This is the critical point, the M651 rounds were never directed towards the wooden structure," he says. "They were used in an area yards away from the building. Also, they were used earlier in the day. The fire didn't start until four hours later. They had absolutely nothing to do with that fire."

Lawmen Reflect

But I know it was Clinton so you must..........

You say "po-ta-toe", I say "po-tah-toe", the fact remains that dozens of children died because of actions initiated by the Federal Government. Knowing the possibility of harming innocents should have tempered the ferocity of government action.
Without due process of the law.

Any American that join up with Al Qaeda and plan attacks against America and American interest should be stripped of their citizenship and then their butts blown to smithereens. Al Qaeda is always a eminent threat. Always planning their next attack against Americans where ever they are. “We have met the enemy and he is usWe kill Americans daily on our streets without due process of law and eminent threat.

US legal argument for drone strikes

The memo says that it is lawful for the US to target al-Qaeda-linked US citizens if they pose an "imminent" threat of violent attack against other US citizens, and that delaying action against such people would create an unacceptably high risk.
Awlaki was a high-level al-Qaeda operative, while Khan edited al-Qaeda's English language magazine. (wrong place at the wrong time. Casualties of war.
US legal argument for drone strikes revealed - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Our government's argument that drone strikes (which is effectively a death sentence) on Americans suspected of being terrorist members of al Qaeda are legal reminds me VERY much of out government's argument that the torture (enhanced interrogation) of suspected terrorists was legal.
Without due process of the law.

Any American that join up with Al Qaeda and plan attacks against America and American interest should be stripped of their citizenship and then their butts blown to smithereens. Al Qaeda is always a eminent threat. Always planning their next attack against Americans where ever they are. “We have met the enemy and he is usWe kill Americans daily on our streets without due process of law and eminent threat.

US legal argument for drone strikes

The memo says that it is lawful for the US to target al-Qaeda-linked US citizens if they pose an "imminent" threat of violent attack against other US citizens, and that delaying action against such people would create an unacceptably high risk.
Awlaki was a high-level al-Qaeda operative, while Khan edited al-Qaeda's English language magazine. (wrong place at the wrong time. Casualties of war.
US legal argument for drone strikes revealed - Americas - Al Jazeera English

The one thing the Magic Neeeeeeeeeeegro gets right...thank you W.
To this day, questions remain as to whether the fire that consumed the compound was sparked by the FBI or Davidians bent on suicide. Federal officials have maintained over the years that those inside the compound started the fire, citing as evidence infrared images that showed hot spots erupting simultaneously in different parts of the building.

"This is the critical point, the M651 rounds were never directed towards the wooden structure," he says. "They were used in an area yards away from the building. Also, they were used earlier in the day. The fire didn't start until four hours later. They had absolutely nothing to do with that fire."

Lawmen Reflect

But I know it was Clinton so you must..........

No sparky, there are no questions.

You have zero integrity, but there are no questions.


Bradleys attack


Children burn.

Even a dullwitted leftist can grasp this.

Waco Fire Photos
Without due process of the law....

name these citizens

Um, Obama just claimed the right to do so asshole. Where is your fucking out rage. Didn't Obama and you fucking losers actually call Bush a War Criminal for suggesting the same thing Obama is?

Im and Idiot? no, you are a fucking scum bag loser.

Why should Dante be outraged? Oh, I bet you think Dante was outraged at Bush and maybe you think Dante thinks it's unconstitutional?

Last edited:
Screw public safety. We should let these guys continue to plot terrorist attacks against Americans at will until we can slap some cuffs on them, even if that takes forever. :rolleyes:
He's an alleged terrorist. We have due process for these things to properly label someone an enemy. Just because the leader of your favorite religion (statism) told you he was the bad guy, doesn't necessairly make it so.

I suppose his 16 yr old son got what he deserved too, right? Being the son of an alleged terrorist and all. Fucking dumb fuck.

Actually he is a dead fucking dumb terrorist. Well, join an enemy who flies planes into our buildings killing thousands, hide in Yemen with a bunch of other terrorist and we will likely target you too. Oh and take your son with you and let him hang arround a bunch of terrorist an he too might get blown to bits when one of the other guys get his.

But to be fair I suppose the President could have made it up.
Lets see...

One kills, and the other scares....please think before you type.

Without due process of the law.

Any American that join up with Al Qaeda and plan attacks against America and American interest should be stripped of their citizenship and then their butts blown to smithereens. Al Qaeda is always a eminent threat. Always planning their next attack against Americans where ever they are. “We have met the enemy and he is usWe kill Americans daily on our streets without due process of law and eminent threat.

US legal argument for drone strikes

The memo says that it is lawful for the US to target al-Qaeda-linked US citizens if they pose an "imminent" threat of violent attack against other US citizens, and that delaying action against such people would create an unacceptably high risk.
Awlaki was a high-level al-Qaeda operative, while Khan edited al-Qaeda's English language magazine. (wrong place at the wrong time. Casualties of war.
US legal argument for drone strikes revealed - Americas - Al Jazeera English

Our government's argument that drone strikes (which is effectively a death sentence) on Americans suspected of being terrorist members of al Qaeda are legal reminds me VERY much of out government's argument that the torture (enhanced interrogation) of suspected terrorists was legal.
He's an alleged terrorist. We have due process for these things to properly label someone an enemy. Just because the leader of your favorite religion (statism) told you he was the bad guy, doesn't necessairly make it so.

Check the 5th Amendment, Due Process of law applies in criminal cases. Congress authorized the use of military force on September 14th, 2001 for persons in terrorist organizations who are a threat to United States citizens. They didn't include in those "persons" a restrictions against using force against US Citizens. Such a citizen would be in a state of insurrection and Congress can authorize the use of military force against them.

I suppose his 16 yr old son got what he deserved too, right? Being the son of an alleged terrorist and all. Fucking dumb fuck.

The 16 year old wasn't the target of the attack, he was collateral damage.


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